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  Need a good chest, shoulder, tris routine.

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Author Topic:   Need a good chest, shoulder, tris routine.
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 34)
posted July 01, 2000 07:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for NYyankee   Click Here to Email NYyankee     Edit/Delete Message
k, Hope someone can help me out here. My current schedule looks like this

Sun. - abs
Mon. - Back, arms, rear delts
Tue. - Off
Wed. - abs
Thu. - Legs
Fri. - Off
Sat. - Chest,Front & middle delts, Tris

How many shoulder excersices should I include in my workout If my chest routine is this.
Incline Dumbells- 3 x 6-8 ( 1 warmup set )
Flat Barbells - 3 x 6-8
Decline Dumbells- 3 x 6-8

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 89)
posted July 02, 2000 12:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mystic_hormones   Click Here to Email mystic_hormones     Edit/Delete Message
why don't you work all delts together? I say this because if you work front delts and mid delts together then i'll bet that you may be doing some sort of a military press which makes your rear delts get worked anyways so your can actually be doing 2 workouts a week for delts. for me I overtrain if I do the same part twice a week. same with tris I see you do tris w/ chest then on another session you do arms. how are your current results by the way?

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 34)
posted July 03, 2000 12:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for NYyankee   Click Here to Email NYyankee     Edit/Delete Message
this was my old workout

mon- back bis
Tue- abs
wed- shoulders
Thu- abs
fri- legs
sat- chest, tris
sun- off

I did this routine for a few months and finally I realized that I was overtraining so now I do front delts with chest and tris. My shoulders do not want to grow for shit, I had surgery on my shoulder twice from college football last year and since then my shoulder growth has been very slow. I also work for coca cola part time so lifting those cans and bottles for 30 hours a week can stress out my shoulders so should I not train my shoulders at all ?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 100)
posted July 08, 2000 02:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for kerrywood3   Click Here to Email kerrywood3     Edit/Delete Message

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