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Author | Topic: Bulk Bulk Bulk |
moller Amateur Bodybuilder (Total posts: 8) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Hi It's my birthday today, so that should be enough to get some help here. I want to BULK, and have about seven months in which to do it.I am getting so much "Good Advice " from everyone, that I dont know who to follow. I train very hard with a trainer, four times a week, plenty of rest, but am unhappy with my diet. Cannot get hold of GH here in NZ,( wish I could ) although other bits and pieces come along from time to time, so have to rely on a hell of a lot of hard work.Weigh at present about 220lbs. Please help with a sensible high protein, low fat diet. I want to look good on stage, and feel good as well.Thanks for any help provided. IP: Logged |
MS Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 551) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Welcome and happy birthday. First, you can get GH in New Zealand..... But that may not be the answer in your case. Can you tell us a little more about yourself and your goals. What's your age, current height and approx %bf, what's your goal, what is you current eating/training/supplementation? And is that 7 months to bulk before dieting, or seven months total for bulking and dieting? Are you competing NABBA or NZFBB (makes a diff to what you can and can't use)? Have you competed before? What's wrong with your trainer (maybe you should change?) etc..... ------------------ IP: Logged |
moller Amateur Bodybuilder (Total posts: 8) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Wow, that was an unexpected fast reply. Many thanks. I have not been able to hunt out any GH, even went so far as to asking my Dr, who is very understanding, but no go there. My goals are to enter a competition next year, am not sure what date that will be and will only enter if I am satisfied with my appearance, there's no p[oint in coming in second is what I say. ( How's that for a big head ) My trainer tells me that I have about seven months before we start a cutting phase, so that must mean that he is looking at a show about May or June of next year. I am leaving the details to him to handle. Am not sure which association it will be, but it will be the one without tests. Hence the hunt for GH. I am 6'1" and my body fat is at present around abot 13%. My eating at present is a bit screwed up, because I am frustrated at not appearing to be getting any bigger, and I have not been using suppplemenmts for a while but am quite prepared to start them again. My trainer is great, he has competed and won shows in the past. He is very hard on me, and I feal Ok with his methods. Am at present using Sus 250 weekly,but this is also hard to obtain. Thanks again for any help. IP: Logged |
MS Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 551) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I'll email you some info on the GH, but I wouldn't waste your money on it if it's your first competition and it's a non-drug tested event (in other words NABBA). Is that just one amp of Sus per week? In any event, you need to be eating as much as you can of good, clean food with once or twice a week of high fat junk food. Aim to get in at least 60 grams of protein 5 times per day, and make up the balance of calories with lots of complex carbs such as rice, oatmeal, weetbix, potatoes (the exception is your post-workout carbs which can come from simple sugars and protein, no fat). Get as much of your fat as you can from oily fish, flaxseed oil, nuts as well as some red meat, eggs, etc.... At you weight and %bf you should eat AT LEAST 4000 cals per day. That's like 800 cals 5 times per day. A typical meal would break down to something like this: Protein 60 grams This is just one type of bulking diet. A few of the members here have tried other diets such as the anabolic or CKD which they will tell you about in due course. The important thing with any bulking diet is consistancy. Don't skip meals because you're not hungry or too busy. Prepare everything you can in advance, and use meal replacements if you get caught out (always keep some handy in the glove box and gym bag for emergencies). The other important thing to do is monitor yourself. Have regular weigh-ins and %bf tests so you can adjust your diet up or down. You say you want a low-fat diet, but they're not the best for putting on muscle and there will be plenty of time for low fat when you start to cut for your show. 25-30% fat will help keep your natural test levels high. Supplementation is another topic really, and depends on what you have access to and what you're willing to spend. IP: Logged |
moller Amateur Bodybuilder (Total posts: 8) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Once again, many thanks for prompt reply. I would appreciate an email from you at some time, in the meantime, I will study your reply and have a good look at just what I am eating and how often. I am putting so much blood sweat and tears into my training, and yet I just somehow feel a bit let down by myself. ( Am I making any sense here. ) All I want to do is get as big as I can prior to the cutting phase, with as much muscle as I can pile on. As for the email, do you have my email address ? I'm not sure if it is on the board here anywhere. Thanks once again. IP: Logged |
vlaovic Amateur Bodybuilder (Total posts: 57) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Moller, I read MS's reply and it's dead-on-balls accurate. Even a low fat diet should have a healthy balance of unsaturated fat (fish oil, flax oil etc...) to get your essential fatty acids, which are crucial to muscle repair and immune system functions as well as saturated fat (preferable whole eggs, because of the kick-ass amino acid profile and lean beef, because of its high concentrations of creatine). If fats don't make up around 20% of your daily calories, your natural test production will drop. Even though you are bulking, I would also suggest that you eat fewer and fewer carbs as the day progresses (with the exception of your post-workout meal), instead replacing them with healthy fat, fiber-based vegetables and protein. In general, the ammount of carbs you eat tends to be governed by how fast your metabolism is. If it is fast, pack the carbs on because if you don't, you'll start using the protein you ate for fuel instead of muscle repair, or even worse, your body will canabalize its own muscle tissue. If, however you have a slow meatbolism, eating small frequent meals throughout the day (every two hours for a total of around 7-8), with controlled ammounts of carbs (fewer as the day goes on) is the key to speeding it up. I personally don't believe a higher carb intake than around 50% of your daily calories will really do much for you, even when bulking. A safe place to start is multiply your weight by 15 to get total calories per day. Then, divide it up so that 20% come from fat, 40 from carbs and 40 from protein. Finally, arrange your calories in roughly this ratio (more carbs than protein in the morning and pre/post workout, less at night) over 6 or seven meals. If you aren't putting on weight as you had hoped, it means your metabolism is fast, so increase carbs. If you are storing too much fat, drop the carbs from your last few meals, while keeping fat and protein constant. Play around with it until you find what your body responds to. If you are interested in another way to bulk called the cyclical ketogenic diet, which maximizes natural anabolic hormone production, let me know and I'd be happy to explain it in another post, as this one's waaay too long already. IP: Logged |
