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  first time primo user

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Author Topic:   first time primo user
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 8)
posted June 19, 2000 11:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sportchic   Click Here to Email sportchic     Edit/Delete Message
ok, im 19 year old female, and im 5'4", about 135lbs, i work out at the gym 5-6 days aweek and im just about to start one cycle of primo...1cc every 7 days, just wondering what the side effects are and if my boobs will get smaller on it?? also does hair loss happen lots? dont want to ge bald!! thanks

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 34)
posted June 20, 2000 12:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Artemis   Click Here to Email Artemis     Edit/Delete Message
Bulk on Primo? Let me try to explain a bit more: Yes there can (and probably will) be a net gain in body mass that will happen noticeably faster than otherwise possible. But this gain seems exclusively lean muscle and one feels light and healthy despite being heavier, for a better strength-to-weight ratio. One can certainly gain strength and size without it however the apparent ratio of fatty to lean gain will be less spectacular this way. ie. Primo is a good food repartioning agent as new food goes almost exclusively into lean tissue as desired. The existing fatty bulges one may have will largely stay there even as the rest of the body leans out. Nothing happened to breasts. The methenolone molecule doesn't trigger hypothalamic repression very well. So the regular production of reproductive hormones continues unless one overdoes it. Being especially stressed seems to bug the hypothalamus more than does Primo.

Does this help?

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 8)
posted June 20, 2000 12:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for sportchic   Click Here to Email sportchic     Edit/Delete Message
yes this does thank you very much....i want to gain lean muscle not fatty like you said..also one more question...does hair fall out happen lots to females taking one cycle..also any pesific diet i should be doing? right now im not really on one but i watch what i eat..like for breaky i have a bannana, low fat yougart, and low fat granola bar, for luch usally a tossed salad with boneless skinless chicken break or a potatoe and egg salad with a turkey breast sandwich with lettuce and mustard and tomatoe and then for supper i have either steak with korn or some kind of veggie or what i had for breakfeast and some days i have a popsicle or something like that and i eat cheese on my salad too...anything would help my out thanks alot....one more quick thing...my love handles arent very big but was wondering if primo helps with that?

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(Total posts: 654)
posted June 20, 2000 01:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for WarLobo   Click Here to Email WarLobo     Edit/Delete Message
Excellent as always Art... just be sure to go easy on the tech stuff with some of the new ladies

You mentioned one cc, is this 100mg per, or is it the 50mg per?

Hair loss may happen. Be sure to get some Nizoral shampoo - can be found at most any drug store.



p.s. read the boards

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 8)
posted June 20, 2000 01:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for sportchic   Click Here to Email sportchic     Edit/Delete Message
thanks soo much, i will be reading all the postings here will nizoral help prevent hair loss? i should use it the whole time im on my cycle?? im not sure if its 100 or 50mg per.....what do u think i should take???

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 34)
posted June 20, 2000 01:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Artemis   Click Here to Email Artemis     Edit/Delete Message
does hair fall out happen lots to females taking one cycle..

Hair-loss is a theoretical possibility. If any of your relatives have experienced balding, then chances are that can turn out to be a future problem for you -Primo or not.
The doses for women are small to begin with, but all the same, consider treating the scalp daily with Nizoral shampoo, and maybe even Aldactone. These two are anti-androgens which will compete with the androgen receptor and lessen any effect. The Aldactone comes as tablets. Grind 'em up and put them into rubbing alcohol. If one can afford the Primo, one can surely afford the Nizoral etc.

also any pesific diet i should be doing?
right now im not really on one but i watch what i eat..like for breaky i have a bannana, low fat yougart, and low fat granola bar,

In general, don't deprive oneself of any particular food items. Eat Wealthy. Opinions will vary here, but I'd suggest avoiding the extremes. Balanced: meaning don't avoid any particular macronutrient. Don't go low-fat or low-carb. Don't skip meals, and don't skip protein during meals. If a particular food exists in the natural world, then go ahead and eat plenty of it so that you don't get hungry later on and get stuck eating cheap (sugary) junk. Just enough so as to be full, then stop. Don't let yourself go hungry, and don't bother to stuff yourself silly. And break these rules now and again. It's okay. Trust yourself.

one more quick thing...my love handles arent very big but was wondering if primo helps with that?

The skin and superficial subcutaneous layer will thin down somewhat, but don't count on it fixing any defined fatty bulges or lovehandles aka: deep subcutaneous layers. One will likely feel healthy and perhaps more energetic and so be able to put up with more exercise with less fatigue. The extra activty might help to temporarily drain cells in the 'handles.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 34)
posted June 20, 2000 01:43 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Artemis   Click Here to Email Artemis     Edit/Delete Message
If there's any doubt here, try a session with the lower dose first (50mg/mL). The injectables tend to accumulate over time, so consider skipping every third or fourth shot.

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Snow White
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 5)
posted June 20, 2000 07:37 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Snow White   Click Here to Email Snow White     Edit/Delete Message
i'VE DONE A CYCLE OF PRIMO AND ANAVR. Gotta tell you I like Deca musch better. I seem to feel it more. There is no way hair loss can happen uless mega doses are used. Even then, estrogen will protect.


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(Total posts: 654)
posted June 20, 2000 10:13 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for WarLobo   Click Here to Email WarLobo     Edit/Delete Message
I was wondering when you were going to chime in on the deca

Get my last e-mail?



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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 8)
posted June 20, 2000 12:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sportchic   Click Here to Email sportchic     Edit/Delete Message
thanks so much guys, info is much useful, i will get the nizarol and stuff for my hair..really snow..you found deca to be more better? umm.....thats good..
later guys

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 8)
posted June 20, 2000 01:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sportchic   Click Here to Email sportchic     Edit/Delete Message

i have one question about the skipping the every third or fourth inject, im going on primo for 6 weeks, and i do one shot a week, so lets say the third week, do i just prolong the shot like on the thrid week wait 10 days instead of 7 of my last? or wait 14 days??? thanks

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 34)
posted June 20, 2000 01:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Artemis   Click Here to Email Artemis     Edit/Delete Message
Waiting only 10 days probably isn't quite long enough -go for 14. Could use a spreadsheet and do some calculations to demonstrate this if you'd like.

Deca (19-nortestosterone) will be more like testosterone. Much more Ummph. It's molecular shape is such that hair-loss is minimized as Snow says. Other virilizing issues are there, plus it shuts down the hypothalamus. Take your pick... just try not to get too creative at first.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 8)
posted June 20, 2000 08:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sportchic   Click Here to Email sportchic     Edit/Delete Message
hey thanks guys, i think ill stick with primo..doesnt seem like lots of testorone in it or anything and lots of ppl havent experinced lots of side effects, also voice deeping happen lots of first time cycles with low dosages????

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