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  If you this!!!!!!!

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posted October 09, 2000 12:36 PM

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Those of you who regularly attend raves in NYC or PHilly be very careful if you are a ecstasy user....I understand that there have been several tabs found to contain heroin!!!
E tabs typically NEVER contain this...unfortunatly some fucking numnuts is trying to be funny...not laughing....Just be careful if that is your scene. Raving is fun...Women are FUN....Partying in fucking diesel is the shit...Death safe be smart all!!!

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Posts: 2417
From:Yo Aunties Pad
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posted October 09, 2000 12:37 PM

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted October 09, 2000 02:23 PM

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this post has to do with AS how??

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Mr H


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posted October 09, 2000 02:54 PM

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E has always been known to have Heroin in it-where have you been? It's made in someone's basement- it has coke, crack, H, K, ephedrine and probably whatever other household products they can find in it.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:I'm in your daughter's bedroom right now.
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posted October 09, 2000 03:25 PM

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It amases me on the rumors that surround exstasy. I hear this same bullshit about it containing heroine daily. Mr H it is one of the hardest drugs to make, and it contains MDMA. It is not made of "coke, crack, H, K, ephedrine and probably whatever other household products they can find in it." as you posted. If you need some more info try either Dancesafe or Erowid. They are both a wealth of true informaion. This is an edited version of an article in December issue of Eternity magazine


You've probably heard stories of E being spiked with addictive and
poisonous substances. True, when you buy "Ecstasy" there's no quality
control and you may well get cocktails of other drugs, particularly when
the dealer has run out of MDMA. You may also get a dud. But not heroin or

Every day the police confiscate suspect drugs which are sent to a
forensic laboratory at Aldermaston specially equipped to detect drugs,
and they have never come across drugs sold as Ecstasy containing heroin.
People taken to hospital with possible drug problems have samples of
their blood sent to the National Poisons Unit which has special equipment
to detect drugs: heroin has not been found in the blood of patients
reported to have taken only Ecstasy. So how did the rumours start?
A year ago Time Out magazine ran a double page feature entitled "Bitter
Pills", subtitled "Ecstasy has turned to agony for thousands of E users"
as dealers spike tablets and capsules with heroin, LSD, rat poison and
crushed glass. The story was repeated all over the place, even in a
Danish newspaper.

I questioned the source quoted: Stephen Beard of the Newham Drugs Advice
Project. He was elusive, and when I finally I got him on the phone would
only say that the story came from a dealer who said he made fake Ecstasy
by crushing light bulbs. There was no supporting evidence such as lab
tests or reports from doctors who had treated users. The National Poisons
Unit told me there had been no recent cases of poisoning due to ground
glass or rat poison. Yet, in spite of my protests, Newham and Time Out
did nothing to correct the story. Likewise, Mixmag's recent feature on
Ecstasy omitted to mention the Glasgow tests showing that Ecstasy was not
contaminated, even though they had the results. Mixmag also said: "300mg
MDMA can kill a small girl" (the lowest lethal dose recorded in animal
trials was 20mg/kilo, or 300mg for someone weighing 15kg: a very small
girl); and "MDA is like strong LSD mixed with speed" (MDA has no LSD-like
effects, it is similar to MDMA but longer lasting and with less warmth).
Its as though no-one wants to undermine the established myths.
One of these came from a satirical song in the fifties called The Old
Dope Peddler: "He gives the kids free samples because he knows full well,
that today's young innocent faces will become tomorrow's clientele". Its
no more likely than your local wine merchant going to the trouble and
expense of injecting bottles with heroin, hoping that you will become an
addict to boost his sales. True, some dealers cheat by selling any old
white powder as Ecstasy, but cheats are unlikely to sell heroin at a loss
or go to the trouble of crushing light bulbs.

