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  Dudes! My arms have grown an inch in 2 weeks!

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Author Topic:   Dudes! My arms have grown an inch in 2 weeks!
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 57)
posted June 25, 2000 12:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Digga   Click Here to Email Digga     Edit/Delete Message
I know, I know, its hard to believe but its true. Two weeks ago I measured them and they were 14.7 w/no pump, and today they were 15.6 w/no pump. I know thats not very big, but its good for me (5'5" 165). I think it is because of the bicep workout I have been doing. First I have been training bi's and tri's together on the same day. Second, my arms used to never get real sore because I think I overtrained them, then I cut back on arms and kept them away from everything else. Then I started changing up my excersices every time and all of a sudden my arms were getting sore after every workout. Just thought I would shout that out cause Iam kinda in good mood now.


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 185)
posted June 25, 2000 05:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MaxMuscle   Click Here to Email MaxMuscle     Edit/Delete Message
Sometimes cutting back is the best way to go. It allows full recovery. I train my arms probably once every 10-12 days and they're 18". Before I used to train them intensely twice a week and they stopped getting sore and I stopped seeing the gains I wanted. Then I started to work them with less frequency, less volume, but greater intensity and I gained 2 inches in a 2 year period. Good luck bro. Keep lifting.

Go Huge Or Go Home

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 102)
posted June 25, 2000 06:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for cackerot   Click Here to Email cackerot     Edit/Delete Message
WOW! you put on 20lbs in 2 weeks. that is awesome, to bad it is either 18lbs of fat or you are just lying.

[This message has been edited by cackerot (edited June 25, 2000).]

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Large & In Charge
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 15)
posted June 25, 2000 07:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Large & In Charge     Edit/Delete Message
Congratulations Digga!

I train my arms this way and I'm having tremendous results as well. Training them on seperate days never worked for me and, like you, I do a different routine every time. Variety is the key to growth and I think you just hit upon it.

Once again, congratulations, I'll look for you at the Mr. Olympia.

Use the SHIP principle when training:

Train with...................(I)ntensity
Train with...................(P)urpose

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 54)
posted June 25, 2000 09:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Want2BeHuge   Click Here to Email Want2BeHuge     Edit/Delete Message
Way to go. I recently started to train both bi's and tri's on the same day and it really made a difference. I feel a greater PUMP that seems to last longer. Good luck and keep up the good work

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 290)
posted June 26, 2000 02:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Rexie317   Click Here to Email Rexie317     Edit/Delete Message
Hey digga: Congrats. What exercises did you do for your arms? Mine are not where I want them right now and if yours grew an inch 2 weeks. I'll give it a shot.

The power to endure pain outlives the power to inflict it...the harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph. It is dearness that gives everything its value.
-Rexie the Italian Tank.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 200)
posted June 26, 2000 03:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Jay-T     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 71161148
damn i wish i could get those kind of results! good job bro



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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 59)
posted June 26, 2000 03:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for slicksalmon   Click Here to Email slicksalmon     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 58934410
dude can you post your workout or the excercises you do? i wanna give it a try.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 57)
posted June 26, 2000 04:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Digga   Click Here to Email Digga     Edit/Delete Message
the last two weeks I did this routine:

Week 1:
High Pulley double bicep: 4 sets, 6-8 reps
(gets blood flowing)
Barbell curls: 4 sets, 6-8 reps
Seated alternate dumbell curls: 4 sets, 6-8
One-arm pulley curls: 3 sets, 10-12 (arm at 45 degree angle, with free hand on hip)
Pulldowns: 4 sets, 6-8 reps
Overhead cable extensions: 4 sets, 6-8
Overhead dumbell extensions: 4 sets, 6-8

Week 2:
Alternate Dumbell curls: 4 sets, 6-8
Dumbell Preacher curls: 4 sets, 6-8
Incline Dumbell curls(not alternating): 4 sets, 6-8
Cable bicep curls(w/rotating bar): 3 sets, 10-12
Overhead cable extentsions(w/rope, pressing outward at the peak of the contraction): 4 sets, 6-8
Lying Dumbell extensions: 4 sets, 6-8
Pushdown machine: 4 sets, 6-8

I hope you guys can understand this I am not the best at explaining things. I know you guys are already saying "Man that is way too many sets" but it was after a little experimenting that I found I need more sets and low reps to get a good burn in my arms. I found 3 sets was not enough to get that deep down soreness...everyone is different so experiment!


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 290)
posted June 28, 2000 06:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Rexie317   Click Here to Email Rexie317     Edit/Delete Message
Thanx digga, but how do you do the high pulley double bicep?

The power to endure pain outlives the power to inflict it...the harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph. It is dearness that gives everything its value.
-Rexie the Italian Tank.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 383)
posted June 28, 2000 06:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Latimer     Edit/Delete Message
I notice when I eat a lot of carbs the next day my biceps are about 1/2 inch bigger than normal.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 57)
posted June 28, 2000 10:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Digga   Click Here to Email Digga     Edit/Delete Message
Rex, take the two high pully handles like you were going to do cable crossovers, but instead grip them and pose like your going to do a double bicep pose. Keep your biceps parallel to the floor.

1st part of motion: Arms are parrallel to floor, as if you are in a crucifix.
2nd part of motion: curl, and perform a double bicep pose.


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 290)
posted June 30, 2000 01:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Rexie317   Click Here to Email Rexie317     Edit/Delete Message
Pretty much a W crunch?

The power to endure pain outlives the power to inflict it...the harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph. It is dearness that gives everything its value.
-Rexie the Italian Tank.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 227)
posted July 12, 2000 05:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MP5   Click Here to Email MP5     Edit/Delete Message
B U L L S H I T !!!!! Yeah, an inch in two weeks with some synthol. Gear won't even give you those results.

[This message has been edited by MP5 (edited July 12, 2000).]

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 5)
posted July 14, 2000 06:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for torrieb   Click Here to Email torrieb     Edit/Delete Message
Fuck! You said you noticed growth when you cut back on your training becasue you were overtraining. WTF were you doing before then. Your "new" routine consists of 15 sets for bis alone and 12 sets for tris. Thats more sets I use on my whole body in a week!!!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 60)
posted July 14, 2000 06:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for NYyankee   Click Here to Email NYyankee     Edit/Delete Message
Damn Digga, How do you drive home from the gym after an workout like that ? I do 9 sets on bi's ( intense as hell ) and I cant even grip the steering wheel.

" I only train when I'm insane,love to feel the pains and see the gains "

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 57)
posted July 14, 2000 09:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Digga   Click Here to Email Digga     Edit/Delete Message
I was doing arms on Tuesdays and Fridays, then they were no longer getting sore and seemed to be declining in strength. So I only work them once a week now. I have tried only doing 9 sets but it just doesnt do anything for me. And yes, my arms did grow that much, I have measured them since and they havent changed, I believe it was because I was working them so often. Believe what you like, but this routine is workin for me so Iam gonna stick with it.


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 238)
posted July 14, 2000 09:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for brumans2   Click Here to Email brumans2     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 28279372

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