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  Vote For BUSH !!!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted October 10, 2000 01:06 PM

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Gore is a liar everytime he opens his mouth something new comes out. I think he surprises himself with some of his answers.

If you value the betterment of life, liberty, happiness and the right to bear arms. You can only make 1 choice.

If you don't want to Head for the mountains vote for George Bush.

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Weapon X

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posted October 10, 2000 01:14 PM

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Fact Vs. Fiction:

Honesty Questions Hurt Gore:

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Mr. T

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posted October 10, 2000 01:19 PM

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Not allowing women the choice to choose for their own body as they see fit is not liberty. Rigging tort laws so citizens rights to sue HMO's are taken away is not liberty. Republicans pretend they are the party of small government, but they are really the party of big business. (So are the Demos for that matter). Harry Browne and Ralph Nader are the only canadites that can make a real change-

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posted October 10, 2000 01:22 PM

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First of Bush or anyone can't do anything to take a way abortion. As for tort reform, suing companies because you decided to smoke is a good thing. Dont be a fag.

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posted October 10, 2000 05:57 PM

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What the hell is all of this "a woman and her own body" shit? When a woman asks a doctor to murder her child (oops, I mean "abort the fetus"), isn't it the CHILD'S body that's having something done to it?

Also, Mr. T, when Bush wins he isn't just going to go "ok abortions are illegal." Anyone who thinks something like that would happen has no idea how the laws in this country work. By the time Bush is able to do anything about the abortion laws, should he attempt to, humanity will probably be enlightened and responsible enough to make abortions as rare as drug-free Mr. Olympia's.

Also, IMO, a vote for Harry Browne or Ralph Nader is a wasted vote because we know (or should know) with certainty that neither candidate will win because they are not members of one of the two major parties. Anyone who votes should vote for the candidate who is a) better fit for the job, and b) would have a better influence on our country as a whole.

Lower taxes and Social Security reform sounds like good influence to me. (That's Bush by the way.)


[This message has been edited by Warik (edited October 10, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Warik (edited October 10, 2000).]

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Dirk Diggler

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posted October 10, 2000 06:03 PM

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Weapon X

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posted October 10, 2000 06:26 PM

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Bush & Dick 2000

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posted October 10, 2000 06:38 PM

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posted October 10, 2000 06:41 PM

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see my sig.....

Chesty/Dirk 2000

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posted October 10, 2000 06:58 PM

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Of course Gores bumper stickers say..

We'll Lick Bush in 2000

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Weapon X

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posted October 10, 2000 07:00 PM

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JohnnyO, Gore made that joke up back in 1932!

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posted October 10, 2000 07:04 PM

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Funny how all democrats are pro abortion yet they don't support capital punishment. I feel a criminal is more deserving of the two to be killed, call me crazy. Actually, abortion seems harsh to me, but I support ALL of our rights in this country so I am pro both.

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Weapon X

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posted October 10, 2000 07:07 PM

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Murder isn't a right, MP5.

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Mr. T

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posted October 10, 2000 08:23 PM

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The next president will elect 3 or 4 Supreme Court Justices so yes our president will effect how our laws are interpeted. (I have a major in Criminolgy so yes I do know the law thanks) Even if he didnt, telling someone else what to do with their body is not liberty- which is what I said. Only repubs and dems say a third party vote is a wasted vote, thats because they dont want any more competition. I vote my conscience and personally I dont care if Im the only one who votes for a third party candidate. I refuse to go along with the crowd and vote for the lesser of two evils.

Oh yeah, Im aware of both dem and repub platforms. (Not sure why you think Im not) I just think the two party system is disfuntional and in need of a third party to come in and act as a mediator to start getting down to business and forget this bipartisian crap. I also know that not shit will get done unless we get corporate America out of politics, which is what Nader will do.

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posted October 10, 2000 08:28 PM

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Posts: 3214
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posted October 10, 2000 08:38 PM

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You know telling a woman she can kill her child is just FUCKING STUPID!!! Its my body I'll do with it what I want, blah, blah, blah... Go get your ass fixed then. I'll pay tax dollars for that!

