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Author Topic:   Mass
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 16)
posted May 30, 2000 03:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for omer123456   Click Here to Email omer123456     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 44771405
hi, I have two questions, first:
how can I know how much fat I have?
I weight 120 lbs, i'm 5'8 and i'm 15 y/o
I've been talled on the board that to develop my abs, I need to gain mass.
What do u think I should eat?
I heard about a snac called metrx
or something like that, do u know anything
about that?

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 112)
posted May 30, 2000 03:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for eagledude   Click Here to Email eagledude     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 68446686
first off you don't need more weight to get good abs!! second if you weigh 120 and are 5'8 you don't have very much fat, so don't worry about that, what should you eat, everything you can, eat lots of protein and carbs, u know what omar, don't even worry about your abs, do you crunches but don't worry about getting a six pac, i will help you get a six pac when you weigh at least 135 pounds

Heavy Duty Weight Lifters
The Only Trophy I Need Is The Blood And Sweat I Leave On The Field

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 16)
posted May 31, 2000 07:02 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for omer123456   Click Here to Email omer123456     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 44771405

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 43)
posted June 01, 2000 02:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MaxMuscle   Click Here to Email MaxMuscle     Edit/Delete Message
You can purchase a fat caliper. It's a tool used to test your body fat percentages. I don't own one, but I heard they cost 15-20 bucks, but it's worth it. I need to get one. All you do is pinch the folds of skin to test your body fat. You can test the area of your abdomen, the front of your thigh, the back of the thigh, back of your arms, your chest (but women aren't required to do so). As for the information you got from Eagledude, don't listen to the advice he gave you. Diet is everything. You don't have to weight 135 pounds to get abs.
If you are really serious about getting a six pack, it's probably best to count calories, the amount of carbs, protein and fat you take in each day. I would say you would probably want to take in around 2,400 calories a day. It's not a lot of calories. Normally the average person takes in 6,000-8,000 calories a day on junk food without even realizing it. You don't want to cut your calorie intake too much. You're still a teenager and you need calories. Here is a good diet plan. From the 2,400 calories, 50% of it will come from carbs, 30% of it will come from protein and 20% of it will come from fat. So that is 300 grams of carb day, 180 grams of protein and 53 grams of fat. You should eat 6-8 small meals a day. So each meal you should take in about 50 grams of carb, 30 grams of protein and about 9 grams of fat. If you get full, don't force yourself to eat. You will probably be getting enough nutrients. Supplement with a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement and if you can, supplement with a protein powder. Stay away from sugary foods. Even stay away from diet sodas. Be sure to include a cheat day in your diet. On a cheat day you can eat and drink anything you want. A cheat day designed to keep you your diet. It's very difficult to eat clean all the time. If you try to eat clean all the time, you will be cheating too often, believe me. Dieting is very difficult. By having a cheat day, you will be spared from all the frustration. If you want a training routine, I can provide you with one. It would also be a good idea to get a membership at a gym, if you don't already have one. You can get a six pack without having access to a gym. But why not get a nice toned body to go with those abs? Email me at [email protected] for it. This post is long enough. Good luck.

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