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  HELP!!!Need advice on diet for definition...

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Author Topic:   HELP!!!Need advice on diet for definition...


Posts: 7
Registered: Jan 2001

posted January 30, 2001 10:37 AM

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Anyone have any tips on dieting for a more cut physique? I train at the gym 3-4 times a week and do martial arts 3 times a week and although I have a fairly healthy diet, those muscles aren't showing as much as I'd like! Any ideas without starving myself to death???

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 218
From:somewhere cold
Registered: Aug 2000

posted January 30, 2001 10:40 AM

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How about a little more info.....what is your height, weight, body fat, etc. What is your diet like now?? Give us the scoop so we can help

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Posts: 7
Registered: Jan 2001

posted January 30, 2001 05:08 PM

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I'm 28, 5'4", 119lb. Not sure what my body fat is but it is fairly low. I am just aiming to get a more ripped look. My diet is good but I tend to pick at things and don't eat that regular. My other half (strengthmonster) is always telling me I should eat more frequently but low calorie, low fat foods; as my body could be storing fat from not eating regularly and craving for it more. The food I eat is usually very low in fat as his diet is very strict also so there's very few 'bad' foods in our house. Although he eats a lot more of it for mass. Would you agree that it could be this as I seem to be at a real sticking point. My training is fine as he has been writing some good routines up for me. I am wondering whether I should give some clen a go. So far all I have ever used is ECA.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 218
From:somewhere cold
Registered: Aug 2000

posted January 30, 2001 05:16 PM

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You really need to eat small frequent meals throughout the day. Keeping your schedule consistent each day. Your other half is right You should eat meals high in protein, moderate carbs, and low fat. Chicken, lean red meat, tuna, turkey etc. Only eating complex carbs such as oatmeal, rice, yams, potatos etc. Drink a lot of WATER!!! Also maybe drink a few shakes, one in the middle of the day and one before bed. Use a protein shake that is low in carbs. Also I would take a few tablespoons of flax oil a day as well, this will help with lean body mass. As far as Clen, Lobo, F1 or Ms will have to help you on that, I have no experience or the knowledge they do

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Posts: 4
Registered: Jan 2001

posted January 31, 2001 01:22 AM

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Diet is really important!!! I suggest that you eat small frequent meals throughout the day. Try eating by the clock. It will take some getting use to, but you will like the results. Also, if you don't eat that regularly your body goes into starvation mode. You will hang onto all of those fat deposits. So, you need to eat. Low fat foods are good, though some can be high in sugar. You might want to try limiting your carbs to breakfast and brunch/lunch. Don't have anything hard to digest or high in sugar before bed. Try adding protein shakes into your diet. And, read as much information as you can get your hands on.

As far as your training goes, try doing cardio in the mornings before you eat. I have gotten great results in a relatively small amount of time from doing cardio for 30 minutes, 5 days a week.

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