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  Need everyone advice - serious topic - this is not a joke.

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Author Topic:   Need everyone advice - serious topic - this is not a joke.

Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 258
From:San Diego, CA
Registered: Feb 2001

posted March 06, 2001 05:19 AM

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This post is not a joke - it is a serious matter that I never thought I would ever have to deal with. Earlier this evening a neighbor asked me how to look at the history of a computer. She had logged on to AOL and went to surf and looked at the history there and it was full of porn - not just adult porn but child pornography. Not just sites, but using search engines to get links to sites. Since she had just installed it Sunday evening there were only two days of history - and all of them were when her son was home alone. He is 15 and had been busted earlier looking at porn at his grandmothers on her computer as well as at a neighbors house a few years ago looking at gay pornography (both using sites as well as search engines)

My question is this... there is a 5 year old here - not even 50 feet away from his place of residence. At first I didn't stop to think about "what could happen" or "what might happen".. or even if he was just curious. I'm really mentally fried right now thinking about all this and would like some outside comments. Should I flat out tell him and her that neither are welcome here anymore? Could he just be "exploring" things? What would you do?

Please, gimme some advice.....


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Posts: 3522
From:Look Behind You!!!
Registered: Aug 2000

posted March 06, 2001 06:22 AM

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Love the disco dude.

If you do not want him around then say tell him so.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted March 06, 2001 06:44 AM

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I would definately approach him and inform him that you know. At 15 it is a bit tricky as it may be just 'interest'. He may just get scared off by the fact that you know. I'm sure he wouldn't want his friends to find out. He may be just experimenting and probably will grow out of it. Hopefuly he will but if he was coming into my home I'd make sure he knew that if he ever had any ideas near children in my home, he would be dead. 15 or not.

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The Varnsen

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posted March 06, 2001 07:18 AM

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Kids can be curious...

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted March 06, 2001 07:23 AM

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Originally posted by The Varnsen:
Kids can be curious...

Yes, the can be curious but this wasn't just one site, it was more than 40 of them. If I were a 15 year old boy I know damn sure I'd be looking for naked chicks not kids.


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Robert W Greene

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posted March 06, 2001 07:29 AM

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I would probably set them up and make a movie of them and sell it,that way i could finance my crack habit on some one else's misery....

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Posts: 3790
From:The 27th Century, USAtiva
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posted March 06, 2001 07:32 AM

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Does this kid hang out at Petting Zoos?


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted March 06, 2001 07:48 AM

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Originally posted by Robert W Greene:
I would probably set them up and make a movie of them and sell it,that way i could finance my crack habit on some one else's misery....

You know - it's pricks like you that make me sick. I am asking a serious question that could impact a CHILDS life... that child being my own. Where the FUCK do you get off cracking jokes about shit like that? It's pretty obvious that you don't have kids - or else you would at least have the respect of taking your mind droning pathetic attempt at humor and post it some place else - no go fuck off and die you piece of shit.


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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted March 06, 2001 07:51 AM

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Well what do you think his parent or parents are going to do about this? If you have concerns then address them about it...Though I think it's sick that even a young boy would be interested in things like that I wouldn't go straight to him but rather his parents. If you feel his parents are not going to do much about this then I would ask them to make sure that you could say something to him or tell them to keep him away. If you went to him directly he might complain to his parents and then they might develop issues with you...

Tricky situation, play it light and dont go in directly to approach things...

Also talk with your kids and ask them if anything has ever happened...I'm sure like most parents you know how to word those sort of questions in a delicate way

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted March 06, 2001 08:02 AM

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TX... she was right there when I opened the history file and showed her the different web sites as well as the times they were accessed. It was plain as day in the search box "kid porn". Her reaction was to just delete it from the computer and be done with it. Maybe she was in denial but if that was me - there would have been some serious explaining to do as well as an ass kicking. Call me "old school" but there's no way to justify that kind of sickness - fucking a kid or wanting to see pics of a kid is just wrong. Let the NAMBLA assholes try to say it is their right - just don't let any of those fuckers live within a five mile radius of me.


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Posts: 3790
From:The 27th Century, USAtiva
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posted March 06, 2001 08:02 AM

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If it is your wish to keep your childs mind clean of certain things like porn, beastiality, midget fluffers and she male tea parties then definitely let your young one know that those kids are not welcome anymore and that you do not want your kid associating with them as well.


