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  synthetic enhancement, my first cycle?

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Author Topic:   synthetic enhancement, my first cycle?

Cool Novice

Posts: 45
From:chandler, as usa
Registered: Feb 2001

posted February 05, 2001 11:34 AM

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You all have been very helpful so far, but no one has answered my question. What do you think of me starting a cycle. Like I said, I have always had like a thick skin, and It wont seem to go away no matter how hard I try. So my friend wants to use me as a ginny pig and start me on a cycle, and to be honest I am very curious to see what may happen. He has used pretty much everything under the sun, but it was like ten years ago. All the research I have done, points to either winni, sust 250, primo, deca, and nolvadex to acheive the results I am looking for. I dont want to be enormous, just want to shred the excess fat.

I am asking for some help here, because unlike most men, I can admit that I dont know everything(ha).

thanks again.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 226
Registered: May 2000

posted February 05, 2001 11:40 AM

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personal opinion would be the winny. used it and loved the results. primo on the other hand made me gain size, but the winny cut me up and made me really hard. love it.
what exactly are your goals? don't do anything just b/c someone said it will be good for you. do research first. there are plenty of threds on the board that deal with different women, their size, height, goals, and what they have used. go to different sites and explore all options. maybe all you need is a little clen or something similar. don't rush into anything just because, do your research and learn about sides and stuff.
good luck and let us know what you decide.

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Cool Novice

Posts: 45
From:chandler, as usa
Registered: Feb 2001

posted February 05, 2001 11:46 AM

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hey thanks for the input, except I am a guy, I should have been clear on that (my bad). Does this new info change your mind? I posted another question earlier about what women want? I guess I thought (aaaahhh whatever, doesnt matter).. Anyway, I posted my question here, because I havent gotten any feedback from the as board. This board has proven much more effective.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 101
From:Miami, FL, USA
Registered: Jul 2000

posted February 05, 2001 12:28 PM

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Need to know what are your goals? DO you want to get bigger? Do you want to lose body fat and if so what are you doing to achieve that. An A/S cycle should not be the first option to look to to achieve the results you want.

If anything it should be your last recourse. Try other NATURAL options first and if you don't obtain the results you are looking for then try A/S.

If you can't keep a proper diet or train hard without A/S. A/S won't help you with that. You have to give it your all with or without A/S.

Just my .02

You can not accomplish what your mind can not conceive.

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Cool Novice

Posts: 45
From:chandler, as usa
Registered: Feb 2001

posted February 05, 2001 12:47 PM

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To be honest, I am sick of putting alot of hard work in for really long periods of time. I want to get cut, and the natural way is not helping. Example, I put six weeks of ridiculus training, and dropped 1/2 of a % in fat. Really strict low fat diet, and 40 min cardio five times per week, and 1.5 hrs of weights with 10-12 rep sets... Didn't work Hardly any results. Actually I gained about ten lbs in that six weeks, but again only lost .5% bodyfat. (its frustrating)

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Cool Novice

Posts: 45
From:chandler, as usa
Registered: Feb 2001

posted February 05, 2001 12:56 PM

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I also can get big very easily, I could be 220lbs if I wanted, and I have. I have a bad knee, and the extra weight is very hard on it (total knee reconstruction). My ideal weight is about 190-200lbs and about 12-15% fat. Is that possible. I think part of my problem is that I have allways had this much fat, ever since high school 6 yrs ago. It is very dense hard fat deposits. I dont know much about different types of fat, so maybe it will be much harder to get rid of.

little help.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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From:Co. USA
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posted February 05, 2001 01:03 PM

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If it doesn't add up, then there is something wrong with the equation. If you managed to gain weight on a cutting cycle (maybe I'm reading this whole thing wrong...) then I'd have to say that the routine is good, but the diet didn't reflect your goals. It almost sounds like you're caught up in the standard "Im going to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time".
Believe me, if you don't have the equation squared natural, you won't have stellar outcomes on AS either. AS is great, but I'd have to say that if you're "tired of working really hard", you're heading in the wrong direction with AS.

just one humble existentialist caught up in a Machiavellian herd.

