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Author Topic:   My next cycle

Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 1328
Registered: Apr 2000

posted December 11, 2000 11:33 AM

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I have finally decided what my next cycle will consist of...

Paperstrol(paper winny)...25 mg ed weeks 1-9
EQ(Ganabol)...75 mg inj' every 3 days weeks 1-9....

I will be still be bulking for weeks 1-4 of the cycle, and around week 4 start cutting down a bit.....

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Iron God

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posted December 11, 2000 11:37 AM

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160 at 10% would look nice.


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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 11, 2000 11:40 AM

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160 is a bit too big on my frame for my tastes...

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Cool Novice

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posted December 11, 2000 01:50 PM

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Do you have a show coming up or something? Curious as to what you will think about the Eq. Keep us posted please.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 11, 2000 02:26 PM

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How tall are you FC???



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Iron God

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posted December 11, 2000 02:29 PM

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she is 5'5

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 11, 2000 02:29 PM

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Very curious indeed. Perhaps I misunderstand Eq. Your dosage seems a bit high. I thought Eq worked much like Deca, in that it lasted a longer time in the system and one could get away with administering less frequently? The reason I ask is that I plan to use it for my upcoming january cycle, but only 50 mg every 10 days or so. My goals are strength and a little appetite stimulation. Opinions anyone?

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 11, 2000 02:35 PM

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Why do you choose to use the paper winny as opposed to oral tabs? I was thinking could the dosage on the paper winny may be less accurate than tabs? I would think as a female, for safety from virilization, you would want the most accurate dosing.

I am paying for top quality brand name drugs for my own usage. The extra $ is well worth it.

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Iron God

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posted December 11, 2000 02:41 PM

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For what I hear the paper so far as quality is on par as for dosage I could see that happening, but not likely at this stage in the paper game.

I think the 25mg ED of winny should be fine in itself to produce better results than last time, we shall see about the EQ.


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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 11, 2000 03:53 PM

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As IG said, I am 5'5....I am preparing to do a show, bu tnot until early May....I will be dieting to go out to the Arnold Classic to work at the expo and for a few photoshoots....EQ, from what I read, due to the half life, should be injected every 2-3 days for best results....actually, my doseage isnt really high...another female on the board was using 100 mg every 3 days, then after week 1 moved up to 200 mg every 3 days...she put on 8 pounds with no sides....I chose to use the paperstrol because # 1 -it is more cost effective, #2- it is just as effective, #3-It has been tested out by many reputable sources whose opinion I highly value, and they have had nothing but good results from it...

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 11, 2000 04:13 PM

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Sounds like this is going to be a fun cycle for you.

As you continue to grow it will become more obvious you are not natural. My husband took one glance at your awesome photos a while back (I was telling him I want to look like you) and he immediately stated "she's not natural, you know..."

My question is how are you going to deal with this question if it comes up in your fitness/bodybuilding career? Do you see this becoming a problem as you advance way beyond what most of the fitness models have achieved physically? Are you going so hardcore that you will not be eligible for the "normal" modeling jobs?

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 11, 2000 05:31 PM

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ya know Juicy Girl, what you say frustrates me beyond belief....for starters, people are so quick to jump to conclusions about the way one looks & gear...granted, yes I use, however I was accused of using long before I ever touched the stuff....people dont know what hard work, dieting, and gut wrenching training can do for a physique....In Fact, if I may state another woman as an example...she is 100% natural---and she looks phenominal...let me guess...your husband would probably look at BMOMs pix & swear she uses too---tell your husband you cannot judge people by the way they look-some are very genetically gifted & really use that gift by applying themselves 200% to all aspects of training....

