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  taking a survey ladies...

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 174
From:chicago illinois
Registered: Apr 2000

posted February 05, 2001 05:54 PM

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i am still doing more research on women and irregular menstrual cycles do to either their training regimen or a/s usage if you have experienced this please either post here or email me or post on my site im trying to see how accurate the inf im finding is. Or atleast get an idea.

what i want is how irregular as in time frame

how often does it happen

when did it start before or after usage


b/f %

how often you train

i will post results after im done thanks to those who participate.


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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 174
From:chicago illinois
Registered: Apr 2000

posted February 06, 2001 12:58 PM

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come on now ladies i have only recieved a few emails and a couple posts on my board i know more of you have had this occurr..i would also like those who have never expirienced this to post or email me ladies that is..


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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 1404
From:Central CA, USA
Registered: May 2000

posted February 06, 2001 01:16 PM

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Mr H I posted this on your board but in case you missed it...

I suspended my period for close to a year - 8 months I think when I was dance training. 2 hr dance classes 5 times a week, eating about 600-1000 cals a day, very low fat intake. I weighed maybe 115-120 and have no idea what my bf was. I was a skinny fat person though. No a/s use. It took a shot of some hormone at the Doc to get it going again and that took several months to kick in.

Patience is a bitter plant, but it has sweet fruit.
Well done is better than well said.

[This message has been edited by skydancer (edited February 06, 2001).]

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Cool Novice

Posts: 42
Registered: Jan 2001

posted February 06, 2001 04:46 PM

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Mr. Huge,

I experienced cessation of my period for about 1 1/2 years starting when I was 17. It was because I was anorexic. I wasn't taking anything except the occasional diet pill, mostly just eating very little and exercising a lot. No idea about body fat % back then, but I weighed 80-85 pounds at 5'5". I think my period stopped as I passed below the 100 lb mark. I thought it was great not having a period, but my mother sent me to the Dr. who put me on Provera pills. (I think that's some kind of hormone.) The period started within a month or so, but was somewhat irregular for a few years. Then it became very regular and has been that way ever since.

I'm 37 now. For the time when I've had body fat measured (approx 15 years), I stayed consistently in the 13-15% range and never had any menstrual irregularity. Not much fat on me, but not much muscle either. Then in my early 30's, I started to sprout fat, even though my diet (sucky as it was) and exercise regime hadn't changed - I guess age was stating to catch up with me. Also (and this may be an important factor), I started taking oral contraceptives at this time. No matter what I did, the fat clung (but now I know that's because I was doing lots of cardio and only light weights + my diet was too high carb/low protein.) The BC pill made me hungry ALL THE TIME, moody and weird too. I stopped it after 2 years but lost only about half the weight I gained on it. The rest wouldn't budge.

BF was 23% Dec 1999. That's when I started training with heavy weights and less cardio. BF dropped to 17% the first month, then slowly kept coming down. I've been at 12 for the past several months, and the periods are still regular. I have some muscle now too! I currently train 4 days a week - MTThF, weights @45 min, cardio 25-30min, and my diet is much-improved.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 227
Registered: May 2000

posted February 06, 2001 06:34 PM

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when i finished my last cycle, winny, i didn't have my period for three months. i was a little worrried so i took a preg. test, but luckily it was neg. i went to the doc to make sure and all was good.
i was working out 5 days a week drinking a lot of water and all, but the winny just made me not have it. not sure what my bf% was, but i am about 14% now, which is more than i was. had ripped abs and delts and overall looked good.
anything else i may have forgotten?
let me know. i am interested in your survey results.

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Cool Novice

Posts: 40
From:New York
Registered: Dec 2000

posted February 06, 2001 09:54 PM

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Hi Mr. Huge,

The first time my menstrual cycle stopped was when I was running track in high school. I was also very thin. I think this in conjuction with running almost everyday caused my cycle to stop for about 6/7 months. I also experienced this in college as a track & field athlete.

When I started competing 1 1/2 years ago. After my first precontest diet my cycle stopped when my bodyfat dropped. I went from 13.5 to 10.5% and it took at least 3 months for my cycle to return. I thought I was pregnant also and went to my OB/GYN. The answer was no and I got a lecture on low bodyfat and how it robbed the calcium from your bones, therefore making them brittle. Body temperature regulation, etc.

I'm 28yrs old, 5'11 130lbs 12% bodyfat. I train four days a week. I'm doing cardio(now) 30 minutes 4-5 days a week.

I've just started semi dieting for the Arnold Expo and haven't gotten my menstrual cycle this month. A little spotting but no menses. When my bodyfat dips below the 12% mark my cycle cease for about 2 or 3 months until my bodyfat goes up. I look at it as a part of contest preparation now. I definitely don't miss it but I am concerned with the brittle boness/calcium issue.

A friend(a former IFBB pro) said her cycle never stopped not even when her bodyfat was in the single digits. Does you study proves why some women cycle stops and others don't?