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Cool Novice

Posts: 45
From:chandler, as usa
Registered: Feb 2001

posted February 05, 2001 01:58 PM

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I also can get big very easily, I could be 220lbs if I wanted, and I have. I have a bad knee, and the extra weight is very hard on it (total knee reconstruction). My ideal weight is about 190-200lbs and about 12-15% fat. Is that possible. I think part of my problem is that I have allways had this much fat, ever since high school 6 yrs ago. It is very dense hard fat deposits. I dont know much about different types of fat, so maybe it will be much harder to get rid of.

little help.

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Cool Novice

Posts: 45
From:chandler, as usa
Registered: Feb 2001

posted February 05, 2001 02:07 PM

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I will work as hard as I can to achieve the results. But hey, if I amputting in hard work and not getting the results I want, then I am not doing it right. Thats why I am here, to get help.

P.S. Who says you cant build muscle and burn fat at the same time. The results just arent as extreme. This guy that I know, had almost the same diet as me, and He maintained 190 and lost 8% fat and looked completely different. Worked for him, didnt for me, oh well we are all a little different.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 226
Registered: May 2000

posted February 05, 2001 03:15 PM

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ahhh sorry. i did the same thing to warlobo when i first was on the board. guess i figured most of us were women. stupid, i know.
i am not really sure how to help you. my boyfriend is totally knowleged and would be willing to help. i will have him look at this when he gets home.
what exactly do you want? size, cutting, both? there are so many options...dbol, winny, fina, deca, EQ. the list goes on. tell me a little about your body and i will have him help...size, height, bf%, etc.

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Cool Novice

Posts: 45
From:chandler, as usa
Registered: Feb 2001

posted February 05, 2001 06:56 PM

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I am 24yrs old, male, and 200lbs 25% bodyfat.
Its possible, so I here that if I produce a lot of test naturally, it will spike my estrogen levels causing me to retain fat. I guess I should have my hormone levels tested somehow. I seem to have an even layer of fatty tissue everywhere, but more so in the chest region and the shoulder areas.

I have tried everything to get ripped, but to no avail. My last resort is going to be to synthetics. I have a fear of side effects, I have an extremely high sex drive already(Not saying this to be funny) it could be a problem without anyway to relieve the drive.
I love the look of being ripped and vascular, and it helps with the confidence level. This would ultimately be for my own personal empowerment.
I would appreciate some help here.
Thanks ladies!
My diet:
cardio 20 min 5 times per week.
weights every other day, usually I work one bodypart per day.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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Registered: Apr 2000

posted February 05, 2001 09:19 PM

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Hey bro, I would say first things to stay away from the anabolics for a few more weeks at minimum. bump the cardio up to 30 minutes, and do it in the morning on an empty stomach. Clen, T3, and DNP are all options, but not yet. Go to the gas station and get some ephedrine, then go to WalMart and get some vivarin (caffeine), and some baby aspirin. Take one of each 3-4 times a day for 2 weeks. In this 2 weeks, don't EVER, I mean even once, eat till you're full. Have 4-5 small meals a day, and if you're hungry and feel like snacking, drink a 16oz glass of water. Don't eat carbs 4-5 hours before bedtime, and keep the sugar to a minimum. In 2 weeks, tell me what you've accomplished, and we'll go from there. Maybe then, you could mix a little clen in to replace the ECA (above mentioned) stack. Let us know how it goes.

At 25% bodyfat, then only thing anabolics will do is get you bigger. Concentrate on a bit of defining, and see what you've got to work with before you go taking winny or fina or test for that matter. Good luck.


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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 101
From:Miami, FL, USA
Registered: Jul 2000

posted February 06, 2001 09:02 AM

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I agree with BROWNDOG. Don't mix in A/S just yet try out his suggestions and see what you come up with. What's another 2 weeks. Definitely increase your cardio to at least 30 min. in the AM, 45 min. would be better. 20 min. is just not enough time.

You sound desperate but you need to focus, decide which ave you will pursue but I would definitely hold off on the A/S for now.

