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  Twice a day workouts

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Author Topic:   Twice a day workouts
bigguns 72
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 9)
posted May 14, 2000 04:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bigguns 72     Edit/Delete Message
Hey bros, i am curently doing a sus 250/d-bol cycle and am in my third week. What is the opinions of you folks on training in the morning and then at night on the same day every once in a while to change things up?? i did legs earlier today and was going to go back and do arms tonight. whatcha think??

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mac sloan
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 30)
posted May 14, 2000 08:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mac sloan   Click Here to Email mac sloan     Edit/Delete Message
It works just make sure your post workout shakes have enough nutrients in em and eat enough to grow.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 82)
posted May 16, 2000 04:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Steelsoldier     Edit/Delete Message
As long as you are taking some gear and eating like a mad man you should be ok. Your on a serious power cycle i can understand why you want to train 2 times a day, just make sure you're getting enough sleep and protein.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 1)
posted May 26, 2000 05:05 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for keanu     Edit/Delete Message
Sure you can train twice a day. This may sound odd but why not training the same bodypart twice on a given day. It breaks down like this. If you train for example your legs, do 6 short sets(3-5 repetions) in the morning and 10 higher sets(8-12 repetions) 4-6 hour later. use heavy basic movements in the first workout. The benebit you get from this, is that you stimulate your nervous system in the earlier workout and thus are able to do your higher sets with heavier weights than usual. The most important thing is to really keep at least 4 hours but no more than 6 hours between these training sessions. If you keep less, you will blunt your workout simply because you�re too tired and too short of glygogen. If you use more, you lose the nervous system stimulating effect that the first workout gave you...Yeah I know. It�s very hard to find time for this kind of schedule if you don�t have a flexible job.

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