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  Off Season Blues (*sigh*)

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Author Topic:   Off Season Blues (*sigh*)

Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 796
From:Michigan, USA
Registered: Sep 2000

posted December 10, 2000 12:39 AM

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Well, its winter time, and for those of us in the areas where that actually means something, we are facing heavy coats and frozen asses!
I took a picture of myself with the digital camera and was disturbed at the results. I have slipped to an alltime low bodyweight and am feeling quite little.
This is compounded by being strapped for cash and unable to really pour the necessary funds into an all out bulking cycle (which would make me feel like Ive put the winter to some good use).
As I look at the picture on my computer, I am tempted to find a sharp object to remove my eyeballe lest they be offended by my withering physique! As the bile in my stomach rushes to my throat in an attempt to spill forth and cover the monitor to blot out this cruel visage I am left to ask one thing...

So what do all of you do with the off season (if indeed you do have an off season)?

It takes two to lie, Marge. One to lie and one to believe it.

Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:Michigan, USA
Registered: Sep 2000

posted December 10, 2000 12:55 AM

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...and the first person to ask me to post the picture is gettin' five across the eyes!

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 796
From:Michigan, USA
Registered: Sep 2000

posted December 10, 2000 11:21 AM

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I was thinking the same thing. Trying to make any appreciable gains while natural SUCKS! God forbid trying to make LEAN GAINS!

I feel like Im being robbed. This is the time of year I just go all out to make gains and not worry too much about fat or anything. These are always the biggest and best gains, being that I can be a lot more free with my diet and worry about the aftermath as the warm weather approaches!
Well, there MAY be light at the end of the tunnel. I order 10 lbs of Monsters Secret Formula Custom Blended MRP. So mabye I'll have a shot at it after all...
Im a little light in the ole' gear box, but Im sure I can scrap something together... (4 bottles T200, 12 amps Sustanon, 25 amps proprionate, 50 clomid and 300 clen). If one of my cheap-ass friends would scrape some money together we'll go in on some orals and I'll be good to go!
Hey! Im feeling a little better now! (I better go look at the picture again and bring myself back to reality )
Mabye if I start making nice gains I'll post it as a before picture... so my shame can drive me to greater heights!
Heh heh, self pity ROCKS!!!

It takes two to lie, Marge. One to lie and one to believe it.

Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy

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Pro Bodybuilder

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Registered: Mar 2000

posted December 11, 2000 12:49 PM

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'Off Season'?
What the hell is that??

just one humble existentialist caught up in a Machiavellian herd.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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Registered: Sep 2000

posted December 11, 2000 04:33 PM

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Ahhh, you havent lived till you had the "off season experiance!"
No shows to worry about, no engagments where a few percentages of bodyfat will make a difference, a whole couple of months to eat now and worry later!
That glorious time when a bodybuilding physique transforms into a more powerlifter-looking physique....
(while I typed this the song "Its the most wonderful time of the year" was playing in my head)

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 240
Registered: May 2000

posted December 17, 2000 11:28 AM

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Alrighty, I am now feeling this "off season" thingy. Cold outside, rainy, and (as a man, you may not fully understand this feeling), but I am gaining the weight I am supposed to for the season, but I feel GROSS! My BF hasn't gone up, but I have gained about 10 pounds in the past 3 1/2 months. Ewwwww.. Im getting body morphic disorder or sumpin.
Don't flame me for this, but Ive been having this "I look like a man" problem. I know I don't really, but my boobies are so tiny and my biceps and chest are getting big. Combine that with no tan and the winter "blahs", im feeling PMSy even when Im not. I know this will change when spring comes and I start dieting for the season, yet it doesnt make me feel better now.
Maybe *sniff*, I just need a hug..LOL.
Im such a girl.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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Registered: Sep 2000

posted December 17, 2000 12:18 PM

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At least most of you sound like you kind of have your training shit together. For the last 6 weeks I have been on a train 3 times take two weeks off cycle. Seems like between holidays, kid stuff, work stuff, vacations yada yada yada I can't get a schedule to work for shit. Think I'll just say the hell with it and do all the things that everyone expects of me this time of year and then go back into my training caccoon in January - the one where everyone knows not to ask me for anything until I have had my workout in or I will get really ugly and the houshold menu is no longer anything that tastes very good but is good for everyone and my daughter can sing the "God Mom, are we having chicken again" blues. Do any of the rest of you have times where everything just seems to go to hell no matter how hard you try to keep it together? Bikinimom - please tell me with 4 kids that you too have experienced this.

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Night Fly

Cool Novice

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From:Chattanooga, TN
Registered: Dec 2000

posted December 17, 2000 04:34 PM

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Well, I haven't experienced an off season, yet, but I am hoping to in the future sometime. I am new to this board...have been reading it for a few weeks, and have finally decided to go for it. I want to compete. I need some advice on programs....mostly diet. I have been lifting for about 4 years and am fairly strong for my age (20). Monster, you seem very well educated in this area. Any suggestions for me? I will give you stats and anything else you need to know.

