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Author Topic:   www.musclechemistry.com


Posts: 5
Registered: Jan 2001

posted January 22, 2001 03:51 PM

Staff Use Only: IP: Logged

I hope im not stepping on anty toe but i would appreciate some of you ladys to come by and help me out with the womens forum,spanishfly

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Iron God

Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 937
From: Parts Unknown
Registered: May 2000

posted January 22, 2001 04:04 PM

Staff Use Only: IP: Logged

Your not stepping on any toes, but your board just started, Lobo has been here doing his thing here for years.

Why should anyone women go anywhere else?

Lobo and the other mods and vets here do a lot for the the members, and all questions are answered quickly and correctly.

I assume you're moderator of your forum.

What is your background and do you think qualifies you to be giving out advice to others from a mod standpoint?


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Posts: 5
Registered: Jan 2001

posted January 22, 2001 04:19 PM

Staff Use Only: IP: Logged

yes i am qualified to help some and maybe not others and ive been training a long time now and "and why would any one go any where else" well if that your way of saying to your members stay here then so be it .I,m not trying to steal your thunder,i was politely inviting the lady to another forum,last i checked variety was the spice of life.spanish fly

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Iron God

Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 937
From: Parts Unknown
Registered: May 2000

posted January 22, 2001 04:40 PM

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I'm not telling anyone to do anything. This is not my board, I just live here.

I am just asking you what you think your qualifications are. Maybe if you had more than 5 posts, all of which are plugging your board, I would not have to ask such silly questions.


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Posts: 2185
Registered: Jan 2000

posted January 22, 2001 05:11 PM

Staff Use Only: IP: Logged

Is that rocket fuel kicking in IG??? LOL.

Not to worry SF, your not stepping on any toes, (if ya were, you would have gone long ago) just please keep it to one thread so as not to spam the board.

One of the problems I'm sure your experiencing is a direct result of a limited audience and a rash of new "women's boards" of late.

As far as I know, this was the first board specifically set up for women and anabolics. for MONTHS I was posting 50% of the posts - I even started another handle to ask myself questions... (bet you all didn't know that did ya!) It seems ladies are very much more shy about online discussion of BBing and Fitness (at first anyway :P ) I knew many were reading, but very few would post. Often they had posted on other "male" boards and were overwhelmed by all the shit. Once bitten, twice shy... (just ask FC how big a shit pie can get!) I set some very strict rules at first, mostly concerning guys that would show up now and then. This was not going to be a dating/chat/sex board. If this board was gong to work, it had to quicken the mind, inspire the soul and challenge the body. Day by day, week by week, ladies signed up.

It takes a long while to build a rep, give it some time. You might even want to post here and get to know folks, and they will get to know you. Then you can tailor you site to complement this forum. Tons of great info that can be put up on the web for ladies to see. I would love to have a Ladies BBing & Fitness Library online for folks to learn and gather info. I have a few ideas I�d love someone to run with � especially if that person is a women.

Bottom line is your going to have to find a niche, something that adds value. Don�t duplicate, innovate.



[This message has been edited by WarLobo (edited January 22, 2001).]

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