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  chillin408 - THE TRUTH - biggest flame ever

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Author Topic:   chillin408 - THE TRUTH - biggest flame ever

Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 1249
Registered: Sep 2000

posted March 08, 2001 10:28 AM

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A while ago some of you will remember my argument with this loser. Here is the link if you don't.

I was reading through some posts recently and found that this little prick is giving out advice on GH and gear! WTF??? It annoyed me, so I did a bit of research, purely for fun as I had a bit of time to kill and this kid had realy wound me up at the time.

Please pay particular attention to the following quotes regarding gear - the way in which he spoke of his mother was also appauling and shocked many others.

"if i was on juice ,little things like a poor workout or skiping one day because christmas is closed wouldnt make as much as a difference"

"if my workouts average at 90% percent on juice is probably still 5 times better than working out 100% naturally"

"plus if i was on juice,i wouldnt have to worry about every little tiny bitty thing,i probabl would anyway but if i didnt i would get ALOT better results that doing everything by the book naturally"

"ok i guess being natural is not cool,u guys are talking about how i take the easy way out, u are the ones on juice,if anything thats more of an easy way out,so your contradicting yourself"

Plain to see that he was against gear in Jan 2001 and his other posts reflect this also with his views on andro supplements.

Yet in Dec 2000 he mentions how he is thinking of starting on gear himself.

This just proves he is full of shit and I was right when I said "Undoubtedly you will probably try some soon as you seem to be that type of weak willed person who goes around blaming all of your misfortunes on everybody else. You'll probably sit back and wonder why you arn't growing form three tiny meals a day and immediately think its because you are not on gear."

Although I only recently found this post during this search, as until now your pewtrid piss ant life had never entered my thoughts. From my research I first found many posts on Acne, WWF and football (sounds like a typical teen to me). More disturbing were the posts on his mother. It seems he was raised by an over protective woman who would lie to him and isolate him from normal life. I actually feel sorry for the kid now, even though I will still take the piss. Here is one where he desribes how his mother would tell him he will die if he eats meat or cheese as a child amongst other things!

In fact let me just print the quote below as it will explain the nature of his upbringing to you.

"hugh how tall r u ,i didnt know accutane stunts growth,anyway if i could change stuff,i would have ate alot of protein and fat when i was younger my mom has been brainwashed by some guy named dr macdougall,i dont know if anyone has heard of him ,but he his a vegaterian fanatic,and claims protein damages your kidneys and whole lot of aohter shit, anyway from 5th grade to about the end of high school i rarely ate meat,before my freshman year i would only have animal products at the most once every other days,my typical meals were pop tarts for breakfest, bread ,pasta ,rich for lunch,french fries, more rice,soy products,fake hamgurgers and hot dogs,the soy kind, etc, that is about the only thing i would change ,when high school started i maybe ate animal products once a day,but that is still very very low,i mean 1 serving not 1 meal of that, probably still not that much,it actually wasnt till 18 till i started eating "normal" i still had phobia for meat ,by the way from 5th grade-17 i alwasys thought meat would cause cancer,i remember in 6th grade i would always get 2 pizzas for lunch,and rip off all the cheese,and i told my mom about this guy that had 2 pizzas a day with cheese,she said he'l probably die when hes 20 ,and i belived i was so brainwashed that is the only thing i really regret,but that by itself lead to other things,anyway only about less than 6 months i have totally lost all phobia about food and cancer,or health problems etc,now i eat about 8-16 serving of animal producuts a day,when i servings i mean,2 scoops of whey (44g of animal protein,as servings),80 g of meat protein is like 3.5 -4 servings,i dont mean i eat 8-16 times a day,2 low carb bars is at least 2 servings,anyway i just hope it didnt stunt my growth any,because i have heard that studies show protein is the most important thing for growth,im 19 now im 5'9,oh yea also i use to be very aneroxic looking when i was 14 and even before and i am not naturaly skinny ,so for someone who is not naturally skinny to be aneroixic is very hard,its like an endo being anorexic,i probably had hella defiences and shit,another thing my mom is anti doctors,,i never went ot the dentist till i was 17 ,i never really saw a doctor till i was 17-18 ,except for physical injuries,i only went to the doctors if i had a physical injury like sprained ankle,or broken bone or something,same with dentist,my mom believes doctors make things worse,which i is partly true,depends on what it is and on the doctor,but she takes it wayy yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too far ,anyway since i switched my diet i think i grew an inch,but i was in my spine i think,becaues i think legs fuse when your younger,but even in high school i would try to limit my meat intake for example if i ate meat one day i would say i must take 2 days off now,basically i would say i can only eat it 2 or 3 days a week,i meant animal products not just meat,i would try to make it habit it always eat pasta and sauce,or rice and bread or french fries,or crackers or shit like that,which is realy all bad,but being brainwashed i thought animal products would kill me,i think i am cured of that phobia now but eve when i was 18 i use to be scared to eat more than 60grams of protein in one meal fearing my kidneys would fuck up,and my mom gave me heat all the time about my diet,and said stuff like " i dont want to lose u" and all this stupid shit,anyway i finaly convinced her after i turned 19 that cant make decisions for me etc, when i was 18,if she was at a italian resturant,she would call me and ask if i want some non meat food ,even if costed 10-15 bucks ,she would bring it,but if i wanted 2 hamgburgers at BK,then i would have to use my own money,what kind of shit is that ,anyway recently she does not give me heat,but whenever i have a problem,like feel i might be getting or bad blood test she will blame it my diet,if someone here showed her studies tha tprotein damaged your kidenys she is so ignorant that she would not care she still believes that mcdougall fucker , "
[This message has been edited by chillin408 (edited February 10, 2001).]

