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Author Topic:   Reforvit-B
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 17)
posted February 25, 2000 05:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for triton   Click Here to Email triton     Edit/Delete Message
I just got hold of some Reforvit and had one question about it. The label has the animals all stacked on on top of the other from top to bottom. All of the labels I have seen have them two side by side and then two more underneath them. Anyone know if they changed their label or if the stuff I have is fake? Would like to know before it goes in my body. The color of the liquid is right. What should it taste like?


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Mr. Laredo
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 40)
posted February 25, 2000 06:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Mr. Laredo   Click Here to Email Mr. Laredo     Edit/Delete Message
It's real bro. there are new labels I've never seen or heard 50ml reforvit-b faked.
Laredo price $50
Street price $100

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 19)
posted February 27, 2000 01:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for platehead   Click Here to Email platehead     Edit/Delete Message
can not comment on labels but check it out. the real shit has "AQUI/ABRI" on the part of the lid that is removed. if it has this and your still not positive then just test it.mix 1/2c of it with about 2 thru 2 1/2c of water inside a stick. it should cloud up and you should see crystals start to form. this will atleast let ya no if there is any type of anything in it at all. COOL

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 17)
posted February 27, 2000 04:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for triton   Click Here to Email triton     Edit/Delete Message
Thanks for the help. Will find out this week if it is real or not.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 231)
posted February 27, 2000 04:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for flexed1   Click Here to Email flexed1     Edit/Delete Message
the crystals will take atleast 6 hours to develop best to sit overnight and bring the water ratio down to equal the amount of reforvit. place insdie a clear glass and let sit undisturbed. the other way to know right off is inject. when its real the reforvit will sting immediately. if it does not sting it is fake

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