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Author Topic:   Legit Source ?
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 19)
posted March 04, 2000 11:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mtlman01   Click Here to Email mtlman01     Edit/Delete Message
I am trying to locate a source . I am part owner of 2 gyms in Upstate NY. But also work full time as an Engineer. So i dont have much time to search. I was able at one time to get in the city, but due to the travel time down there, dont get the chance. I tried a few sources over the net , and got ripped each F"N time. People have referred me and said its a good source and land up getting shit. I order small for testing purposes and let these people know , if legit ... I will be able to spend at least 1200.00 a month . Between my partner and clients . People always inquiring at the gym. when i order i order from around 60-100.00. You would think the people would at least send legit stuff the first time . Then get a hold of the big buck's , but they are so damn greedy. I wish it was back in the 70's when local sources were all around and you didnt have to depend on any third world countries. Shit like Brovel where it is underdosed , and the factory is filthy . I f anyone knows of anything . Feel free to e-mail me . thank's for all your time and support ..... Jim

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