She quite clearly dominates his life and has instilled a fear into him from a very young age. His hatred now for her is evident. I have seen this same scenario with a few kids who were all, interestingly enough, from single parent families. Although this is not the sole cause. It is also the ideal breeding situation for many of today's social outcasts and weirdos. Check out the childhoods of most of the famous serial killers and stalkers etc.

What about this:

"oh yea i didnt even talk about that,when i was 16 i got phosphgen hp and i hid it,everytime i wanted to drink it,i would have to go to my room and do it,also i got this amino acids supplement and i toook 5-6 times a day i always got a spoon and took it to my room,and she got suspicious,and new i was doing something ,and when she find out she was hella pissed it took like a few weeks for her to find out it is safe,i remember her looking at the label and seeing EAS,and i told her it meant experimental and applied sciences,and shes like yea exacxtly experemental they want to experiment on u they dont give a damn,anyway my mom called them and finally figured out it was cool,but of course she was still worried,they sent us the sports supplement review when she called too,and from then on we were on their mailing list,we even got christmas cards form EAS LOL ,but i think everyone gets those thats on their mailing list,anyway after that she would moniter my usage very closy,for example,if i took some in the morning ,she would be like didnt u already take that today??then i'd have to explain,i only used creatine for about 3 monhts cuz it didnt do anything,and amino acids for 5-6 till i found it was a scam,also when i was 16 i got ultamite orange,and i only used it twice,then my mom knew i had got something because when i broguht it home,i came in with nothing then took my backpack to the car then put it in my backpack then brought it back inside ,anyway that was a bad move because she knew something was going on,something like that i forgot the details,anyway i threw it away because she had been doing a good serach and i knew if i held it any longer she would find it,oh yea and something else to show how ignorant she is,this happened just about a week ago,she now eats power bars ,cliff bars,metrx bars,and meso tech bars,i quit ordering meso tech bars awhile ago and so we were out and their was no bars left other than protein plus metrx ones,tah she does not eat because i eat those we were low ,anyway their was one animal snak( by universal u know how all the products are animal ..something),anyway she would not eat it because she thought it had hormones in it or something,when i had first brought an animal snak home awhile back she looked it at me like i brought steriods home,crazy,anyway i told her that animal snaks actually have more soy protein than meso tech bars,so if anything meso tech bars would be more hardcore,but she still refuses she has a huge stigma ,she goes by the name of the product,and we all know the name does not mean shit the name is just to attract u"

What a complete loon! I could spend all day ripping apart the bullshit he comes out with. It is blatantly obvious that he is scared of his mum. I mean hiding supplements at that age!

Obviously ill educated - by the structure of his vocabulary, jobless (couldn't even hold a shitty job down at his local movie theatre). He says he is 19 but from this post he actually needs advice on how to use a razor!