As far as me answering Qs as to my physique, i am wholly satisfied with the way I look, as are the photographers & editors I have spoken to...as a matter in fact, i recieved a phone call 2 days ago froma photographer who took a shot that was recently published ina mag---he recieved a phone call from a head manager of a supplement company looking to get me to do some work for them...now mind you , I am already with another company so I turn it down....this shows you I am more marketable then ever.....You see the shots of me all pumped up, water depleated, and flexing hard...Do you think I look like that just hanging out....When I am softer, smoother, and not pumped & flexing, believe me, you would see how "main stream", as you say, I would look.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 11, 2000 06:49 PM

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Fitnesschick- When communication is typed and not spoken it is much more difficult to read into the true meaning of a post. I apologize if I seemed overly blunt but when I wrote the above post I by no means meant to offend you(even though it sounds like I did)! In my eyes your physique is OUTSTANDING and was just wanting to open up a discussion on how others might view you. I am pushing hard and training myself to try and obtain a similar physique. In fact, I have no problem with doing whatever it takes to take one's physique to the next level. I guess the only reason I was asking you is because I very much respect your accomplishments and am myself dealing with wondering if people think I'm natural or not.
I can understand your frustration and you're right- it is sad when people jump to conclusions about what others are or are not taking. Especially when it's my own husband (don't worry I'll beat him up for ya!). He is quite experienced w/ AS use himself so that's probably why he said that right off. Maybe the people who have accused you of using in the past use themselves or can't accomplish what you have naturally so they assume it can't be done. I understand that hard work and genetics are 99% of what you can acheive and I wasn't trying to attack you. I was really just wanting to know if this was something you are dealing with or have dealt with.

Or is this post just ridiculous and paranoid because I am tainted with knowing what I know about AS?

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posted December 11, 2000 06:57 PM

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JGirl, way to push that button! It's fun to get FC worked up now and then - especially since I have to read about her and Bmom working out :P

Folks, the point we sometimes miss, is that anyone who looks good, reguardless if they use or not, will always be accused of using roids. This lets them fat ass lazy folks off the hook. Gives them an "out" so to speak. See, they HAVE to have something besides themselves to blame.... It's not THEIR fault. It can't be, or they could never look in the mirror.



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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted December 11, 2000 07:05 PM

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I find a few of the ppl on here with the most knowledge are the ones that think their shit don't stink...why is that? Does AS do that?

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 11, 2000 07:57 PM

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LOL @ Warlobo...that is true!!!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 11, 2000 08:38 PM

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I've got some knowledge AND my shit stinks. Hope I'm not one that comes across that way.

For those who will be at the Arnold, let me know what booths you'll be working. My girlfriend and new@gettinbig should be working the ECLIPSE booth if everything goes as planned and if new@gettinbig can stay away from the peanut butter she may have abs. I'd like to meet some of the board members. I won't be hard to find. Just look for the ugly fat guy


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 11, 2000 08:53 PM

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OUCH.........F1, hehe, so blunt and nice of u

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NY Muscle

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posted December 11, 2000 09:00 PM

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hey cool, F1 and i can same the same thing but only in reverse...F1's girlfriend is working the ECLIPSE booth and so is MINE :-)

and in terms of the peanut butter, I was thinking of buying her a case from the price club here in NY and see if she can hold out when she comes to see me Friday....naww i couldnt be that crewl...ill just let her watch me snack on it since im finally off my diet for the next few weeks. But i can attest to her peanut butter addiction as well as mine...but im partially to blame, when i make HER shakes i add about 4-5 tablespoons of peanut butter to them!

oh and F1, get her some cardio, the last time i seen her attempt cardio was 2 minutes at 4.0mph i thought the poor girl was gonna die! :-) (( lol just playing baby))

Atleast im one board member you will meet.

