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  How to get started?

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Author Topic:   How to get started?
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 1)
posted June 18, 2000 06:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lips   Click Here to Email lips     Edit/Delete Message
I would like to get toned up - not bulked up. Where can I get started? I hate to buy a gym membership without some sort of trial. I really don't know what I am doing by myself - afraid I would not be lifting correctly, etc. I have never done any weight training but hear it is very exhilirating. Would love some advise!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 41)
posted June 18, 2000 09:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for cackerot   Click Here to Email cackerot     Edit/Delete Message
dont get yourself into the mindset that if you lift heavy you will get bulky. IT WONT HAPPEN!!!!!! anyways stick to the compound exercises-bench,squat,deadlift,military press,rows etc. keep your reps between 6-12 for most exercises. do about 25-30 minutes of cardio before you eat breakfast 3 times a week. eat 5-7 small-medium sized meals a day. eat every 2-3 hours. that will get you started. be consistent.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 482)
posted June 18, 2000 09:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Steelheart   Click Here to Email Steelheart     Edit/Delete Message
Damn for 14 you know your shit!

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The Game
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 10)
posted June 18, 2000 09:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for The Game   Click Here to Email The Game     Edit/Delete Message
Go for it dude!!! That's what this forum is all about.(I ope) We don't each know everything but if we put our collective heads together we can help for sure!! We all still learn each day. I think I can answer for most people here. We are here to help!!

Because I am that damn good.

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mac sloan
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 62)
posted June 18, 2000 10:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mac sloan   Click Here to Email mac sloan     Edit/Delete Message
Cackerot you are learning,good to to see you on this board sharing what you have learned.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 41)
posted June 18, 2000 10:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for cackerot   Click Here to Email cackerot     Edit/Delete Message
i will keep sharing as long as someone asks.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 105)
posted June 19, 2000 04:48 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MaxMuscle   Click Here to Email MaxMuscle     Edit/Delete Message
Since you're starting out, I recommend doing three full body workouts a week. During this, you will not be using heavy weights. Your body will be adjusting to weight training and you have to make slow changes. Use light-moderate weights. Don't start out doing an intense routine, you'll burn out fast. Here is a full body routine that you should use for 4-8 weeks, before changing to a more advanced routine. This routine is designed to train your muscles for intense weight training. It's also designed to strengthen your tendons and ligaments. Don't make a mistake and ignore your tendons and ligaments. Every year I do two 8 week cycles that involve low volume, low intensity and high rep work. Think of it this way. If you start out too heavy and tear a tendon, you will never recover fully from that injury. A good example is Dorian Yates. He never took the time to condition and give his tendons a break from all the high intensity work. He tore the tendon in his bicep a couple of months before the Mr. Olympia and came in, not looking in top shape. Then after the Mr. Olympia contest, he tore the tendon in his triceps, which caused him to retire. It's always good to take at least a week off after every other cycle. After the Mr. Olympia, Kevin Levrone took 2 months off, giving his muscles and tendons a rest.

Leg Press 3 x 15
Lying Leg Curl 3 x 15
Bench Press 3 x 10-12
Lat Pulldown 3 x 10-12
Upright Row 3 x 10-12
Barbell Curl 3 x 10-12
Triceps Pressdown 3 x 10-12
Standing Calf Raise 3 x 12-20
Crunch 3 x 20-25

Do cardio on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday.
Start out with 15 minutes and then add 5 minuts each week until you've reached 30-45 minutes. Be sure that the 15 minutes are broken down to something like this. 5 minutes light warm up, 5 minutes target rate, 5 minutes for cool down. Then get inventive. Always include a 5 minute warm up and a 5 minute cool down. After this routine I recommend doing a four day split. If you want any more advice, please email me. I'd like to discuss anything about weight training. Email me at: [email protected]


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