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Author Topic:   mid cycle update

Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 1303
From:Central CA, USA
Registered: May 2000

posted January 31, 2001 10:44 AM

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Okay here we go....week 3 of oral winny, 12.5mg ED broken into 3 doses plus T3. I'm at 100mcg of T3 now (day 19) - on the down ramp. I went up to 125mcg with minimal sides. Scary though because Monster mentioned he can handle 150mcg tops and he outweighs me by a good 150lbs I'm sure.

Progress: (I do the numbers game at the end of each month) BF has only dropped a tad so I've tightened up the diet - 1800-1900cals instead of 2100-2300. The scale hasn't moved which is okay. I haven't noticed any big jumps in strength - I have had some but nothing out of the ordinary for my normal progress. Here is the BIGGEE for me: you know how we all talk about weighing more but looking better? Well, its the kind of thing you don't believe until it happens to you. Last January I weighed 3lbs less according to my log but I've actually SHRUNK inches wise. EXCEPT my bi/calves - wohooo!! Bi's have gone up 1/2" and calves 1/2".

Sides: T3 = THIRSTY for me. Actually I thought I was hungrier than normal but actually I've been thirsty!! Accelerated heart rate and some shakiness (like too much caffine) but not bad. Winny = OIL PRODUCTION. Sheesh, I could solve CA energy crisis with how oily my skin is. Acne isn't too bad (I'm on the breakout side of things anyway) but I'm using RetinA on the face. Back has broken out pretty good over the past few days but I am about to get my period as well so thats fairly normal. I've had to step up the skin maintenance on the chest, shoulders and back. My clitoris is just a tad swollen and sensative -sort of like walking around in a semi aroused state all the time. But its not bad at all. Throat has been periodically scratchy -but honestly I think thats from all the cold/flu crap going around. My voice is low (can you say great phone sex? he he) anyway and I haven't noticed any changes in it.

Thoughts: If I decide to do another a/s cycle in the future, I don't think it will be winny. I'm taking such a small dose and getting sides from it already that I might have to try something else.

That is all for now. I've got several weeks to go still here so I'll keep you posted.

Patience is a bitter plant, but it has sweet fruit.
Well done is better than well said.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 87
From:Miami, FL, USA
Registered: Jul 2000

posted January 31, 2001 10:52 AM

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Was just going to ask. Thanks for the update.

You can not accomplish what your mind can not conceive.

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Texas Guns


Posts: 605
From:Dallas, TX
Registered: Feb 2000

posted January 31, 2001 10:59 AM

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My voice change began with the same thing. My voice was really throat was really scratchy for a while then one day when I was singing a high note, I tweaked!! bad from then on my voice squeaked with every other word and then slowly began deepening. Still cannot hit those high notes very well and have lost a lot of vocal ability. Practicing my alto now!!

Anyway, keep us posted on the body composition changes. I now the acne is also a killer!!

Congrats so far with all your progess!!

Mrs. TG

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 218
Registered: Aug 2000

posted January 31, 2001 09:10 PM

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sounds good these are some good prep compounds to use shoot me an email and we can talk sometime....


[email protected]

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