Most of the substitutes found in Ecstasy are not harmful, but can produce
unexpected effects. However, before you blame the pill, you should
realise just how important is the situation and you own expectations. In
fact, very few people realise and accept how much the effect of drugs
like Ecstasy depends on their own situation, and state of mind at the
time. My best E experience was caused by an identical tablet as one that
made a friend sick and another that had no effect (at a party in an
enclosed tunnel).

Remember that E is not simply a happy pill, but lowers your defences and
allows you to open up. However, it may be more comfortable to remain
defensive and reserved unless you are in a situation where you feel good.
E can bring up suppressed feelings which you may not be prepared to face.
More on situations to avoid and emotional dangers next month.
Deaths in Scotland

I have been trying to discover what caused the deaths at Hanger 13 - so
as to inform people and prevent more tragedies. I have even spoken to say
they know but can't tell because, mad though it seems, Scottish law
prohibits them from revealing cause of death. However, the Home Office
licensed Glasgow University to collect and analyse 15 samples of
"Ecstasy" after the deaths. 14 were pure MDMA and one was a capsule that
contained speed with just a trace of MDMA. So it seems unlikely that
these deaths were due to poisons sold as Ecstasy. Incidentally, doctors
who had talked to users of "Rhubarb and Custard" said they believed it
contained "MDMA plus a strong hypnotic" (e.g. heroin). In fact it was
pure MDMA.

A possibility, believed by the National Poisons Unit, is that these
people died from overheating which has been the cause of nearly all rave
deaths, particularly in clubs with nonstop hard core techno, no chill-out
area and no free water. The tragedy is that those people didn't know the
importance of avoiding overheating. The media love to say that people who
take Ecstasy risk dropping dead without warning, but the warning is clear
to those who look out for it: getting too hot. The risk can be avoided by
taking breaks, cooling off and drinking plenty of water. Overheating also
kills people who do not take drugs, but without drugs the discomfort is
more obvious.


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted October 09, 2000 03:40 PM

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There is much more than MDMA in these. Maybe when E first came out and it was "pure" it was just MDMA and maybe in some states it still is. But in NYC there is a heck of alot more than mdma in these pills. I know people that have had pills tested in chem class. These pills vary drastically- one can be all MDMA, one can be all coke and heroine. thats why one night you can be dancing like crazy andx the next you feel like just sitting down and dont feel like doing anything.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:NE alabama
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posted October 09, 2000 03:40 PM

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heroin is not orally active...why would you spike a drug with a more expensive drug...

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted October 09, 2000 04:19 PM

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the amount of heroine they put in e is very small, but it is there.

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Cool Novice

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From:Aloha, OR USA
Registered: Sep 2000

posted October 09, 2000 05:43 PM

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Well this has to be corrected, heroin is active orally, intravenously, IM, snorted, and even active up your ass. All opiod narcotics are orally active.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted October 09, 2000 05:46 PM

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smallboy - how do you know that these pills contain herion - you dont. "Smacky" pills are more likely cut with ketamine, and never has a "Smacky" pill thats been tested contained heroin.
Anyway why would someone bother putting tiny amounts of heroin in? It wouldnt do anything anyway, orally you would need much more.
And if you think dealers are trying to get people addicted, addiction doesnt occur when the amount taken is too small to even feel any effects.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted October 09, 2000 06:23 PM

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X may have anything in it. It could have poison, epedrine, coke, heroin, etc. You never know what you have until you test your FUCKING PILL.

Now people lets FUCKING think this shit out.
X can contain coke BUT:
Why would you put coke in a pill unless your gonna snort it? Do you see coke addicts eating their coke? And do you really think the amount of coke in a pill is really going to effect you when you take it orally?
Why would anyone in there fucking right mind put coke in a pill when coke is expensive? Think about it
Did you know that when you take X and coke together they cancel each other out and you lose your buzz or high? These two do not go together!!!

