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  IS THERE A GOD? Come on guys. (Page 1)

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Author Topic:   IS THERE A GOD? Come on guys.

Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 1018
From:The 27th Century, USAtiva
Registered: Jun 2000

posted August 29, 2000 08:12 AM

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Every now and then the question of is there a God comes up, this is a touchy subject for many and for others they could care less, however, some of the answers that I have come across are simply moronic and ignorant making the person who said it look nothing short of a degenerate. This post may cause some flames and arguements but it is nothing personal, if during your posts you want to call me this or that being it a positive or negative comment well that is your perogative, after it is all said and done I have not one problem with anyone on this board, if you have a problem with me then great.

Is there a God? Yes, the facts and evidence surrounds you every day. Most and I say most of science has agreed that the closest and most accurate explanation of life as we know it is the "Big Bang", I will sum the big bang up for you: 1.Explosion 2. Energy 3. Gases, Elements,Particles form planets,4.Each planet has its own characteristics 5. Earth has water 6. First living thing were amino acids found in water 7. Lightning and energy causes the aminos to form life, small microscopic life which over years and years become coral and reefs which then spawn the jellyfish, which then spawn other sea creatures etc etc, some evolve onto land, some grow feet, wings, horns, all are adaptations of their environment and purpose of survival, so millions of years go by and here we are HUMANS, God chose humans to represent Him not amphibians or primates but us. He made us in his image, now dont listen to the typical creation story , it was never meant to be taken literally , only a fool would take it literally, the first 5 books of the bible was a liturgy written for Jewish people of that time to teach lessons and morals that God would want, it was a way to reach the people of that time. So knowing this one is going to say there is no God that the big bang just happend, right, it is fucking impossible for all of what we have today to just happend, everything that surrounds you is beyond complex, an example go split a leaf from a tree, put it under a microscope look at all the intricate details and chlorophyll that runs through it, there are hundreds and thosands of different fibers and substances that make up that little leaf, I am speaking of a fucking leaf. The big bang didnt just happend , there was a HAND if you will causing all of what we have today to come into place, that HAND is God, for us and our minds God is only comprehendable to a certain extent, that of which is beyond our extent is true omniscience, if we added every humans IQ up on this earth it wouldnt amount to one iota of what God is, He is beyond us to where we cant even begin to comprehend, no one can take away or add anything to His kingdom. The end.

Now there are alot of questions in regards to this subject and I will be glad to answer the ones I know, peace my friends.


"Indica Strains are a Blessing"

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Pro Bodybuilder

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From:slicksterville, South Slickson USslickinA
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posted August 29, 2000 08:33 AM

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I didn't read your whole post, i will later. I have work to do today. Just wanted to say YES i KNOW there is a GOD. I do believe and am not ashamed of it.

//////ya heard me\\\\\\

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Posts: 2016
From:Norway, the land of the vikings.
Registered: Jun 2000

posted August 29, 2000 08:39 AM

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Yes there is a God..his name is MrMuscle..behold, he comes!!!

seriously, i belive more in the old norse mythology about Valhalla and stuff..Gods like Thor, Odin and so on..i dunno, it suits me more than some all mighty God who obviously cant get his shit togheter..seeing as there are to much pain and suffering in the world for me to belive there is a God that cares..Thor and Oding dont give a shit, so that way i can understand why there are all kinds of deseases and stuff

"Pain, is just weakness leaving your body"

"...damn you for not giving my TEST" - Metallica

"After this show i'll be fat and happy again.....If i make it to the show...." - Lee Priest

"Lets put some weight on the bar.." - Shawn Ray


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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 1018
From:The 27th Century, USAtiva
Registered: Jun 2000

posted August 29, 2000 08:57 AM

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Pain, suffering, diseases, God gave us free will, He isnt going to babystit you, He gave you choices, many ask well then why did my friend suffer or why did this person have to die, every person is chosen for that moment, God has a plan for you, everyones plan is different, we are chosen for the moment.


"Indica Strains are a Blessing"

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted August 29, 2000 09:02 AM

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very well said havoc.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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From:slicksterville, South Slickson USslickinA
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posted August 29, 2000 09:25 AM

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I think it has alot to do with the way you were raised. Dont you agree? If someone was brought up without being exposed to religion, then most likely i think they wouldnt find it in their adult life, or even care too. However, i know this isn't always true.

