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  Killer Posts - First Edition

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Author Topic:   Killer Posts - First Edition


Posts: 2034
Registered: Jan 2000

posted November 14, 2000 11:43 AM

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This is a "best of" thread containing some excellent posts/threads from the women's board over the last year or so. It is an ongoing, living thread and I'll be editing posts in and out. So don't be surprized if you see a post or two disapear now and then. I've gone out and found many of your suggestions,great re-reads I must say!

Some of the threads may not always work. they get moved off the active board and into the archive. This changes the URL. I'll update them from time to time.


Topic: To All Newer Board Members

If your new to the board, here are a few tips that will help you in your new on-line community:

1. Take some time and read the posts. After you read the first page, scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and you will see some numbers on the lower right hand corner. These are links to older pages full of many quality posts.

2. Do not expect to ask a question and get an answer within the first day. We all have busy lives and do not always check the boards every day. You may need to bump your question up a time or two. This is perfectly acceptable.

3. Research you question BEFORE you post. Been seeing many of the same questions - most of which have been discussed at length.

4. Be as detailed as possible. We do not know you, what you have done in the past, what you look like, what you are currently doing, or your goals. Help us help you. Do not expect to ask a one-line question and get a book of answers in response.

5. No whining, crying, self pity, moaning, or bitching (well, a little bitching is ok). We all have had our own crosses to bear. We all have had some down right shitty life experiences. NO EXCUSES! This board is here to help you overcome, grow, and be successful. Be positive and grateful that we have each other - take nothing for granted.
6. Agree to disagree. There is more than one way to skin a cat. This is sometimes confusing to newer members, but that's just the way it goes. Be kind in your posts should you disagree, the written word will always come across 10x more harshly. And try not to flame - unless they truly disserve it, and every now and again some one does need a wakeup call....

7. Never blindly accept advice from any board member. I make mistakes, and will continue to do so until I kick the bucket. I try not to, but it does happen. You are ultimately responsible for your own actions. Double check everything until your satisfied. Get second opinions.

8. Never assume someone who has only 25 post to be ignorant. Never assume anyone who as 1000 posts to know what the heck they are talking about.

9. Women and men are not the same. This may sound funny, but it is a very important fact - especially today when everyone must be politically correct and all that shit. We always have been different and always will. It is not good, it is not bad, it's just the way it is. Please keep this in mind when you post questions and receive advice.

10. Participate! This board is only as good as the members WHO POST. We all have good info to pass along. A simple post saying you agree with someone else's advise is VERY important. It provides additional feedback and a stronger confirmation to the person asking the original question. And of course, if you disagree, back your statement up with as much info as you can.



Topic: E-Mail FAQ

Posts: 1503
Registered: Jan 2000
posted September 07, 2000 11:39 AM Staff Use Only: IP: Logged

Hi all, would like to give a few pointers to help me help you. When you drop me an e-mail, make sure you open with something like this:
Hi, I'm (YOUR HANDLE HERE) from the Elite Women�s Board....

Please use your handle as that's is really the only way I have of identifying who you are. I don't have a clue if you don't. Many of you have very different e-mail addresses, heck some of you even use your husband/boy friend/family's e-mail. So it looks like I'm responding to a guy!

Make sure you say your from the Elite Women�s Board. I do visit many boards and get questions/info from other folks, including the Anabolic Board.

If you have a specific question about a post, try to give the thread name.

ALWAYS use the reply feature for every e-mail so I can keep track of our conversation. For safety reasons, as soon as I read and respond to an e-mail, it gets deleted.

I DO NOT GIVE INFO TO AN AOL E-MAIL ADDY. Get a third party service.

Do not expect me to give you a source your first week, month, or year on the boards. Even though you may have been reading for the last six months... if you don't post and actively participate, then I have know way of knowing who you are.

If I don't respond to you with in a week, go ahead and re-send or ask again. Sometimes I do mess up, get trigger happy and zap an unanswered e-mail. Or I completely forget that I've not responded.

I do not know the status of every known source. If you send me a request for verification, please include his handle AND e-mail. We have had a rash of "look-a-likes" scamming of late. If I know of him, I'll tell ya. If I don't know him, that does not mean he is good - or bad. Feel free to check around with other folks.

If you have good info to pass along, by all means drop me a line and share. Help me help others. If you have had a bad experience, try and share that too. I know it sucks, but that�s how we learn and help others not to make the same mistake.

I enjoy e-mails about your progress, your day to day ups and downs, and the like. A nice e-mail letting me know something worked always makes my day too.

In general, when you write your e-mails, try to think of me as half senile with no long term memory� which is, in fact, be darn near the truth!

Thanks all

[This message has been edited by WarLobo (edited December 11, 2000).]

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Posts: 2034
Registered: Jan 2000

posted November 14, 2000 11:46 AM

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WarLobo posted September 14, 2000 02:26 PM Staff Use Only: IP: Logged

After years of testing and from many independent lab analysis combined with real world applications I have time and time again come back to one brand that consistently puts what they say on the label in the bottle. And that brand is Twin Labs.
(was that a bit too much over the top?)

Any ways, you all know how nutty I am on getting your proper vits/mins. On the practical side I do realize popping 30+ pills is a royal pain in the ass. Not as bad as primo....and got a butt load coming in for my next cycle... oh boy. But I

What I have come up with is a very basic supplementaions program that will at least get you all in the ball park and not cost you an arm and a leg. They are all from TW. So with out further rambling, here they are:

Tri Boron Plus. This is a killer calcium cap. Women and men take two in the morning and two in the evening. Total of 4 caps

Multi Mineral Caps. Very solid mineral supplement that rounds out your minerals. Women and men take two in the morning and two in the evening. Again, 4 caps

Daily Two Caps (w/o iron). Far and away the best vitamin cap - it ain�t cheap cause they actually use the right structure of vitamin that your body can absorb (same with the minerals, except they are not expensive at all) Take one in the morning and one at night. If your over 200lbs you might think about popping a extra one on cycle.

