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  Iron God, can we have a leg workout?

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Author Topic:   Iron God, can we have a leg workout?

Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 171
Registered: Jun 2000

posted November 10, 2000 01:18 PM

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Can we have a blow by blow, leg work out?
Upper coming along nicely, lower is lagging.
Can we have a peak at what routinue you have Fitness Chick on?
She looks fabulous!!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:Miami, FL, USA
Registered: Jul 2000

posted November 10, 2000 02:10 PM

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Please, pretty please. This is the area that I am having trouble with. Want legs like Fitness Chick. HELP!!!!

You can not accomplish what your mind can not conceive.

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Iron God

Elite Bodybuilder

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posted November 10, 2000 02:19 PM

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I'll give you her current leg routine we switch it up every 6 to 8 weeks or so.

Warm-up for 10 - 15 minutes (stair master)

Then stretch every muscle in you body
especially your ankles,lower back and hamstrings.(very important)

135 x 12 (warm-up)
135 x 12 (warm-up)
185 x 10
225 x 4
205 x 6-8
185 x 10

Now the MOST important thing to stress with squats is depth and foot placement. Too many people think they are going deep but in reality are just making parallel and leaning forward. Here is where ankle and lower back flexibility come into play.. you got to force your back to stay as upright as possible. Which is near impossible if your not flexible and doing your squats with a narrow (shoulder width) stance.

Next up is foot placement� Squats emphasize different muscles depending on foot placement (narrow) more quads (wider) more hams and glutes.

Then comes depth you need to go as deep as possible(past parallel) and maitain a straight back , flat feet and do not let your knees go past your toes.

Leg presses (I'll do the weight in 45lbs plates total so 10 plate is 5 45lbs on each side)

10 plate x 15
16 plates x 12
18 plate x 12
20 plate x 10
22 plates x 10

When doing leg presses or any exercise you need focus on your breathing (think of yourself as a human piston) and get into a mental trance of inhale(super deep breath) on decent...quads tap torso..EXPLODE UP while exhaling..

Next up Stiff legged dead lifts

135 x 12
185 x 10
225 x 6
185 to failure

Keep your back straight (no curve in lower back)and SQEEZE your glutes together on each rep.

Then you finish off some Extensions and leg bicep and calves.

This routine in IMHO ranks a 7 on the make you barf,passout or get an explosive nosebleed scale.

Let me know what you think


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted November 10, 2000 03:24 PM

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I'm feeling a little queasy just reading it.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted November 10, 2000 03:56 PM

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I just changed my program...leg day looks very similar - just less weight - damn my legs are still sore too. Its awesome!!

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted November 10, 2000 03:58 PM

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Yeah, well then you know I feel a lot queasy doing it....I was telling Bmom---you know you had a good leg workout if \

a. you turn green at least once during it
b. you actually vomit
or c. you cannot walk either out of the gym- especially if that requires you walking down a flight of stairs, orcannot walk for the next 3 days.....aka you look like you got a foot in the ass.....hehe

If you dont experience one of these when you do legs you arent doing legs hard enough....

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Posts: 1867
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posted November 10, 2000 05:49 PM

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"....foot in the ass" Bwahhaaaaa That was a good one.

50 reps squats. One set. One weight. One dead person. I've not had the currage as yet. Although I have done 50 rep presses with six plates (each side) and pulling ONE plate off every five reps (so on the first pull one side woutld have six plates and the other would have five plates). Something different.



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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted November 10, 2000 06:28 PM

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Tell you what I think?? How can I possibly think when I'm still vomiting!!!
I'll give it a try next work out. Thank goodness I worked out before I came to the boards.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted November 10, 2000 09:51 PM

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Irongod know what works! All you have to do is take one look at Fitnesschick....


"I think my mask of sanity is about to slip"-American Psycho

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted November 11, 2000 01:25 PM

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Here's one from me. Works on everyone.

I'll use one of my female client BBs weights and reps as an example.

Warm-up on the bike (5 min)
Light stretching

HEAVY DAY (Sunday)

Squats (to parallel)

Bar x 8
135 x 8
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 3
315 x 1
335 x 8
305 x 8

Leg presses (35 degree sled; knees to chest (90 degree bend, max)

360 x 8
540 x 3
720 x 3
900 x 3
1080 x 25, 20 sec break; 15 reps, 20 sec break, 10 reps.