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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted March 06, 2001 08:11 AM

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Was the "kidporn" alot of what he was looking at? Perhaps him still being a kid he was hoping to look at people his age nude or was he directly going to the little kids crap...I mean he might have been curious being that he is probably just hitting puberty. I can't blame you for being concerned but direct action probably wouldn't be the best thing to do...I can't imagine his parents would have reacted or done anything with you there. perhaps she was waiting for you to leave before she kicked him in the ass a bit...Is his father around or just his mom? I'm Almost positive that his dad would kick his ass...Just keep an eye out and ocassionally ask your kids to make sure nothing is wrong. Like the strange man or woman questioning:Has a strange man or woman tried to get you to leave with them or touch them or you? I'm sure you know what I mean...

Try not to explode next time the kid is around, keep it in the back of your mind and watch for signs in your kids...Does he hang out around your house alot? I would def put an end to that if he did

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted March 06, 2001 08:17 AM

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My son is only five, this kid is 15. He has stolen stuff from our place (small stuff) and was banned for a while. He lies a lot and she punishes him but lets him off the hook in a few hours. He never goes anywhere, has no friends and until a few weeks ago didn't even talk to girls. His mom forbids him to go out with the few people he knows at school and I am afraid that her "overprotectiveness" is pushing him to these extremes. Hell, the kid has to keep his bedroom door open all the time. For the time being I am just going to avoid both of them - I just can't even look him in the eye at this point in time.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted March 06, 2001 08:17 AM

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Shrebly, I have a serious answer for you. Have you looked at any of the sites that supposedly contain child pornography? Many sites on the web that "imply" that they have child pornography simply show pictures of 18 and 19 year old girls with pig tails and a lollipop in their hands. They aren't really child pornography sites. True child pornography usually isn't out in the open and available by using a yahoo search. I remember being 15 and fantasizing about seeing nude girls that were my own age and not in their mid twenties. The reality is that this boy may really be looking at pictures of girls that are 3 or 4 years older than he is. Before I labeled this boy as a pedophile, I would investigate to find out exactly what this boy was looking at. Like I said, true "sick" child porn with pictures of 6 year olds would be difficult to find as this type of material is usually kept quiet.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted March 06, 2001 08:23 AM

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plifter... yes, I checked the sites, not all of them but at least half. There were a few that needed an "Adult Check" password to get into but others were just the simple "I'm over 18 let me in" type gates. Needless to say, I had to get up and leave after I showed her how to delete the history file. It's not my place to discpline this kid - like I mentioned above, I am just going to avoid both of them for the time being and see what happens. I was really hoping that the history file would show him going to teen or "barely legal" sites but this was the "under 10" sites. Excuse me.. I gotta go hug my kid again....

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Posts: 2176
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posted March 06, 2001 08:44 AM

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I don't know about where you are, but here there is currently a fluff going on about child porn...they busted a guy for much the same thing as this creep and its in the courts.

The sad thing is, you can't censor their desires or even control them, but if it was me..I'm a straight out person. I would tell the kid why he was not allowed over...I would say "this is why...and if I even catch you sniffing anywhere near a kid you will wish you had never been born".
Then I would call the cops and tell them. I believe here (I dont know in America) the automatically open a file on any reportings of child porn.

Best of luck...if necessary, I will fly down and help you castrate the little fucker.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted March 06, 2001 08:56 AM

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You have mail

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:The Great Below
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posted March 06, 2001 09:00 AM

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That's very strange. I always expected older, pedophiliac people to enjoy kiddie porn while the young, normal ones enjoyed older women.

He's a pervert, keep him away.


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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted March 06, 2001 09:05 AM

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plifter has a good point, but since you checked it out you know how truely creepy this kid is.

it may be his mothers fault that he went to extremes, but being her fault wouldnt erase you having a molested child

plz ban him from your house and speak to his mother about him. parents need to take initiative in this situation

will it be embarassing ? fuck yeah, but you have a right to keep that sick fuck out of your house and away from your kid permanently

just my advice... if you do something, keep us updated..