Second, has anyone ever seen the pictures of a partial birth abortion, what in the FUCK our these doctors and bitches (i mean woman) thinking of? I don't know but it isn't about humanity.

Yes, it is funny how liberals/dems feel that genocide is okay but capital punishment is morally wrong. I guess Hitler and the Third Reich Live on!

Man don't get me started on abortion or shit like that, because it just makes me sick what we can do to our own children, the ones who want nothing more than a hug and a kiss. Abortionists make me puke! Just like the concentration camps and the people in charge of them make me puke!

Now, I can go for lower taxes, stronger military, no abortion, the freedom to succeed or fail based on my abilities and drives and not live to serve the gov't.

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Mr. T

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posted October 10, 2000 08:48 PM

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I dont support abortion, I support the constitution- which says nothing about abortion. Therefore, it should have never been decided on and should not be an issue. I like how your a strict constitutionalist on gun control but not on abortion chesty-

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Posts: 3214
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posted October 10, 2000 08:54 PM

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How am I not a strict Constitutionalist on murder? No where in the Constitution does it say women have the right to kill their unborn or half born children? Why it went to the supreme court was because the constitutionality of the right of a woman to do to herself what she wants. The supreme court decided that she did have that right and therefore since a fetus is technically not a living human being it can be dealt with as she saw fit. Just like if she was constipated and took a laxitive. And that still doesn't explain the partial birth abortions.

Constitutionlist, yes I am, everyone has the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, born or unborn. I am against murder period. But not against punishment.

They want the right to abort, then get fixed and they won't have to worry about it. Abortion is the most heinous act in the history of the US and long in the future, we will be remembered for one thing above all else, the persecution of the innocent and defenseless, the children and unborn children of this country. It still makes me sick.

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Mr. T

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posted October 10, 2000 09:01 PM

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I think so too. But the constituion also does not say that women dont have that right. Which is covered under I believe the 9th amendment. (Which basically says in case we forgot something in the first 8 amendments it does not nessecariy mean that the people do not have that right)

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted October 10, 2000 10:44 PM

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If women have to right to kill. Then i should have the right to kill someone. It makes me sick the hear people say what hitler did was wrong,ect... But shit, killing an unborn baby is okay... Whatever... And no i never heard anyone say that on this board, i heard some girl say that the other day....

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Weapon X

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posted October 10, 2000 11:06 PM

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They act as though a baby is an organ of a woman's body. What absolute bullshit.

It's semantics. Is it a "choice?" It's killing a human being with brain waves and a heart beat.
What would happen if a man punched his pregnant wife in teh stomach and caused a miscarriage? Would he be arrested, or would it be called choice? What if he had slipped an abortificant into her orange juice? Choice?

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted October 10, 2000 11:20 PM

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Originally posted by Mr. T:
The next president will elect 3 or 4 Supreme Court Justices so yes our president will effect how our laws are interpeted. (I have a major in Criminolgy so yes I do know the law thanks)

Did your criminology teacher mention Separation of Powers which basically states that the Legislative Branch can tell the President "too bad, we don't want him on the bench?" The duty of the Supreme Court Justices is to interpret the constitutionality of laws. The beliefs and opinions of those judges, be they pro-abortion, anti-abortion, or pro-anythingyouwant, are irrelevant. The only thing that matters is the competence of the potential judge and his ability to do his job properly. That is determined by the Legaislative Branch - NOT the President.


Even if he didnt, telling someone else what to do with their body is not liberty- which is what I said.

Did you completely ignore what I said in my previous post? Hello? Bush is not trying to take away a woman's rights to do with her body whatever she pleases. Do whatever you want to your bodies, ladies, JUST LEAVE THE FUCKING CHILD ALONE!


Only repubs and dems say a third party vote is a wasted vote, thats because they dont want any more competition. I vote my conscience and personally I dont care if Im the only one who votes for a third party candidate. I refuse to go along with the crowd and vote for the lesser of two evils.

