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  Is Cyto-Pro Whey Protein Isolate worth it?

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Author Topic:   Is Cyto-Pro Whey Protein Isolate worth it?
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 15)
posted May 06, 2000 01:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MaxMuscle   Click Here to Email MaxMuscle     Edit/Delete Message
Has anyone made any decent gains off of this product? If so I would like some feedback about your results. Thanks.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 150)
posted May 07, 2000 06:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BackDoc     Edit/Delete Message
I used it for awhile, but it was so sickeningly sweet that I couldn't drink more than a shake per day without feeling sick. I had to water it down in order to even be able to drink it. It didn't really give me great gains...I got better gains when using MaxMuscle High 5. But I've since then switched to Alternative Nutrition Whey Protein because it's an even better quality product. I'd stick with a protein that uses only raw materials in order to get a better amino acid profile. Hope that helps.

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