I presume your family believes? Mines does. I've read other posts by you and know you've studied religion as well. I have many questions myself, maybe i'll shoot you an email sometime.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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posted August 29, 2000 09:31 AM

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In short, I don't believe in god nor do I believe there is a god.....a higher power, sure......the long of it, I aint getting in on a religious discussion, I hate labelling....which I've said before......I still respect others and their beliefs though...which is more then I cna say for toher ppl

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted August 29, 2000 09:46 AM

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I believe God, I just have a hard time getting to do things He wants me to do.

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From:Cowboys From Hell Tx USA
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posted August 29, 2000 09:50 AM

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as for me, yes there is a God. and I dont like to get into religious discussions either.

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posted August 29, 2000 10:10 AM

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There is a God. I talked to him just the other day. I said "God, I have faith. Why aren't my problems working out for the best?" I then showed him an American dollar bill and said "It says in God we trust right here. How valuable is my faith?" God replied, "My son, let me give you some advice. All your faith (and that dollar bill) will buy you a cup of coffee".

Unfortunately there probably is a God. Things just don't fall together with great order and precision. When we see a chair, we can assume there was a creator because of its orderly structure and the way it was put together. We know a chair just did not appear from some big bang. The amazing clockwork precision of the universe indicates to most scientists I know that there was some far more intelligent creator then we can imagine.

For awhile I use to draw comfort in the idea that life is a brief school - or gym if you will. A place a divine creator sent us to learn and develop. I imagined that life had to be hard for us to grow in the brief time we are here. If life was easy or if God took care of all our problems it would be like having a membership to a marvelous gym, but having somebody else lift all the weights for us. How would we get strong unless we are allowed, forced, to struggle? If life was a brief moment to grow and develop, a great many difficult life situations would have to be given us in a short period so that when we "returned home" we would have grown and developed as a person.

But now in life I just want to leave the gym. If there is a God I hate him. I personally hope there is nothing after life because if I have to put up with more of this bullshit AFTER I die I am really going to be pissed. There is NOTHING so great I would want to do it FOREVER. Time is bad enough, I hope there is no eternity. If there is a God I hope he is merciful enough to just let me be dead.

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posted August 29, 2000 10:40 AM

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Of course you have to be an idiot to think that there isn't something greater than us in this universe, but to think of it as the popular image of 'god' is ridiculous. I don't belive that somewhere there is some omnipotent being who watches over us and who cares about our daily lives. I can't believe the stupidity and arrogance of people who belive in this stuff.

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Posts: 485
From:Houston, TX, USA
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posted August 29, 2000 10:47 AM

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Ok we're getting deep here.

1. The fact of change proves an ultimate agent of change.

2. The chain of causation proves a first cause that needs to be uncaused to end the otherwise endless chain of events.

3. The contingent facts of the world require an ultimate Being.

4. The fact of graduation of things as higher and lower suggests Perfected Being at the top of the hierarchy.

5. The order and design found in nature suggest a highest Being at the Source.

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moe dank


Posts: 1642
From:the smurfs told me not to say
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posted August 29, 2000 10:48 AM

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just my opinion........

How anyone can look around at this planet and say that some man in the sky is watching over everyone is beyond me. There is no way in hell that someone powerful enough to "create" life could be so incompetent as to make a planet that is pure hell for all but 15% of the worlds people to live on. If there is a god he is a sorry excuse for a peice of shit and i will spit in his face if i have to stand before him when i die.

I will spit in his face for.....
leaving us here to die like dogs
having the balls to make us to begin with
making us such horrible creatures
putting a bunch of money hungry hypocrites in charge of spreading the word
not finding OJ guilty

Then i will beat his ass for killing my dog and take over heaven. Then i will make this planet great for everyone to live on.

of course none of it makes any sense what so ever. I am not the least bit worried about someone up in the sky running the show down here. if there is he is asleep at the wheel.


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Cool Novice

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posted August 29, 2000 10:51 AM

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no god, don't belive in the man made moral police

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted August 29, 2000 11:01 AM

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romeo's take on god---

i sometimes feel that god is there ....

alot of the time i am very critical of there being a supreme being who created us.....i dont know ..if there could be ...
if there was a god and he is a good man ..then why are there such horrible diseases...why did i grow up without a father ....why has my mom struggled day in a day out to make a good life for my sister and i ....a god would not do such cruel things ..i dont care what explanation you come up with ...its all bs...

peace romeo

"pain is something the average person avoids"
"pain is something we elite seek out and thrive on"

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted August 29, 2000 12:12 PM

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Faith is knowing YOU are not God.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:The 27th Century, USAtiva
Registered: Jun 2000

posted August 29, 2000 12:15 PM

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For everyone who replied with what about all the hell here on earth, why this , why that, what about this and that, these are human problems and causes, again , God gave us choices and Free fucking will, dont blame your disbelief on shit that humans have caused. Again, God is not a babysitter, everything we see in regards to murder, poverty, homelessness is here for a reason, for us to learn.