You can order these easy from The Power Store at (800) 382 9611 or from any health shop.

Here is how I dose during the day

Daily Two, one cap first thing in the morning with meal.

T/B, two caps at my mid morning meal say around 10:00am

MM, two caps again at my mid morning meal or at lunch.

Daily Two, one cap at my afternoon meal say around 4:00 - or dinner if it's more convenient.

MM & T/B two caps each right before bed. Very important on this dose as your body goes through some massive mineral swings at night.

Do not combine the Vits and Mins in the same sitting. They need to be separated as some will block absorption of others. The cost of the Daily two is like $30 while the minerals are like $10 each.

I�m sure there are other brands out there, it just takes a very long time to look at every component they use, dosages, blah blah blah.... I did it with TW and that�s that.

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Posts: 2034
Registered: Jan 2000

posted November 14, 2000 12:00 PM

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Enrty #2

Cool Novice

Posts: 47
Registered: Jun 2000
posted August 23, 2000 07:57 PM Staff Use Only: IP: Logged

Remember I had to change my handle a few months ago when the board stopped accepting my password....
I got the greatest drug combo ever for a woman who is sensitive to the sides. Sounds like your GF and I have similar systems.

Anavar at 10 mg/day(4 separate dosages) with 2 ius GH/day (in two doses).

My BF% decreased by dramatically and my squats went up to 185 for three sets of 10!!!

I got some BTG Anavar from an American pharmacy and then saw a really good looking fake from my friend(so watch out for fake BTGs).

I am in the best shape of my life and as feminine as ever. You cannot go wrong with this combo.

[This message has been edited by WarLobo (edited January 02, 2001).]

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Posts: 2034
Registered: Jan 2000

posted November 14, 2000 12:06 PM

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Entry #3

Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 1227
Registered: Apr 2000
posted September 27, 2000 04:03 PM Staff Use Only: IP: Logged

2x a week for bi's really is not necessary....

My current split looks like this....

Day 1 Chest & Shoulders
Day 2 Legs
Day 3 Back
Day 4 Arms
Day 5 Cardio Abs & Calves
Repeat day 1

I change my workout split every 2 months or so .....

My last split which I liked a lot was

Day 1 Chest & Bi's
Day 2 Legs
Day 3 Back
Day 4 Shoulders & Tris

I also did one awhile back that split my leg day up into 2 days as to help the development of my hamstrings & glutes...
that was

Day 1 Chest
Day 2 Quads & Calves
Day 3 Back & Bis
Day 4 Shoulders & Tris
Day 5 hamstrings & glutes

I usually always train abs & calve alternating days with any split I do.....lately I do additional rear delt work on back day in addition to shoulder day to bring them up....it all depends on you....

As you can see there are many ways to split your workout---just depends on your time schedule & how many days a week you want to train.....

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 1098
From:Somewhere in the South Pacific
Registered: May 2000

posted November 15, 2000 12:12 AM

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Cheer up WarLobo. Some of us (ME) just have long 9AND SHORT) term memory probs. One of my favorites was started by DA BOMB. It's too long to post here, but I think it's worth a read. It's called something like "things I hate about being a woman" and can be read here:

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Posts: 2034
Registered: Jan 2000

posted November 15, 2000 10:14 AM

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Monsters Killer Insulin Thread

Note: This seems to be lost at the moment.... Hell if I know why



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Posts: 2034
Registered: Jan 2000

posted November 15, 2000 05:34 PM

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The Vitamin and Mineral thread:

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Posts: 2034
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posted November 15, 2000 05:35 PM

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The sust for women thread:


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Posts: 2034
Registered: Jan 2000

posted November 15, 2000 05:38 PM

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Workout Plan for DLady


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Posts: 2034
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posted November 15, 2000 06:58 PM

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Sugar Thread:


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Posts: 2034
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posted November 15, 2000 07:04 PM

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Outstanding Lipo Debate:


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Posts: 2034
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posted November 15, 2000 07:13 PM

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Weight Training, Parts I, II, III:

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Posts: 2034
Registered: Jan 2000

posted November 17, 2000 03:52 PM

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Build a cycle for A great board member:


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Posts: 2034
Registered: Jan 2000

posted November 17, 2000 03:53 PM

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Lasix Profile:




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Posts: 2034
Registered: Jan 2000

posted November 17, 2000 03:54 PM

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Posts: 2034
Registered: Jan 2000

posted November 17, 2000 03:55 PM

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Is DNP the way to go?


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Pro Bodybuilder

Posts: 408
Registered: Jun 2000

posted December 07, 2000 12:45 PM

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Bump plus this was a killer thread about Half-lifes.... http://www.elitefitness.com/ubb/Archives/Forum9/08-2000/000252.html

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Posts: 2034
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posted December 12, 2000 12:41 PM

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The ever requested T3 thread:




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Pro Bodybuilder

Posts: 408
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posted December 14, 2000 01:47 PM

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The abs of Steel thread:

You don't have to ask me twice.

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Posts: 2034
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posted December 30, 2000 12:12 AM

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FunGirl Bump

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Posts: 2034
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posted January 02, 2001 06:36 PM

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New Year Bumb

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 1420
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posted January 02, 2001 06:45 PM

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Happy New Year Warlobo.


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted January 05, 2001 10:33 PM

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