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posted March 06, 2001 09:38 AM

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted March 06, 2001 09:49 AM

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If it truely is "kiddie" porn then yeah keep him away from your children, as far as "regular" if you want to call it that porn, no big deal really...Just a kid hitting puberty...did you check past the adultchecks? chances are if they were protected by that company it wouldn't be kiddy porn

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted March 06, 2001 10:05 AM

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I have an adult check password and I know those sites don't contain kiddie porn. The worst you may see are 13 or 14 year olds at a nude beach, which isn'r pornograpgy in my book, it's just a naked person. They even state that they don't show explicit pictures of minors. So I doubt there was anything terrible that he could have seen even if he got through with a password. I understand being concerned, but I can also identify with a curious 15 year old.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted March 06, 2001 10:12 AM

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Originally posted by plifter:
I have an adult check password and I know those sites don't contain kiddie porn. The worst you may see are 13 or 14 year olds at a nude beach, which isn'r pornograpgy in my book, it's just a naked person. They even state that they don't show explicit pictures of minors. So I doubt there was anything terrible that he could have seen even if he got through with a password. I understand being concerned, but I can also identify with a curious 15 year old.

I said a FEW of them, but not the majority. Do a search on NAMBLA and see what sick shit comes up. Grown men who want "their right" to have sex with boys. Sorry man, but I saw the shit he was looking at. Dig through the history files on your computer and you'll see that you can go back to an exact page of a website previously viewed.


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Posts: 3686
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posted March 06, 2001 10:13 AM

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The dancing Storm Trooper is nice

Tell his mother you don't want him around

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted March 06, 2001 10:22 AM

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SteelBeast, We are talking about kiddie/underage porn not tits and assses.
If you think kiddie porn is "just curiosity" you are a sick, ignorant fuck.


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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted March 06, 2001 10:23 AM

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well don't allow him near your kids plain and simple...Tell his parents that you dont think it would be a good idea for him to come over

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Cool Novice

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posted March 06, 2001 10:32 AM

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Shrebly, I wouldn't let him come back over to my house anymore. I would also contact his parents, and ask them to tell him why he can't visit. "Son, Shrebly knows that you like to look at child porn. She does not want you to go onto her property anymore." Hell, I would have banned the kid from my house when I found out he was stealing.


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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted March 06, 2001 10:45 AM

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Shrebly, obviously your duty is to the 5-year-old at your home. This isn't the time to wonder about hurt feeling, akward social situations, etc... The answers are generally right in front of people and people generally make excuses so they don't have to see what is right in front of them. The 15-year-old is into porn, child porn. You have a child. A child that is very accessible to the neighbor. The first thing you need to do is make the parents of that child aware that the child is not welcome on your property FOR ANY REASON. The second thing you need to do is sit your child down and explain to them that the neighbor kid is sick and can't always control himself and that sometimes he'll lie to people so that he can hurt them. In other words, stress to your child not to have ANY contact with the neighbor kid FOR ANY REASON. You also need to have an agreement with your child that if the neighbor kid approaches him that your kid will tell you, even if the neighbor kid threatens him if he tells anyone. The next thing you need to do is call the police and have the situation on file, so that if something does happen, it will be easier to take the appropriate legal/protection action. This is a serious situation. It only takes one incident to shatter your child's world. Don't take the situation lightly (and I can tell that you don't). Please keep us informed.


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted March 06, 2001 11:01 AM

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You americans are just crazy with your child porn hysteria blah blah blah

child molesters this and that blah blah Sounds like the US is just full of pedophiles judging from people's hysteria.

15 year old! He's a fucking kid!

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Dread Lord Good Guy

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posted March 06, 2001 11:23 AM

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a 15 yr old looking at child porn is looking at girls his own age.

forget what you saw, dont cause problems

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:The Great Below
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posted March 06, 2001 11:32 AM

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By Shrelby's post I don't think they're 13-15 year old girls he's looking at. I think they're around the age of her child, 5.

There's a difference. If he's trying to find 13-15 year old girls, that's normal for him. But 5 is sick, and if you don't think so, you're a pervert.