"Indica Strains are a Blessing"

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moe dank


Posts: 1642
From:the smurfs told me not to say
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posted August 29, 2000 12:32 PM

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bro dont make excuses for the man in the sky leaving us here to die like dogs. Free will is what the christians tell you when you bring up what a sick, twisted fuck a god in the sky would have to be to put us on a planet that cant support all of us. We rape, pillage, and destroy everything in our way and call it progress. The day the last human dies will be the best day this planet has had since whatever made it.

Humans are horrible, sick animals and if someone or something made us they are just as fucked up too.

You can debate this all day long. The atheist will call you believers idiots and you believers will call us sinners that are going to hell. what does it all have to do with anything. Nobody knows for sure and if you think you have the answer you are kidding yourself. I dont really fucking know. I have enough since to realize a 2000 year old story isnt the answer i am looking for.

needles make your ass hurt.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted August 29, 2000 12:34 PM

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God gave us freedom and free will? Who says? You got proof? I believe in what I feel, see and taste.......
O boy....(shut up Lisa)

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:The 27th Century, USAtiva
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posted August 29, 2000 12:36 PM

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Your right moe, we can debate this until we are blue in the face, wait your a smurf, you are already blue, anyway Free Will is not something that is taught it is the truth, I have free will to do anything so now I am going to take out my desk bong and blow a hit your way so you can smell what this cultivator can grow.


"Indica Strains are a Blessing"

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted August 29, 2000 01:41 PM

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i see johnnyO has read his descarte: treatise on reason...very good.....i was raised in a spiritual vacuum given only a copy of darwin: origin of species and tolkien: the rings trilogy as guide take on the subject matter is comical, yet on havoc

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Posts: 485
From:Houston, TX, USA
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posted August 29, 2000 02:02 PM

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Descartes? I thought that was Thomas Aquinas? lol... maybe all those nights of chasing the "train" did mess up my head!

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Posts: 685
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posted August 29, 2000 02:45 PM

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Call me simple, perhaps I am. It's OK; won't hurt my feelings. But as I stated before I too questioned and hated God (or whatever you want to call him/her/it). It wasn't until the past several years that I realized that there really was no TRUE suffering in my life - I am healthy both in mind and body PERIOD. It wasn't until my first child was born (after 13 months of hell - I thought, "All I ever wanted was to have a happy family." Unlike the one I grew up in. Why would God torture me this way? Why would he give me the talent and desire to teach children and then not allow me any of my own?) I was EXTREMELY blessed because unlike many who felt as I did, they NEVER had children - weren't even able to adopt. I didn't know it then but because I had to wait (whether I liked it or not) before I could have my own children I now have MOUNTAINS of patience. When my children frustrate me to the point where I want to do physical harm to them (any parent who denies having felt this is a bald-faced liar), I remember how it felt to think that I would never have one let alone the four that I have now - THIS ONE THOUGHT GIVES ME ALL THE PATIENCE I NEED!

This is just a small example of why I believe there is a God. I do not always understand why I have the troubles in my life that I do, but I try to find the lesson in them. This and looking at my children sleeping, they are pure and perfect. How could they possibly be here by chance?

Like I said, you may call me simple, but that's OK. Religion is man-made. It is flawed in every way. Faith is God-given, a present, if you will. I am not afraid that if I do not believe I will go to hell or be punished - God does not work this way. My faith is a gift that I can use in any way I CHOOSE - (free will). Thus far, it has helped me in ways that would take FOREVER to tell. Let me just say that it comforts me to know that regardless of what mistakes I make, I will always be loved and forgiven. The real dilema for me is: can I forgive and love myself in this fashion?...this is where my faith has helped me. When I am troubled and feel that death would be better than the constant struggle that daily life is - I ask God for strength, patience, and solice ...he has NEVER let me down.

