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Author Topic:   The politics of competition

Cool Novice

Posts: 19
Registered: Oct 2000

posted November 29, 2000 09:01 AM

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We have been discussing this under another topic, and I thought it would be intesting on its own. What are others view and or experiences on the politics involved in b-building and fitness shows? Do you think it's ruining the chances of mainstream appeal? (besides some of the heavy-duty A.S. use)I've experienced it through a fitness comp and for a while I promised myself I wouldn't compete in that organization again. 2 years later, I realize that I'd just do some things different. How bad is it really?

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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Registered: Sep 2000

posted November 29, 2000 01:56 PM

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I think it depends on the show sponsor..NPC ANBC...and whoever is footing the bill...some are defintiely better than others but I can honestly say I was at a show in Lowell Ma. in sept. and a friend who wanted to be a BBer came and the head judge was also the promoter his wife was another one of the judges 3 of his trainers from his gym were competing and his ex-gf (they won just about everything and by no means should they have in at least two cases) I got a look at the scoring sheets and it was ridiculous what they scored them for things I could see were lacking from 1/2 way back in the auditorium ...and to top it off he was incredibly rude and crude...my friend who has all the earmarks of a fabulous BBer was so turned off (and this is a guy) that I'm struggling to get him to go to another show and watch with me [NPC this time]

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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Registered: May 2000

posted November 29, 2000 02:22 PM

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Get rid of the weider brothers and i think things will start to happen


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Cool Novice

Posts: 30
Registered: Aug 2000

posted November 29, 2000 09:30 PM

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Maybe I was seeing things, but in the 1998 Fitness Olympia when Monica Brant won, "yes" her physique was amazing, but her routine was really "not that good". I have it taped at home and just can't believe how they called it the winning routine when actually Susie Curry, and Mary Yockey's routine were so much better. This may just be a personal opinion, not even sure if others paid that much attention. Politics? Perhaps.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 138
From:LaLa Land
Registered: Nov 2000

posted November 29, 2000 10:46 PM

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To date I have done 2 NPC competitions and 1 ANBC show. At the ANBC show the girl who won the overall was so frail and starved that she made an anorexic look healthy (NO EXAGGERATION!)! She beat out two heavyweights and a middleweight (the middleweight won best poser)....needless to say, won't be competing in the ANBC ANYMORE.

As for the NPC, yes I have seen some political bullshit (last competition), but all in all I fucked up and didn't come in anywhere near as lean and hard as I should have, and even if I had made it to the posedown, the heavy would have mopped the stage w/my sorry ass.....so 2nd was fine (and the fact that the crowd picked me to win my class made for a pretty decent consolation ......but, OH there is 2001!


....beauty knows no pain.

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Cool Novice

Posts: 19
Registered: Oct 2000

posted November 30, 2000 10:17 AM

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I also totally screwed up in the swimwear and I believe that my placing was my own doing , but there are others who placed much higher with cellulite on their legs! I guess sometimes how you do depends on who ya do...I am glad to hear I'm not the only one who sees it. My list for doing things different NEXT TIME is so long. To think I vowed NEVER AGAIN... I guess I'll pack some chapstick for the next show! hehehehe

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Elite Bodybuilder

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Registered: Jan 2000

posted November 30, 2000 12:33 PM

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fitgal - May I ask where you got the tape of the '98 Olympia? I'd like to have a copy of it, too. Thanks in advance.

Yes, ladies, I too, have been hit by the politic of competition. It happened to me twice. The last show I should have won according to many I talked too. My physique was harder, leaner, & I had more strength moves. But, it didn't matter. It's too detailed to go in to now, but I agree w/ you so much. It's sad to think that competition even in fitness can be so unfair. Great post!


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Cool Novice

Posts: 30
Registered: Aug 2000

posted November 30, 2000 01:05 PM

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My boyfriend taped the Fitness Olympia off of TSN (the sports network in Canada) for me last year. I think you might be able to order them from FLEX magazine....

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 861
Registered: Jan 2000

posted November 30, 2000 04:36 PM

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Thanks fitgal!


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