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posted March 06, 2001 11:53 AM

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Shelby: I didn't read all the other posts because I came across some that were disturbing, so I went on. Anyways, I have a 10 yrs. old boy and if I ever thought that there was someone close to him acting the way this 15 yr. old has acted I would certainly let my son know to STAY AWAY. Scare the shit out of him, in a nice way though . There is a boy in my neighborhood that is a total weirdo, my son knows he better stay his ass away from him. The other kid knows to stay away as well. I never said anything to the boy, I just gave looks and was very short with him. He would walk by the house and ask, "is your son home?" I just make it known that I don't like the boy. He gets the picture. I know he has stolen several things in the neighborhood, including some of my yard lights. Petty stuff, but you can never be too careful. Look at what happend in England (I believe). A little boy was taken off by two other boys and he was raped, beaten and killed. The baby was 2 yrs. old and the boys that killed him are getting out whent hey turn 18 and their identities will be protected. There are some sick fucks out there, just be on guard as you always are I am sure....Keep a close honest relationship with your son, he should never be afraid to tell you anything. Good luck...


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Posts: 2201
From:Cowboys From Hell Tx USA
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posted March 06, 2001 11:57 AM

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ok, this is your kid, your the parent, you say who he can and can not hang with. and thats that.

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Posts: 1963
From:TEXAS!!! A&M!!! AMERICA!!!
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posted March 06, 2001 12:00 PM

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Shelby...I don't need to go off on a long rant because The Machine has already done that! But I agree with just about 100%of what he was a 15 year old kid that shot up the school yesterday, THEY KNOW WHAT'S RIGHT AND WRONG! No excuses...

rimmer...OK, so along with the Angel of Death, you're just another jealous foreigner who obviously has no children, and most likely not a wife, since you think the possibility of a young child being hurt isn't a big deal...

Steel Beast...come on, a 15 year old knows the difference between kiddie porn and Playboy...even he is just "experimenting" if you can call it that, it's F*CKING SICK AND I WOULN'T WANT MY KIDS AROUND HIM!! No doubt...

GIG 'EM, Badkins21
[email protected]
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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted March 06, 2001 12:59 PM

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To me it sounds the kid is pretty inventive using search engines and the like. Why nobody is alarmed about the fact that the guy looked gay porn?

Maybe the parents should instead look better after their kids that they are not run over by a car, than be afraid of the imaginary molesters. Give me some stats about kid molesting in the US and I'll believe you.

As a parent shrebly could just tell the kid not to hang out with the guy.

By the way, yes I envy the US because you have:


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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted March 06, 2001 01:29 PM

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Attack the problem at its root.
If you can do a yahoo search and find true kid porn, that porn is itself illegal.
Yahoo can be prosecuted, and the porn sites can be prosecuted.
And you don't have to do the prosecution.
Just turn the porn sites over to the police and show them how it can be searched from Yahoo, and let the police do their job.

And why is a 15 year old hanging around your house, anyway ?
When I was 15 I didn't want anything to do with 5 year olds. Not even as friends.

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Posts: 2176
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posted March 06, 2001 01:56 PM

Staff Use Only: IP: Logged guys with your friggin heads in the think pedophiles just suddenly woke up one day and said "oh gee, Im gonna molest kids"....bunch of dumb men y'all are. When your own kids kill someone or do something like that you guys are going to be the ones saying "ohhhh..I had no idea"
The offer is still open to castrate the fucker Shrebly.

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Posts: 1963
From:TEXAS!!! A&M!!! AMERICA!!!
Registered: Jul 2000

posted March 06, 2001 02:08 PM

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kat, I'm glad to hear you've got some non-liberal ideas in that head of yours, lol!

rimmer, you asked why they weren't making a big deal about gay porm...well my foreign friend, being gay is not illegal and--contrary to most people's opinions--is not wrong! As gross and odd as I personally think it is, I have no problem with it in 99% of cases...

GIG 'EM, Badkins21
[email protected]
For a glimpse into my life, click here: BLAIR'S WORLD!!
"It's just me against the world..." --2Pac

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Pro Bodybuilder

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From:The Outer Boundaries Of The Ninth Circle
Registered: Jan 2001

posted March 06, 2001 02:10 PM

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Originally posted by rimmer:
To me it sounds the kid is pretty inventive using search engines and the like. Why nobody is alarmed about the fact that the guy looked gay porn?