Leg xtn. (cybex mfg)

110 x 6
190 x 15, drop to 130 x 8, back up to 150 x 3 isometric contractions at the top (5 sec hold, 5 sec eccentric contraction, 5 sec pause between reps

Hacks (ass to ankles)

180 x 3
360 x 8-10

Leg curls

Lying (cybex)

70 x 8
130 x 8-10
130 x 8-10, drop to 110 x 6, drop to 90 x 6

Seated leg curls (cybex)

150 x 8-10, drop to 130 x 6, drop to 110 x 6

Light calves

3 sets of standing, seated and donkey.
Moderate weight about 15 reps per set.


Light legs

Warm-up on all exercises then 2 sets of 8-10 reps, moderate weight on all of the above exercises. Your quads should only feel mildly fatigued after light legs. The whole routine leg portion shouldn't take more than 35-40 minutes.

Heavy calves

Stretch out the calves with a couple of LIGHT sets of standing heel raises.

Standing calf machine

500 x 12, drop to 425 x 12, drop to 350 x 12,
drop to 225 x 12, drop to 150 x 12. About 10 sec pauses between sets.

Seated machine

200 x 15, drop to 150 x 15, drop to 100 x 15,
rep out with 100 (full range of motion).


Me (260 lb) on her back, sometimes add another person (150 lbs)

2 sets to failure with assisted reps (15-25 reps per set)

This workout is done once per week. For those of you who think you can or should work calves more than this, if you are doing this routine to the letter you simply won't be able to. I've produced some pretty big f***ing calves with this routine and it only takes about 20 minutes.

Start out easy, or it will be a quick trip to the toilet. Also have a walker ready for the 2nd day following heavy legs.

Remember, even the heavy leg day shouldn't take more than 75-90 minutes. As I tell my clients, the only reason we are here is to get out of here.


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Iron God

Elite Bodybuilder

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From: Parts Unknown
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posted November 11, 2000 05:56 PM

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Thats a strong women (how much she weigh?)

And not to be a skeptic, but I would love she her form on those squats (especially the high end)..I have seen very few people who can do them right and that includes Pros.

Is wrapping herself or wearing a belt?


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted November 11, 2000 10:21 PM

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She's 5'5", 152@ 6% BF contest ready, about 180 off-season.

Form is pretty good. Has some problems with back spasms from time to time.

Light wraps (enough to keep the knees warm but not enough to assist in the movement, no power wraps) and a belt.


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted November 12, 2000 10:52 AM

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Ok, either I am one big, fat weenie or these are some serious gear poundages! I would be crushed under those poundages! My heavy sets are what they use for warm up!! (150 for 3 sets of 8 for squats, good form) Oh hell, I'll admit it, I'm emotionally crushed.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted November 12, 2000 12:27 PM

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All right, this is NOT meant as a flame to anyone, but I need to make a point here regarding training.

On this board, I often read about the weight some of you ladies use for various exercises, in particular when you are on a cycle. When I see these weights, I think to myself, that's not very much, why?

I train many female clients who start out with zero weight training experience, sedentary and as out of shape as can be and within 1-2 years, nothing special with diet, maybe some creatine and NO AAS, I have some of them benching 135 x 8, squatting on a smith machine to a box with 275-315 for 8 reps, leg pressing up to 720 for 50 (knees to chest), overhead seated DB presses with 50-55 lb dumbbells, etc. Of course not all of them can do this, but a good number of them can and they are in it for general fitness, not bodybuilding or fitness competition.

Those that I have counseled on workout strategies that have used AAS, and I maintain a don't ask don't tell policy so I don't ask nor do I want to know (but its obvious), they end up moving the really big weights.

It's all about training and recovery. I get the sense than many of you train to intensely with too much volume, and far too often with not enough recovery.

I recently prepared a female BB for a national qualifier training her 3 days per week (1 hour workouts), each body part once per week, heavy every other week. She did abs twice a week on her own (15 min/sessions) and 3-5 30 min low intensity cardio sessions per week 8 weeks prior to the show. She came in at 136 (about 6.5% BF) at 5'4". She won the show.