Now how about Heroin... Do you honestly believe that most of the pills out there have heroin in them? Most people say that alot of pills have heroin in them.
But why the fuck would they unless again your going to snort the pill?
The amount of heroin in a pill is not orally active in that amount. It would take at least an 1/8 of an ounce to even be orally active and all that's gonna happen when you eat that much heroin is you get a stomach ache. Do you see heroin addicts on the side of the street eating their heroin?
Did you know that when your all fucked up on heroin your pupils look like pin holes?
But when your all fucked up on rolls your eyes look like pancakes. So how the fuck could heroin be in pills if it doesn't make your eyes fucking dilate?
So why would anyone waste there fucking time putting heroin in a pill if it won't do anything to you? The chemist would save more money just throwing ephedrine in your pill instead of wasting there money on heroin.
The dealer just tells you there is heroin in them to make the pill seem like it's very strong. Then you respond by saying "OOOOHH OOH these pills must be strong because they contain heroin in them so I must buy them."

People, know what the FUCK your talking about before opening your FUCKING PIE HOLE!!


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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:Mesquite, Tx
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posted October 09, 2000 06:25 PM

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Rotten is 100% correct. I is a myth the the little brown speck in a white tab is
'H'. l Back in the late 80's I watch a large batch be made in Shreveport, La all the whay to the 10,000 tab pill press. Never was there 'H' or 'C' or any other product put in it. Now when it became very hard to get a couple of the product involve that was some white crosses and speep put into the tabs.

MDMA. Get the green ones from the french and you are getting the prescrition kind and you will know what you are taking.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted October 09, 2000 06:52 PM

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it warms the cockles of my heart to know not everyone is fucking stupid...

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Cool Novice

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posted October 09, 2000 07:47 PM

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To anyone who posted that MDMA has heroin in it:You are FUCKING IDIOTS!!! X is one of,if not the HARDEST drug to produce.Two of the main chems are class I drugs in the US and the DEA and FBI watch them like crazy-Both of those chems require the chemist to sign DEA paperwork FULLY kept on file. EVERY SINGLE PILL ever taken by the cops WORLDWIDE gets sent to a lab and NONE-whats that NONE of them ever tested for H.X costs between .25-.50 ea. to make-You would be a jerkoff to waste $$ and put H in a pill.An oral amount would cost about $6-10 per pill-You do the math.Brown specks mean NOTHING.Its called binders and fillers not taken out to their right reaction.Color means shit.I can't believe people still think there is smack in rolls.If your roll feels "smacky" its because its MDA or MDEA-NOT H!! Some pills have speed(easier to make)or K,not to mention PMA or DXM(deadly)99% of the E comes from Europe anyway.Most of the fake shit is produced domestically.Its nearly impossible to OD on E!! Some of the fake pills have killed people in the last month.That is fucking sad.Buy a test kit and test your rolls
ps-I'm on house arrest from DEA and FBI-for ...guess what? Yes ,I know my shit

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted October 09, 2000 07:53 PM

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there was a special news conference on CNN a couple weeks ago where the subject was ecstacy. there were some top docs and people from the authorities. they said that no US labs have ever found heroine in pills. they think the rumors stem from when some BIG guy from russia got nailed. he CLAIMED they had heroine,

6 gauge in my tongue,
22 gauge in my ass...

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:chicago il
Registered: Apr 2000

posted October 09, 2000 07:54 PM

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there was a special news conference on CNN a couple weeks ago where the subject was ecstacy. there were some top docs and people from the authorities. they said that no US labs have ever found heroine in pills. they think the rumors stem from when some BIG guy from russia got nailed. he CLAIMED they had heroine,

6 gauge in my tongue,
22 gauge in my ass...

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:knoxville/maryvill, Tennessee
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posted October 09, 2000 07:58 PM

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look up (or com, not sure), it shows pics of different rolls and how they tested, its up to date, and tells impurities in the pill...most tested are pure mdma, some are a dxm/speed mixture, others are simply caffeine or cold medicines...but very few had coke in them, and none had heroin. go check it out

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:Mesquite, Tx
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posted October 09, 2000 10:15 PM

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Hey one mistake your not from La are you>?