Good Luck

You can not accomplish what your mind can not conceive.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 249
From:somewhere cold
Registered: Aug 2000

posted February 06, 2001 09:54 AM

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I agree with Browndog.. you need to try a few things for a few weeks and see if you acheive any results that you are looking for. You should be doing cardio for at least 30 minutes, and do this in the morning on an empty stomach!! The ECA stack is good, and it has worked for me Mix up your cardio routine, use all the different machines and use different interval training. Also make sure your weight routine is heavy and intense. This will also improve your lean muscle mass and burn fat!!! Drink water till you can't drink anymore and then drink some more!!!! Stay away from sugar, breads, pastas etc. Fill yourself with good carbs...oatmeal, yams, rice, baked potato and veggies. Maybe try some low carb bars, shakes as snacks...eat frequent consistent meals throughout the day. Diet is everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 1219
From:Somewhere in the South Pacific
Registered: May 2000

posted February 06, 2001 03:44 PM

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Get your hormones checked. Ask for total T, free T and estrogen. Also ask for a complete thyroid panel. It sounds to me like your looking for an excuse to use AS, and if that's the case, then I don't know if anyone can talk you out of it. But honestly, I think you're kidding yourself that it will be the magic ingredient to make you lose fat. Chances are you've already got 10 times as much Test floating around naturally, compared to most of the women on this board. Use the test you've got, along with some discipline. If you can't curb your eating and do enough exercise to burn bodyfat without AS, then I don't understand how you expect the AS to help you out. There are plenty of guys at my gym that use AS, and they're fat slobs. Admittedly they're STRONG fat slobs, but they don't have the discipline or desire to diet, cardio and stick to the program long enough to lose the blubber.

Get yourself some ECA, clen, and maybe some thyroid if your levels are low. Have someone draw you up a diet and training program and stick to it. I'm sure many of the board members here would be happy to help you with this. BTW, 20 minutes of cardio is just long enough to burn up your muscle glycogen, and not long enough to burn fat. You really need to do a minimum of 40 minutes (preferably 60) first thing in the morning with some ECA in your system to burn some serious fat. Once you get a bit leaner, you can consider other types of cardio such as sprint intervals.

There really is no easy way to lose fat. It takes hard work no matter what pills or injections you use. Good luck.

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Cool Novice

Posts: 12
Registered: Jan 2001

posted February 06, 2001 10:44 PM

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You know nothing about about AAS. Let me say that again, you know NOTHING about AAS. You have no business even considering using steroids. What the hell are synthetics? You stated that you want to take primo, deca, nolvadex?, or sust. Nolvadex is an anti-estrogen, it has NO anabolic/androgenic properties. Sust 250 consists of 4 blended testosterone esters. The rest of these drugs are highly anabolic and are really only useful as part of a stack, unless they are incorporated as a "bridging" cycle. AAS is not "magic pills". If you begin a cycle you will undoubtedly cycle these drugs improperly, you will not make good size gains, and you will certainly not "cut up". Educate yourself and quit foolishly deciding that because you have lifted for two weeks that you deserve to begin using drugs. The reason the Anabolic Steroid Control Act was passed is because jackasses like you hurt themselves by taking drugs that they had no business taking in absoulutely ludicrous dose patterns. Take up a new hobby, and crack a book once in a while on the subject.

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Cool Novice

Posts: 45
From:chandler, as usa
Registered: Feb 2001

posted February 07, 2001 12:00 AM

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Synthetics is term used by Natural athletes in my town used as a descriptive term meaning
to use anything other than what your own body can produce for its own for physical performance enhancement (straight weight lifting and diet). Not necessarily AS, but anything, even thermogenics.

Its just a term we use for it so as not to draw a lot of outside attention to conversation.

Yes, The ingredients in AS are produced on mammals, But you add additional doses of what your own body already produces, to induce Physical enhancement of the body.
Hence our term for synthetics.(Sythetic=not natural. So either way you look at, the addition of AS to ones body is not natural, Since you need it to achieve results beyond your own genetics.)

This is not a rip on AS, remember this statement is coming from someone who has no problem getting big. I may be more biased than a hard gainer.( in fact my views to a hard gainer would probably be opposite.) I have a completely different problem, I cant get ripped without tons of work. Some hard gainers (usually ripped to begin with) will never be big no matter how hard they try naturally.

We always want what we cant have.

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 1219
From:Somewhere in the South Pacific
Registered: May 2000

posted February 07, 2001 12:22 AM

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Sooo true slither. The problem here (and just about everywhere else these days) is one of semantics. "Natural" has been bastardized to now mean 'anything that doesn't naturally occur from diet alone'. Not too long ago it merely meant 'no exogenous steroids'. And you are also correct to call supplemental AAS 'synthetic'. They are synthesized in a lab, not extracted from humans. By this strict definition multivitamins, creatine, ECA and birth control pills are also synthetic. So are the breast implants that MarlaSinger is contemplating. Some people resort to liposuction, skin tucks, stomach stapling, ab-etching and a whole host of other invasive surgical procedures to achieve their goals.