A number of years ago, I was stretching out next to the squat racks and a couple of veteran male bodybuilders (really big guys) were getting ready to squat. The one was telling the other how he screwed up his back at work and could only squat once a week now. The other said, "that's too bad, how much have you lost on your squat"? The one with the bad back responded, "ya know, my squat is increasing since I've only been training legs once a week, I don't get it". The other guy was puzzled as well. Meanwhile I'm sitting there thinking, "yup, dinosaur mentalities die hard". Its too bad that most of us who finally learn about recovery are too old to make full use of our knowledge, all we can do is try and teach some of the young lifters how not to be stupid, but from experience and knowing how I was when I was young, it isn't easy.

"The only reason you're in the gym is to get out of there."


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted November 12, 2000 07:36 PM

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Just curious, was that meant for me? Just curious.

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Iron God

Elite Bodybuilder

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posted November 12, 2000 08:23 PM

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I don't think F1 (he knows his shit) meant it as an insult to anybody, just an heads up on who is doing what..and what a women is capable of doing.

I love hearing shit like this it turns me into a total task master when designing workouts and training for FC.


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted November 12, 2000 09:28 PM

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I did it, had to do step ups instead of leg presses due to a equipment problem as in lack of. That was an hour ago and I am still a little green around the gills and am sitting quietly in my desk chair contemplating taking a shower but that would require walking so I think I'll just sit here awhile longer. I supersetted the calve, extensions and curls and that's when we got down to the puking part. Will let you know if I'm still
walking tomorrow.

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Posts: 2139
From:LaLa Land
Registered: Nov 2000

posted November 12, 2000 09:39 PM

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You go girl.....I've been thinkin' about ya.


....beauty knows no pain.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted November 13, 2000 01:17 AM

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Okay, I think I got alot more than what I asked for but have a few questions on these work-outs.
I am lifting as intensely and as heavy as I can. I cannot approach these numbers. I do work out alone most of the time, but I still could not do this kind of weight. The problem is, I do not get sore. I am very fatigued in the gym, but later, am not sore.
F1 you said"
I recently prepared a female BB for a national qualifier training her 3 days per week (1hour workouts), each body part once per week, heavy every other week."
How do you get all body parts in 3- 1 hour work-outs?
And Iron God and Fitness Chick- How do you get to the point that you can do a work out such as this?
I have been working out along time and try to push it to the limit, but I cannot do that kind of weight.
What's the trick?

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted November 13, 2000 02:05 AM

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The trick, Cocktails, is to feel the fear and do it anyway. If you're not sore after what you call a heavy leg workout, then either it's not nearly as heavy as you COULD have gone, or your technique needs adjustment. The only way to make the weights go up is to put them up. For me, I find once a week too often for heavy legs. I need to leave 8 or 9 days between my big leg days. The feeling you described (fatigued but not sore) is what I get from high rep, lighter workouts. Might be worth getting a P.T. to help you out for a session or two to make sure everything is optimal.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted November 13, 2000 05:15 AM

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litloak, my comments were not meant for anyone in particular, like I said, it was not mean't as a flame. Just trying to save some of you time in the gym and help you make progress.

Cocktails, email me. If you are in Columbus for the Arnold next year, I'll be happy to put you through a leg session.

Ladies, quit worrying about numbers (weight lifted) just used them as an example as to what can be lifted with proper training. Adjust the weights and try the routine, it really works.

Regarding my client that trained 3 days per week, 1 hour workouts. You don't need a lot of exercises to fatigue a muscle group. People spend too much time in the gym. When I get time, I'll post the routine I use with my clients.


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted November 13, 2000 07:24 AM

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No, I don't feel as though I were flamed. I just wasn't sure which way the comments were directed. Just for the record, I work out alone at home and shoot for really good form. I just acquired a vertical leg press "machine" a couple of months ago and REALLY like it because I can concentrate on my quads a lot more than when I'm doing squats, but I've not replaced the squats with it. I had been VERY sore for about 3 days after my leg workouts but have lately found that BCAA's and a Muscle Meals MRP post-workout reduce that a lot! Ok, time to bump my poundages up another notch. (But I still don't know how you can do all of those sets in an hour and a half.)
P.S. I am NOT one of those women who are afraid of building too much muscle and looking like a man. Lots of muscle=happy litloak!

