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  Why don't I get the red folders anymore?

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Author Topic:   Why don't I get the red folders anymore?

Cool Novice

Posts: 12
Registered: Jan 2001

posted January 16, 2001 11:40 AM

Staff Use Only: IP: Logged

I need some technical advice here. Did not see anything related to this on the FAQ or Search. I think this has happend since I offically registered. Used to be when I'd visit the board, I'd see red folders to indicate unread posts in a thread. I don't get those anymore. They're all yellow, whether I've read them or not.

I've tried resetting my Preferences numerous times, and it will work when I first come back to a discussion board, but if I sign off and come back later, they're all yellow again, even though they're lots of new posts since my last visit.

Can anyone help me out on this? It's making life difficult for this old lady!

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 1234
From:Central CA, USA
Registered: May 2000

posted January 16, 2001 11:46 AM

Staff Use Only: IP: Logged

FF - It might be a setting in your actual pc, not your preferences. The computer sets up "cookies" (nice name eh?) everytime you get on the web and go to sites. If the cookies are not being set up when you get on the web, the site can't read if you've been there or not.

Thats about the limit of my knowledge though LOL - can't actually you tell you how to fix it unless I waded through the settings myself.

I'm a psuedo computer nerd. I just know enough to get myself into trouble. I hope someone else can give you a better answer.

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Posts: 2127
Registered: Jan 2000

posted January 16, 2001 12:15 PM

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The red folders indicate threads that have new posts SINCE THE LAST TIME YOU WERE LOGGED IN. It does not indicate posts you have not read - that would be a huge computing task.

Dose this make sence?



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Cool Novice

Posts: 12
Registered: Jan 2001

posted January 16, 2001 02:06 PM

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Skydancer and Warlobo

Thanks guys, you helped me figure it out!
On my browser "Favorites", I had saved the URL that goes straight to the page that lists all the different forums. I changed that to go to the homepage instead. Now, the red folders are showing up! I think I do have cookies working because whenever I go to post, it knows that I'm FitFossil. I guess by using the Elite home page on my favorites, it is now signing me in and out. It was not doing that with the other page. Thanks to the things you mentioned in your posts, it's working now! Yipee!!!

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