It is really up to you slither. How far do you want to go to achieve your dream physique, and will it make you a happier person??

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Cool Novice

Posts: 45
From:chandler, as usa
Registered: Feb 2001

posted February 07, 2001 12:46 AM

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Marla singer,

Also miss Singer, DESERVE to use AS, what is it, some sort of special thing That only the elite can use, after putting years of incorrect training only to gain five lbs of muscle. Your right then, I dont deserve, I think ill put in some more time till I can be more like you.
Also I have seen your boob post, And It sounds like you ended up hear for the same reason I did. Cant find the answers unless you ask real life people. The internet is helpful, but it is also a place of business, retail business. A lot of advertising out there, and when was the last time you actually believed a sales pitch, especially one you cant see or touch.

Also, I said I was thinking about AS. Big difference between thinking and doing. I asked a question, and got the answer I needed. I will not be taking them, I have found no real evidence that it will give me any results that My own genetics wont give me. Except maybe winny, seems to help in cutting up. Doesnt mean I am going on it tomorrow. I figure, If I cant get ripped in 6 months, I'll entertain the idea again. Just because you are Knowlegable about AS doesnt mean you know everything, and I dont like my intelligence be the subject of criticism. This subject happens to be something I am not well versed in, I am trying to learn (by the way, instead of telling me to read a book, how about recommending one instead). Do me a favor and ask me something about running a Billion dollar company. Yep I am 24, Loaded. Bet that burns you too. Unortunately, I am totally lying out my ass, but maybe now youll realize how negative you sound. Smile once in a while, you just might like it.

As far as a mans opinion is concerned, go on top of the breast, it looks better, and less problems later on if you cant work out any more (for whatever reason.)

My friends girl had them underneath when they first started doing it that way, and she let herself go for a couple of years after she had their baby, and he said they looked really funky.

Just my OPINION..., to your... QUESTION.
Notice I didnt get nasty and say
"What makes you think you deserve bigger breasts"
Who am I to question you, I dont even know you. I actually hope for the best for you, I hope you love them. It is all about empowerment, I think we all deserve that.


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Pro Bodybuilder

Posts: 369
From:El Cajon CA USA
Registered: Oct 2000

posted February 07, 2001 12:47 AM

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It doesnt take hard work to become ripped or lose alot of body fat----strict dieting --is the only thing that will work for you and that my friend is not hard work but it takes a hard mind. It is a lifestyle---cut your carbs-drink more water-and no sugars-morning cardio--If you see dieting as work then it will get the best of you---make it your lifestyle and it will be very easy to get under 10% and stay their---You have never been their so it seems hard---You mentioned you would like to be 15 % bodyfat --that is still a fat shit for a man----Go on the diet board and look for a diet (stick with it)Post and you will get a good diet---Dude if your 25% then you are eating like shit__

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Cool Novice

Posts: 45
From:chandler, as usa
Registered: Feb 2001

posted February 07, 2001 01:21 AM

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Wombat, what is your body composition like? I am not saying it is difficult, it just takes discipline. I have been on a lowfat diet for a long time, I dont buy anything with out reading the label. It just takes longer for some people to get there. As far as bodyfat goes, I have never had a caliper anywhere near my skin. I am going to try that. I have had many People insist that I couldnt possibly be 25% after they have seen me with my shirt off.

At the time I was tested in the gym, was in phenominal Shape. She only had fat in the back of her upper arms. She thought she was about 15-18% She got tested after I did, and she was 30%fat according to her trainer. She thought she was about 15-18% before she got tested. She Was in California at the time and I lived in Arizona. Two different gyms, but the machine she described sounded like the same kind that was used on me.

She was 5'6" and 125 and had been working out 5 days a week for a year solid and on a diet.
with a trainer, and a nutritionist. If it is any consequence, she was an A cup, so not much fat there either. I was baffled.