That's your choice. Vote for whomever you please. I said "IMO" for a reason. Browne or Nader could be the best men running in this election (I wouldn't know. I don't know where they stand.), but when we KNOW that they are not going to win the election, how could we waste our votes on them knowing that our votes could have gone towards electing George W. Bush to keep Al Gore out of office? I'm not looking at this election from a "Gore sucks, he is an idiot" or "Bush is a moron" standpoint. I'm looking at it from a "George W. Bush's ideas and beliefs would improve the United States of America moreso than Al Gore's would." Too many people are looking at this the wrong way. (No, I'm not fingering you, Mr. T. I don't know if you are looking at the candidate or the candidate's qualities.)


Oh yeah, Im aware of both dem and repub platforms. (Not sure why you think Im not) I just think the two party system is disfuntional and in need of a third party to come in and act as a mediator to start getting down to business and forget this bipartisian crap.

I'm not saying that you don't know what's going on. I said "That's Bush by the way" simply for the closing effect on my post. I agree on what you are saying about the party system, though. Another good ol' George W. (Washington) said that political parties were a terrible idea. Maybe we should have listened to him. I just don't feel that a third party would make a sufficient impact on the presidential race at this point in time.


I also know that not shit will get done unless we get corporate America out of politics, which is what Nader will do.

No he won't, because he won't get elected. Sucks to be Nader. =)

By the way, one thing you don't know is how to spell my alias correctly. It's "Warik," not "Warick."

Nice talkin' to ya,

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted October 11, 2000 01:28 AM

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As lng as u vote you aren't wating your vote. However realisticly thinking, Nader will not win so please vote for the person you can tolerate more from the 2 big parties. As for me I am one of the most anti Democrats youll find. Bush/Cheney for 2000!!!

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posted October 11, 2000 01:36 AM

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My vote is for Bush!!
But, what about this oil deal he wants to do?
Anyone know anything about this?

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posted October 11, 2000 09:50 AM

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Originally posted by Pamela:
My vote is for Bush!!
But, what about this oil deal he wants to do?
Anyone know anything about this?

You can get some good information on Bush/Cheney's views on the Energy issue here.

Basically, he wants to start producing oil domestically, among other things. The goal is for the United States to have an effective national energy policy that "helps low-income households with their energy bills, improves air quality, encourages the development of renewable and alternative fuels, and, recognizing that alternative sources supply less than 4 percent of U.S. energy needs, promotes access to foreign oil and the development of U.S. oil, coal and natural gas resources." (from

In other words, oil + domestic production = cheaper gas. The United States is 56% dependent on foreign oil (the highest percentage ever... thanks Bill, thanks Al ) - dependence is BAD!

BUSH/CHENEY 2000-2008

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Cool Novice

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posted October 11, 2000 11:04 AM

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I'm with Mr.T on this your conscience, not for a party...a vote for a third party candidate is NOT a wasted vote...a third party vote might not be a vote for the winner, but the two major parties (which are, for all intents and purposes, cogs in the same political machine) are forced to take notice when a third party candidate garners substantial popular support...I believe that the major parties' platforms are influenced and to a large extent modified according to the voice of the independents...witness Clinton's move to the center following Perot's relative success.

Regarding abortion, the following quote from the Libertarian Party platform states my view:

"Recognizing that abortion is a very sensitive issue and that people, including libertarians, can hold good-faith views on both sides, we believe the government should be kept out of the question.

We condemn state-funded and state-mandated abortions. It is particularly harsh to force someone who believes that abortion is murder to pay for another's abortion.

It is the right and obligation of the pregnant woman, not the state, to decide the desirability or appropriateness of prenatal testing, Caesarean births, fetal surgery, voluntary surrogacy arrangements, and/or home births."

