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Author Topic:   AJD

Cool Novice

Posts: 18
Registered: Nov 2000

posted January 18, 2001 03:13 PM

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I'm curious, how's your deca cycle
coming along?
How do you feel and are there any side-
effects that you've noticed besides
increased strength? Please reply...
Also, your dosages..what are they?
Thank you in advance.

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Cool Novice

Posts: 30
Registered: Dec 2000

posted January 19, 2001 12:40 AM

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Hi Ana! Thanks for asking about how my cycle is. Well I ended up running out earlier than I thought I would of the Deca which sucked. My plan originally was to stay at 50mgs the whole 12 weeks and I'd have no problem but of course, instead of doing that I changed it all around once I got into it because it was my first cycle and I had no idea! LOL

So I did this instead. Started with 50mgs, but injected every 5 days. Then after 8 injections of that I went up to 75mgs every 5 days. And ended with a 35mg injection on my 12 one because thats all I had left. Let me tell you, SUCKED that I had to end it so early because my gains in the gym were just AMAZING. OMG! I gained about 10 lbs by just doing that. I didn't do hardly any cardio. Usually no more than 20 minutes a couple days a week, at most.

Gains were incredible. Dips went up from just a 45lb plate hanging from my waist for sets of 10 BARELY FINISHING THE SET! to sets of 3 sets of 10 with 75lbs hanging from my waist with LESS of a struggle! Totally awesome.
Dumbell press was 50s for sets of 10 struggling, now am at 70s that are way easier.

Those are just basic examples. I'm not really a person who COMPLETELY cares how much I lift (weight wise) but with these significant differences in such a short time, it was really cool.

Side effects...... OK. I'm going to be completely honest and I'd hope anyone that reads this (females)would be honest also and I kinda wish a lot more women were more open to sharing the side effects (and experiences they have had because it would help tremendously!)

But what was seen was this, about 500% increase in sex drive, at first it was so bad that I could barely sit down or move the wrong way because my pants would rub and I HATE THAT FEELING all the time! OMG! It wasn't THAT bad the whole time but the whole time there was a HUGE increase in sex drive and it drove me crazy because my relationship situation right now SUCKS LOL. Another issue was enlargement.... Yes, I did get some, not a huge deal, but noticeable for me... I'm ok with it, could be way worse but its alright. I think if dosages would have gone a LOT higher then changes could have been a lot worse, I'm just not sure what my limit is because I don't know how big things can get! LOL LOL

Otherwise, NO acne or hair growth which was the #1 thing I was worried about. Which is totally awesome!

As for now, I'm going to stay off for a few more weeks to try to get my receptors as cleaned out as possible and then I'll go on another Deca cycle stacked with either Primo/Anavar/or winstrol. I know they are totally different things but ANY will do lol lol, just depends what I can get my hands on soon!

Any other questions from anyone, please reply! I'd love to hear from you!


Originally posted by Ana:
I'm curious, how's your deca cycle
coming along?
How do you feel and are there any side-
effects that you've noticed besides
increased strength? Please reply...
Also, your dosages..what are they?
Thank you in advance.

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Cool Novice

Posts: 18
Registered: Nov 2000

posted January 19, 2001 01:21 AM

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I'm so happy you replied.
This is the info. I've been looking for.
So, Thanks again.
For your height and wt. you seem to
tolerate those dosages pretty well.
I'm sure your very excited (no pun intended)
Your strength increases are remarkable!
I hope I do just as well.
Before I forget, did you have any noticable
And, were you taking birth control while
on your cycle or did you stop?
Please reply soon and I'm sorry for being
a pest :-)

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Cool Novice

Posts: 30
Registered: Dec 2000

posted January 19, 2001 08:54 AM

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Before I forget, did you have any noticable
And, were you taking birth control while
on your cycle or did you stop?
Please reply soon and I'm sorry for being
a pest :-)[/B][/QUOTE]

Ana! Hey again! Yes, after I replied to you last night and turned off my computer I realized that I forgot to write down LOTS OF WATER WEIGHT RETENTION. OMG! For me it was a lot but I was told you need that so your muscles look full and you can grow. About half way through I started taking like an OTC water pill because it just drove me crazy. I had major indentations in my sock line and my face was a lot puffier. BUT, not everyone gets this, and let me tell you, I'd deal with that side effect in a SECOND for the gains that I got because water weight doesn't even compare to acne or hair growth. Ya know??? So I'm fine with that one.

Birth control. No... I was on Depo-Provera. You know the shot you get every 13 weeks. Well I waited until I was a couple weeks over due for my shot and then I went on the Deca. Reason being, I asked a couple doctors that I know and all agreed with me that I probably shouldn't be on any other hormone while I'm on the Deca because it just increases your chances on having acne, hair growth, or any other of the side effects. So I listened to what they said and was just careful the whole time I was on my cycle. Not like I'm in this huge relationship anyways, so it only mattered a little bit, lol, but still gotta watch it.

I'm telling you, for the doses that I did. 50-75mgs every 5 days it was awesome. I could have still gone up more than that and have been fine with it. I'm also 5-4 and now like 145-8lbs, depending on the day. lol. So go for it. Let me know your thoughts and what you are thinking about taking, etc. I'm interested to know. Good luck!


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Cool Novice

Posts: 18
Registered: Nov 2000

posted January 19, 2001 02:10 PM

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I was supposed to start a new pack of
BC sun., well I took one...then mon. I
decided I would start my cycle @ 50mg.
per. wk. for 2 wks...skip a wk. then 50
every other wk., if everything o.k. w/
sides I may up it. I've ditched the
ortho tri-cyclen, my BC, since mon..
I've also added twin lab 19-nor-andro.
I've read that it has more of an anabolic
effect than an androgenic, where as the
rest of the andro's are harsher.

My diet is mostly protein, I snack on nuts
alot and drink protein shakes. I take
a multi. vit. and calcium d-glucarate.
I drink water all day long, a glass every
Hey, you should post a before and after
Alright,have a great day..I'll keep you

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Cool Novice

Posts: 30
Registered: Dec 2000

posted January 19, 2001 08:26 PM

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OK, ditch the 19-Nor... Let me tell you, you'll get more breaking out (acne type) side effects with 19-Nor than you will with 50mgs of Deca. I'm telling you FOR A FACT, with me, the 19Nor tore up my skin, it was gross. Not horrible but for me that hardly ever has break outs it was a problem. While I was on the deca, my skin was COMPLETELY CLEAR. Didn't have any problems with it AT ALL.

As for your dosages, you are thinking now, that you'll do 2 weeks of 50mgs then skip a week. Well DONT. Its not worth it. 50mgs is REALLY REALLY low, even for a woman. It will be fine. I'm telling you. Are you already predisposed to acne or hair growth for you to be really worried about side effects? Go at least 3 or 4 weeks before you decide to do anything with dosages because it really needs to get in your system for a bit for you to see what its really gonna do and 2 weeks won't do it. After the 3 or 4 weeks you'll stay either at the 50 or up it to 75 because I'm telling you that stuff is ADDICTIVE LOL LOL. You're gonna be seeing some MAJOR gains in the gym (as long as you're training REALLY REALLY HARD!) you're not going to want to get off of it.

Definitely start with 50mgs every 7 days and keep it at that for now. It will be fine.


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