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  hey SOUR JERK ..here is my routine

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Author Topic:   hey SOUR JERK ..here is my routine
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 10)
posted July 28, 2000 05:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for papi     Edit/Delete Message
like i explained in my last, post...my chest is lagging,....my chest gets soft and flat if i rest it 7 days, no matter how hard, how many sets, less sets, high reps, low reps, its sore for 2 days, i just feel that i have the type of body that my chest can be trained twice a week...but not that many sets...my diet is perfect, trust me...and yor right, trainig gives a lot of tears and wears to my shoulder joints, that why i am focusing on my chest, and giving shoulders a break, and doing my back every now and then. wiht a routine like this...

mon: incline bb...4 sets 6-10 reps....
barbell curls....5 sets 8-12 reps...
forerms....4 sets...

wed: squats...3 sets 8-12 reps...
ham curls...3 sets 6-10 reps...

fri: flat bb...4 sets 6-10 reps...
incline db curls...4 sets 8-12 reps
traps....4 sets 8-12 reps

weeek 2
mon: off
tuesday: back 9 sets

thurs: legg press 6 sets..6-15 reps

friday: incline db press, 4 sets...6-10 reps

week 3 repeat all over

i would still train each body part, but giving all body parts except chest and biceps, like 12 rest...training chest 2x per week, and training 1x per week one week...so my chest can get all of the focus, training other body parts less, keeping shoulders inur free....i will only do this for a month..what do you think?

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sour jerk
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 258)
posted July 28, 2000 11:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sour jerk   Click Here to Email sour jerk     Edit/Delete Message
bro your routine needs work,your actually neglecting some important muscles and your not hitting it hard enuff..i assume your a beginner so i suggest to you this routine..

day 1 chest and triceps
db flies 4 sets 8-10 reps
flat bench press 4 sets 8-10 reps
incline press 4 sets 8-10 reps
skull crushers 3 sets 10 reps
dips 3 sets to failure

day 2 legs

squats 4 sets 8-10 reps
leg extension 3 sets 10-15 reps
sissy squats 2 sets to failure
leg curls 3 sets 10-15 reps
stiff leg deadlifts 3 sets 8-10 reps
calf raises 4 sets 25 reps

day 3 rest

day 4 back shoulders
deadlifts 4 sets 15,10,6,6
pullups 4 sets to failure
barbell rows 3 sets 8 reps
behind the neck press 4 sets 10 reps
side laterals 3 sets 15 reps

day 5 rest

day 6 biceps,forearms
barbel curlz 5 sets 8-10 reps
incline curls 4 sets 10 reps
hammer curlz 3 sets 6 reps
wrist curls 4 sets 10 reps
behind the back bar wrist curls 4 sets 8 reps

day 6 rest
day 7 rest

this routine should bring up your entire physique.it is an all free weight routine concentrating on multi joint exercises,it includes both volume and rest,with a good diet there isnt any reason for you not to turn in to a muscle monster with this routine
it has transformed me in my first years good luck bro .......
ss oo uu rr jj ee rr kk
remember to always warm up properly and do light cardio 2 times a week after training for 10 minutes for cardio health..

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 10)
posted July 29, 2000 03:05 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for papi     Edit/Delete Message
my concern is my chest, i am not worrying about my whole physique, everything is good but my chest, what i am saying is , concentrating on my chest, and let my other body parts rest, but still be worked, but not as hard as my chest, therfor i am training my chest between a 72 hour period, differetn angles and different exercises, and not a whole lot of sets so id overtrain...i am 17 years old, and been training for 2 years, really i dont need cardio at all...my main questions is about whether i should train chest 2x pe week or not, because i beleive that i have the type of body that i can train chest more often...but making sure its fully recovered...my diet is good.
just asking about peoples opinions..

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 67)
posted July 29, 2000 08:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for picasso   Click Here to Email picasso     Edit/Delete Message
Why not train chest twice a week?
Another option might be to devote an entire day for chest once a week.Your routine is lacking volume for chest(among others).
Your pecs are a major muscle group and need to be treated like such.
Consider 12-15 sets per chest workout.Something like this;incline 5 x5,flat
press 4 x5,flyes 3 x5.This is my basic routine year round,changing between flat and incline as priority every 4 weeks and incline
,decline or flat flyes every week and swapping BB's for DB's as I feel the need.Add a set or two of dips to failure and you're done.
I'm done.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 10)
posted July 29, 2000 03:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for papi     Edit/Delete Message
the only reason, i dont want to an entire chest workout, is because my chest is lagging, buuuuut..my upper chest is the most lagging...i want a day for my upper chest, and i want a day just for my lower chest, i know you might say, do all the parts of your chest in one day, but start with inclines, but my concern about that is, if i do an entire chest workout, even though i might start off with inclines, at the end of the workout, my upper chest isnt pumped, and feels as if, it havent been worked,.....i think its better to 6 sets of incline on monday, and 5-6 sets of flats friday...what do you think?

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sour jerk
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 258)
posted July 29, 2000 09:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sour jerk   Click Here to Email sour jerk     Edit/Delete Message
bro first of all you need to balance your physique,you must work your entire body if you want your chest to grow.and im sorry to inform you it isnt possible to completley isolate the upper or lower region of the pectorial muscle.you need heavy basic movements for your whole body to grow.
rule number one
you must squat

rule 2
you must deadlift

rule 3
you must bench press

giving the rest of your body a rest isnt going to do much for your chest because its impossible to gain mass in only one particular area ,the body spreads the weight evenly throughout.your routine is not adequate for growth,let alone localized growth.you need a good balanced routine,to develop overall mass and strenghth,only than will you see the results you want..
hey i was a beginner once too,i thought i knew what i was doing,youll find out soon enough...
ss oo uu rr jj ee rr kk

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