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Diet Discussion Board ending a diet
Author | Topic: ending a diet | ||
Cool Novice Posts: 21 |
I am coming to the end of a six month long diet. I am under 4 percent body fat and I know that my body will naturally rebound and store fat even though I will ease out of the diet slowly. Does anyone have any suggestions to help me minimise fat storage as my body goes out of "famine" mode? I was planning on using clenbuterol and primobolan, but I don't know whether clenbuterol burns body fat or simply just burns calories from fat in my diet. There's no point in slowly increasing my calorie intake to bulk up again if all the clenbuterol is doing is helping burn the calories in my food rather than the stored fat. Any suggestions anyone? | ||
Pro Bodybuilder Posts: 383 |
believe me on this!!! 1. take 4-7 days off, (no lifting no cardio) | ||
Amateur Bodybuilder Posts: 92 |
Hey Lizzy, Sorry I don't have any info for your question, but I was wondering what your bodyfat was when you started dieting, for how long and how did you maintain that 4%body fat? It sounds like you had your diet down pat. | ||
Cool Novice Posts: 21 |
Hey cool novice. Hmmm, my secret is go back to basic nutrition. I prefer high carb diets. I don't think a lot of protein. I consume a lot while I am dieting but otherwise I am not a fan of high protein like others are. I think protein is way overrated and overemphasised. I keep my fat intake low too. I try to eat only polyunsaturated oils. I am down to about 3% body fat now. My body has plateaued and doesn't want to go any further which is fine. I have lost more than enough fat already. I have maintained it for about 6 weeks now. The most important factor was counting calories. It requires discipline at first but eventually you work out how many calories are in everything you eat anyway so it becomes quite easy eventually. I am going to ease out of it REALLY slowly. I am starting some clenbuterol soon and them primobolan. Primobolan is quite effective with low cals I am told. I want my body to ease out of famine mode slowly so that it doesn't just madly store fat. I know that I will regain some fat but that doesn't worry me. I suspect most of it will stay away, especially if I replace it with muscle mass by being on a gentle steroid cycle. I think the way you end a diet is the most crucial factor in maintaining the fat loss. No binge eating for me. I am still counting the calories as I slowly increase them. | ||
Cool Novice Posts: 21 |
opps, sorry, I didn't answer your question. I was 18% body fat when I started the diet. | ||
Amateur Bodybuilder Posts: 65 |
You don't think much of protein????? You must! Okay? Protein is extreemely important for muscle and tissue repair, not saying that you should eat more protein than carbs, defenitely not. Just eat good proteins and good carbs. Mike H. / AKA. MICHLDAV | ||
Cool Novice Posts: 21 |
hey Michldav, when I am dieting I make sure I get a gramme of protein for every pound of bodyweight. When not dieting I try to keep protein intake below 10% This isn't easy because all the amino acids in my food combine to form protein, but I avoid foods high in protein. The world health organisation backs me up on this saying we only need 4.5% of our intake as protein. The surplus is just burnt off for energy, for which it is a poor source. Protein is acid forming which isn't healthy. Its bad for digestion and it leaches calcium out of bones. It also causes cardio-vascular problems. Protein is a buzz word like "freedom", "happy", "love", etc, but it is actually quite unhealthy in more than small doses. Popular dietary mythology has given it a cult status which it does not deserve. High protein diets are extremely unhealthy. I only consume a lot of protein when dieting or using steroids. The healthiest maintainence diet is high carbs, low fat, low protein. | ||
Cool Novice Posts: 21 |
hey Michldav, when I am dieting I make sure I get a gramme of protein for every pound of bodyweight. When not dieting I try to keep protein intake below 10% This isn't easy because all the amino acids in my food combine to form protein, but I avoid foods high in protein. The world health organisation backs me up on this saying we only need 4.5% of our intake as protein. The surplus is just burnt off for energy, for which it is a poor source. Protein is acid forming which isn't healthy. Its bad for digestion and it leaches calcium out of bones. It also causes cardio-vascular problems. Protein is a buzz word like "freedom", "happy", "love", etc, but it is actually quite unhealthy in more than small doses. Popular dietary mythology has given it a cult status which it does not deserve. High protein diets are extremely unhealthy. I only consume a lot of protein when dieting or using steroids. The healthiest maintainence diet is high carbs, low fat, low protein. | ||
Cool Novice Posts: 29 |
I believe WHO's recommendation was based on studies using sedetary people. Athletes are a different breed who require different nutritional standards. But if it works for you, keep doing it. ------------------ | ||
Cool Novice Posts: 21 |
You are correct, the WHO had higher intakes for athletes. I believe it was 8-10% protein as maximum requirement. | ||
Elite Bodybuilder Posts: 985 |
I'm not sure if we're off topic or not, but since it's Lizzy's post I guess it doesn't matter. Lizzy's ideas may be unpopular in the current climate of 'alternative' diets, but I am amazed (and pleased) to find someone else who eats like I do. Lots of protein, medium carbs, no fat when dieting, and flip that around to high carbs, 'low' protein and low fat. By low protein, I mean I don't worry about or calculate my protein. When I spot check random bulking days my protein will come out at between 10 and 15%. Obviously you can also bulk by eating lots of protein and fats, but to me it just seems more expensive, less healthy, and I personally put on more fat than LBM on that kind of diet. Plus I also just prefer carbs. Love that pasta, spuds, beans, cereal, bread, rice, pumpkin and corn. So I'm guessing that Lizzy and I have similar metabolisms which would mean you're probably already eating a diet which is best for you to bulk on with minimum fat gain. Good luck. |