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  Rest intervals

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Author Topic:   Rest intervals
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 18)
posted April 25, 2000 10:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bozak     Edit/Delete Message
When I was playing Football in College I had a 415lb bench and a 560lb squat. My weight workouts lasted around two hours. I didn't calculate or monitor my rest intervals, but they were like 1.5-2 minutes between sets.

Now I am checking out the 30seconds between each set and my weights suck bad. I get a lot of blood into the muscle and it is pumped, but I feel like I haven't worked as hard as I should've. I also feel like I haven't worked the muscle group after several hours have passed.

What do you think?

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 6)
posted April 25, 2000 10:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Rexie317     Edit/Delete Message
You might want to move back to the 1.5-2.0 minute rest intervals. I usually do about 1.5 minutes when I'm lifting by myself to get water, wipe face, etc. When I'm lifting w/ friends we usually do the same station at the same time (I rest while he lifts and vice-versa)Good luck.

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