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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 6)
posted May 05, 2000 12:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Austin316   Click Here to Email Austin316     Edit/Delete Message
I was also considering this routine that I came across. *=pyramid
Monday/Thursday Sets Reps
Leg Extensions (warmup) 2-3 15-20
Squats 6 *15-5
Stiff Leg Deadlifts 5 *20-10
Seated Low rows 5 *15-6
Medium Grip frontpulldowns 5 *15-6
Standin BBell Curls 4 *12-6
Seated Incline DBell Curls 4 *12-6
Seated Calf Machine raises 5-7 *12-10
I'd also need advise for alternate exercises to do for some of these sets on the say Thursday and Friday Lifts, thanx.
Tuesday/Friday sets reps
BBell Bench Press 6 15-5*
Incline DBell Press 5 15-6*
Upright Rows 5 15-6*
Seated Neck press 5 15-6*
Incline Tricep extensions 4 15-8*
Peck Deck 5 15-8*
BBell reverse Curls 3 8-10
Wrist Curls 3 12-15
Standing Calf Raises 5 20-10*

Please tear this workout apart, cut down # of sets per exercise or whatever. I do plan on taking in 300+ grams of protein each day also, right now I way 202 and am 6'1

I got it out of the Golds training programs, its by Lee Haney for those of you who know who he is. That was routine 1 out of three that exercise the same body parts but each has totally differant exercizes, doese that mean Im supposed to rotate each one every week or stick to one, if you want Ill post the other 2 also, they do include overhead presses

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 79)
posted May 05, 2000 05:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for StevieD     Edit/Delete Message
Lee Haney came from the Arnie school of bodybuilding, where you did as many sets as your body could possibly handle. This school of thought is now less popular since Dorian Yates showed that you could be a massive bodybuilder (look at Dorian to Lee Haney) without doing millions of sets and reps. Your workout is ok if you have got 3 hours to spare in the gym and are full of juice. I prefer to do less sets and spend as little time in the gym as possible. Try getting hold of a more recent book (look at Dorian Yates training books). I'm not saying you should do exactly what he does (everybody is different and so everyody responds to different workouts - plus very few people have the ability to fatigue a muscle in 1 set like Dorian) but read his book. The new school of thought is basically HIT (high intensity training). You do 8-10 sets of 6-12 reps.
Your workout looks doomed to overtraining - plus only a man full of juice can seriously train a bodypart twice a week. If you are a beginner, stick to simple compound exercises for the first 8-12 months e.g. bench press, shoulder press, squats, deadlifts, chins, bb curls, tri pushdown. Combine this with a good diet and you will grow like crazy for the first 12 months.
Don't try to copy someone else's workout. Everybody is unique and you need to design and workout that suits you by listening to your body.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 6)
posted May 05, 2000 04:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Austin316   Click Here to Email Austin316     Edit/Delete Message
Im not really a begginer I've been doing this awhile, I can max on a bench at 275 which I guess is ok for an 18 year old, my only real prob so far has been my diet that I plan to change come summer, I just don't have time to eat that much until school is out, Do you guys think the BBB program would help and if so what workouts should I use with It, I have the schedule for how many reps and so forth It just doesn't say what exercises to use each day

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 28)
posted May 05, 2000 04:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for NewNatural   Click Here to Email NewNatural     Edit/Delete Message
Just because your a more advanced lifter doesn't mean you can work out a bodypart more tmes in a week, actually it's the oposite. As you get more experienced(and massive)you cause more muscle inroad during your workouts and the longer you take to recover. Think of it this way, the more muscle you have = the more muscle that has to be repaired. Follow Stevie's advice, couln't have put it better myself.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 49)
posted May 05, 2000 04:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for somec-   Click Here to Email somec-     Edit/Delete Message
Austin...one thing to remember is that you don't build muscle when you're in the gym, your muscle is built out of the gym through proper rest and nutrition. Looking at your workout, you're not only overtraining by working each body part more than once a week, but several body parts you're working 4 times a week with very little rest. Your wrist and forearm work on Tuesday/Friday is also working the same biceps that you worked Monday/Thurs, and you're also working calves each workout. Read through some of StevieD's old posts, he has some good ideas for proper workout splits. Basically you'll want to try have 1 day of bicep/back work, 1 day of tri/chest/shoulder work, and 1 day of leg work. Some people prefer to do biceps on chest day and triceps on back day to avoid pre-exhausting them, but that's personal preference. Throw in a day or 2 of cardio/ab work and you've got a nice weekly workout with plenty of rest.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 6)
posted May 06, 2000 12:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Austin316   Click Here to Email Austin316     Edit/Delete Message
The only thing with once a week is that Im not only trying to build mass but increase strength which I rely heavily on the Bench for, will only doing one bench per week increase your 1RM and overall strength as much as twice a week?

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 38)
posted May 07, 2000 04:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ryry   Click Here to Email ryry     Edit/Delete Message
you need to cut your workout so that you can fit it in about an hour, an hour 1/2 at the most. anything more than this would be overtraining. if you did your workout right, i would say 8-10 sets for a certain body part should be more than enough. remember, quality not quantity...thats the best advice i can give someone

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