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  difference between these two

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Author Topic:   difference between these two
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 26)
posted April 18, 2000 07:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for slicksalmon   Click Here to Email slicksalmon     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 58934410
what's the difference between the military press and behind the neck presses? they seem like the same thing to me.
what three excercises should i do so i work all three parts of my shoulders?

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 11)
posted April 18, 2000 08:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for adawg78   Click Here to Email adawg78     Edit/Delete Message
generally speaking, the military press hits the front delts and the behind the neck press puts more emphasis on the rear delts. the behind the neck version when done with good form can be beneficial, but i think too many people cannot or do not do them correctly, so most people just say they're bad for you and stay away.

to hit all the heads of the shoulders, i like to do 1-2 pressing movements, and then 2-3 raises. for example, military press (front), lateral raises (side), bent-over raises (rear). or, dumbell press (all heads), front raise, lateral raise, then maybe some light behind the neck presses.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 44)
posted April 19, 2000 05:54 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for StevieD     Edit/Delete Message
Behind the neck pressing can damage your cuffs so be careful. I also like to do press behind neck (stresses all three heads but mostly medial and rear) and military press (bring the bar down infront of your face). I do 3 behind neck (1 warm up), 2 military, 2 lateral raises, 2 front raises, 2 bent over rows (plus I might do a heavy set of reverse pec dec - depends on how I'm feeling.

The best way to do press behind neck is on a smith machine so you can use the stops in case you get into trouble.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 105)
posted April 19, 2000 10:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mossberg   Click Here to Email mossberg     Edit/Delete Message
Behind the neck presses if dnoe wrong or with to much range of motion will TEAR YOUR SHOULDERS UP! Stay with a basic mass lift like militaries to the front. There are better excercises for rear delts.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 26)
posted April 20, 2000 12:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for slicksalmon   Click Here to Email slicksalmon     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 58934410
can anyone give me some excercises to do for rear deltoids besides behind the neck presses? i have been doing lat fly's, military press and behind the neck press. when doing behind the neck presses what should the range of motion be like?

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 11)
posted April 20, 2000 01:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for adawg78   Click Here to Email adawg78     Edit/Delete Message
if you're doing lat flys (bent over raises), then try adding some shrugs if you're not already doing so. shrugs will hit the traps as well as some of the rear delts. also, many people train the rear delts with back because a lot of back exercises also work them, so the chances are you're ok as far as working them goes (assuming you're doing quality back work). also, there is no need to go any lower than even with the nose for any press, including behind the neck. anything more and you are really out of the effective range of motion. and especially with behind the neck, you're asking for trouble if you go any lower.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 44)
posted April 22, 2000 08:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for StevieD     Edit/Delete Message
For your rear delts do bentover raises and reverse ped dec (i.e. sit on the pec dec the wrong way, but the backs of your arms on the pads and squeeze backwards).

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