PS did you say fat and ugly? wait are you GREG KOVACS? lol j/k

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 11, 2000 10:16 PM

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Juicy Girl...no harm done-I just get sooo frustrated sometimes---I am glad to see you aren't one of those people whom I need to be frustrated with....This is what I am speaking about--here is a little rant about my frustrations...
Its just amazing that people think a.s is a cure all for a shitty physique...you can take it & boom-overnight-a new tight muscular physique....

people who think you can not have muscle without gear use--take for example---a guy comes up to me quite a few months ago & says to me what how much steroids do you take---I say I dont, why would you think that---he
says because you cannot get legs that big without using drugs...hello, did you ever hear of heavy squats & leg presses, years of training, dieting, & good genetics

people who assume you use when you dont--I was accused of using when I was natural-why-because peolpe are SO misinformed about women & muscle---When I was at Bmoms gym( she is au'natural as I stated before) training I heard people talking about us---I have ears----They assume--with me they are 100% correct now---however because she is an intense highly motivated individual who works her ass off, the muscle she has built "obviously isnt natural"...mind you this coming from the lips of 2 fat assed soccor moms curling 2 1/2 pound dumbells while bs'ing about what they did this afternoon, and one anorexic looking 100lb barbie doll.....it just blows my mind...

I have worked too hard for too long to lose credit for what I HAVE BUSTED MY ASS FOR!
Gear is not a miracle cure-its merely something to propel hard work even farther.

Juicy Girl, now to answer your Q--no, I havent been faced with problems in my field--all that gear has done was get me noticed more-in a positive way, give me more work, & allow me to stand aside the best in the biz & not fall into the shadows....I know my limits, i know where mainstream & marketable ends----if you look in IGs post he says me at 160 is all good- I say no---I know where I want to be & I know when to draw the line---I have an amazing ability to manipulate my body to look however I want it to look...

...and Lisa the strong---if that comment in any way is directed at me, I must say that I am one of the most level headed people you may ever meet---go ahead & ask Bmom & IG...I can take a compliment without letting it get to my head---I am very humble & gracious---as Juicygirl said-the way things are typed & the way they are meant are sometimes 2 very different things.

[This message has been edited by FitnessChick (edited December 11, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by FitnessChick (edited December 11, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by FitnessChick (edited December 11, 2000).]

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 11, 2000 10:32 PM

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WOW!! Great post y'all! I love this board!!
It's so refreshing to hear adults discuss, disagree, assess, and come to conclusions. Isn't it nice that we live in a world where people can think for themselves, voice their opinion, and still be respected in the morning.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted December 11, 2000 10:39 PM

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I am sorry to butt in but I must add again.
Why the hell does it matter if your on anything or not? Do these people think the Juice is a magic potion that transforms you into a muscle ladden female while you sit on your ass? That you usually end up working harder than you ever did when natural! So really, I say who cares!
Fitness Chick where can I see your most recent picts?

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 11, 2000 10:48 PM

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WW---I agree 100%...plus its nice to have a place to blow off some steam, hehe...

Tnheygirl----give me a few mins & check your email...

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Cool Novice

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posted December 11, 2000 11:01 PM

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Bump tnhey. I feel the same, who cares? When I was training for a powerlifting meet and I was natural at the time. I squatted 250 for 2 sets of 5, benched 165 and pulled 265 for 2 sets of 3. I was always "accused" of being on gear. I never got mad, I figured I must be looking good if people were talking. I got pregnant 2 weeks after I did the above weights, so then a lot of people changed their tune. When I was on gear, people talked. You know what they say, you should only worry when people stop talking.....

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Posts: 2098
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posted December 12, 2000 12:44 AM

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How true, how true!

Come on, we all know the guys at the gym who are obviously on (staypuff bloat, bad acne, etc) who still look like FUCKING SHIT ALL OF THE TIME! I'm not talking big and bulked and strong as mofos!...I'm talking not really moving any impressive weights just bloated and weak compared to what they COULD BE if they 1)trained really hard 2)ate properly etc, etc, etc. I personally know of a few guys who MUST have been shooting mazola oil into their asses 'cause I would've NEVER GUESSED THEY WERE ON ANYTHING!