For more information on the Libertarian Party and Harry Browne, see

Peace, out

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Mr. T

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posted October 11, 2000 11:21 AM

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Warck: Our entire judicial system is political. Judges are either appointed by politician, or run for election which means they become politicians. You try to make fun of my knowlege about our court system but it is you who is wrong. The President nominates and the Senate confirms USSC justices. Period. Which means if you have a conservative pres., a conservative majority in Senate, and a conservative nominee- you will have a conservative judge. Hence, presidents never nominate someone whos ideas they do not associate with. What do you think, Bush would nominate a Democrat???!! If the USSC is not political than why are their conservatives, moderates, and liberals on the bench? Get you shit straight before you attack my law background.

Futhermore, a fetus is clearly part of a womens body unless you think a fetus is self sufficient and an umbilical cord is really a useless piece of flesh.

Lastly, we make no political progress because their are problems with the system. Ralph Nader will help this (reform) as he will not win but it is obvious he and other third party candidates push both parties towards the center. Why do you think Bush and Gore keep calling themselves "real" reformers? It will not happen this election, but in our lifetime we will see a new party emerge to unite the 60% of Americans who dont vote and who are fed up with the system. I firmly believe that if Jesse Ventura entered the race today, he would win-

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted October 11, 2000 11:44 AM

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Putting morals aside for a moment, I think it all comes down to the money issue. If a child is born to a worthless mother then we as taxpayers have to support it and chances are it will turn out to be a criminal due to the fact its family sucks. The alternative is an abortion which eliminates this, and eliminates a child born into suffering. So basically it is a double edged sword. The democrats are pro abortion yet they enjoy taxing the working to pay for these children, and the rebublicans are usually anti yet they don't support these socialistic programs. I guess we need a mandatory spay and nueter for useless people or atleast revamp the adoption process in this country and make it easy.

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Weapon X

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posted October 11, 2000 11:46 AM

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Mr. T, even a toddler isn't self-sufficient, so should we be able to kill those as well in the name of choice?
The fact is that after the 8th week or so, abortion stops a beating heart and brainwaves.

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Posts: 3214
From:Everett, WA
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posted October 11, 2000 11:48 AM

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Other things we are overlooking is the fact that the UN is becoming more intrusive into our daily lives, Gore is a proponent of world wide birth control and the UN has been studying that for years, the UN is trying to get the US to give up its personal ownership of guns, like England and Austria and now Canada. When was the last time an Amercian was in Charge of a UN operation? Korea? perhaps Vietnam? Go figure, we are sending our boys to go die for some third world country leader when we took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, not the UN. Someone should find and post the original UN charter and constitution, it is very scary reading.. I want a President who has the balls to kick the UN out of this country withdraw from participation and tell the UN to go FUCK Themselves in their collective asses. Hell, we fund 75% or more of the UN and they are bitching that we owe them more...shit Buzz off Coffeanan or whoever is in charge. We don't need you.

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Mr. T

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posted October 11, 2000 11:53 AM

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Yes, we should kill all toddlers. One more time, Im not for abortion but I do think women have the right to choose for themselves and not the government. When I said fetuses are not self sufficient, I was reponding to a comment from Warrick who said a fetus is not part of a womans body. (Which is the dumbest thing Ive heard all day BTW)

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posted October 11, 2000 12:05 PM

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Then we should not put people in jail for causing the miscarriage of a pregnancy anymore than we jail women paying for the murder or the doctor who gets paid to perform the murder. It is my body, but do I have the right to kill myself? Hmmmm, not since I last checked.

If you are against abortion great, if your are for womens rights great, but when their right supercedes the right of another human being, no matter the age (from conception to birth) she has violated the Constitution and the rights of others. It doesn't matter if it is in her or someone else. As, I said before, if she don't want kids or is not sure then we should have gov't sponsored spay clinics and fix 'em.

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posted October 11, 2000 12:19 PM

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Mr. T:

1) Learn how to spell. (Who is "Warck?")