Maybe the parents should instead look better after their kids that they are not run over by a car, than be afraid of the imaginary molesters. Give me some stats about kid molesting in the US and I'll believe you.

As a parent shrebly could just tell the kid not to hang out with the guy.

By the way, yes I envy the US because you have:


Here are some stats for boys only (doesn't even include women) from a number of different sources.

The stats (boys) only range from a low end of about 5% (1 in 20) all the way to a high end of 20% (1 in 5) depending on how the information was gathered. Remember, this doesn't even take into account girls. These are some pretty significant numbers.

So here's your stats, do you believe yet?


Studies of male college students have found prevalence rates from 4.8% to 28%. At the lower extreme of 4.8% is a study by Fritz, Stoll and Wagner (1981) in which 412 students responded to a self-report questionnaire that required them to label their experiences as "abusive"--a method guaranteed to cause under-reporting. Risin and Koss (1987) obtained a rate of 7.3% in a national sample of 2,972 male college students. They used eight self-report behavioral descriptions about sexual behaviors before age 14. As pure behavioral descriptions, none of the items included the word "abuse." Finkelhor (1979) used a similar list of behavioral self-report items in a study of 266 college students and found an 8.3% prevalence rate; he included non-contact experiences and used specific age criteria (if under 14 there had to be a 5 year age difference with the perpetrator, if 14-15, a 10 year difference).

Higher prevalence rates of 20% and 24% came from Fromuth and Burkhart's (1987) study of students in two separate schools. They compared the effect of different definitions of sexual abuse on prevalence rates. However, their questionnaire utilized a gate question. The highest rates of 20% and 24% came from the most inclusive definition: the same as Finkelhor's 1979 study (including non-contact and age differential criteria), but with the addition that sexual contact between peers involving force or threat was categorized as abuse.

Research on college students also has been conducted by David Lisak and his colleagues, including myself (Lisak & Luster, 1994; Lisak, Hopper, & Song, 1996). The college samples in these studies were not typical, but consisted of men who commuted to an urban university, were an average of 25 years old, and from socioeconomic background more typical of the surrounding community than many college student populations used in this research. This work yielded prevalence rates of:

* Approximately 17% for child sexual abuse of males involving physical contact.

* Over 25% when non-contact forms of abuse were included.

Non-contact experiences (e.g., a relative exposing her or his genitals to a child) were investigated because such acts are sexually exploitive and can have negative long-term psychological and interpersonal effects. However, this definition also includes experiences, like a single "flashing" episode involving a stranger, that many would argue are not abusive because the subject suffered no significant or lasting harm, if any at all. As clarified below, Lisak and his colleagues (1994, 1996) deliberately chose to weight their definition of sexual abuse in terms of the power differential accompanying significant age differences and the older person's presumed deliberate sexual use and exploitation of the younger subject. So long as significant differences in age and power existed, Lisak and his colleagues defined incidents as abusive, regardless of subjects' emotional appraisal or lasting effects (the latter were not measured).

Lisak and his colleagues (1994, 1996) used an anonymous questionnaire which has 17 behavioral descriptions of possible experiences and an 18th item for "other" experiences subjects describe. If subjects endorsed an item, they were then directed to provide further information about the experience, which was used to categorize the experience as abusive or not. If the subject was age 13 or younger when the incident occurred and the other person was at least 5 years older, the incident was classified as sexually abusive. If the subject was age 13 or younger when the incident occurred and the other person was less than 5 years older, two criteria had to be met for the incident to be classified as abusive: the subject reported feeling "negative" about it and reported that some degree of coercion was used by the other person. Similar principles apply to incidents occurring when the subject was age 14-15: the incident was classified as abusive if the other person was at least 10 years older; if the other person was less than 10 years older, the abuse classification was assigned only if the subject reported feeling negative about it and reported some level of coercion by the other person.

Though the definitional criteria in Lisak and his colleagues' studies are complex, they address two important issues.

1. The reality of the power differential which characterizes relationships between adults and children, and between young children and adolescents, because whether or not a sexual experience is abusive can depend on this dynamic.

2. The fact that whether or not a sexual experience is abusive can also depend on one's subjective appraisal and emotional response to the incident.

Lisak and his colleagues argue that the criteria they employed to assess sexual abuse are clear and relatively conservative in their treatment of the issues of power and subjects' responses.

