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  strech marks, anybody got them???

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Author Topic:   strech marks, anybody got them???

Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 68
From:ny, usa
Registered: Dec 2000

posted January 22, 2001 09:21 AM

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I have a few strech marks on my stomach from having two babies 17 months apart. my skin had no time to heal. is their anything that can lighten them and make them not so noticable? vitamin E oil helped them a bit. it seemed to help them heal. but now they are old (my youngetst is going to be three next month.) and i really don't like them!! any ideas??

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 22, 2001 09:42 AM

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If you find any, let me know!

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted January 22, 2001 10:57 AM

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I believe once they're old you can't do anything about them. I've got them from gaining and losing weight so much....fortunately they're not in places you normally see LOL...

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:ny, usa
Registered: Dec 2000

posted January 22, 2001 11:15 AM

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say it ain't so kat, say it ain't so!!!!!

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:Central CA, USA
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posted January 22, 2001 01:22 PM

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I've got them too from gaining/losing weight..odd places like the back of my knees! I'd talk to your Doc...they come out with new stuff for the skin all the time...

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:Miami, FL, USA
Registered: Jul 2000

posted January 22, 2001 02:12 PM

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I have seen a product although I have not used it YET, called Stretch Mark Less from Euro Lab for $ 29.99 it claims that it will make stretch marks & scars less noticable within 60 days. Go by a GNC near you to check it out, read the insert and see if maybe its something you might benefit from.

We all know that stretch marks are forever, but maybe they won't be so apparent.

Just an idea. Hope it helps

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 22, 2001 02:20 PM

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I remember reading a post in newsgroups regarding weights where someone recommended rubbing vitamin E into any scars to make them go away.
you can't just rub them accross it like you were putting suntan oil on, but instead you have to rub it in as if you want to rub the skin off - this increases the cell turnover there and brings in new tissue growth, the vitamin e helps it along the way.

that is what they said and may people replied that it works but it take some time (not like a one time thing, but every day for a month or two sort of thing).

good luck!

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Cool Novice

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posted January 22, 2001 03:32 PM

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i heard cacoa butter does the job. somebody mentioned it in a post a long time ago

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:Miami, FL, USA
Registered: Jul 2000

posted January 22, 2001 04:03 PM

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Speaking of personal Cocoa Butter works great before you get the stretch marks as it gives the skin elasticity.

Used it reliously during my pregnancies (3) and didn't get any stretch marks in the abdominal area. Once you have them it's too late for cocoa butter.

The stretch marks I have are in the hip area didn't think of using it there I was more concerned with my stomach area.

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Posts: 2527
From:LaLa Land
Registered: Nov 2000

posted January 23, 2001 08:36 AM

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(I typed this yesterday but due to technical difficulties couldn't post. So withouth further adue.........)

OK....I'm gonna give it to ya straight there sista! I am THE QUEEN of stretchmarks (having had the four bambinos in five years). My cosmetic surgeon explained it to me like this - stretchmarks are the result of your skin literally tearing. Whether they are the result of insufficient skin elasticity (primarily genetic factor) or the result of a body thats insides have surpassed the limits of what the outside can hold (hehe) once they become visible to the eye ie from the surface - the damage has been done from the unseen and most deepest layers of the skin - THERE IS NO CREAM or LOTION or POTION that will "make them go away".....regardless of how old or new they are. Furthermore because they originate from the inside and work their way out to the surface there is NO OVER THE COUNTER anything that can be applied that will stop this process or fade it because any product that can be bought in the absence of a perscription CAN NOT penetrate the most superficial layers of the skin - PERIOD!

Now, is there anything that can be done about them via a doctor's intervention. Perhaps there is, I mean there are chemical peels and dermabrasion and the like that can be done to lessen wrinkles and blemishes that are a result of sun-damage or the normal aging process....but these conditions result from the skin's reaction to EXTERNAL forces and appear from the outermost layers and penetrate their way inward - NOT the other way as in the case of stretchmarks.

There is one thing FOR SURE that will get rid of stretchmarks and that is to have the ENTIRE EFFECTED AREA of the skin surgically removed. I did have 12" of loose skin removed from my abdomen which did get rid of the vast majority of stretchmarks that I had on my abdomen (to give you an idea of how much damage occured, when I was in the final few weeks of pregnancy the muscles on my abdomen were pulled so far apart and the skin ripped so badly that on occasion you could actually see with the naked eye a small hand or foot pass underneath my own skin.....it was fast and faint, but you could see the white color show out underneath the bright red and purple of the layers of my own skin, fascia, and uterus, etc) however, the stretchmarks did extend all the way up to just a couple of inched below my sternum so there still are some stretchmarks remaining just under my navel and a few at either hip.

Now that they old (baby just turned four yrs) they are quite faded and with a good tan or proper lighting - U CAN NOT SEE THEM AT ALL......and even if you can.....SO?!


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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 23, 2001 09:04 AM

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Like good battle scars, eh? Here, here to fellow mommies....

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 68
From:ny, usa
Registered: Dec 2000

posted January 23, 2001 10:10 AM

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my husband said they are badges of honor!kinda like the purple heart you get if you are wounded in battle!! I am very fair skinned and they are quite annoying.
man bikinimom you must have a big baby belly!! no wonder why your skin was unable to shrink back to normal size. How long after you had your last baby did you have to undergo that surgery? Just curious. I have a looooong way to go before i could consider something like that.(still too much bf!)
so pretty much there's nothing to do but get a tan and hope when everything is back in it's proper place they won't look so bad! Oh well, one of the many prices us mommies have to pay! but it's worth the sacrafice!

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Posts: 2527
From:LaLa Land
Registered: Nov 2000

posted January 23, 2001 01:09 PM

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My baby was about 7 months old. I had always worked my abs hard and God knows that I dieted hard (if you could call living on 1000 calories p/day dieting...more like starving! I WAS SUCH A BIG DUMMY!). Anyways...I was a size ZERO with an entire 12" of loose skin and a very deep separation in my abs. Even though lipo is routinely done during this procedure it was not at all required in my case.

My tummy was hard and flat immediately. I was on the beach as soon as the sutures came out (about 2 weeks later). But the sixpack I now possess was earned the old-fashioned way.

So if your skin quality is not that bad or if there is no bad abdominal separation, then that 6 pack is closer than you think!

Actually, if you are fair skinned, the stretchmarks will fade to a pure white and will be minimal, if at all noticeable so don't sweat it. Like the others b4 me said, they are a medal of honor.....akin to the four little monsters that put them there to begin with - LOL!!!!

PS - I have seen NUMEROUS young swimwear models who have stretchmarks in the most bizaare places (I swear to God this one girl MUST have had a butt implant or something!) none of them show up in print and I have yet to hear anyone say (to my face anyways, LOL), "Damn, you look good, but those stretchmarks...now THEY LOOK GROSS!"

Your maternal status only increases your amazing state of being! ENJOY IT!


....beauty knows no pain.

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