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  Bodyfat % reality check......

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Author Topic:   Bodyfat % reality check......

Pro Bodybuilder

Posts: 426
Registered: Jun 2000

posted January 17, 2001 02:17 PM

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I've noticed over the course of my elite membership there is seemingly much hub bub about bodyfat percentages--Where some of us are now and where some want to be. There also is a common thread of misconception that I thought that I could (in my non-expert type lingo)clear up. [Experts--Warlobo, IG, FC, BMOM, MS etc etc etc have all hit upon this time and again but with some recent additions of new members I thought it would do good to mention it again.]

1. It is very hard to guess what your bodyfat percentage is if you are new to Bodybuilding. Don't try.

2.It is best to get a bodyfat percentage done by someone knowledgable. Use your bodyfat measurement as a gauge to help you with your efforts to get into shape but use the mirror and how you feel as well. If you look like Tnheygirl and they tell you that your bodyfat percentage is like 35% or something ridiculous they are doing something wrong...hehehehe

3. Just as a gauge---I can tell you that under 10% for a woman is shredded. If you feel like you could lose a little fat here and there--newsflash--you are probably not 10%. Hence, the reason for my rant. Some girl (a very smooth non-muscly girl) tried to tell me she was 10% bodyfat yesterday...yea, ok.

I tend to think that we exaggerate how low one's bodyfat percentage is without realizing it. Also because some women--me included--carry more bodyfat below the belt it makes us look more shredded up top and hence at say 15% I look more like 12% etc.

My point in my long winded little rant is women have higher bodyfat percentages than men naturally. A man at 12% looks very different than a woman as 12%. Period end of story...now where is that girl that was on here a few months back saying she was 5%? :P

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Posts: 2495
From:LaLa Land
Registered: Nov 2000

posted January 17, 2001 02:36 PM

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Thank you Riptchick! I think EVERYONE should print this out and freaking tape it to their mirrors! BF% like the #'s on the scale are not all that important unless you are wwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayy too heavy (and I'm not talking that typical "my big ass" bitching that most women do) or you are going to enter a competition!



Could we all use a little improvement here and there?! HELL YES! But for God's sake do NOT LOSE SIGHT OF THE BIG PICTURE! If a very low bf% was the key to happiness and success my ex-training partner (who really does have like single digit bf% ALL THE TIME) would actually smile on occasion. She is a prisoner in her own body. I gotta put up a pic.

It is good to want self-improvement, but we all need to put things in the proper perspective.

Happiness comes from the inside and radiates outwardly - NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND


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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:Central CA, USA
Registered: May 2000

posted January 17, 2001 02:42 PM

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Excellent reminder RC - I too am much leaner in the torso then the hips...therefore I can be 15-16%bf and look very lean and cut in the upper and still soft (but shapely) in the lower. Just like the scale, bf% is a guide. You are so right!!!

Patience is a bitter plant, but it has sweet fruit.
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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 252
Registered: Aug 2000

posted January 17, 2001 08:42 PM

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National and pro-level women BBs get down to 4-5%, but not without chemical assistance.


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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 17, 2001 11:06 PM

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heehee I would have agreed with anything you said in this post!

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Posts: 2495
From:LaLa Land
Registered: Nov 2000

posted January 17, 2001 11:19 PM

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OK, I wasn't sure where I should post this pic, on this thread or my "some sacry shit thread". When you look at the pic, you'll see what I mean.

This photo was taken summer of 99. It is me standing next to my old training partner. I was skinny to say the least. And I wanted TO BE HER IN THE WORST WAY - NOW HOW FUCKING SCARY IS THAT?!?!?!?!

She is 5'5" and weighed less or about as much as me. I am 5' 3 1/2" and weighed about 108# or so in this pic.

She was obsessed with getting lean. And even though she had ZERO mass, could NEVER undo her thinking. She looks EXACTLY the same today.


....beauty knows no pain.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 17, 2001 11:39 PM

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Bmom --- You better start cooking some damn steaks, potatoes, banana splits for your friend there...YIKES!!!!!

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:Somewhere in the South Pacific
Registered: May 2000

posted January 18, 2001 01:06 AM

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WOW that's so disgusting I almost spat out my mouthful of whiskey when I saw it (and I HATE wasting good spirits). Please print out all the replies you get on this board and give them to your x-training partner! If nothing else will change her mindset, perhaps peer pressure from this board will do the trick?

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 18, 2001 07:40 AM

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Yikes! That image IS scary....Today is leg day for me. I think I'll do another set for her.

I want to add that I know that there are people out there that are naturally thin. I know some of us on here may be taking the criticism the wrong way. It's not the fact that these people are thin that is revolting. It's the fact that they, despite their incredibly low bodyfat, still are obsessed with losing weight. They have NO reason whatsoever to continue to try and diet down and deprive themselves of food. They lack the food intake to put on muscle and are literally destroying their mind and bodies. My Mom is the exact same way--deathly skinny and still thinks she's fat. IMO, that's where the disorder comes in.

[This message has been edited by riptchick (edited January 18, 2001).]

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 149
From:somewhere cold
Registered: Aug 2000

posted January 18, 2001 11:05 AM

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Get that chick some Mcdonalds supersized meals, couple tubs of butter, German chocolate cake, and an elephant ear hehe , no but seriously she is so tiny!!! Its a mentality and you can't force anyone out of it!! They have to see it and realize for themselves and want to make a healthy change. That is so unhealthy YUK

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 1251
From:Central CA, USA
Registered: May 2000

posted January 18, 2001 11:30 AM

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I bet she's not very fun to cuddle with!

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