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Author Topic:   Coping w/ A/S


Posts: 9
From:Detroit, MI, USA
Registered: Nov 2000

posted November 13, 2000 07:26 PM

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How do I help? Am I still against it? How dangerous is it?
These are the questions I am still asking myself after my boyfriend told me he was going to take A/S......
I was frightened! I was pissed! I know that he can get the results he wants w/out letting foreign substances enter his body. How will this affect him.....mentally, physically, emotionally? Will it hurt our relationship? When he first joined the board, he asked people on here to give comments and information to help change my mind, and I did. He is telling me how much he has studied everything, and how much info he has obtained and I believe strongly that he knows everything. But I do not want to see negative results due to malfunctions. He mentioned something about Winny, D-Bol, Sust...something, Orgenon <<(I'm not sure if thats for him though)....could you all please give me some more info so you can boost my confidence more? I told him I would help him as much as I possible could because I stand by him 100% (I'll even shoot it in for him!!)....I just don't want to see anything "bad" happen to him....or us. Please advise. Thank-you .....


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Posts: 1654
Registered: Jan 2000

posted November 13, 2000 10:16 PM

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Relaxe.... take a deep breath.

First off, I'm glad you at least have an open mind, and doing an injection is very open of you. Hell, my wife STILL will not give me one... SHEEEESH!

Second, if done correctly, basic A.S. use is safe and rewarding.

The subject of roids is a big world, it can take quite some time to learn just the basics.

I'm glad your posting (best step you have taken ) and I'll let some of our great members take it from here



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Posts: 9
From:Detroit, MI, USA
Registered: Nov 2000

posted November 14, 2000 07:01 AM

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Thanks WL.......please keep 'em comin'...


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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 961
From:Somewhere in the South Pacific
Registered: May 2000

posted November 14, 2000 01:13 PM

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It's a tough question for any of us to answer. AAS when used properly is not very dangerous. So if your boyfriend is going to cycle these drugs it pays for you to both learn as much as you can about them to get the most out of them with the least risk to his health and your relationship.

The question of whether he SHOULD use AAS or not is the tricky one. He has his reasons for wanting to (does he want to get bigger to make himself feel better, does he want to compete in bodybuilding, does he want to improve his powerlifting, does he just want the thrill of trying something new and illegal, etc....), and that's something you two need to discuss. You have to consider each other's point of view with an open mind and a willingness to compromise with eachother. If he decides to use AAS without your support/approval, it may eventually lead to the end of your relationship. On the other hand, if you choose to not support him on this and it means the world to him, that may lead to the end of your relationship. If you support him wholeheartedly in his use of AAS, it may still lead to the end of the relationship! No crystal ball here.

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Iron God

Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 664
From: Parts Unknown
Registered: May 2000

posted November 14, 2000 02:26 PM

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AS use is really not that big a deal..unless your one of those people with an addictive personality..as long as your boy friend understands that he needs to cycle off and give his body a break he will be fine.

He will make gains off AS and will lose some--alot--or most of them.But as long as he is better off than when he started..mission accomplished.


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