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Pro Bodybuilder

Posts: 369
From:El Cajon CA USA
Registered: Oct 2000

posted February 07, 2001 01:47 AM

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List what you eat in a day and be honest and then we can tell--Im just saying that anything over 15% for a guy is quit high regardless ---15% for a woman is not bad at all. Your 40 -30- 30- does not say what types of food you are consuming---How is your sodium intake---sugars---soda---shit like that--You should have no problem getting down to 10% bodyfat with out anything other then the foods you eat---hell you could get to 10% without even doing cardio---

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 1219
From:Somewhere in the South Pacific
Registered: May 2000

posted February 07, 2001 02:07 AM

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Wow you guys. Everyone take a chill-pill, or at least take a few days off from your ECA/Clen!

Wombat, depending on who you believe, 25-40% of American males are over 25% bodyfat. This does not mean that it is HEALTHY, but it certainly means that reaching your 'fat' definition of 15% BF is currently outta reach for most American males without some serious re-education and lifestyle changes. And if you think "strict dieting" isn't hard work then IMHO you need your head examined. "But it takes a hard mind"..... This can be true, but I believe that hard-minded people do not make good lifetime partners for anyone. So once again it is a matter of sorting out your priorities.

Now I agree with your assessment "It is a lifestyle---cut your carbs-drink more water-and no sugars-morning cardio". But when you say "make it your lifestyle and it will be very easy to get under 10% and stay their" I disagree completely. Under 10% for a male in your average, well fed, sociable culture seems a recipe for nuttin but a string of short-term relationships. This is even more true the older you get. I'm guessing Wombat is a young male who feels sex is his only mission in life. I may regret posting this, but honestly, if wombat gets to 100 years, remains basically happy, married to the same person and stays under 10%bf the whole time, then I'll re-assess my position.

Wombat further says "Dude if your 25% then you are eating like shit".....well hopefully this is past-tense for slither. But again I remind everyone who reads this post that the 'average' american eats around 40% fat in their diet. If you are what you eat then it is truly amazing that more Americans are not 40% BF or more. I am not excusing slither's eating habits. I am merely pointing out that slither is well within the "norm" for american males, and rather than feel ashamed about where he IS, it would be more productive to focus on where he is GOING.

Marla and wombat, I know NOTHING about you. I can only assume that your input is well intentioned. But I would like to re-enforce that all board members are at Different levels of knowledge and experience. It's all valuable info as long as it's not a personal attack.

And finally, I would not be even handed if I didn't dish out a few words of advice for slither! Grasshopper you have much to learn.

Body-for-life is a good book for you to start with. This book is hated by MANY MANY so-called bodybuilders, but the essence of it is worth a read. I also think you should send a few questions to the diet discussion board here at elite fitness. There are also some other boards where you should visit, such as www.anabolicfitness.com
and www.mesomorph.net

But the best advice I can give is to spend a few months....yes MONTHS just reading on these boards and learn as much basic stuff as you can. Then you'll be in a position to ask questions that are more meaningful to everyone.

Peace to all and GO TO BED

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Cool Novice

Posts: 45
From:chandler, as usa
Registered: Feb 2001

posted February 07, 2001 02:10 AM

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Today, I ate

1 45g labrada chocolate protein shake.
4 hydroxycut tablets.
1/4 cup raw broccoli, 6 0z boneless skinless chicken breast grilled with a pinch of salt and pepper. with water,( dont know how much water it was, I drink it out of a gallon jug. 2 jugs a day now) 8:00am

10:00am an apple

4 more hydroxycut tablets
12:00 One can bumble bee tuna with tablespoon lowfat mayo, on a bed of lettuce.

3:00p 2 raw carrots

1 45g protein shake
4 more hydroxycut shakes
6:00p 12 0z pan seared tuna(fresh) No oil, non stick pan. With two cups wilted greans. Lettuce, Boc choy, Pinch salt, and pepper, and cayenne pepper.

This is a typical day, About seven days ago i cut out the shakes all together to lighten up the calories, could be a mistake what do you think.


I have been really strict for like the last 3 or 4 weeks.

I never eat really fattening stuff though. I wasnt that strict, I just didnt eat every 2-3 hrs, like 3 meals aday 2500 calories.

I was drinking like a liter bottle of diet pepsi for a while about a month and a half ago until I saw how much sodium was in it. I didnt even look at that, ya know 0 calories. forgot about the salt. Besides, I read in mens health that it was like a fat burner in a sense. Lots of caffeine, and 0 calories. I dont buy it.