Thanks a bunch!

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 796
From:Michigan, USA
Registered: Sep 2000

posted December 17, 2000 07:08 PM

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Sure, Im always happy to help! Theres a few of us on here that have good insight on diet... you can post the stats or email me, either way. Thats another part of the off-season blues, nothing to do but sit at the computer and wait for work or the gym

Sassy, I hear ya! I feel PMSy too! I just cant get into doing anything but the gym, nothing sounds appetising to eat, nothing sounds fun to do...
Yeah, the tan thing too. I cant spare the cash to go tan, so Im stuck being pale.

Dont let boob size bring you down, theres more to being a woman than that... but I nuderstand being body dismorphic completly! I feel the same way, just nothing makes me feel like I look right, I think a tan would help though. Im so used to looking tan that it throws me off!
...mabye I need a hug?
Im such a girl, too (uhh ohh!)

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Night Fly

Cool Novice

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From:Chattanooga, TN
Registered: Dec 2000

posted December 17, 2000 07:16 PM

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Could I get your email address? I'm not too terribly comfortable posting stats on here just yet!

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Cool Novice

Posts: 19
From:New York
Registered: Dec 2000

posted December 17, 2000 09:48 PM

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It's hard to come to grips with being so lean to being so-so lean. I know I need to be at 12 -14%(I'm at 12%) to make natural lean gains but I'm still a woman. I think I'm PMSing too I'm caught in a vicious cycle. Wanting to get bigger vs staying lean all year round.....It doesn't help that guys will tell me "don't get any bigger" OR "let's armwrestle" AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:Michigan, USA
Registered: Sep 2000

posted December 18, 2000 07:10 AM

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Nightfly... its [email protected]

if you click on the little envelope on anyones post, it opens up a window that shows their email address (for future referance )

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 1217
Registered: Oct 2000

posted December 18, 2000 07:33 AM

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i have a gear question. Do you take stop because of low funds or to give your body a rest? how many cycles do you do a year? What is an average amount of cycles to do in a year. i have never taking so i am uninformed. What would a good "first" cycle for me be? i am 5'11" 210lbs @ 15% bf. i want to be about 235 @ 8%.


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Posts: 2217
From:LaLa Land
Registered: Nov 2000

posted December 18, 2000 09:59 AM

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Actually, for the SECOND time in my life (excluding pregnancy)....the last time, was my last bulking cycle - I am FAT AND HAPPY. I was supposed to shoot this upcoming Friday, but blowing green chunks and coughing green shit up all nite long kind of told me I need to chill out with the diet and cardio. So I was FORCED to eat pizza and cake at my daughter's birthday party last nite.......IT KILLED ME, Really it did......NOT!!!! I took off Sat, Sun, and I'll, probably take off this week!


And guess what?......I don't give two flying fahooties!!!!!

My home is a wreck!!! (To answer your question Temple) We DIDN'T buy our tree yet. I did help the kids make their teachers' and hubby's Christmas presents, but as for the rest.....I almost had a heart attack when people told me Christmas is ONE week away!!!!! Shit, I thought I had at LEAST another week and 1/2!

I have pushed my body so hard for so long, withouht adequate rest that I am taking antibiotics for the THIRD time in 8 weeks. What's wrong with this picture? So, I am chilling and taking the next week or so to get my home and personal affairs in order. My baby just turned four and she will soon be old enough to realize that it isn't Baby Jesus that brings the presents, but mom and dad. How tragic would it be if I missed this? For what? "The perfect body"? Come on, we ALL need to give ourselves a break!

As far as being lean year round. I was trapped there for about two years. The progress I made from my first bulking cycle alone makes me want to kick myself for all the time I wasted, all the growth I could've exprienced if I would just have stopped chasing after the anorexic Barbie dolls at the pansy ass gym where I train. I now have enough shape and mass where I am quite comfortable in my own skin whether I am at 12% bf or 18%. The way I look at it. If my nice BIG ROUND ROCK HARD ASS offends you, then look at something else!

It is quite sad now that when I see my old training partner (zero %bf ALL THE TIME) she looks like she would fall over if I LOOKED at her hard enough, FORGET if I pushed her! Not that I am "all that" by any stretch of the imagination, but I have confidence,size, shape and STRENGTH!

I can definitely relate to the "off-season" blues, but I feel fortunate to NOT experience this. I am actually quite pleased (though not thrilled about hacking up green shit all nite long) to have a break.


.....AND THAT'S AN ORDER!!!! >:O


....beauty knows no pain.

