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Author Topic:   Vangaurd and Weapons X
Mr. T

Elite Bodybuilder

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posted October 16, 2000 12:21 PM

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You both claimed that Ralph Nader was a communist last week. But neither of you could tell me why. Personally, Ive been over his entire platform and cannot find a shred of evidence that he wants to control our economy (Except that he wants to tax companies that pollute, but thats not communism) or start taking away private property. So what gives? Why are you guys Nader haters?

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posted October 16, 2000 01:13 PM

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give me a website with his platform and maybe I can shed some light on the subject.

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Mr. T

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posted October 16, 2000 03:16 PM

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Posts: 1666
From:Atlanta GA
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posted October 16, 2000 03:25 PM

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The idea of taxing businesses that pollute quickly translates into one of three things:

1. Businesses spend tremendous amounts of money to clean up what is already MANDATED to be miniscule amounts of pollution, and pass the costs on to us.

2. Businesses ignore the legislation, and pass the costs of the taxes on to us.

3. Business close their plants and move out of the US, where land and labor is cheaper, and there is no pollution law.

Pollution is a severe problem in developing countries, where they are just getting freon, DDT is still legal, CFC use is not regulated, etc.

So, according to Nader's policies, either the costs of goods and services skyrockets, or unemployment does. Nader is trying to make it difficult for big businesses, certainly not the motive of a capitalist. One could infer that the government would then be called upon to play a greater role in providing these things, Communist style.

However, one need not make that inference to see what is crystal clear: Nader may or may not be a Communist, but he is DEFINITELY something far more dangerous:

An idiot.

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Mr. T

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posted October 16, 2000 06:06 PM

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People in the US are dieing by the hundreds of thousands because of respitory infection which has been related to poor air quality. More children have asthma in the US than any other country because of poor air quality. Im glad your concerned about big business, but Im more concerned with the health of the American people. I dont understand your concepts either. How would big business make American people pay their pollution tax? How would they not abide by tax laws without IRS and Federal Law Enforcement action? How does taxing pollution amount to communism? I really think you guys throw that word around. Communism is total control over the economy and a collective ownership of property. How is punishing polluters controling the economy? Naders is an idiot because he does not agree with you? Does that make me an idiot too?

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted October 16, 2000 06:50 PM

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Alright, here it goes. Whatever word you want to use, taking money from certain people and giving it to use for other people can be referred to socialism or as the green party wants, communism. Communism scares people, makes people think of The Soviet Union etc. What is a God given right is the life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. What is not a right, despite how times have changed and how much sympathy one may have is the right to free medical care, welfare, daycare, medicine, school lunches, school itself, 401k plans etc. The idea of communism, was origanally meant for the common good. Everyone should and will share in the nations wealth. You wont see the word communist in green parety speac or even the word socialsim. However, the language is identical. Supplying the masses with everything may have good intentions but instead of spreading the wealth, it spreaded the misery. As far as the environment, communist Russia was much more polluted than the US ever was. You should quit knee jerk reactions and learn about a few things before you get your panties in a wad. Nuff said.

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Posts: 1666
From:Atlanta GA
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posted October 16, 2000 07:10 PM

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Mr T,

Business will not ignore the tax laws that are passed. They will simply pass the tax on to us.

When a business incurs greater expense, they don't just absorb it. The consumer ends up paying the increase. Oil is currently very expensive. So therefore gasoline and home heating oil are high priced right now. In short, the increased cost to the oil company menas an increased cost to us.

It doesn't matter one bit if a company faces increased expenses due to market conditions, or a goverment-imposed tax. The increase will be passed along to consumers.
That's how it works.

The more likely scenario is that the companies set up shop elsewhere, like right down in Mexico: cheaper labor, no laws at all. Or maybe Cambodia or Indonesia, as Nike has already done. Regardless, imposing these taxes hurts the consumer, either through increased cost or unemployment when the companies move.

Pollution is an issue that needs to be faced. But attacking these businesses will have negative repercussions which I have already discussed. Furthermore, it is developing countries who are doing the most damage to the atmosphere with their prevalent use of CFC's and freon. They are plentifula dn cheap, and a favorite of Third World countries who don't care about atmospheric decomposition. The US is among the world leaders in pollution legislation - one example is the zero-emissions standard for cars - which will be in place before this decade is out.

Nader is a foolish ideologue. His ideas, while theoretically attractive, are pipe dreams.

He (and you) have to realize something: Americans always have been, and always will be, willing to sacrifice QUANTITY of life, for QUALITY of life. In other words, we will always let some die, if it increases the quality of life of the others.

For example: Thousands of people are killed annually in car accidents. We could, thoeretically, impose a strict, 10 mile per hour speed limit on all roads, which would eliminate traffic fatalities. Thousands of lives would be saved. Isn't that great?! NO!

We'd never get anywhere. That's what Nader wants to doto our economy, and likewise, we'd never get anywhere.

You're not an idiot Mr. T, just an idealist.


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Posts: 1666
From:Atlanta GA
Registered: Jan 2000

posted October 16, 2000 07:11 PM

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Well said. And true. People want the goverment to do everything.


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Mr. T

Elite Bodybuilder

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posted October 16, 2000 11:07 PM

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Matt- the tax would be on the business that polluted, say Oil company X. That would not effect Oil companies Y and Z. He is not imposing a tax on all of those in a particular field, just the ones who pollute. So if business X raised their prices to pay off the tax, they would have a higher price than companies Y and Z. Unless of course they price fix, which is ilegal.

Vanguard- I understand what you are saying, but what specifically in the platform is communist or socialist. (What issue?, the link to Naders sight is above) You might want to recheck your source on pollution, Russia may have had more pollution overall but the study that I saw was a porportion which is what matters. Of course overall would be more their 10 times the size of the US. BTW, you can disagree with me without insulting or talking down me you fuckin jackass.

If both of you really believe in such a strict definition of socialism and communism, wouldnt Bush and Gore both be socialist for wanting social security?

[This message has been edited by Mr. T (edited October 16, 2000).]

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Mr. T

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posted October 17, 2000 11:19 AM

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Bump for a response-

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Mr. T

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posted October 17, 2000 03:18 PM

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Pro Bodybuilder

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From:Charlotte, NC
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posted October 17, 2000 04:05 PM

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If you are specifically doing a word search for the word socialist or communist I doubt you will find it. Seems you have already been sold and will do whatever it takes to rationalize that this platform does not reek of socialism. You want a specific example? Easy . . . read the whole platform. If that doesn't do it, well, I don't know where to start with you. However, if this statement doesn't reek of class envy, and making everyone "equal", I don't know what does. . .
"Centralization of wealth and power contributes to social and economic injustice, environmental destruction, and militarization."

The only difference between traditional commusism and the Green Party is the catchy feel good references combined with the obvious disdain for a military. The foolish hope for utopia is there more than ever. People and ideas from the sixties have ruined this country, maybe beyond repair. The green party is exactly what we don't need. The sixties are over, it's time to grow up.

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Mr. T

Elite Bodybuilder

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posted October 17, 2000 05:28 PM

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Translation: I cant find any part of Naders platform that points to socialism or communism so I will just assume that he wants to do so. The only problem is that when you assume you make an ass out of u and me. Please dont respond to this because I have wasted enough time talking to you.

BTW, nice job skating around the question about Bush and Gore.

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