So there you have it. Some use and think it is magic.....and lo and behold - IT AIN'T! Others don't, just look like they MUST...'cause NOBODY looks that good JUST BECAUSE THEY WORK HARD. And those who are educated, driven and dedicate - who use - AAHHHH, BEAUTY. It DOES COME IN ALL SHAPES AND SIZES!

And yes, I have to say FC's SHIT REALLY DOES STINK!


I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist!


....beauty knows no pain.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted December 12, 2000 11:35 AM

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okay I confess: MY SHIT DOESN'T STINK but I don't know squat either.

Magic pills. People really do believe that they are out there. Isn't that nearly the entire premise behind/driving the weight loss industry?

Being a strong, independent woman..
hell, you wouldn't believe how many times I've been accused of being a dyke for doing my own brake work...and how many times I've been accused of being a bitch for disagreeing with someone at work...

It's all TRUE!!

just one humble existentialist caught up in a Machiavellian herd.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted December 12, 2000 12:00 PM

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Oh my God, whatta thread. I just want to add my .02. I think that as Bodybuilders we are really in a tough spot with the subject of steroid usage. Humor me for a moment with this. As far as people go, I have to agree with Warlobo that is it almost necessary for the lazy, non-gym goers to accuse people of juicin' to justify their behavior and appearance. It is much easier for them to blame the gear for their lack of committment; however, I hope that as you reread this whole thread we do not ignore the fact that gear works. It works damn good. That's why some of us use it. Now most of us can look at Olympia contenders or other top competitors and know that they couldn't have reached that level of muscularity without gear. Nothing pisses me off more than to hear someone who obviously juices claim that they are natural. Thank you very much Mr. Weider. I am NOT trying to say that people don't falsely accuse athletes all the time about usage; however, we must keep in mind that it does take your body to the next level. Gear without hard work, discipline, and proper nutrition can actually make you look worse and not better. Let's not deny though that it can also mean the difference between standing out and not standing out. Sometimes standing out has its draw backs. You get accused of being "on". I say...so f*&^in what. If you are happy with yourself and how you look it just doesn't matter what others think. Let's embrace the fact that it is effective and don't lose that in the process. I don't advise running around screaming----I'm "on" either. Frickin' bureaucrats created this mess to begin with. You would think that if the tobacco companies can still exist legally that the AS companies could too. C'est la Vie.

Oops, forgot to add...my shit....yea, its rank. :P

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted December 12, 2000 12:30 PM

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Amen riptchick!

I definately believe that the most important thing is that each of us is trying to improve ourselves, and we put in all the hard work because WE want to...we workout cause we enjoy it, we see the results, and we don't want to be average!

I can remember a few years ago, I heard it through the grapevine that someone was accusing me of using, and I was so mad! I got offended - I didn't want people talking bad about me! Well, when a friend and I talked about it, I realized that it was really a compliment in disguise, or jealousy on that person's part. When I did my first cycle this past spring, people noticed, but didn't tell me right away - they told me later that they could tell a difference.

People are people, and some will always be in everyone's business b/c of their feelings of inadequacy.

It cracks me up b/c there is this one guy at the gym who has accused me of using, and tries to be all nice and friendly, saying he's just concerned, so he can try to get info out of me. I think it makes him feel less of a man or something to see a woman make gains, while he is trying to do the natural thing...and this guy worships Arnold Schwarzenegger! come on! He has that attitude that he is superior and above using steroids.

Most people in the gym never make gains, for whatever reason, and for many, their pride won't allow them to ask for help from those who have gotten results...natural or not. It seems that everyone is an expert on working out...haha...it kills me!

If you do what you've always done, you'll end up with what you've always gotten!

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posted December 12, 2000 12:56 PM

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I don't slam folks to much in a direct maner, but damn Lisa, you need to go back to the chat board if that's the best you can post.



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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted December 12, 2000 01:15 PM

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I'll stay here, thanks and no, that's not the best I can post.

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