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Author Topic:   21s
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 187)
posted May 01, 2000 03:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Rexie317   Click Here to Email Rexie317     Edit/Delete Message
This may sound stupid but I ain't sure about it. Should you do 21s for other body parts other than biceps? I say biceps because I read in a different post how to do 21s but it only specified for the bicep curl.

The power to endure pain outlives the power to inflict it...the harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph. It is dearness that gives everything its value.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 51)
posted May 01, 2000 04:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for NewNatural   Click Here to Email NewNatural     Edit/Delete Message
I myself would never do 21s but the basic theory behind them is to get all the ranges of movement to be as strong as the other. Example, if when you bench you always get stuck on the bottom part of the bench but once someone helps you get it up a little you have no problem finishing then the bottom part of your bench is weaker, to strengthen this you could just do a few extra "partial" reps of bench just using the bottom part of the movement. I think these techniques are best used by advanced lifters, beginners shouldn't waste their time doing these because they should be able to progress for years without these.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 20)
posted May 02, 2000 12:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for INTENSE     Edit/Delete Message
I'm not sure its a great idea to do 21's for other bodyparts the same way that they are done for bi's. For shoulders, once in a while i'll do 7 reps of front raises, 7 reps of lateral raises, and 7 reps of upright rows. Or do drop sets of 7 reps for lateral raises. 7 reps w/ 25lb dumbells, 7 w/ 20's and 7 w/ 15's. Find what weight work best for you. These types of things will make your shoulders scream!

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 51)
posted May 03, 2000 03:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for NewNatural   Click Here to Email NewNatural     Edit/Delete Message
Might make them scream but are very unecessary, a waste of time, and too much of lateral raises or front raises will tear up your rotator cuff. Be Intense not stupid!!!

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Large & In Charge
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 12)
posted June 26, 2000 08:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Large & In Charge     Edit/Delete Message
I do 21s and yes, you can do them for different bodyparts. When you are just starting out though, you should stick with the basics. 21s are very demanding on the muscle and if you are just starting out, you don't need an intense technique like 21s to grow. In fact the opposit could happen. Since this lifting thing is so new to a beginer, his or her muscles may not be ready for 21s and they very easily could overtrain with 21s. I have been doing this for a while and the basics sometimes don't work for me so I have to do more advanced movements.

Even though most people do 21s for biceps, You can do 21s for tricep pushdowns, bench press, shoulder press, bent-over row, etc. But always do 21s with a bar instead of dumbbells. I found that a bar works much better.

Use the SHIP principle when training:

Train with.....................(I)ntensity
Train with.....................(P)urpose

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