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The Canadian Oak

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posted August 29, 2000 02:49 PM

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i definatly believe there is a god,i pray every nite,god has helped me over come anxiety disorder,i refused and medicene i jsut prayed and now i am not affraid to go anywhere i would rather get up and enjoy life rather then stay in bed,im so thankful for what god has done for me

Milk is for babies, when you grow up drink beer

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted August 29, 2000 03:30 PM

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I don't think about it. It is sort of like wondering why the Big Bang happened, or if it even did. All I can do personally is speculate. All the speculating I have done about it has led to the conclusion that I will never know for sure if there is or is not a God, because i openly admit that I am not a smart person, or a good person. I believe that the universe is infinite, because if it DID have a border, what would be on the other side? Nothing. What is space? Nothing. More Space there. so i think the universe is infinite, in an infinite universe, there must be an infinite number of things, even a pink Mr Rogers with 3 arms and a sex change operation, because if it keeps going on forever, your are bound to find it somewhere. I am probably missing a few screws on this thought though, and while humans may be the most intelligent creatures on this planet, I think we could do much better in the intelligence department. Just a bunch of random thoughts. Does God exist? Why does it have to be defined as an entity? I could also see it as being a feeling, sort of the Taoist idea. Who knows? No one knows for sure, so if I die and go on to another form of existence, so be it, I will deal with that when it happens, if nothing happens except biological death, then i guess all my light switches will just get flipped off.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted August 29, 2000 03:31 PM

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no there is no god.

for those that say, "something can't come from nothing." as an evidence against evolution, you are contradicting yourselves. what has more of a chance of happening:

A. Big bang happens by a mechanism that we cannot yet explain.

B. Something that so incredibly intelligent that we cannot comprehend and is powerful enough to create a big bang happens by a mechanism that we cannot yet explain.

good luck answering! your gonna need it.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted August 29, 2000 03:33 PM

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Logically thinking, If you do not believe in God, 2 things to think about.

If there really is not a God, when you die, there is no heaven or hell. You have lived your life as you saw fit. You just end up decomposing in your coffin and become worm food. End of that story.

If there is a God- When you die, you end up in some form of afterlife. Either heaven or hell or purgutory or whatever. Where you end up is based on how you have lived your life and if you believed in God.

I'll take my chances on the latter.....

"If you stand by the river long enough, you will watch the bodies of your enemies float by"

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posted August 29, 2000 04:31 PM

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Canadian Oak, god didn't help you do anything, you did it yourself and if you can see that then you've got some problems.

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Cool Novice

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posted August 29, 2000 04:34 PM

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why risk not believing in God? ... hell sounds good to you?

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pizza man

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posted August 29, 2000 04:35 PM

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so do we take the Bible literaly or as a guide?

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posted August 29, 2000 04:36 PM

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Yes I think there is a God!!
Just look around!!
I don't know about all the other stuff that goes along with it, like Jesus, Bible & Religion.. Sometimes I believe people use things like religion just when they need it.
And all this church stuff, most are there to see how much money they can bring in!!!

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The Canadian Oak

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posted August 29, 2000 04:38 PM

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my problems are all better now i feel giod gave me teh strength to overcome that

Milk is for babies, when you grow up drink beer

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted August 29, 2000 04:46 PM

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Is there a God? I honestly don't know. Its a wonderful thought to think that there is someone to watch over us. On the minus side, why does God let children die everyday? I don't know, so I guess I'm undecided.


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Posts: 2016
From:Norway, the land of the vikings.
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posted August 29, 2000 05:02 PM

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i think people turn to GOd to find out the reason they are here..i just have to look at my brothers, my father, my mother..then look in my heart and feel the love i have for these people..thats whats its all about..people can belive what they will, but i do not think there is any greater "force" in the universe than love..

"Pain, is just weakness leaving your body"

"...damn you for not giving my TEST" - Metallica

"After this show i'll be fat and happy again.....If i make it to the show...." - Lee Priest

"Lets put some weight on the bar.." - Shawn Ray


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The Dude

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posted August 29, 2000 06:35 PM

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Yes, I believe. One of the most interesting things I've found in life happened to be in the physics and astronomy departments as Ohio State. So many of those guys would say that as you learned more about the complexities of the universe, the more you believed that there had to be something behind it. That deep, number crunching stuff strengthened a lot those guys' beliefs.