moller Amateur Bodybuilder (Total posts: 8) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Hey you guys are great, I cant tell you how grateful I am for you helping me out with this frustrating problem of mine. I have printed out your replys and will study them very carefully this evening before bed. ( Training again in the morning. up at 5.a.m. ) I am so glad I jumped onto the board and you guys replied. Thanks again. John. ( P.S. I just want to say that I am very serious about my training, this is just not a flash in the pan exercise.) IP: Logged |
vlaovic Amateur Bodybuilder (Total posts: 57) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() No problem. It's very refreshing to find people out there who are truly dedicated to this sport, whether amature, pro, or aspiring to be pro. If you are looking for quality info, this board is always a good place to start, just beware some of the jack-asses who tell you to eat McDonalds and Burger King while bulking! Bodybuilding takes discipline weather cutting OR bulking, so keep lifting (at 5am?! whoa!) and best of luck! IP: Logged |
MS Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 551) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() vlaovic's advice is also good. You can take a basic diet off of this board and run with it for a while, or you can hang around here and read, read, read, look up new web-sites, ask questions. Read up on Keto diets, traditional low-fat diets, or isocaloric type diets. The second option puts you in a better position to control your own bodybuilding destiny. Knowledge is power in this game. The diet I outlined is just a starting place (and I know vlaovic can give you a similar starting point for an anabolic type diet). You will likely need to increase your calories slowly until you reach a stage where you're gaining the amount of weight you desire (say 1/2 kilo a week for instance). Fewer starchy carbs as the day goes on is a tried and true method of minimizing fat gain. The best ways to increase your calories is by adding in more meals. This may mean making yourself a protein shake at bedtime and sipping on that through the night if you wake up. An effective mass gain diet (or fat-loss) takes disciplne. As much or more discipline than your weight training. Hang around a while and learn as much as you can. IP: Logged |
moller Amateur Bodybuilder (Total posts: 8) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Hi Guys, I've had a good chance to study the replies you have sent to me. I intend to read them over again and to absorb the good advice thats there. I feal a lot better about it all now, and hope to retain this frame of mind. I think most bodybuilders must go through frustrations from time to time, because it's difficult to see your own body changes, even though people you have not seen for a while comment on your size when they meet up with you.( I thought they werre only being polite ) As my trainer always tells me, this is a mind sport just as much as it is a weight sport, I guess once again he's right.) he always is, that's the bloody trouble.) He told me the other day not to think, because it's dangerous when I think, just leave everything to him. Ha Ha. That's it for now, but MS, if you are able, please contact me by email. I will provide that address for you if it's not here somewhere. Regards and thanks for help/ John. IP: Logged |
moller Amateur Bodybuilder (Total posts: 8) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Attention: Mad scientist I am very interested in where you think I can get GH from in NZ. My trainer has a hushmail account. It is as follows: [email protected] Please can you send details to him at this address. I have told him I have been in discussions with you and he o.k'd for me to use his account. He is ranked number two in NZ for open class B.B and weighs in at 105KG (235lbs) at 4% bodyfat at 5 foot 11 inches for his shows. Obviously we are interested in what you can tell us further. Regards, John IP: Logged |
MS Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 551) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Done. Moller, did you get the email I sent to your ix.net.nz address? IP: Logged |
moller Amateur Bodybuilder (Total posts: 8) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Hi. MS, so far I have'nt received your email to my ix account. I think my Mac computer may not be set up to receive encryted emails.(That is if yopu have replied this way- my computer will receive normal email transmissions ) I have'nt got a clue as to how to set it up to receive " Hushmail " either, but my trainer has a hushmail acc, and I sent you his address not very long ago. He is OK for me to use this. Great to hear from you again. Hope all is well on your end. IP: Logged |
Flip911 Amateur Bodybuilder (Total posts: 1) |
![]() ![]() ![]() Interesting thread on the bulking info, just wanted too say that it is refreshing too read useful information, i have been lurking on this board for awhile. I just am about too start a "bulking" time in my training, just coming off my first contest and need more size over the next year. dont mean to bust in on a thread but just wanted to throw in my 2 cents and say thanks.. IP: Logged |
moller Amateur Bodybuilder (Total posts: 8) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Glad to have you on board Flip 911. If you can add anything, please do. I have found that the info I received from these guys is great, and I intend to follow it as best as I can. I too need to bulk, with a show coming along next year. I have been lifting very heavy for the past six months and am lucky in having a friend of mine as a personal trainer. He doesn't take any one else to train, so I consider myself lucky to have run into him after he returned from a stint overseas.A good guy, who knows it all, having been there and done that.I am going to continue to cruise this board as you have done, so I hope we keep in touch. Regards. IP: Logged |