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  Legs are too big!

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Author Topic:   Legs are too big!

Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 78
Registered: Jul 2000

posted November 13, 2000 03:54 PM

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Hey board-
It's been a while since I last posted, hope everyone is doing well!

I hate to complain, but i'm getting frustrated b/c my thighs/ass are WAY too muscular...haven't heard any complaints from the guys in the gym (hehe), but i'm needing to wear more "normal" clothes (aka - not workout clothes, which is basically all I really wear b/c i'm in the gym all the time). I can't find much that fits!

I've decided to not train legs for a month, and see what happens...or else just stick with isolation exercises & higher reps.

I do cardio 5-6 days a week for 45 minutes first thing in the am. I'm guessing my bodyfat right now is no more than 15%. Thighs are a solid 22 inches & not much to pinch on 'em!

Anyone have experience with this, where they were actually trying to get SMALLER?

Have a good one!

If you do what you've always done, you'll end up with what you've always gotten!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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Registered: Aug 2000

posted November 13, 2000 05:17 PM

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Damn, if I had a dollar for every woman who thinks her thighs are too big, I'd be rich. If the guys aren't complaining then don't worry about it. If you have solid lean muscular legs and ass, God, why change it?

Like I tell my women clients. Buy guys jeans that are cut for muscular asses and legs. They do and their happy. I also tell them to work on their upper body, it makes your legs and ass look smaller.

One of the top women pros I comp'd has 25" mid thighs with a 5mm thigh skinfold, and a 40.5" glute circumference with cross-straited glutes, contest ready (4.5% BF). It could be worse. Think where she's at when she's 15%.

Lets face it, womens clothes are designed for either big fat asses and a huge waist, or legs that look like sticks with a flat shapeless ass. Next time you're at the beach, look around you, there's plenty of midwestern corn fed sows out there that will make your ass and legs look anorectic. Just be happy your ass has mass and doesn't flap in the wind like the others.

Where's my blood pressure meds, this issue always makes my blood boil.


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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Registered: May 2000

posted November 13, 2000 05:48 PM

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Blondie, my thighs are 23" and I wear a size 5 in jeans and pants (I have very narrow hips though). I like the Calvin Klein jeans (low slung) and Old Navy (low slung) for jeans. If I buy Levis' they are always mens, 505's (they are cut looser than the 501's). Also those new low waisted pleather pants look good too. At least ya have some booty and legs to fill out some pants nicely. Looks a helluva lot better than chicken legs just wishin they could pull off those pants.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:Somewhere in the South Pacific
Registered: May 2000

posted November 13, 2000 06:50 PM

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I would give almost anything to have thin thighs. It's just not in my genes if you'll forgive the intentional pun. Even when I'm really lean I think they just look fat (unless I'm dehydrated and flexing them), and don't fit women's jeans. My undersized calves just add to the illusion of fat thighs. What can a girl do? Short of surgery you may just have to learn to love them as they are. Right now I'm trying nothing but cardio and calf work for a few months. Until I get the desired result I'm destined to wear baggy men's pants or sweatpants. Which realistically will be for the rest of my life.

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Posts: 1645
Registered: Jan 2000

posted November 13, 2000 07:01 PM

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Sniff Sniff "... my legs are to big...."

Moan Groan, "....my ass is to firm and round..."

Someone, please, toss me a lighter for my flame thrower as I'm about to char me a Blondie.... :0

I have no symathy for you women who happen to have solid legs. Try having 31inchers and a package inbetween! Shit, I have to wear a jock-strap to bed just so I don't roll over and kill myself!

And you want to talk about jeans?!?! Well I can only buy them 560's now - and lets not EVEN talk about my suits.... fricking got to tailor everything.

Oh, arn't we a easy going buch today



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Cool Novice

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posted November 13, 2000 07:33 PM

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I was recently going thru some old magazines and ran across an article I think by Mia Finnegan? did she switch from bodybuilding to fitness comps? anyway what she said was that when she made the transition the judges said she was carrying way too much muscle on her lower body and what she did to get rid of some of it and stay hard at the same time was in essence overtraining her legs, she did some sort of work on them every day. Now, don't everybody yell at me at once - I'm not the one that said this was the way to do it but I can did up the article and give you the exact program if you want.

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Cool Novice

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From:Ontario, Canada
Registered: Nov 2000

posted November 13, 2000 08:40 PM

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Muscles grow if worked Heavy & Low Reps.

Muscles will become smaller if worked low weight & High Reps.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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Registered: Aug 2000

posted November 13, 2000 08:42 PM

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If you really want to shrink your legs, start running marathons.