No one gets into heaven without a glowstick! - Homer Simpson

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted August 29, 2000 06:38 PM

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I really dispise these whiney cry baby, "buuut why does god allow disease, why did god allow my mother to die, why is there suffering". Morons, we as human beings pave the way for our future experiences. Suffering exists because we allow it. God didn't want your mommy to die, all carbon based organisms, DIE. Good lord the stupidity of some people.

Not trying to be combative, just illustrating my point with some passion. I also want to point out that I agree with havoc's contention for the most.

215LBS of Twisted Steel and Pure Sex Appeal!

[This message has been edited by Twisted_Steel (edited August 29, 2000).]

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Pro Bodybuilder

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From:slicksterville, South Slickson USslickinA
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posted August 29, 2000 06:49 PM

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i dont even waste my time debating this shit.

i believe i believe i believe.

God have mercy on your souls

//////ya heard me\\\\\\

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:P. A.
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posted August 29, 2000 06:55 PM

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Take one Good, Long Look at Carmen Electra's ASS! Of course there is a GOD! 'nough said!


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:Beverly Hell, 902fuku
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posted August 29, 2000 07:38 PM

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There is a god, thats the end of it.
Enough about the whining of why earth is hell and children die, blah blah.
For those of you who dont believe
are gonna rot, for those of you who
do believe probably wont.
Take your pick.

I dont take shit
I dont eat shit
Im not in the shit business

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Cool Novice

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posted August 29, 2000 09:15 PM

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i do belive in God, im catholic but dont discuss rather accept other beliefs as long as they dont interfer with the freedom of others.
why is there suffering in the world? just because there is love, if we dont suffer we wouldnt appreciate love, and we all suffer for somthing hence we all could love. also we are not here in earth to be just happy, God send us for a reason, i think that destinity do exist because we didnt ask to live so being born to live ramdomly makes no sence, but i dont blame destinity or God for the decisions we take.

Lisa the strong: i dont discuss your beliefs but one idea i dont share with you is that you only believe in what you feel, see and taste, you cant feel, see and taste that "idea", i mean the thought, and you believe in it. thoughts aint matter, dont exist in time and space, humans are also made of thoughts so humans do consist in to 2 parts one material and one spiritual or metha physic. one thing that is reasonable is that when we die the material part will extinguish and just the spiritual will survive.

another thing, all religions or persons have their beliefs but do you share with me that if we follow the what Christ, Maoma, Buda, etc. taught us there would just be healt sufferings? i do believe in the "golden rule", do to the others things that you would like the others do to you (or the negative version) (i hope you understand )

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posted August 29, 2000 09:45 PM

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Somebody once told me "Remember where you were before you were born? Well that's where you are going when you die"

I believe that "something" created our Universe... however I do not believe that this "creating thing" (kinda sounds like an old Ini Kamozee song " is driven by free will or a sense of purpose as we define it.

It's my opinion that we will not be able to define or understand what that creating force could be until we change our whole way of thinking. And I'm not talking about changing our perception of things but rather changing our whole *concept* of what is "thinking". And call me pessimist but I just don't see the human race achieving that level of enlightement anytime soon.

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posted August 29, 2000 10:01 PM

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yes there's a God and i pray to him every night for huge pectoral muscles


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posted August 29, 2000 10:33 PM

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cAbo: you got ur opinion, I got mine....I respect yours....
Shit, I knew I shouldn't of got into this....people misconstrue what you say...they hold it against you....they look at you differently....they treat you differently.....and, once they have their minds made up about you, they never forget and will always hold it against you.....

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posted August 29, 2000 10:37 PM

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I believe in God, he gave me the balls to stick a pin in my ass. Without him I never would have been able to do it.

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posted August 29, 2000 10:55 PM

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I hate people that say "God gave me the power to take a shit this morning." "God was merciful enough to let me wipe my ass with 4 ply instead of 2 ply." Blah blah blah. Bullshit. If there is a god, and he controls EVERYTHING, then what is the fucking point?


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Cool Novice

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posted August 29, 2000 11:06 PM

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Yes there is a God, it's ME, it's You, it's everybody in this world.
I have the abilty to create, to destroy, to love or hate, to forgive or condem.
Only we can choose our response to situations and our enviorment.
Instead of praising a god that I am not sure is there, I can choose to live my life by the natural laws of fairness, honesty and compassion.
God does not determine what happens here on earth, we do, every day in everything we do.
"If it's going to be, it's up to me"

How we were created? who will ever know?

