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  Anxious VIRGIN!!!!!!

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Author Topic:   Anxious VIRGIN!!!!!!
Little Girl


Posts: 4
From:Qu�bec, Canada
Registered: Jan 2001

posted February 01, 2001 03:26 PM

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Hi everybody!
I`ve been reading your posts for a while and I think it`s now the time to introduce myself: I`m Little Girl! I`ve been trainning seriously and clean for 6 years and a half but it`s now time for me to go into major leagues�I�m starting a cycle of Primo/Clen/T-3/ECA (you can take a look on my cycle on Big Boy post/cycle help..).I�m 5',actually 117lbs, 12%BF and I`m kind of anxious on how my body will react. I tried clen once(2weeks on/2off/2on) and I went down to 113 lbs. When I'm on creatine, I'm taking easily 10 lbs! I don`t do cardio (I hate that!!) but I lift heavy 5 times/week (like squat at 155 for 3 sets of 20-15 reps), I�ve never really did a strict diet but I make sure to eat at least 100 grams of protein daily, low carbs and very low fat. I can�t bring my carbs too low �cause I�m a high school teacher and I really need some energy during and after my classes!! What should I do?? Do I need to change my trainning or my diet? Is anybody knows if I will have my periods on primo??(if no,GOOOOD!) I�m so anxious...it`s my first time!!!


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Big Boy

Pro Bodybuilder

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From:Quebec, Canada
Registered: Apr 2000

posted February 01, 2001 03:58 PM

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That is my girl!!!!

Her cycle will be:



BIG?....Yes I am!

[This message has been edited by Big Boy (edited February 01, 2001).]

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:Central CA, USA
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posted February 01, 2001 05:21 PM

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Hey Girl - are you building then? Build then cut? (I'm no expert on cycles) What are your goals here? If you are wanting to add muscle with the cycle I think you need to eat MORE and lift HEAVIER. If you can squat 155 for 15-20 reps, go with a weight where you can do 8-10. Just my opinion...good luck and welcome aboard here!!

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Big Boy

Pro Bodybuilder

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From:Quebec, Canada
Registered: Apr 2000

posted February 02, 2001 09:26 AM

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Bump for my girl!


BIG?....Yes I am!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted February 02, 2001 10:59 AM

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WELCOME aboard, Little Girl. You will find a wealth of information here.

I am a little confused as to what your goals are. Do you want to lose weight, body fat or get bigger? If you are 12% b/f that�s pretty lean, how low do you want to go?

Either way I agree with SKY you definitely need to lift heavier. If you can do 155 for 20 you should be able to do 225 for 10. Don't be afraid of going heavy that's the only way you are going to see results.

You definitely need to BULK first and then CUT. Can�t do both at the same time. Primo is mainly used for bulking. T-3, Clen & ECA are used for cutting.

I would not STACK for my first cycle either as if you have an adverse reaction you will not know which drug is causing it. Use one at a time and see what results you get. You are most likely NOT going to have a period BUT you can still get PREGNANT.

Hopefully the other TRUE experts will chime in with their advice.

Just my .02

You can not accomplish what your mind can not conceive.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:Central CA, USA
Registered: May 2000

posted February 02, 2001 12:10 PM

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Trinity has some excellent points!

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Little Girl


Posts: 4
From:Qu�bec, Canada
Registered: Jan 2001

posted February 02, 2001 12:28 PM

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Thank you for the answers!
I'm kind of confused though about what I want, I'm a short girl,(5') and I want to stay feminine. I'm wearing size 1-2.I`ve already big legs (21)I'm very muscular already 'cause I've trained for almost 7 years. I bulk really really easily, that's why I would do some cut in the same time. I don't want to look like a freak!! On shoulders press, I do 40 lbs for 3 sets of 10-8. On inclined press for chest I do 50 for 3 sets of 10-8. Should I really lift heavier??? I'm gonna make some men jealous in my gym!! And about my periods ...Heeeaaaaa!!
Thank you for your nice welcome!!

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted February 02, 2001 12:33 PM

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Man am I embarassed.
I totally read the topic the wrong way!
(I'm a little bit disappointed)
Good Luck and welcome!

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Big Boy

Pro Bodybuilder

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From:Quebec, Canada
Registered: Apr 2000

posted February 02, 2001 12:35 PM

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40 lbs Dumbell Press for shoulders and 50 lbs Dumbell Press for chest!!


BIG?....Yes I am!

[This message has been edited by Big Boy (edited February 02, 2001).]

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:Miami, FL, USA
Registered: Jul 2000

posted February 02, 2001 01:40 PM

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I hear ya about staying feminine. If you bulk easily then why are you doing Primo??? It will build more mass and remember those dreaded SIDES. Deepening of the voice, facial and/or body hair. Need to really watch for these. Once you have them though, its TOO LATE.

You realize that if you bring your body fat down even without adding any more muscle you will be vascular. Meaning you will have veins showing through out your body. You should already have some veins popping but at less than 12% it will definitely be more apparent.

I think that before you go on your cycle you should lose a little body fat maybe down to 10%. Should be pretty easy just cleaning up your diet. This way you can get an idea of what you will look like if you go lower than 10% or if you want to bulk up and your decision is made.

You can not accomplish what your mind can not conceive.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:Central CA, USA
Registered: May 2000

posted February 02, 2001 01:57 PM

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Again Trinity has excellent points.

You are already very lean and strong - if you are looking to get leaner it should be easily done with diet, maybe and ECA only. Primo is used primarily for bulking so I'm confused as to why you would be using it if you don't want more mass. Though some on this board have had excellent success using winstrol only to shred - again this is diet dependant.

First thing you need to do LG is set some solid goals BEFORE you do a cycle. Before you do anything really - be it train, diet or whatever. Do you want more muscle mass? Do you want more strength? Do you want to be more vascular? Less bf? Or just stay the same. Its VERY important to be clear on your goals before ANYTHING. That way you will have a plan and won't feel like you are treading mud.

Patience is a bitter plant, but it has sweet fruit.
Well done is better than well said.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted February 02, 2001 05:53 PM

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I know Big Boy and Little Girl!

From what Big Boy told me it seems like Little Girl is going for a fitness chick look for now and may eventually go into bodybuilding competition.

From what I understood and I could be wrong. She wants to improve Body composition. Losing a little bodyfat and adding a little muscle.

I have tried to help Big Boy out a little with her first cycle but I really don't have experience with women and AAS.

Bump this up for Little Girl!

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted February 02, 2001 08:26 PM

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Big Boy and Little Girl check out this article it looks pretty good:

If it's not hard it's not worth doing...

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted February 03, 2001 12:19 AM

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I'm with Skydancer on this one. Judging from your stats, you're already very strong and muscular, and lean to boot! I can't see why you would throw Primo into this recipe, especially if you want to maintain 'femininity'. I definitely agree (whether you're cutting or trying to add mass) that you need to go heavier for less reps. That combined with diet, cardio and maybe some ECA/Clen will get you contest-ready in no time. If you're looking to gain mass, then increase your carbs. How many calories, carbs and fat are you eating?? 100 grams of protein is only 400 calories, so what's the rest of your diet look like?

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