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  diet issues revisited

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Author Topic:   diet issues revisited

Cool Novice

Posts: 30
Registered: Sep 2000

posted November 24, 2000 06:51 PM

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Is there a difference in the way that you eat to change your bfp from 25% to 18% for example as opposed to contest dieting where you are going from lean to ripped? I have seen where BMom said that she couldn't have sugar free jello on her birthday. Does the diet have to be as strict to go from fat to lean as it does to force it to the really low bfp. Also are the Omega 6 fatty acids acceptable during dieting?

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Pro Bodybuilder

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From:Michigan, USA
Registered: Sep 2000

posted November 24, 2000 09:34 PM

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At that level of bodyfat (not that its outrageously high or anything), you are best to avoid "extreme" diets (like keto and such). You can just do a more traditional diet where you modulate macronutrients to achieve the goal. Omega 6 fatty acids are great for this, as long as you take the calories into account and limit saturated fats. Id still keep carbs low and complex in the morning then fiborous in the evening, and none within 4 hours of bed....
an extreme diet would be unnecessary at this point.

I'd rather be hated for what I am than loved for what I'm not.

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Iron God

Elite Bodybuilder

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posted November 24, 2000 09:40 PM

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Alot of that depends on the individual and how much excess bodyfat your carrying going into your contest prep final phase. In the final weeks its not so much the fat loss as it is the water retention you need to worry about so your salt and carb intake is jogged up and down.

As for 25 to 18% you need not be this strict.

Temple, refresh me on some of your specifics.

Training regimen
And diet plan

and I'll write you up something to try

I found for myself that just doing morning cardio 6 X a week on an empty stomach for a few months and slightly changing my diet and caloric intake will get me into the single digits.

After that each % I pay for dearly both in muscle loss and energy.

But to get from 25 to 18 should not be too hard if your eating enough calories to support the LBM your trying to put on.


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Cool Novice

Posts: 30
Registered: Sep 2000

posted November 24, 2000 10:25 PM

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IG - BMom has been helping me with my program but I would love your input - afterall you helped build a Fitnesschick and I WANT THAT BODY!!! Here's the deal, I started in Jan weighing 185 (possibly more but that is when I quit weighing myself) and have gone down to about 143. Did it with 3 days of weight training, cardio 5-6 days a week, and a clean but probably inadequate diet, calorie intake averaged 1600 per day and all of those calories came from chicken, egg whites, protein powder, fibrous veges, oatmeal and yams and quite frankly I'm just a little burned out on all of the above. I did gain some lean mass during this as I took 6 weeks off and ate really bad and the scale didn't change and my bfp went down slightly during the break so I am assuming that my metabolism has changed somewhat. I'm 5'4", 38 years old and the current bfp is about 25%. BMom recommended that I do the cardio for at least 45 min 3 times a week and increase my reps to the 15 range and do more sets than I was. Before I was doing a 12,10,8,6 rep pattern increasing weight on each set. I know that FC takes in alot of calories, how do you go from 1600 to 2500-3000 without putting on a bunch of fat, is that something that you do gradually as you add more lean mass or just accept that you are going to put on some fat and as the muscle mass increases the fat will come back off or if you are busting your ass in the gym will it go to muscle as long as they are clean calories? As I have explained to BMom, I am pretty limited on weight equipment, mostly free weights, but have a squat rack, extension and curl attachment as well as cables. I went to the high school to check out their new weight equip with high hopes but they don't even have a leg press so I was a little depressed. I am doing the leg workout that you posted with some modifications due to equip. and was in terrible pain for several days (gotta love it). I put on muscle and fat easily - classic endomorph, am naturally pretty broad across the shoulders but my ass wants to be equally broad. Do not have competitve aspirations but the goal is to have a body somewhere inbetween BMOM and FC - those bodies are a study in dedication! I am not in a hurry to get to the goal, its damn cold where I live so this body will be covered in sweats til spring anyway but want it looking good by summer.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 81
From:LaLa Land
Registered: Nov 2000

posted November 24, 2000 10:39 PM

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Temple when I said that I didn't get sugarfree Jello on my birthday it was because I COMPLETELY blew the diet in the preceeding week with A TRUCKLOAD of sugarfree icepops! I was also about 2 weeks out from a bbing competition and because I messed up w/stupid stuff I went from dropping 1% per week to NO CHANGE WHATSOEVER in the week preceeding my birthday. So do you understand why I had to give up ANY "cheat" food? I was at 14%bf 2 weeks before a competition - I never did make it too much below 11%....and because I tried to "makeup" for this I sucked out WAAAAAAAYY too much water in the end, and got VERY SICK, cramped up like a motherfucker.....thank God it was only my ass and not my heart - see where this is headed!.....and finished second to a competitor that I could have easily beat.....had I not gotten overly confident because of my "miraculous" progress in the preceeding weeks. Miraculous, my ass, I wasn't eating a truckload of sugarfree icepops!....I was eating clean - period. Pretty much the way Monster described....First 2 meals w/complex carbs, protein and veggies - then the latter meals w/protein and veggies (or fibrous carbs).

