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Author Topic:   Police Brutality follow up
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 284)
posted July 15, 2000 05:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Steriod_Virgin   Click Here to Email Steriod_Virgin     Edit/Delete Message
What the hell is wrong with these fucking people today. A total piece of shit fires 20 shots at police officers who are trying to arrest him for committing a felony, he actually kills one of the cops, and now people are upset he wasn't treated very fair? WHAT THE FUCK?? The cops shot him 5 times.. who the hell cares if they kick him a few times AFTER THEY SHOT HIM? Our fucking CUNT-TREE is coming apart at the seems bro's... It really scares the piss out of me to see that so many can feel sorry for that asshole. If you can't see the difference between what happened in philly and legitimate police brutality you have some real problems.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 284)
posted July 15, 2000 05:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Steriod_Virgin   Click Here to Email Steriod_Virgin     Edit/Delete Message

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 1231)
posted July 15, 2000 05:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MrMuscle   Click Here to Email MrMuscle     Edit/Delete Message UIN: 70512967
well i guess they mean police should be more sensible than the guys they arrest....but i mean, what about the child molesters and rapers??? they deserve all they can get...

"Pain, is only weakness leaving your body"

"...damn you for not giving my TEST" - Metallica

"After this show i'll be fat and happy again.....If i make it to the show...." - Lee Priest

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 423)
posted July 16, 2000 01:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mightydog   Click Here to Email mightydog     Edit/Delete Message
I can tell you that we had a thread here about a month ago referring to Cops, prison guards, and security. Anyone remember? Anyway, it revealed attitudes, and I'm sad to say, ones on this board that cops are nothing more than low life thugs. I have and still will defend our boys in blue. The point is; it is evident that cops are not too well liked in many places across America.

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 111)
posted July 17, 2000 12:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mystic_hormones   Click Here to Email mystic_hormones     Edit/Delete Message
i wouldn't mind being a cop and when those bullets start flyin that A-hole is diein if I get in trouble, who are you gonna call, I am calling johnny cocoran

if they don't lift...

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moe dank
Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 1178)
posted July 17, 2000 01:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for moe dank   Click Here to Email moe dank     Edit/Delete Message
well unless you were there it is really hard to comment, but I dont think anyone died and the only cop shot was suppose to have been shot by friendly fire. Plus he was only shot in the hand. They never found a gun the guy was suppose to have had, but regardless I dont pay taxes for the police to beat the hell out of people during or after an arrest. This isnt some third world country. You are a cop, you get shot at. That is part of your job. If they dont like it dont be a cop.

Personally i think they should fire every cop that put one foot on him. Arrest the bastard that is fine. If you have to drag the son of a bitch out and throw him on the ground do that to, but 10+ people all standing around kicking the guy was wrong and fuck the pussy cops that did that shit. Let them kick me like that shit. I would burn down their fucking houses the first day i could. Follow the bitches home and put a bullet in their worthless face.

"if you are not a rebel by age 20 you have no heart. If you have no industry by age 30 you are an idiot." Jackson

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Pro Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 519)
posted July 17, 2000 05:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for scott825     Edit/Delete Message
I agree that if anyone deserved a beat down it is that guy.But lets not forget all the poor bastards that get the shit beat out of them for petty shit when the camera is'nt around.

This is what happen to me,

I got the shit beat out of me in front of a club,for trying to break up a fight between a friend of mine
& some other guy.I guess they thought I was
fighting.I felt 2 guys grab me from behind &
not knowing who it was I slightly pulled back.Next thing I know I get hit in back of the leg with a baton & im face first with
my forehead in the concrete.As im looking down towards my ribs I see & feel a huge
boot kicking the shit out of me in the ribs & I got punched in the back of the head repeatedly.Then after that they decicded I got enuff of a beating they finally decicded to throw the cuffs one me so tight my wrists were swoolen for a week.Now listen to this shit,at the time my brother was a police officer in that city & just happen to be
on a walking beat 3 blocks away.Some of the
cops that came after everything happen knew me from the gym,& after looking at my ID they knew
for sure who I was.So they called my brother
to the scene & all my friends told him what
happen.Needless to say he was fucking pisseed,keep in mind my brother had just won
the mr.VA & was a big MOFO.He came over & slapped the cops hand off me (the one who kicked the shit out of me) & took the cuffs off me & told me to get the fuck outta there.
I thoght that fucker was gonna shit in his pance.
As me & my friends were leaving I saw my brother get in that fuckers face,he was well
known in the dept. for using excessive force.
I would have been charged with disorderly
conduct & resisting arrest,for just being inbetween 2 drunks that were trying to fight.

I walked away with 3 bruised ribs
a large abrasion on my forehead
abrsions on both my kness
swollen wrists
this happened 4 years ago & my right knee hasn't been the same since,I also have a
permanent lump in my forhead.Not to mention the humiliation of getting beat down in front of like 8 friends.
My brother got in trouble with internal afairs & was also embarassed among his co-
workers.I hope I never see that fucker out or I might drop his ass.Just wanted to let
you guys know that people get the shit beat out of them all the time by the cops for almost no reason.Its those type of beatings
that turn into serious ones.Just my 02cents.

Weights before dates

Bros before Hos

[This message has been edited by scott825 (edited July 17, 2000).]

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Amateur Bodybuilder
(Total posts: 84)
posted July 17, 2000 08:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jackfrost   Click Here to Email jackfrost     Edit/Delete Message
People easily forget that police officers are human being who happen to have normal feeling and emotions just like anyone else. I agree you can't really pass judgment on them unless you where there. The viewing public definitely had its' intelligence insulted by that report. We didn't see the 20 minutes of chase that lead up to the beating. 90% of these incident could have most likely been avoided if the suspect submited and let the cops place the cuffs on him/her, etc. I'll place a paycheck on this one, that guy probably had his hands locked underneath himself and was kicking and flailing as well. To sum it up, I'm not saying the beating was justified, but when a suspect shows aggression and fails to comply they're asking for trouble, BTW, the cops will always win and burning a house down won't get you anywhere but a nice long stay in the gray bar motel.

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