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:I'm in your daughter's bedroom right now.
Registered: Jan 2000

posted October 09, 2000 11:19 PM

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Officials Warn of Deadly Ecstasy
New Form of Party Drug Blamed For Six Florida Deaths
By Rick Sarlat
10/09/2000 17:03

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. ( -- A new and more potent form of the designer drug Ecstasy has claimed the lives of six people in Florida since July, prompting state officials to issue a public-safety alert.

"The purpose of this alert is to make the citizens of Florida and the law enforcement community aware of the sudden appearance of this deadly illegal substance," Commissioner James T. Moore of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement said this week.

Ecstasy is the street name for the chemical stimulant MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine). The Ecstasy tablets responsible for the deaths contained either PMA (paramethoxyamphetamine) or PMMA (paramethoxymethamphetamine), extremely hazardous stimulants that "burn out the central nervous system by raising the user's body temperature to nearly 108 degrees," Moore said.

It is virtually impossible for users to reliably test an Ecstasy tablet for traces of PMA or PMMA, he added.

'Epidemic proportions'

Moore cited the case of a 19-year-old Lake County, Fla., woman who died in August after taking PMA-laced Ecstasy. Five hours after her death, her body temperature was recorded at 104 degrees, he said. In Orange County, where the other five deaths occurred, the medical examiner's office reported body core temperatures from 106 to 108 degrees, Moore said.

The deaths of three people in the Chicago area in May also have been attributed to PMA, the commissioner said.

Moore said although reports of its recreational use in this country are just beginning to surface, "PMA has been used illicitly in Australia since 1994."

U.S. Customs officials say Ecstasy use, once confined to urban dance parties known as "raves," has reached epidemic proportions throughout the country.

The Drug Enforcement Administration classifies Ecstasy in the same category as LSD and heroin. As with those drugs, federal defendants face stiff penalties.


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Cool Novice

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posted October 10, 2000 12:16 PM

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Checkmate- Thank God I'm not from LA,but I believe I know who you are talking about.Did this happen a few months ago?......


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moe dank


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posted October 10, 2000 04:33 PM

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X or mdma isnt hard to make as far as the chemistry goes. If you are a 15 year old that doesnt want to learn some chemistry first then you get out what you put in. It isnt much harder than meth. There are a few ways to take it from isosafrole to mdp2p then to mdma. YOU CAN order every chem it takes except the sassafrass oil, unless you are using methylamine which isnt the best way to do it. Of couse you can buy everything even mdp2p in mexico. The sass. oil can be bought at most aromatherapy places. OR FROM THE NET.

Holland = the best pills that are pure($5ea in the clubs)
US= some good, some bad, most bad.

"Give me a fat slut that cooks and washes dishes"
I want my registration date back. I think it was march.

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Cool Novice

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posted October 11, 2000 10:01 AM

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Moe- To make it in the US its quite hard.The reactions require some serious chem background.Thats why 90% of it comes from Belgium,Germany etc. Its total BS that the Feds put it in class I.


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moe dank


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posted October 11, 2000 06:14 PM

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19 year old kid that didnt take chemistry in highschool can use the internet, library, one chem. class at a comm. college, and 6months later he is making mdma. Everything bought at chemistry and chemical supply stores except the sassafrass oil which was bought online. Of course TOTAL SYNTHESIS 2 by Strike is a must have book. Other than that it only took a complete jackass 3 batches to get it right. So i hear.

The reason people dont make it here is not because it is hard but we dont have pill presses here, nobody buys the gel caps. The penalty for mdma manufacture are harsh at best. There is quite a bit of X made in the states, but when you can buy it cheaper then it would cost you to set up a lab from europe why risk killing yourself in an X lab.

"Give me a fat slut that cooks and washes dishes"
I want my registration date back. I think it was march.

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