2) Ok, so you're saying that Bush will nominate a bunch of conservatives and they will be appointed by majority vote, and the judges will go: "What? We're on the bench now? Lol... ok guys, first order of business is to make abortions illegal." Please. You think they can just walk up there and go "we are the Supreme Court Justices, do as we say, bitch." It doesn't work that way (but I'm sure you knew that.) The judges speak on behalf of the Constitution (I'm not saying you don't know that... I'm sure you do ). My point is, the judges can't just go "OOpps... we didn't read the back of the Constitution, there's an amendment forbidding abortions!" So what exactly is scaring you?

3) So why can scumbags be charged with double homocide when they kill a pregnant woman? Why would someone be charged with murder if he kicked a pregnant woman in the stomach? Shouldn't that just be battery? Oh wait... maybe because he killed the woman's child? Shit.. what a concept.

4) We can only pray that Jesse Ventura will run for the presidency one day.


Why don't we eliminate those worthless mothers and "sucky" families that can't afford to support a child instead? That would solve a lot of our problems, wouldn't it? No worthless potential mothers means no worthless potential mothers seeking abortions. No "sucky" families means no stupid government programs and systems to take hard-earned money out of MY pocket to spoon-feed and BABYSIT THEIR LAZY WORTHLESS ASSES because they are too incompetent to fend for themselves. WHY DON'T WE DO THAT INSTEAD? We don't do that because it's murder - just like needless abortion.

If you aren't capable of supporting a child as a result of an unexpected pregnancy, then get some fucking responsibility and either don't have sex or get yourself fixed. Would you go out and inject every steroid known to man and then go "oh no, I have bitch tits and my nuts disappeared... what do I do?!" It's called responsbility. Learn it.

Mr. T (again):

Learn to spell (again). Holy shit. "Warick," "Warck," Warrick"; how many more variations do you have left?

Let me get this straight: You are not in favor of abortions, but you think that women have the right to choose for themselves? Then you're in favor of abortion. You can't have two opinions about one thing - only Al Gore is allowed to do that.

I agree with chesty. Life begins at conception. If he or she is not ready to have children, then he or she should try being responsible for a change.


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posted October 11, 2000 12:34 PM

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Good points and nice posts. Glad to see my little post is generating some thinking.

Looks like Bush has a lead on our poll.

Keep it going!

Attitude is Everything !!

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Mr. T

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posted October 11, 2000 12:34 PM

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Warik- (Alright I got it right this time) If Supreme Court Justices only interpeted the constituion, then how was Roe v Wade ever decided on? There is nothing about abortion in the constitution. One thing about the constituion, is that each generation tweaks it to fit their beliefs. Which is why a liberal belief like abortion, was ever decided upon. Its called judicial activism and it happens every day in every court room in America. While some USSC judges do vote their conscience, the majority have an agenda.

On abortion, it is my opinion that I do not support it. But, its not my decision to make since it is not my body. (I am clearly not a woman) I dont understand why you dont think that is an opinion-

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted October 12, 2000 01:24 AM

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BUSH all the way...

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posted October 12, 2000 01:59 AM

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If I'm not mistaken Roe Vs Wade is over a woman has the right to choose what to do with her body....I think that decision in itself can be pretty broad or narrow as the govt sees fit...That is the reason why I found Bushes statements pretty interesting the other day

"A woman can do whatever she wants with her body just not harming the child"

farbeit from me to force my opinions on anyway but I don't agree with abortion except a few remote instances...I think the states should decide on that issue and not the Fed Govt.

One of the things I can't stop myself from thinking is even though some woman have children who don't need to be having them, what if those kids that could have been born into those bad situations might have been the next president or next Nobel Prize winner, or even the Next great mind of our time....I think since they have a right to choose then Somehow a more Concrete term to define what "Life" is....The only time I agree with abortion is in Rape, Incest, or the life of the woman...I have a friend who's mother died giving birth to him...I really wish I was given the chance to meet her cause her Dr.s tried convincing her to abort him to save her life since she had medical problems, but she said no and gave her life so he could live...

I can't find anything more admirable than she making that choice cause she stuck with her beliefs...This Guy has made such an impact on my life Who knows what my life may hold if he weren't alive today...

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