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Iron God

Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 18, 2000 10:36 AM

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I beleive it was explained to you that NOV,DEC and 1/2 of January are (eat what ever the hell you want months and NO PHOTO SHOOTS)

Plus when I check the boards I see replies posted by you at 12 or 1 in the morning and with 4 kids needing to get ready for school I can't see now you get more than 5 or 6 hours/ sleep per day.

that a 14 hour sleep deficit per week, so you getting sick with your hectic schedule, lack of sleep and training regimen, Plus being on a restricted calorie diet is no great mystery.

Hope you feel better,


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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 18, 2000 11:12 AM

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Yeah, Bmom, What IG said, .....I agree 100%...give your self a break---you cannot go go go all the time---you will kill yourself......relax & enjoy the holidays---I still train, but my diet is basically on existant...I turned down 4 or 5 shoots already...oh well...maybe some other time....my health & sanity are much more important!

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Posts: 2217
From:LaLa Land
Registered: Nov 2000

posted December 18, 2000 01:02 PM

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There, I said it! Are you happy now?! :PP

I'm just so used to pushing, pushing, pushing....I'm not used to taking it easy and relaxing. It's that DAMNED protestant work ethic!

Hey, guess what I'm going to be doing today? After re-organizing the house (cleaning BEFORE the cleaning people show up LOL!), donating coats at local toy store, grocery shopping, taking child #2 to yearly check-up, getting Christmas tree, homework, dinner, laundry and setting up and decorating tree.....?

BAKING OATMEAL COOKIES and GINGERBREAD CAKE.......I happen to know some people who REALLY like oatmeal cookies.

Oh yes, this is a slow day.


....beauty knows no pain.

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 796
From:Michigan, USA
Registered: Sep 2000

posted December 18, 2000 07:46 PM

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Bikinimom:Lay down and get some sleep!
And stop talking about your rock hard ass for christsake!!! You know in the poll I was voted to be "Most Likely To Be Fondling Their Genitals While Viewing The Board"... this an accident looking for a place to happen!

Captain Insano: Well, I stop for both reasons. I like to take at least 4 weeks off after an 8 week cycle, of course this is a TRUE 8 week cycle, not some peoples version of an 8 weeker. A lot of people will (for instance) shoot sustanon for all 8 weeks and figure thats an 8 week cycle, but forget about deesterification and actually not be clean for as long as 12 weeks.
I make sure I build my cycles to have EVERYTHING clear by the time I plan for it to be.
I seldom use any orals, or anything liver/kidney toxic, so that gives me a little more leeway. My main area of recovery is my receptors and endocrine system (at times my testicles and I are not on speaking terms...), whereas with 17aa stuff you need to consider allowing liver values to return to normal.
By choice or by financial-rectal-reaming, I usually end up taking a straight 2 to 3 months off every year.
My cycles seem heavy to some, but I do what I know I can handle and what I need to get results. Ive gone real heavy before, like 1750mg of sustanon a week, but saw no better results than 1000mg a week.
For an 8 week cycle I'll do 1000mg of sustanon for 4 weeks and end the cycle with something faster acting, like prop at 100mg EOD then tapering it down to 50mg EOD and bringing it to a nice clean finish at the 8 week mark.
I use clomid starting a week before Im clean and for 4 weeks after, but no more (to avoid a negative feedback loop from the clomid) and I never use HCG. I never use anti estrogens either, though I have them on hand in case of emergencies. For some reason, I never seem to suffer from estrogen related problems. Mabye a touch of high blood pressure, but little to no edema and no gyno or anything!?!?

I dont think more than 1000mg of sustanon is ever needed. I was 275lbs+ and still made gains with 1000mg.

Make sure you dont waste your first cycle, its the best gains youll ever make, so dont be ultraconservative in your doses. 750mg of sustanonis not that much (due to the varied deesterification times of the esters) and the sides off of 750mg (if you get any) are not gonna be more severe than off of 500mg.
Dont get fancy or look for some superstack, make a testosterone ester the backbone of the cycle, and if you want to add orals in, go ahead. You dont need all kinds of different fancy drugs and tapers and this and thats. Ive used sustanon for 4 weeks and rode it out to a self taper at the 7-8 week mark and did fine.
Some people like to use deca too. Personally, I feel that if you are using an adequate amount of the "backbone" drug, all the little piddly less androgenic drugs are lost in the mix of the heavier androgens...
(if youre the same Captain Insano on my ICQ, drop me a line if you have any questins or wahtever!)

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 191
Registered: Nov 2000

posted December 22, 2000 10:50 PM

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hey monster..you know in the picture where you got your shirt off and sust amps are covering your head..what the hell are you holding that has the bright light?..just been wonderin for awhile and afraid you might rip my little head off if I asked you..please dont hurt me

"When you use plastic, men aren't so fantastic."

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 796
From:Michigan, USA
Registered: Sep 2000

posted December 23, 2000 03:22 PM

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Thats my E.T. finger glowing so I can "phone home"!

Wait a minute. Thats the camera taing a picture into the mirror. If I didnt cover the flash it turned everything so bright (because of the mirror) that the picture couldnt be seen!

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