[This message has been edited by litloak (edited November 13, 2000).]

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted November 15, 2000 12:34 AM

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Another excellent thread. We're on a roll here folks. From the looks I could use a bit of advice on this one. As I'm sure you all know, my goals are geared more towards strength/performance as opposed to pure bodybuilding. My strength is quite good but could obvously be better. IG, and others how would we change the above workout if at all for more performance oriented goals. Also keep in mind that high intensity cardio capability is a must for me due to my job.
Mo fun, mo fun, mo fun...

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted November 22, 2000 10:29 AM

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Cocktails----the way to increase your ability to push poundages is to simply increase your poundage. Plain & Simple.
Whatever you work with, you should constantly be progressing upward in weight, whether you can move thet heavier weight for 1 or 3 is irrelevant, its simply that you give your body a feel for it....say you are doing flat bench dmblls, you do 25x12, 30x8, and 35x4----grab the 40's & see what you can do---if you succeed, even for 2 reps, grab the 45's & give it a go.....that way you can see what you were capable of doing after x amount of working sets---that way next week, you start off fresh & start off with heavier weight, when your body isn't partially fatigued....using something as aimple as progressive resistance I was able to move very heavy weight before i ever touched a.s.-that was simply a push to the next level.

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Cool Novice

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posted December 16, 2000 10:10 AM

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Thnak you for the leg work out. Although there is no way, I can touch those heavy weights like that right now, I can look towards that as my goal. I can still do the same amount of reps and sets, just with a lower weight right now.
I am so ignorant when it comes to weight lifting that I have no clue what to do and how much to do, so your workout really helped me out alot.
I am going to the gym in just a bit, and I am going to try this out. I will let you know how it went when I get back-that is if I am still alive. I have only been doing three sets of my workout routine. I have seen results, but I am sure not as much as I will with this workout.
Thanks for your guidance. I needed it desparately. Have a great day.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted December 16, 2000 10:51 AM

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Geesh, great thread, again....FC--you are 110% correct on seeing what one can do. I would have never even attempted heavier weights without the prodding of my training partner. You've got to find someone who will push you. When I see that vein bulging out of his forehead and his level of intensity is that high---I wanna get there too. It always helps when someone is saying--"shit, honey those last few reps were "all you"...you need to add some weight. I consider myself pretty weak but confidence makes all the difference in the world. With confidence you'll attempt a whole helluva lot more (mind you --you need a great spotter!)

I alternate my leg workouts. Since, we train a four day split we do alot quad work the first time we hit legs and then alotta hammy stuff the second time.

10-15 minutes of the stair climber is prerequisite and I always do two good warm up sets of squats before the meat and potatoes. Other than that leg workout is already very similiar to IG's. Like to alternate light days with heavy days as well. On light days we do mega reps with lighter weight. On heavy days we stay more traditional with upping weight and lesser reps.

Although I am not up there with the weight like I would like to be I know what I am doing is working because 1. I am super sore for until leg day comes around again. 2. My hubby and I take turns puking in the bathroom after we train.

[This message has been edited by riptchick (edited December 16, 2000).]

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Cool Novice

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posted December 16, 2000 03:54 PM

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I am dead. I thought today was going to kill me, but I did it. I know I am going to be really sore tommorrow. I am sure that if I had a partner, I would have a more intense work out, but I think I did pretty well on my own.
My legs gave way on the leg press. Thank goodness there is a safety latch that catches the press before it crushes you There were two guys that came and helped me get it back up to where it was supposed to be.
I ended up doing way more reps and sets today. I also added some weight, YEAH!
It was nowhere near what most of you do, but it was a great improvement for me.
Thank you again.

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Cool Novice

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posted December 16, 2000 05:31 PM

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted December 18, 2000 05:55 AM

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Iron God would you post the correct way
to do Lunges?

As for squats I have a smith machine that I can do squats in a proper form!
I know free weights are better; but if you can build your strength and form on the smith machine is that going to benifit me in the long run? (I still do FW squats too)!


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