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  Cheap Exersizes..?

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Author Topic:   Cheap Exersizes..?
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 3)
posted June 15, 2000 03:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Amazon     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 77027760
Is their a routine that is quick that doesn't require anything more than dumbells? Specificaly for abs, bicepts, tricepts, chest, quads that can be used for traval.

- Amazon
ICQ - 77027760

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 89)
posted June 15, 2000 07:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for nobu   Click Here to Email nobu     Edit/Delete Message
you can work every single body part you named on your post except maybe your quads. for bi's, tri's, and chest ,dumbells are optimal, you can also use it to work your abs by sitting on the end of a flat bench with your head hanging off, holding the dumbells with you hands behind you head and do crunches that way. (note that this will work tri's and lower back)

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 766)
posted June 16, 2000 03:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MrMuscle   Click Here to Email MrMuscle     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 70512967
I got a travel routine for you, check it out:

Push ups: 3 sets max max max
flyes(lie on some pillows or such since you dont have a bench, hell, you can even use the kitchen table): 3 sets 12 12 12

Standing alt. dumbbell curls: 3 sets 12 12 12

bent over arm extension: 3 sets 12 12 12

fore arms:
wrist curls: 3 set max max max
rev. wrist curls: 3 sets max max max

front raises: 3 sets 12 12 12
laterals: 3 sets 12 12 12
bent over laterals: 3 sets 12 12 12

Chins (hang beneath the stairs or sumthing like that): 3 sets max max max
Bent over dumbbell rows: 3 sets 12 12 12

Lunges: 3 sets 12 12 12
Sissy squats: 3 sets 12 12 12
Singel leg calf raise(do it in the stairs or or the like): 3 sets 12 12 12

Hmm, not bad at al...but it seems that this would be a much to long workout to do on one day..so you might want to split it up a bit.

Day1: Chest/shoulders/triceps
Day2: back/biceps/forearms
Day3: legs + 30 minutes running (or do the leg program twice)

what do you think?

"Pain, is only weakness leaving your body"

"...damn you for not giving my TEST" - Metallica

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