Just my thoughts, however, I dont ever condem anyone for thier religous beliefs.

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posted August 29, 2000 11:25 PM

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hey E2, about Canadian Oak, i won't speak for him but to me it sounds like his Faith in God has helped him through his ordeal. Yes he choose to help himself and used physical medicine for it, but his faith in his belief made him a stronger person. Its a spiritual thing. my $.02

Its hard to make a believer out of anyone nowadays. Everyone has their own cross to carry. Yes some cross are heavier than others. Nowadays, we want concrete, sound proof evidence, "seeing is believing" before we pour out our heart. And its hard to rationalize about religous without bringing the bible testament stuff in. Because the moment we do, we lose creditability from the non believer. Its a no win situtation.

Religious is all about faith. Do you have faith in something you can't see? Thats the beauty behind faith. Its a spiritual thing.

Faith in a higher supreme and your spiritual connection to them will carry you far in life. Im still holding on.

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moe dank


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From:the smurfs told me not to say
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posted August 29, 2000 11:37 PM

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buffed the magic dragon i will be repeating that quote more than you will ever imagine. Good shit bro.

needles make your ass hurt.

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posted August 29, 2000 11:54 PM

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Whether we have faith or not, doesn't matter. The human race is still one of the vilest animal species ever. We're doomed to destruction, and I'm not talking bullshit here, if we continue with the current pace of industrialization and technology, in about a century and a half we're going to run out of most natural resources. And then what? Exactly...

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posted August 29, 2000 11:59 PM

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I also believe in God. And I have the comfort of having NO FEAR OF DEATH. Believe it or not, I have had two separate ocassions
to find this out. One was having a 357 S&W placed 2" from my forehead--I could see the hollow points in the cylinder.
It also always amazes me how the unbelieving, in time of extreme pain or trouble, always cry out to God for help as a last resort.
It is very easy to find God. All you have to do is ask Him to reveal Himself to you in a special way. Thats it. After that your life WILL change forever.

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posted August 30, 2000 12:04 AM

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I--am GOD. Don't lose the buttplug on that but I am. I'm not your God, but I am MY GOD. If I kick it, I rot and I am worm feast. Short of a freak accident that offs me, I have to play the odds in life to survive. I do not believe we are the only living beings in the universe, I believe that to be too arrogant to trust considering the length of time the Big Bang planted us. I can guaranteethere is NO GOD. If it were possible, I WOULD tell you afterwards, but that won't happen, neither will the 'I TOLD YOU SO' from you that believe. Most people believe in the one GOD because they KNOW they cannot handle the uncertainty of life on ITS terms. The unforgiving deal that life gives you is too terrifying for most people to deal with. You ARE on your own. If you are doing well, then stand up and proclaim that "I DID THIS, AND I AM PROUD". You deserve it. If you can't handle or tolerate what I just typed, kiss my ass, thats the deal anyway. I do understand that the kiss my ass statement compromised the integrity of my statements, but, thats life. It was just to make a point, I didn't mean it. Anywho, I think people need to realize the impact of ALL they do and how the rest of their life builds on what they are responsible for, even if they don't think so. BUT ALAS, I do think it all boils down to what the Bible preaches anyway. Be good, respect others and have respect for everyone and everything. It is important and should be protected and preserved. Every part of being lucky enough to be here is worth preserving. MANNERS, MORALS, and ETHICS---work'em baby!! It's all you, and it's all on you. Take care of it.

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posted August 30, 2000 12:18 AM

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the word "being" still tends to denote something that is like us. merely a fabrication of a people too fragile of mind to accept that there are things they cant explain. religion is the ultimate machine of that arrogance.
noone, repeat noone, has a clue about the where,why, when of the existence we are in. its incomprehensible to then mind. only time there may be complete understanding is death (or the end of life as we know it)
as for all the "evidence". even the greatest skeptics are not clouded by all the propaganda that religion has spread. there cant be a perfect study or examination of "facts" without them being misconstrued. religion is so deeply imbedded in the world culture that chances are there will never be a true fact found that isnt shadowed by religion.
so basically, noone knows and noone can be arrogant enough to say they know. sure there are all the "facts", but they are just as small, as we are compared to the universe as we know it. there is bound to be something driving all that is, but its not in the form of a being and not something that is remotely within our comprehension.

