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  Primo Experiences? and Tips?

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Author Topic:   Primo Experiences? and Tips?

Cool Novice

Posts: 11
Registered: Jun 2000

posted October 24, 2000 02:29 PM

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Sorry for not introducing myself before, I didn't think of it. Hello, everyone.

I've been reading the boards for awhile and a couple months ago I posted a question similiar to this one. But now I want to know more details on what someone has seen week to week well on primo? I took my first shot last Wednesday (50mg) and the next ten days after that (Saturday). And I would love any tips. Thanks.

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Cool Novice

Posts: 11
Registered: Aug 2000

posted October 24, 2000 10:54 PM

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Hi- I just finsihed a cycle of primo- its very hard to inject due to its oil base- But- being a male im not sure this will appky- I went this way with the help of some pro- m-w-f- 1 ml for 5 weeks and the t-th-2 ml for 2 weeks and then 1 ml for 1 week. i did get hard and the fat sort of melted off. I also walked the mutt and did the treadmill for 5 miles per day-also drank 10 glasses of water per day--which is about a gal. Hope this helps- oh yea-lol- you will get some lumps on your rear -Just score the amp with a file and shake it into the syringe-seems much easier that way- good luck
tim-one more thing-the gains have lasted and the fat is gone

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted October 25, 2000 12:41 AM

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Primo does not hurt to inject, if you do it correctly. Just inject slowly. Also, never got any lumps on my rear. Doing the small amount and spacing it every 10 days, prevents this.
I would not advise upping the dosage. I was doing 1cc every 7 days, have been off for 6 weeks and am still suffering the sides. The biggest being hair loss. Not a pretty picture! Go slow, be careful, pay attention!

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Posts: 3562
From:Everett, WA
Registered: May 1999

posted October 25, 2000 04:32 PM

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My gf, did an eight week cycle with 100mg primo a week im in the thigh, and 50 mg deca a week. Clen and t3 as well.

She lost five pounds 145 to 140 strength went up, lost half her fat (her clothes wouldn't stay on her anymore) her only side was a squeeky voice at the end that went a way after time and her period only last about a day now with little to no blood flow. But from what I have read that returns to normal after about 3 months off. Kinda like a guys nuts coming back online about 2-3 months after cycle ended, which is my standard for recovery. Hope this helps

She lost no hair, no acne problems or skin problems in general female parts still look female, no abnormal growth or facial hair.

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Cool Novice

Posts: 11
Registered: Jun 2000

posted October 25, 2000 09:56 PM

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Thank you for the replies.

Did anyone do primo alone?

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted October 26, 2000 02:00 AM

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Yes, did Primo, alone.

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Cool Novice

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Registered: Jun 2000

posted October 26, 2000 01:47 PM

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Cocktails, what were your results?

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted October 26, 2000 01:58 PM

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My girlfriend just came off a 8week cycle. She did 50mgs for the first 3 weeks, then 100mgs for the remaining 5 weeks. Only sides she had were a slight deepening of her voice and her clit got a tad bit bigger. Both sides were not unpleasant though. She went 132lbs to 154lbs in that time. Strength went up good also. She benches 115 and curls 70lbs for 10reps. All in all we're happy with her results.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted October 27, 2000 12:26 AM

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I had very good results and wish I could have stayed on longer but the sides where too much. I think I just did too much, for me. I was doing 100 mg a week for 6 weeks. Week 4 I went to 10 days. My strength increased tremendously, but I really pushed. You can push yourself alot further. I started doing bicep dumb bell curls with 10 and 12 lbs. I am now doing 25 and 30. I was doing declines with 12's, 15's and last set of 20's. Now I do 8 with 30. The results are very cool! I started at 126lbs. 26.8% Body Fat. I am now 120 lbs. 20% fat. I did eat cleaner but have cheated, alot! I look alot better. Guys ask me if I work out and when I say yes, and ask how did they know, they say, "You look hard and fit". I like that! My only advise would be to start very slow. Do 1/2 cc or 50 mg every 10 days. Skip the 4th inject to avoid the build up. This stuff has a very long half life, so it hangs around along time. A little goes a long way. The sides hit all at once and it's a little late by then, so be conservative. You can always do more!

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Posts: 3
From:marietta,ga usa
Registered: Oct 2000

posted October 27, 2000 08:49 AM

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I did primo alone in 1997 for about 8 weeks. I gained 10 pounds of muscle, which I needed because I used to be really skinny. My abs came out great, my overall stregnth improved and you could bounce a quater off my butt. I did have a lot of side effects, my voice got deeper, I had HORRIBLE acne, face, chest, back, and my female part enlarged, but then went back to normal (thank God). I didn't have any problems injecting in the glute once every 7 days, (I did it myself) but I didn't pyramid my cycle like I should have. I haven't taken anything since then, I just had a baby 6 weeks ago (11.2 pounds) and I've been busting my butt trying to loose this weight. I've been entertaining the idea of a cycle of winstrol, but I don't know if I want to go through all that bullshit again. Natural muscle always looks better, stays longer, and feels better. At least to me it did. I wasn't crazy about primo, mainly because of the acne part. But, everyone is different. You may not break out and love it. Good luck!

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Cool Novice

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Registered: Jun 2000

posted October 27, 2000 12:53 PM

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Cocktails thanks for your advice. I have decided to do 50 mg/wk instead of ten days. And I will keep in mind skipping the fourth shot.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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Registered: Apr 2000

posted October 27, 2000 05:09 PM

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Taking 50mg a week is that too much?
Some one told me if I was going to do it, do 50mg a week for two weeks and then go to 100mg for the rest of the 8 week cycle.

What's the best way to do it. 50mg or 100mg a week?

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Posts: 1550
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posted October 27, 2000 05:49 PM

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With ANY first time use of a roid, go slow and low untill you know. Each individual will respond differently (as you all can plainly see by the many different responces). Take the sure and safer path by using a lower dose for a good eight weeks. Hey, you can always do another cycle after a few week lay off.

I'm for the 50mg/week to start. You will see some results from this. Don't get caught up in the morr is better trap.



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Amateur Bodybuilder

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Registered: Jun 2000

posted October 27, 2000 10:41 PM

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WarLobo is right. 50mg a week for the duration of the cycle is a very smart way to go. I got talked into 100mg and for me, 1st time and very clean and sensitive to any type of drug, this ended up being too much. If I did not have the sides it would have been a wild ride!
I was having a blast! but alas, I had to pay for it with the multiple of sides. Go slow... you'll be alot better off.

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