Not the type of questions a 19 year old would ask so he must be much younger IMO. I started shaving at 15, unless he's just a late developer! In which case he should not be considering gear yet if he isn't through puberty yet.

In Dec 2000 he also talks about how he suffers from anxiety and compulsive disorder with bouts of anger. Currently using medication including prozac:

Yet he says I am the one with roid rage. At the time of writing my post, those of you that know me will all be aware that I have not been 'on' anything since Nov. Roid rage without roids? hmmmm

He also seems to have an odd fascination with height. Below are 10 links to posts by him regarding peoples heights; there are many more:

Complete f*cking nut case.

If he offers you any advice please bear in mind what a complete and utter bullshitter and freak he realy is. This may seem like I am just picking on one person - which I am because he pissed me off!

However there are so many of these frauds on this board now. Seriously be careful who you take advice from, it could cost you your life. Although I have realy taken the piss Chillin408, I honestly do hope that you will mature and put your past behind you. The odd one of your posts do show an eagerness to learn so maybe you'll turn out OK. Continue on your path of hatred & lies and it will consume you.

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The Shadow

Elite Bodybuilder

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posted March 08, 2001 10:33 AM

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Don't sweat it dude, most guys on the Anabolic Board are jack-offs anyway.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted March 08, 2001 10:35 AM

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boy, you did alot of research......

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:Ho Patrolville, USA
Registered: Jun 2000

posted March 08, 2001 10:35 AM

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Holy shit that was a mafuckin THESIS. Not only did I not read all of that, I am amazed at the detective work you just went through. Did the guy really get you that mad? If he is a teenager which you obviously aren't..why is this bothering you so much? It's just the internet!!!

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted March 08, 2001 10:36 AM

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No sweat here, just a bit of fun. However, the origional post was on the Training forum and he posts more frequently on the chat board than anabolics.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted March 08, 2001 10:38 AM

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Heh heh, don't f*ck with the Strengthmonster.

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Posts: 2298
From:Cowboys From Hell Tx USA
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posted March 08, 2001 10:41 AM

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most research done for a flame anyway.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted March 08, 2001 10:41 AM

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hey, StrengthMonster, I've got names of a few ppl who claim their shit don't stink...if I pass em on to ya, will you find some dirt on them for me?
StrengthMonster, behind the scenes, private eye

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted March 08, 2001 10:49 AM

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Hey time is money 1kickass! Only if you're nice to me.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted March 08, 2001 10:54 AM

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That is some funny shit. I've seen the dipshit posts quite a few times. And yes, his mom seems like a complete fucking nut case. Reminds me of the bitch in Carrie, they're all gonna laugh at you, or Adam Sandler's mom in Waterboy. Funny shit!!!

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Posts: 3581
From:Look Behind You!!!
Registered: Aug 2000

posted March 08, 2001 11:00 AM

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Damn bro! You win the all time longest, partially read flame award! U go SM!

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted March 08, 2001 11:31 AM

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Get over shit quicker or you'll be the one walking into schools with a 22 or 45 or 9. All that time could've been spent on something good instead of winning with him.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted March 08, 2001 11:36 AM

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Kahn, I was having a laugh and also going for the longest flame ever. I am of sound mind and am happy in all areas of my life. Just a bit bored, besides I didn't waste any of my time as I'm at work and getting paid to sit here, just company time hehe!

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Posts: 1993
From:TEXAS!!! A&M!!! AMERICA!!!
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posted March 08, 2001 02:13 PM

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All I can say is...well...WOW!

Remind me not to mess with strengthmonster, I'd probably be embarrased about some of the stupid sh*t I asked last summer before I started using...however far from this bullsh*t it may be, LOL!

GIG 'EM, Badkins21
[email protected]
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"It's just me against the world..." --2Pac

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Posts: 2202
From:taking my yankee ass back to DETROIT CITY!!!
Registered: Dec 1999

posted March 08, 2001 05:30 PM

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i gotta second what shadow said... MOST of the fuck heads on the anabolics are fucking ignorant fools who know jack shit about what they speak of... stick yourself with a pin and your all the sudden dan the man himself... fuck that... we could lose 80% of the a-board and lose NO info whatsoever.

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