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moe dank


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From:the smurfs told me not to say
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posted August 30, 2000 12:25 AM

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if there is a god his name is mark emery and he sells seeds on[/b]


RELIGIOUS CULTS LIKE THE CHRISTIANS PREACH FEAR TO SCARE KIDS INTO BELIEVING THEN TELL THEM ASKING QUESTIONS IS WRONG. YOU CALL IT "FAITH" I CALL IT BRAINWASHING. telling a child something that may or may not be true until they believe it as fact is the damn meaning of the word brainwashing.


why didnt you at leased pick a older myth like the greek gods. that at least has some years behind it.

"you need jesus, so give me 20% in tide cause i need a ferrari" every pastor that was ever born. My granddad included

"The world needs clowns and people to laugh at so god made clowns and the religious" me i guess

needles make your ass hurt.

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posted August 30, 2000 12:40 AM

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hey moe, click this...hehe.

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Vince Voyuer

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posted August 30, 2000 01:27 AM

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God and all this religeous bullshit is what causes all the problems in this world. If everyone was atheists there would be peace in the middle east, and the rest of the world. Religion is fucking bullshit if you want to belive in your imaginary freind thats fine. People belive in god out of fear, fuck that.

There are so many loopholes in religion, too bad there are too many unintelligent people in this world(christias, catholics jews ect)if people used their fucking brains and though about it they would realise that they are living in a world made of science.

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posted August 30, 2000 01:35 AM

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I don't have a spare 3 hours to read this thread but I do believe in GOD because I've asked for help and He gives it to me only when it is necessary.
I hope one day all of the non believers will have the Light shine on you.
But after reading some of these comments I will pray for all of us tonight!

They come, they cum........then they leave.

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posted August 30, 2000 02:06 AM

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please don't get me started

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Vince Voyuer

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posted August 30, 2000 02:16 AM

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Hey pauly please dont pray to your imaginary freind for me.

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the truth

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posted August 30, 2000 05:41 AM

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Of course there is a god. The universe can be quantified through mathematics; therefore its architect created it according to a mathematical model. I'm not talking about a guy with a long white beard, though.

BTW, the universe is not infinite. It is still expanding, though. The universe has to operate by natural and physical law. The concept of an infinite universe is a metaphysical one, ie, it has no grounding in science.

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posted August 30, 2000 06:13 AM

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Here's one way to look at it. If you're laying on the ground with a bullet hole in your chest, bleeding to death, who's the one person you're gonna ask to help you? I truly believe that not a ONE of you wouldn't pray to god to help you in that situation.

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Cool Novice

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posted August 30, 2000 06:57 AM

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This is one ive been trying to figure out. Am I god, or am I gods gift to earth?

Im Jacked, Im Pretty, And get more kitty than the ASPCA, What more could you ask for?

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posted August 30, 2000 07:08 AM

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None of us knows anything about the afterlife. Pain and suffering sucks. Choices and free will suck. They make decisions difficult. God nor any human has all of the answers... nor are they perfect. If we were created in God's image maybe that tells us something. God was trying to do something good when he created us. God is not perfect. Blind faith is difficult, but the Bible teaches that blind faith is what is demanded of us in order to enter into Heaven. I love the thought of God. I like to pray, and I would like to have a conversation with God.

For all of you who are so close minded and selfish, and I mean selfish because of loosing someone; not having a DAD; your dog dying; your boyfriend committing suicide; etc, make your peace with it. NO, free will and making choices about believing in God have nothing to do with pain and suffering. That is stupid to think that.
...But if you think that God or any supreme being is going to sacrifice his son to die for us, and then turn around to answer every prayer you are FUCKING DUMB! Faith will have to do to get you through. You are to have no doubts about God if you want to get into Heaven. It is like football... Not everyone can do it. God doesn't give you what you want... God gives you what you need.

Make your decisions based on that last statement... If it isn't enough you must keep searching. Good luck to everyone trying to conquer this stuff. To let you know, I haven't decided what I believe in. I am still searching.....

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posted August 30, 2000 12:22 PM

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I'LL i can say is blue algae.

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posted August 30, 2000 12:40 PM

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Yes, it is true. There is only evil around.
Evil pastors that drive Ferraris, Evil companies, evil systems......

How about you?

This universe is beyond the human experience, and this, your world, and mine, is a grain of sand in a universe that is multiplying as we speak. Every second, a million fold with multiple dimensions!

Where are you?

Here on simple Earth!