What do you think? will I lose fat this way?

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Cool Novice

Posts: 45
From:chandler, as usa
Registered: Feb 2001

posted February 07, 2001 02:17 AM

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I also mentioned before that I have I high sex drive, which means I probably produce alot of test naturally. In turn this should mean that I also produce High estrogen levels also. Which could make me retain fat in certain areas. I dont know how accurate this is, it is a result of my internet research.

I am going to get my levels tested.

what do you think of this possibility wombat?

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Pro Bodybuilder

Posts: 369
From:El Cajon CA USA
Registered: Oct 2000

posted February 07, 2001 02:32 AM

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Slither I wrote out a diet for you on the diet discussion Board--Take a look and tell me what you think---get rid of the salt thing----Your high sex drive is because you are a horny bastard(ha ha) tell me what you think---

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Cool Novice

Posts: 45
From:chandler, as usa
Registered: Feb 2001

posted February 07, 2001 02:51 AM

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Looks good to me, but do you have a substitute for all the egg whites, I tried that once before, and It made me want to gag after a couple of days.

Why, brown rice as opposed to white.

Can I cook all this stuff like on sunday and just eat it cold, or should it be made fresh daily.(egg whites I know will not keep more than a couple days).
I have sort of reached the dog food stage when it comes to eating. I dont care if its hot or cold, its just fuel.

That was very nice of you by the way, I appreciate it.

Its not hard work for me to diet, its hard to do the cardio, I hate that, that's work.

Oh do you have a suggestion for best cardio excercise,(I cant jog, to much joint stress, bad knee. I can do sprints though because I run on my toes and I am very fast, so my feet barely touch the ground.)

Right now I am riding a conventional mountain bike outside of a five mile loop around the neighborhood in 25 minutes. Its flat too. It provides constant resistance.

Thanks again,

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Cool Novice

Posts: 15
From:Lancaster UK
Registered: Dec 2000

posted February 07, 2001 09:13 AM

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Diet coke will dehydrate you and cannot be included in water intake. It may have caused some water retention as a rebound effect.

Eating everything that's low fat doesn't mean you will lose bodyfat. Your body needs a certain amount of fat to keep your hormones and metabolism normal. Diet is more about getting the right amounts of foods, this means the right proteins, fats, carbs ect combined with the right energy intake. 3-4 weeks is not a long time to be on a diet and I find I don't notice much weight loss for the first 4-6 weeks on a cutting diet. Then a chunk suddenly disappears, before another 4 weeks seeing no weight loss.

It is disheartening but unless you have a serious metabolic disorder, then weight loss follows a very simple rule that works for everyone. This basic rule is the fact that to lose weight the energy you expend every day MUST exceed energy taken in.

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Cool Novice

Posts: 45
From:chandler, as usa
Registered: Feb 2001

posted February 07, 2001 09:38 AM

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Looks good to me, but do you have a substitute for all the egg whites, I tried that once before, and It made me want to gag after a couple of days.

Why, brown rice as opposed to white.

Can I cook all this stuff like on sunday and just eat it cold, or should it be made fresh daily.(egg whites I know will not keep more than a couple days).
I have sort of reached the dog food stage when it comes to eating. I dont care if its hot or cold, its just fuel.

That was very nice of you by the way, I appreciate it.

Its not hard work for me to diet, its hard to do the cardio, I hate that, that's work.

Oh do you have a suggestion for best cardio excercise,(I cant jog, to much joint stress, bad knee. I can do sprints though because I run on my toes and I am very fast, so my feet barely touch the ground.)

Right now I am riding a conventional mountain bike outside of a five mile loop around the neighborhood in 25 minutes. Its flat too. It provides constant resistance.