A precontest diet is EXTREME and not meant for longterm use. Listen to what those experts here say.....and just give it time. I know that you said you've been ill and had a lay-off of sorts...this will slow things down a bit. I know progress can sometimes seem slow...but that is the best kind....slow and steady.

Again...I had a "forced bulk" as I had walking pnuemonia and couldn't do cardio for quite some time. Been better for a coupla weeks and decided to continue the little bulke (am currently hovering between 17 - 18% - truth be told, probably 18 in a big way taking into consideration ALL THE YUMMY CRAP that I've been ingesting) and am gearing up for a shoot just before Christmas. I should be around 12% or so. How much fun do you think my life is going to be in the next month or so?!....not much, but I know what I have to do - cardio, cardio and MORE FUCKING CARDIO - diet as clean and undefiled as a virgin's thighs.



....beauty knows no pain.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 164
From:Mom's womb
Registered: Jun 2000

posted November 24, 2000 10:46 PM

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Could someone please bump up the example FitnessChick's menu?

I've been eating more and training heavy and have put on 7 lbs(up to 133 at 5'7" - the most ever). I've been feeling a little guilty(Thanksgiving didn't help) about eating so much since this past summer during my cutting phase hunger was my way of life. My goal is to put on 10 lbs. of muscle to and then to shed off fat (currently 12-13%) with another cutting phase by mid-May.

My main concern is how to get big without getting excessively fat.

I too am sooooo bored with all the protein but will eat it with the motivation from the members here. This would be much easier if I could just hook up a protein I.V. and let my nutrients flow in.

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Cool Novice

Posts: 30
Registered: Sep 2000

posted November 24, 2000 10:59 PM

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The reason that I ask about the sugar free stuff i.e. aspartamene is that I make a kick ass egg white custard but it takes nutrasweet however I can get in a whole lot of protein and feel like I am eating dessert. I am prepared to go slow - like I said, will be covered in sweats until spring so part of my question is should I perhaps stop worrying about fat loss and concentrate on gaining more mass for awhile, keep the bodyfat where it is at or allow it to lower gradually as I put on the mass. Here's the real deal, tis the season to eat and I am willing to bust my ass in the gym, be religious about the cardio but I WANT COOKIES AND A LITTLE EGGNOG.sniff. I will give my body all the good stuff too but if I'm working hard enough can I have a little of the bad...please MOM, can I, huh?

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 164
From:Mom's womb
Registered: Jun 2000

posted November 25, 2000 01:09 AM

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Temple - I'm dying for that egg white custard recipe! Please share :-)

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Cool Novice

Posts: 30
Registered: Sep 2000

posted November 25, 2000 06:28 PM

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I asm still working out the right amount of nutrasweet, it sweetens differently than sugar but will get that done this week and will post it. I remeber reading something on here that has made me a little hesitant about the artificial sweeteners, can one of you who knows what the problem with this stuff is post the short version of why not to use it or if it is okay in moderation let us know that as well.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 81
From:LaLa Land
Registered: Nov 2000

posted November 27, 2000 03:17 PM

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Girl, as long as you are not eating truckloads of the stuff (as with anything else), it's all good.

So where is the recipe?


....beauty knows no pain.

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Cool Novice

Posts: 30
Registered: Sep 2000

posted November 27, 2000 10:48 PM

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Patience Dear - will post it when it is perfect! Today was my first day back in the gym since I've been sick - was so depressed I was almost suicidal last night and my husband told me to either get my butt back to working out or start taking the prozac again. Popped a prozac last night, did an hour of cardio this a.m, ate enough protein to give me a really bad case of gas, drank over a gallon of water and worked hell out of my back and biceps and I FEEL LIKE A NEW WOMAN!!! Its 8:30 and I am going to bed so I can do it all again tomorrow. I am still waiting for one of you to tell me if I should focus on getting the bfp down some more or if I should work on adding the lean mass then take the fat off.....IG? BMOM? Lobo?MS? FC?

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 81
From:LaLa Land
Registered: Nov 2000

posted November 28, 2000 09:24 AM

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If I remember your photos correctly....YOU HAVE COME A LONG WAY BABY! So I believe that if you continue focusing on building mass and keeping your diet clean (no oreos or beer, hehe) do a little cardio - you should be OK.


....beauty knows no pain.

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