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Pro Bodybuilder

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From:Michigan, USA
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posted November 13, 2000 09:12 PM

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Ah, Lobo. Once again youve taken the words right out of my mouth! At my peak, I was looking forward to testicular atrophy while on, just to stop em from getting smashed up in my pants!
To get a comfortable fit, I had to by pants at Big and Tall places to get thigh room, and have the waist brought in. But I have to admit, its the kind of inconvenience I can live with! For me, complaining about being too big is like bitching about having too much money...


Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy

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Posts: 1645
Registered: Jan 2000

posted November 13, 2000 10:03 PM

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We just miss yahs Blondie.... post more often and we won't have so much pent up "affection"

Monster... I just had to buy some new shirts as my old 16 1/2" neck ones were way to small. I'm at 18 1/2 right now (feeling waaay bloated to I might add)



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Amateur Bodybuilder

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Registered: May 2000

posted November 13, 2000 10:19 PM

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Blondie, I really hope you weren't looking for sympathy!! Lucky bitch.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted November 13, 2000 11:07 PM

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Oh how I empathize with you! Although mine are at 23inches and I am very very short! AND I still have some inner thigh fat to get rid of! This isn't mean't to sound racial but with the exception of you fine men here on the board most white men do not like women with big thighs! Black men on the other hand LOOOOVE my thighs! I used to think they were being rude when making comments like
"ooo girl you got some big thighs" then when I became best friends with one of my black (brown as my 6 yr old says)hairdressers her husband told me that was a major compliment because most african americans have no calves. Man am I rambling tonight. Anyway,
I have come to realize I will never have small legs so why not make the most of what you have and work those muscles! Oh and I also wear 505 mens levi's. Very roomy

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted November 14, 2000 01:14 AM

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You have the best looking legs on this board!
What the heck are YOU talking about!!!!?
I would trade my eye teeth for your legs, including those calves!!! Simply.....perfect!!!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 89
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posted November 14, 2000 05:22 AM

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Hey, I'm a white guy and I'd have no problem with 22" muscular thighs and a hard muscular butt. When my girlfriend is contest ready (about 152 @ 6% BF, 5'5"), her thighs are 22.2', glute circ. 37". Problem is, when she looks her best, she's least interested in sex.


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Cool Novice

Posts: 35
From:Miami, FL, USA
Registered: Jul 2000

posted November 14, 2000 08:40 AM

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Blondie, Legs too big???

I have 23" legs with some inner thigh fat but am looking to get bigger. I want 26" and I'm short. Greedy I guess. Thankfully my hubby loves BIG muscular legs. And you have a tight booty to boot. You are sooo lucky.

I wear female Levi 565's they have alot of thigh room and are small enough in the waist. Get them at Macy's or Burdines. You can also find stretch Dress Pants at Banana Republic, Express or Limited. They are "normal" wear clothes nothing sexy but they sure have a nice fit.

Hopefully this might make you feel better about those "BIG" legs. ????

You can not accomplish what your mind can not conceive.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 78
Registered: Jul 2000

posted November 14, 2000 09:39 AM

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Ok, ok, ok!
Glad to get some good responses here! Can always count on that!

I know I shouldn't complain...I'm going to try the men's levi's and keep my legs & ass rock-hard! Who wants a flat, flabby ass?

I have heard about the training program Mia Finnegan supposedly does...it's called Freestyle training, endorsed by George Snyder (Galaxy promoter). You do tons of lunges every day. I'm sure it works, cause it's overload, but I really don't want to do lunges EVERY STINKIN' DAY!!! Damn!

The main reason my legs have grown 1" since June this summer is b/c i've been training with my boyfriend, who is a powerlifter, since September. He loves squats, and I have come to like them again. Before this, I really wasn't training legs heavy, and I haven't been training them super-heavy (keeping reps in 10-15 range on compound exercises). I was doing more running and lunges during my runs...

Sounds like there's hope! I must say that I agree with tnheygirl - the black guys at the gym LOVE legs/asses, and make comments. It makes me laugh, and I give 'em a hard time. My boyfriend says all the guys stare at my ass while we're in there, which normally would make me self-conscious, but since i'm with him I don't give a crap b/c no one can get close to 'em but him! hehe

Anyhow, thanks for everyone's input...what can I say...i'm a woman, and we get self-conscious about "body sizes", even though the women here are clued-in and don't want to have the typical "model" body (which is way too damn skinny)! whew...
I need to not go shopping as often...it seems to make me think this way!

Take it easy!

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