Thanks again,

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Pro Bodybuilder

Posts: 369
From:El Cajon CA USA
Registered: Oct 2000

posted February 07, 2001 08:58 PM

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MS---Your guess on my profile is alittle off---Im 32 year old male-Married---Ive been working out since I was 17 and have done a couple of shows in my late teens early 20s. I agree about the male gender in this country 40% overweight----but how many of them are working out reg. I wasnt trying to be disrespectfull to slither---In his other post, slither is asking about steroids and clen and things like that. The way to find things out is doing a search (on elite)I think the last thing this dude needs is steroids right now if he is 25 % bodyfat and by the look of his diet, he has hardly no carbs in it and diff. not enough protein. The diet he wrote out would drop alot of weight in a hurry and also lose alot of muscle, which he stated he did not want to lose. He stated he wanted to look like the dudes in mens health----First an formost is his diet----As soon as he understands the diet, it will come easy(therefore not be looked at as hard work) remember he only wants to get down to 15% bodyfat---I think when he gets to 15 % he will be disappointed by what 15 % really looks like because he is not quite sure that 15 % bodyfat is not even close to the guys in men health that are under 6%. Oh well to each his own---I do understand that you have his best interest at heart but with all the info on this site, I was just trying to push him into the right direction and help keep the womans board for the woman and/ or female related questions. The last thing the womans board needs is all us guys coming over here and asking questions that have already been answered many times over.:>

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Pro Bodybuilder

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From:El Cajon CA USA
Registered: Oct 2000

posted February 07, 2001 09:05 PM

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slither---As far as eggs go, they have egg substitutes that are more expensive but dont have that eggie taste---If not that then just get 35- 40 grams of protein at every meal --dont worry to much on what kind of protein as long as it is low in fat-except once a week get in some red meat if you like---Do that diet for 8 weeks and you will be a totally diff. guy(look) then you can re-adjust as needed and also look into some supplements later on when you have a hold on your nutrition---Good Luck!

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Cool Novice

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Registered: Jan 2001

posted February 08, 2001 12:57 AM

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I was not trying to be negative, just honest. Before you post, do your research. There is so much information at your fingertips. It is fine to ask questions, but only after you have done a thorough investigation. I have read all your posts. You don't have a very good command of the human body and the way in which it operates. Elevated test does not mean elevated estrogen. Hormones in a man stay at relatively the same level (small fluctuations). Stop reading Men's Health and start reading in the library or research on the internet. Example: pharmacology books. I suggest that you read (not post) other boards that are more suited to your situation. This is a woman's board.

It might be advantagous for you to see an Endocrinologist. A doctor who specializes in the endocrine system will be able to better tell you about your hormone levels than anyone else.

About your diet... Sounds to me as though you have not been eating correctly for that long. Doing morning cardio on an empty stomache will work. Wombat is absolutely correct. This is a lifestyle. I train hard, I eat clean and I don't cycle. Why? Because I am getting where I want to be naturally. When that stops, a few years from now, I will think about it. And, I guarantee that I have been training longer than you. You have to train and eat correctly in order for the cycle to be beneficial. You should take my earlier response as a warning. Someone had to tell you that you were in over your head and that you have a great deal to learn. There is no quick fix and if you start stacking shit incorrectly you could kill yourself.

As for the boob job.... I just want them. Also, my post is perfectly appropriate since this is a woman's board. Oh, and I smile all the time.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:Somewhere in the South Pacific
Registered: May 2000

posted February 08, 2001 02:13 AM

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Good input from everyone so far. I think we all agree that the diet wombat has posted for you is an excellent place to start. And you have already made the realization that you're not quite ready for steroids yet (unless your endocrinologist finds out you are low or below normal for Test/thyroid or whatever).

The last place I would tell the average
'man on the street' to get educated is a pharmacology book/journal. Maybe some day you will be interested enough in technical topics to read these things for fun (and understand them). Otherwise I agree with Marla Singer. You need to learn enough to be in control of your own body/lifestyle. And if you want to take steroids, because you 'just want them' then that is fine too. As long as you know what you're getting in to. READ LEARN READ LEARN then ask questions.

So this is a women's board. Perhaps slither should get himself a new ID, such as 'slight-her' and try again without admitting he's a male. This is the internet and we can all pretend to be anyone we want to be, lie through our keyboards and 'virtually' get the results we want. But ultimatley slither's problems/questions/solutions are much the same for any female in a similar sitch.

Wombat I also agree with. I think the plan you've drawn up for slither is spot-on. I guess I felt you were a little controversial saying that it was easy and no work for a male to stay under 10%bf for life. But otherwise I could not agree more. I hope we hear more from all 3 of you here ont he women's board soon!

[This message has been edited by MS (edited February 08, 2001).]

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