A prevalence rate similar to the Lisak et al. studies was found in another study of college males. Collings (1995) used an anonymous questionnaire and defined sexual abuse as "unwanted" sexual experiences taking place before the age of 18. The term "unwanted" is likely to bias rates downward, as noted above, but the inclusion of subjects aged 16 and 17 is likely to increase the found prevalence rate. Not surprisingly, Collings found that 29% of the 284 male respondents had been sexually abused, with 20% reporting non-contact abuse and 6% reporting abuse experiences involving physical contact.

Studies with community samples have ranged in their prevalence rates from 2.8% to 16%. Again, methodology has been crucial. Kercher and McShane (1984) mailed a single self-report question including the word "abuse" to a random sample of Texas drivers. They found a prevalence rate of 3%. Given the wording of their single question, this rate is not surprising.

Two random-sample telephone interview studies by Murphy (1987, 1989, cited in Urquiza & Keating, 1990) also demonstrate the profound effects of single questions including the word "abuse" rather than instruments with multiple behavioral descriptions. In one of the studies (1987) the former method was employed, and it produced a rate of 2.8% with a sample of 357; in the other study (1989) the latter method yielded a prevalence rate of 11% with a sample of 777.

Bagley, Wood and Young (1994) conducted a community study of men aged 18 to 27 in the Canadian city of Calgary. They first contacted subjects by phone, then administered anonymous questionnaires in their homes via programs on portable computers. Their questionnaire asked about "unwanted" experiences before the age of 17. This wording is likely to result in under-reporting because people who have been sexually abused, but especially males, are sometimes convinced that they wanted and were responsible for the sexual contact. Bagley and his colleagues found a prevalence rate of 15.5%, and that 6.9% of their subjects had experienced multiple episodes of sexual abuse. Interestingly, this rate for multiple episodes was identical to that found for women in a previous study that employed the same methodology, despite the fact that the prevalence rate for any unwanted sexual experiences in that study was 32%, or double that found for males (Bagley, 1991).

The highest community-sample prevalence rate of 16% was found in a random telephone survey of 2,626 men, known as the "L.A. Times survey" (Finkelhor, 1990). However, these findings are very difficult to interpret, since the wording of the questions would be expected to produce contradictory effects: each question used the word "abuse," but ended with the phrase, "or anything like that?"

In contrast to studies with women, published studies using face-to-face interviews with men have yielded very low prevalence rates, perhaps due to subjects' adherence to stereotypes about males not being victims (Urquiza & Keating, 1990). Finkelhor's (1984) face-to-face interview with Boston-area fathers yielded a rate of 6%. Siegel and colleagues (1987), using gate-question interviews with 1,480 Los Angeles-area men, found a prevalence rate of 3.8%. Baker and Duncan (1985) used a single question that described various sexual acts and found the highest face-to-face prevalence rate of 8% in their random sample of 970 men in Great Britain.

Finally, studies with clinical samples have obtained prevalence rates from 3% to 23%. The lowest rate was reported from a study that used psychological records of 954 male and female patients of a large regional medical center (Belkin, Greene, Rodrique, & Boggs, 1994). In a chart review of emergency room records of a Buffalo, New York hospital, Ellerstein and Canavan (1980) found an 11% prevalence rate. DeJong and colleagues (DeJong, Emmett, & Hervada, 1982) reviewed several clinical studies and found rates from 11% to 17%, and in their own hospital population found a rate of just under 14% (1982). Metcalfe and his associates (1990) found a prevalence of 23% in their survey of 100 male psychiatric inpatients.

However, it is important to note here that assessment for sexual abuse histories in hospitals has traditionally been extremely poor, and remains so in many settings. Thus these rates, based on reviews of records, are likely to be vast underestimates. For example, Briere and Zaidi (1989) reviewed intake reports on women presenting to an urban psychiatric emergency room. They randomly reviewed 50 charts before and 50 after the intake staff were instructed to question clients about previous sexual victimization. The first 50 charts had recorded rates of 6%, and the second set, 70%.


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posted March 06, 2001 02:17 PM

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I didn't follow your comment Badkins..