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posted August 30, 2000 12:41 PM

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god, please let this inane thread die....

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posted September 02, 2000 03:04 AM

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I believe in GOD,but created human in his image???????????In that case god must be ugly
he created angels & they are better looking than human.Any way how come only earth has life giving air that can't be seen,but we know it's there,can't touch nor smell & also water.I wonder who created all this.Evolution? who created universe,ever wonder?How the hell earth swirling around the sun,without getting stuck to the sun,Hmmm guess must be powerful being controlling all this,It's funny though,humans believe in Satan but not God.

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posted September 02, 2000 07:44 AM

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If people feel the need to have a creator THEN who created that creator??? When i get in religious discussions i always say this...

And more... BIBLE IS AN HOAX... Try to read it a little... Its an awfull dirty story of blood, revenge and pain!!! Is God that BAD???

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posted September 02, 2000 12:58 PM

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God did not create humans; human created God to explain the unexplainable. as the bible, its bullshit, its been rewritten many times because the pope thought it contradicted the christian faith. the christian church are so fucking rich and have so many prople manipulated and lost. instead of being raised to believe a certain religion, why not give a person the right to search for there own faith. being raised into a religion without a choice is blind and deciteful. i myself do not have a religion and glad that my parents let me believe what i want.

i believe in evolution because it is proven.

and for all those people believe in god, i have no disrespect to you whatsoever; as they say: whatever gets you through the night. if believing in god helps you get through the tough times then good for you, but i believe us humans are all indivuduals; life is not handed to us on a fucking platter; we are all what we make of ourselves.


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posted September 02, 2000 03:25 PM

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all i have to say is i would be glad to debate ANYONE ON THIS BOARD on the issue of creation and evolution. i have read hundreds of pages, and giving me a few hours to review the literature before a debate I WILL SMOKE YOU.

to those that think humans will run out of natural resources, etc: your ignorant. when nanotechnology is refined the entire countries electrical needs will be met through molecular-sized solar cells. they could be incorporated into 100 miles of a highway and power THE ENTIRE COUNTRY! there are so many technologies in development that it is staggering.

the first working quantum coumputer has already been made my IBM. mark my words, within 30 years there will be computers the size of a desktop that are billions of times faster than all the computers in the world COMBINED. with this technology almost anything can be simulated including nuclear explosions IN REAL TIME!!! chew on that thought for a moment and tell me that humans will not eventually find the real answer behind the mysteries of the universe.

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posted September 02, 2000 05:05 PM

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god is dead- nietzsche

nietzsche is dead- god

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posted September 02, 2000 06:59 PM

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there is no god, if you want to know the meaning of life, it is knowledge and improvement of self, question everything and find your own answers, dont buy into the answers sold to you by the majority, do not worship any one thing and be open to every idea that has reason or logic, there is no logic in religion and to quote jesse ventura, it is a crutch for weak minded people who fear death and fear living, if you are hell bent on going to heaven, look around on a beautiful day, you are already there so take advantage of it!

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posted September 02, 2000 11:12 PM

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Did God create feel a need to create us, or did we as humans have a need to create God?

If God created the heavens and the earth, who created God?

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posted September 03, 2000 12:08 AM

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all are good points guys. I'M NOT SAYING ALL, but there are many religious ppl that live compromised lives here on earth because of the supposed afterlife. another point is these pathetic christian hypocrites. are you using religion as "insurance" against hell? wtf is that? quite arrogant, and again, hypocritical in itself since you are not serving god. rather, just trying to out smart him.

and as usual, if it becomes a debate of scientific facts, the religious take off running like maurice green in a 100m dash.

no, i can't give you 100% conclusive evidence, but even that is just a matter of time.

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the truth

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posted September 03, 2000 12:41 AM

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I find several responses on this thread confusing. Why, for instance, would a belief in god and a belief in evolution have to be mutually exclusive? And why do some people seem to think that just because someone believes in god, he treats the Bible as the literal word of god (or believes in an afterlife, for that matter)? I would venture to say that most people with a grounding in hard science acknowledge the existence of a higher power. The more you understand, the more you realize that the universe is not random, there is a unifying force present. I'm not knocking atheism, it's everyone's preogative, but at least have an understanding of what it is you don't believe in.

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pizza man

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posted September 03, 2000 12:45 AM

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agree, if you have studied science and actually took a hard look at it you would have to come to a conclusion their is a higher existence or level or being. ( just a personal opinion)

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