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  Kinda makes you go "hmmm..."

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Author Topic:   Kinda makes you go "hmmm..."
The Dude
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 183)
posted July 30, 2000 02:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for The Dude   Click Here to Email The Dude     Edit/Delete Message
No freakin' holy wars here! Just something to ponder for fun.

What are we? We are what your computer is, what your desk is, what that annoying fly buzzing around the room is. We are all the same. Born in the fire of creation know as the Big Bang, brought together through countless eons within the bellies of stars to be molded into greater and more complex elements. In the course of the universe's evolution, consciousness arose on one planet, and probably millions, maybe billions of others. The universe had become self-aware. Now, each of us plays a small, yet vital role in a much grander scheme for we are the universe trying to figure itself out.


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 110)
posted July 30, 2000 02:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for buckydingdong   Click Here to Email buckydingdong     Edit/Delete Message
I don't even think about it. All I know for sure is that I came from my mother and father. I'm just taking everything as it comes at me. Whatever happens when you die happens, whether its as simple as flipping off a light switch, or intricate as advancing to another level of being.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 163)
posted July 30, 2000 02:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for tnheygirl   Click Here to Email tnheygirl     Edit/Delete Message

I take it you aren't hungover this morning.Um I mean this afternoon.

"To Thine Ownself Be True"

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 21)
posted July 30, 2000 02:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for newguy     Edit/Delete Message
I don't think people realize how insignificant their lives are. If I die today, the world will still go on.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 456)
posted July 30, 2000 05:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for superdave   Click Here to Email superdave     Edit/Delete Message
countless eons of searching for gear...

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 97)
posted July 30, 2000 06:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 5setsofsix   Click Here to Email 5setsofsix     Edit/Delete Message
I'm with newguy, Dude. Tell me what "vital role" do each of us play? I don't like to feel this way but I have thought about it alot and I really don't see how anybody makes one iota of difference in things. On a small scale yes. We affect those around us and some of us affect things on a larger scale. Say ciy or country wide but on a larger scale we really dont matter. Convince me I'm wrong and I will be eternally grateful.

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(Total posts: 1235)
posted July 30, 2000 06:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MattTheSkywalker   Click Here to Email MattTheSkywalker     Edit/Delete Message
If you think of yourself as insifgnificant, then you're probably not going to do anything worthwhile in your lifetime.

This is the life you have been given. You can live it to its fullest and most rewarding, or you can lament how insignifcant we are on the "Third Stone from our Sun".

Just because you are one of six billion, in a universe of billions of galaxies, doesn't mean your life is insignificant.

It's the only life you have on this Earth. Live it to its fullest.

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Future One
Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 86)
posted July 30, 2000 07:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Future One     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 5410509
I don't know, I believe in Jesus, so there's a whole ton I could say in the matter, but I don't want to bore anyone (or start flame wars) I know what I believe, and that's what keeps me going...

(If you only get to go around once, then you might as well
go around with REALLY BIG ARMS...)

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 21)
posted July 30, 2000 07:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for cAbo   Click Here to Email cAbo     Edit/Delete Message
im with mattheskywalker here, with that mentality u wont get anywhere, as a matter of fact u r as significant as u wanna be.
Do you think you are insignificant to your mother or your loved one? do ya think because u cant make the sun fade you are insignificant? whats more significant reach the stars or make a kid happy? its all relativity, all has the value that you give it.
Other thing, do u think that Einstein or Mahatmas knew they where different form other people, i mean superior, i think not, and im sure they werent but they thought that they could make a difference, they put effort and defended their ideas to death, and now all humankind remember them.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 403)
posted July 30, 2000 08:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for YellowD98     Edit/Delete Message
My mother says Im a special person. If you don't think so, you can suck my dick! Haha, kiddin'. I used to think about crap like that for so long. It made me very upset, so now I think of things in perspective and what I can control. I have come up with the conclusion that more or less, most mainstream religions are just full of shit. The only one who can make a change for the better is yourself, and if you spend your whole life in the worthless pursit of something more, you're never going to move ahead.

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(Total posts: 1235)
posted July 30, 2000 10:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MattTheSkywalker   Click Here to Email MattTheSkywalker     Edit/Delete Message
I really don't want this thread to become a religion thread.

Let's try to stay away from that. It wasn't what the original pst intended and really is not a productive direction to go in for a thread list.


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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 346)
posted July 30, 2000 10:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for NoviceJuicer     Edit/Delete Message
Have you ever considered that it is feeling so damn important that causes us to waste our lives? People who feel they matter so damn much, feel they are so important and will be around forever. They waste alot of time on insignificant crap - what others think of us ("what others think of us matters because we are so important that everyone thinks about us"), if we wear the right clothes or clothes suiting us, etc. Perhaps if you realize you really are less significant to the outcome of the universe then a fly smashing into the windshield of your car (niether one can stop the whole thing from running) - then you will begin to live. Do the things that matter to you forget the rest. Not waste your time supporting the whole "right clothes", "right places to be" "right girls to be with' etc. If you feel you matter (to the whole world) then you will try to live up to the worlds "expectations". Once you realize you don't matter you become free to be you - because it does not really matter to the whole scheme of things what you are. So many people think they are individuals, but are just copying some strange groups trends (of hair, clothes etc - the goths are a prime example) - they are just as cloned as most other people. Once you don't matter you will take the quickest routes to your goals - because you know your life is short. If you mattered then the universe would show some deference and spare your life another day - but you don't matter. This is an extremely unpleasant thought for most, but all our lives end with the same finallity of a bug on a windshield. If you mattered then you need to be careful and do what the world wants, because you have such an impact on the world. But we don't matter, have no real impact and at some point the grim reaper will take us the way it takes a fruit fly and starving children in Africa. Its just a thought (I love to play the advocates role) but - BECAUSE we don't matter we are free to be us - to live life - without the fear of the dreadful impact we might haves, of the long lasting memories it might cause etc. At 38 I have come to realize that EVERYONE does things they think are so awful people will never forget - but the sad fact is people do forget. You can be the most powerful man in the world (pres.) and jizm on some young girls dress and a year later nobody - even your wife - really gives a damn.

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 21)
posted July 30, 2000 10:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for newguy     Edit/Delete Message
There is only one thing that everyone has to do. That's die.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 534)
posted July 30, 2000 10:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for skydancer   Click Here to Email skydancer     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 76679089
You are what you tell yourself you are. No one else can do that for you.

Patience is a bitter plant, but it has sweet fruit.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 495)
posted July 31, 2000 07:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for havoc   Click Here to Email havoc     Edit/Delete Message
Yes the big bang is true, but there is a HAND molding all that truth together, the Hand of God, nothing falls into place like this universe has, its not fate, science to others leads people away from their faith, for me science points out the truth and makes my faith stronger, alot of the bible is apocalyptic literature meant for people of that time, you must seek the truth and actual meaning behind it all, you must put it in a theological plane. Oh and yes evolution is true, your fooling yourself if you dont think so, but you must understand God made evolution occur, He made the chain from the living organisms in the water to the evolution on to land, God made this chain and it ended as HUMANS, He made us in his image, it wasnt some instant process like the typical creation story, it was a beautiful and undefinable process that your not meant to understand completely just yet. God chose us not birds not primates but humans. When you realize how small you are then you have realized a great deal. If we as humans combined all of our IQ and mental capacity together it wouldnt add up to one iota of what God is, no one can add or take away from His complete and perfect KINGDOM, thank you for reading. Starting my Masters in Divinity this coming January, cant wait for the knowledge that my future holds.

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