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted March 06, 2001 02:20 PM

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ok..coming from a 15 year old, if that fuckers looking at 5,6,10 year olds..he needs to have his dick chopped off and hung by his balls. That is nasty and I sure as hell dont/wouldnt look at that type of crap. what happened to the good ole days by rubbin one out to playboy, sheesh.

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posted March 06, 2001 02:21 PM

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I did not read all of the posts because it was too much ~ but have you let this "other mom" know that as soon as you do gain access to one of the graphic childporn sites, it automatically records info about that PC that it is being viewed on. This might make this "mother" watch her son better!!!

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posted March 06, 2001 02:33 PM

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Thanks, the stats seemed fairly convincing.

Anyway, I don't know if it was the writers intent to favor studies with higher prevalence. Also seemed like they preferred to interpret sexual encounters as abuse:

"This wording is likely to result in under-reporting because people who have been sexually abused, but especially males, are sometimes convinced that they wanted and were responsible for the sexual contact."

It's like they want to tell you that you were abused even if you don't feel so.

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posted March 06, 2001 08:59 PM

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JESUS FUCKING CHRIST - Can anyone read???? I mean - I said it six times that this kid is 15 and my son is five - he does not hang out at my house - he was looking at CHILD PORNOGRAPHY - not just regular porn.

Maybe if people would read the entire thread before they post they wouldn't look like fucking morons.

As far as people saying "it's just porn, leave it alone" I'd like to see your reaction if you were in this situation - but most of you don't have kids and if you do have kids I really feel sorry for them.


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posted March 06, 2001 09:14 PM

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If you are keeping up with the latest shooting, how many times have you heard "oh, we knew about it but thought he was kidding" remember that fuck was 15 too. Fuck him and his mother, protect your child, don't be the one thats says the famous line next time..i guess try this pretend he did do something, go over all the things you would have regretted not doing and do them now.

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Stan O'Zolol

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posted March 06, 2001 11:03 PM

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This is simple. Your 5 yr. old cannot protect himself. He relies on his parents for this. Never, ever put him in a position of vulnerability. I know, easier said than done.

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posted March 07, 2001 01:24 AM

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ask the kid. maybe he was looking for regular porn. anyone ever heard of popups? once you get stuck in one porn "webring" they bombard you with all of their friends sites as popups. one false click can lead to 3,4,7 popups. kids are curious, he may have clicked on an animal site or this or that just to see it and got bombed. the majority of britney spears sites that advertise nudes of her are riddled with popups and blind links.
the kid is young and curious, have his PARENTS steer him in the right direction by having a talk with him. keep an eye on the 5 year old. tell you what though, tell that 15 year old you are concerned he may have messed with a 5 year old, and hes innocent? youre gonna fuck with his head bigtime. not cool to mess someone up by being over sensitive and accusatory.

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posted March 07, 2001 01:51 AM

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Originally posted by bignate73:
ask the kid. maybe he was looking for regular porn. anyone ever heard of popups? once you get stuck in one porn "webring" they bombard you with all of their friends sites as popups. one false click can lead to 3,4,7 popups. kids are curious, he may have clicked on an animal site or this or that just to see it and got bombed. the majority of britney spears sites that advertise nudes of her are riddled with popups and blind links.
the kid is young and curious, have his PARENTS steer him in the right direction by having a talk with him. keep an eye on the 5 year old. tell you what though, tell that 15 year old you are concerned he may have messed with a 5 year old, and hes innocent? youre gonna fuck with his head bigtime. not cool to mess someone up by being over sensitive and accusatory.

Well, it wasn't just a few sites, it was over 40 and when I looked in the history files it wasn't just one or two pages, it was at least 10 and sometime opwards of 50 per site that he looked at. Given his past track record with porn on the internet, his lying, stealing and overall fuck ups I am leaning away from what everyone is using as an excuse "he is just a kid" or " he is just ecploring". Fuck that noise. He is 15, he knows that kiddie porn is wrong. Does this really have to be an arguement? Now, if her were going to teen sites or barely legal site that would be a different ball game. I'm sorry but when you see a little girl wearing pink underwear and it says "click here to see what's under Missy panites" that's just fucking out and out wrong. Those are the sites he went to. I could even excuse a few sites as pop ups or blind links but when you go back though the AOL history and see the chat rooms he was in - xxunderxx10xxnudexx being just one that I can recall - well then you tell me if he was looking for naked pics of Ms.Spears or not. The real kicker here is his mother put the parental block into effect so he couldn't access those types of web sites - and I am not sure how much control AOL has over the sites - so what did he do? He went on under his mothers screen name. Now, for those that say "she might have been looking at that stuff then".. wrong. The times the sites were access were after he came home from school and before he came home from work.