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Little Girl


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From:Qu�bec, Canada
Registered: Jan 2001

posted February 07, 2001 12:26 PM

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Hey! I've been lifting for almost 7 years now, 4 to 6 times a week. I'm 26 years old, always between 12 and 13%BF, and I still have my regular menstruations. I used clen once and I just started a primo cycle this week. We're gonna see what will happen. By the way, I'm not on birth control pill.

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 1298
From:Somewhere in the South Pacific
Registered: May 2000

posted February 07, 2001 02:34 PM

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The only stuff I've used is Nolvadex pre-competition. But even on Nolva and down to 7-8%bf I have never missed a cycle, or even been a day late. Darn!!

I know most other women that I compete against or help compete will experience lots of irregularities even without AS. It's hard to sort out what's happening since many first-time competitors will come off BC for the first time in many years. Many, many others start AS AND come off the pill at the same time. And then there are some that clearly overdiet and look like they escaped from POW camps. I think the only generalization I would make is that how a woman will respond to stress/BC/AAS/low %bf is a very individual thing. In other words women are unpredictable!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 174
From:chicago illinois
Registered: Apr 2000

posted February 07, 2001 08:28 PM

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Women unpredictable nahhhh that could'nt be true in more than one way im sure....hehehe please ladies it was a joke dont kick my a!@#$%s...my computer still down im at library once again so i cant get to my info i have stored in my comp. so ill continue here by the weekend or so hopefully...


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Cool Novice

Posts: 17
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posted February 08, 2001 01:55 PM

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I am 34, have 2 children and have been fixed. I've been on the pill for years now to regulate my cycles. My cycles always came at the exact time they should have, were somewhat light, and lasted 5-7 days.

I started A/S and 3wks later was due to start my cycle. I had very very light spotting for about 1/2 a day and then that was it. My next cycle is due in about a week and I'm wondering if I'll even have on (probably not and hopefully not!!)

Why are you doing this research. What interest do you have in our cycles??!!


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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 218
Registered: May 2000

posted February 08, 2001 04:00 PM

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I lost my period right after I started my AS cycle and didn't get it back for 8 months....even after I got completely off everything it still took three months to get my period back...now it has been normal for 3 months.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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Registered: Jun 2000

posted February 08, 2001 06:03 PM

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Amenorhea (sp?) in college. Played Women's field Hockey and gymnastics. Only short-live three months if I recall. Usually regular otherwise. Only other thing was about a few weeks after I came off a cycle of anavar my periods got heavier, more cramping, breast size increase, acne in weird places like stomach and back, lasting longer. Seems to be leveling out now but it has been 4 months.

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Cool Novice

Posts: 31
Registered: Jan 2001

posted February 08, 2001 09:49 PM

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Got my first one at 14 and a half, 6 months later lost if for about 4 Years due to anorexia. The doctor gave me some meds to take for 2 weeks(think it was progesterone) to induce a period, no luck so he increased the dosage for another two weeks and received slight spotting. As long as I'm working out hard/dieting I don't get it. My cycle is never normal anyhow.

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Posts: 1
Registered: Feb 2001

posted February 20, 2001 06:55 AM

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I'm 24 years old and I've been on AS constantly for over a year now and haven't had my period at all during this time. It started before I started using, when I got in to heavy training. I train four times a week, about an hour every time. I'm at 15% bf.
I'm a bit curious as to how this is going to effect my fertility. I still get my usual cramps every month, but nothing more.

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Cool Novice

Posts: 23
From: Superstitious dust is twisting in the wind..... (hint)
Registered: Feb 2001

posted February 21, 2001 10:41 AM

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I haven't had any irregularities due to bodybuilding, as yet. However since it has come up a few times on the board, I thought I should mention that since my surgery for breast implants, 3 months ago, I have been very late, more like a 6-7+ week cycle instead of 3-4. The doctor said it is normal to have an irregular cycle just following surgery - mine seems to have continued.

Something else - don't know if this has anything to do with your research, but: The older I get, every month the cramps, nausea etc. get worse and worse. I never used to be affected that much by my period when I was a teenager, but from about 28 on, it has gotten much worse. I'm 32 now. I actually had to leave work early once, a few months ago, because the cramps were so severe that I could not focus on what I was doing.

Once may be a mistake.... twice is jazz!

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Posts: 2803
From:LaLa Land
Registered: Nov 2000

posted February 21, 2001 01:52 PM

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I would love to help out but I don't think I can as I have ALWAYS had irregularities. Some times it's 28 days, then it's 4 months. That is how I have always been.

My doc said that is just how my body fucntions and as I get older the frequency of my cycles will just gradually diminish and, of course, eventually stop altogether. I am now 33 yrs old, been menstruating since 14 and the only time I had bad cramps was when I was taking Chlomid to induce ovulation so that I could become pregnant (which obviously worked, hehe). Other than that, it is like...no thing, no cramps that I can't tolerate, I get a bit weepy on occasion but that is it. I was regular for a year after I had my last child, then as I became more actively involved in bbing it gradually diminished and went back to "come when it is the most inopportune" ie vacation down the shore.

Now I'm like a dog - a few times a year.....and wouldn't ya know it, seems like it is always during contest time! >:O Now WTF is up with that?!


....beauty knows no pain.

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