Until you have kids you'll never know what fear is - you worry about shit like this and pray you'll never have to encounter it. I have given that kid every benefit of the doubt but when everything is added up it's pretty fucking obvious - he wasn't just curious - he was intentionally searching for it. Imagine what a kid will have to carry for the rest of his or her life if he or she were exploited in such a way. Not to mention the parents utter disgust and regret. I came on here asking for advice and it seems that all I get is the same excuse "he is just a kid" and "he is just exploring". Sorry but if I was a 15 year old boy I'd be looking at chicks with big tits not little kids.


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Cool Novice

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posted March 07, 2001 02:07 AM

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Its really up to you to decide. Your the only on ethat saw the sites. If the kid was trying to find girls his own age then honestly that is not an abnormal thing for a 15 year old boy to do. If hes trying to find little kids then hes a sicko and i wouldnt want him anywhere near me house either. but you have to think by typing in kid porn would that include 15 year olds? Does he consider himself a "kid". The under 10 chat room is kinda sick.. like i said its your choice not really a matter of what anyone thinks on here. Just know that an average 15 year old boy is looking for porn anywhere he can find it and would love to find girls his own age.

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posted March 07, 2001 02:28 AM

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The guy was deliberately searching underage porn but I bet that he didn't find any. They make a lot of sites like that be it illegal software or underage sex. The sites have lists of fake sites and the foolish surfer goes into infinite loop clicking the sites and making micropayments to the referrer sites' owners. If you would look where people surf with some program like Littlebrother, which shows the computers and the sites where the users are you would be pretty disturbed. I remember some years ago I was looking underage porn to just see if it was there like the media hype said.

I think you can judge from the guys habitus if it's really a threat. Just keep eye on the guy.

To all women and men who are always talking about cutting the guys dick without sure evidence: FUCK YOU!

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posted March 07, 2001 02:32 AM

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O.K.-----Go up to his mom and be straight forward---Dont do it tomorrow, do it now---tell her that you didnt like what you saw. Get a feel from her. Lets assume this kid is in to little kids. The apple does not fall far from the tree----Even if you think im way out on a limb, WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO ASSUME, WHEN YOU COULD KNOW FOR SURE--JUST BY ASKING A FEW QUESTIONS----Kids that fuck around with others have been fucked with themselves----PERIOD----DONT DANCE AROUND THIS ---YOUR KID IS COUNTING ON YOU AS ARE WE!

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posted March 07, 2001 02:49 AM

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Originally posted by Wombat:
O.K.-----Go up to his mom and be straight forward---Dont do it tomorrow, do it now---tell her that you didnt like what you saw. Get a feel from her. Lets assume this kid is in to little kids. The apple does not fall far from the tree----Even if you think im way out on a limb, WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO ASSUME, WHEN YOU COULD KNOW FOR SURE--JUST BY ASKING A FEW QUESTIONS----Kids that fuck around with others have been fucked with themselves----PERIOD----DONT DANCE AROUND THIS ---YOUR KID IS COUNTING ON YOU AS ARE WE!

You brought up a good point about kids that do things like this usually have had it done to them. His dad has never been around and his mom makes him go to church, limits his activities etc. She's a real control freak and I've seen her blow up at him for no reason. I went head to head with some NAMBLA people a year or so ago and what I learned from that whole ordeal was enough to make most people want to puke. In thier minds what they are doing isn't wrong. As far as confronting the mother - well - she lives in her own little world where her son is everything. She doesn't date, go out or have any hobbies. She is really preparing this kid to be a real social outcast. I guess it is hard to try to present all the facts without going on for pages and pages but I have to do what is best not only for my child but for other little kids in the area. While she does try to keep a tight leash on him I'm afraid that that leash might just be what hangs them both.

Does anyone know of any place that actively tracks visitors to kid porn sites? I saw a few but the links were broken.


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