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Posts: 2680
Registered: Sep 2000

posted March 04, 2001 01:13 AM

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Could it be possible that my body will refuse to put on any weight, basically no matter how many calories I consume?

I remember last summer, and I believe the way I was able to gain so much is because I continually and steadily upped the weights I was using.

I'm guessing that it probably won't matter if I eat 5000 or 6000 a day, the only way I'm going to grow is from forcing my body to, by steadily gaining strength. Does this seem feasible?

I can't see any other explanation. I'm not hyperthyroid, never have been, but don't tell me someone that weighs slightly less than 190lbs burns over 6000 calories/day...

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted March 04, 2001 01:20 AM

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i know what you mean, its so hard for me to gain weight..even on sauce, i dont understand it, ive been stuck at 144 for a week now.

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Posts: 2228
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posted March 04, 2001 01:39 AM

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there has to be a combination that will work for you bro. im sure your bodytype is such that it is difficult (or seemingly impossible) and your metabolism is probably pretty fast too. as you get older, your metabolism will slow and you will wish you had the old fast one. hehe. mine is slowing and the gains come a bit easier but so does bodyfat if im not dilligent in cardio.
have you tried a more high load low volume training regimine? ie power movements, low reps, long rests? is your sleep enough?

tons of factors, you just have to find the one that is inhibiting you. best of luck.

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Posts: 2680
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posted March 04, 2001 01:43 AM

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Yeah...I know. That's why natural bodybuilding is FUCKINNNNG LAAAAAAME!! Sometimes it makes me so mad.

I mean, look, I wasted ANOTHER entire month, doing everything 100% everyday, for nothing. But whatever.

I just don't understand why I can't get back to 190-4 like I was before, it should be easier this time, but it's actually harder.

My sleep is 100%, no less than 8 hours per night, I use a high load/low volume routine yes, I train my fucking ass off, I have a completely planned meal regime which I follow every motherfucking day, I never cheat or fuck up on it.

I just don't understand really.

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Posts: 2228
Registered: Jan 2000

posted March 04, 2001 01:46 AM

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wow, you got me stumped then. people who are completely organized i totally respect. i know if i were not so scattered and irregular i could get out of my 190 plateau. i wish i had your conviction.

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Posts: 2680
Registered: Sep 2000

posted March 04, 2001 01:54 AM

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That's what I don't understand. I have more than a basic knowledge of all aspects of bodybuiding (diet, training, rest) and I utilize each one and plan perfectly, this is my lifestyle, I am very dedicated. It comes first over anything.

However, I am going on a cylce in a few months either was, but I would still prefer to be in my previous natural state first. Oh well.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted March 04, 2001 02:01 AM

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Ok ask yourself what you haven't done....Can you think of anything at all that you haven't done to try and gain mass?

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Pro Bodybuilder

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From:Saint Paul, MN, USA
Registered: Sep 2000

posted March 04, 2001 02:05 AM

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I take it u aren't fully healed so u can't up the weights? I think that would be a big part of not growing. Im getting sick of being a natty myself, and wouldn't be if I was a little more assertive with a few things

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Posts: 2680
Registered: Sep 2000

posted March 04, 2001 02:06 AM

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Steroids. Seriously, I don't understand, I have honestly been pondering this shit for months...I can't squat right now due to my back, but I doubt that's the only thing holding me back. And I should be able to squat by april anyway.

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Posts: 2680
Registered: Sep 2000

posted March 04, 2001 02:09 AM

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No austin, I'm basically healed, I have no real pain, but I'm being cautious, plus my therapist said to wait 2 weeks after my first full painfree weak to start squatting. Other than that, I'm doing every exercise like before..

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:Miami, FL
Registered: Sep 2000

posted March 04, 2001 02:12 AM

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Some of these things I have said before, and some just popped into my head.

1) You don't need 6,000 cals at 190lbs to put on mass.

2) Your BMR at 190lbs is a little over 2,200-2,300 cals.

3) What makes you think that your last month was wasted and it was for nothing? Did your strength increase? - Success. Do you LOOK BETTER in the mirror? - Success. It's possible to put on muscle and lose fat at the same time, you know, especially with a bodytype like yours or mine. I went two months without putting on a single pound on the scale, yet somehow managed to look leaner and be much stronger at the end of those two months. Now how do you suppose I managed that?

4) You're expecting results too quickly. You're a natural bodybuilder. You can't expect to gain 10 solid pounds in a month naturally. Just POSE IN THE MIRROR once a week. If you see yourself looking better, you're progressing.

5) You're being the opposite of a woman. Woman = "OH NO THE SCALE IS NOT GOING DOWN! I'M FAT." You = "OH NO THE SCALE IS NOT GOING UP! I'M SKINNY." THROW AWAY THE FUCKING SCALE! No one on the street is going to go to you and say: "hey buddy hop on this for a sec... wow over 200lbs, you rule!" They are going to look and go: "hm, that guy over there looks awesome." The only people who should worry about the scale are those who are trying to make weight for contest. You competing any time soon, Frack?

6) If you don't already do so, stay away from the isolation stuff and just stick to compound movements. Squats, deadlifts (I know your back is fucked, use very light weight in hopes of re-strenghtening it), chinups, bench presses, dips, overhead presses, etc... etc... etc... etc... Stay away from those reverse behind-the-neck crossed-over cable rear tricep push-down extension bullshits that I see everybody do. Lift big = get big. Simple as that.

7) Give yourself enough time to rest. Try training each bodypart directly only once a week. I've been doing that since March of last year and have been gaining steadily in strength and mass. Also try training all of your pushing muscles (chest, shoulders, triceps) on one day and pulling muscles (back, bis, traps) on another day. If you want to hear my reasoning behind this seemingly "wrong" grouping, let me know and I will explain further. Don't forget legs, of course. =)

8) Just like bignate said... low reps long rests... I do from 8 reps on my first set down to 4 reps on my last set and take 3-4min between sets. I'll laugh at anyone who tells me I'm doing it wrong, cause I'm gaining. Try it out and you'll be laughing too.

Good luck dude... I know plataeus suck.




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Posts: 2680
Registered: Sep 2000

posted March 04, 2001 02:19 AM

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I'm doing a similar routine warick: All 4-6 reps


Incline BB- 4-6 reps
Flat DB- 4-6
Decline BB- 4-6

Cable Row
T-bar Row
(I don't do chins anymore, for some reason, when I was doing pulldowns w/ 150 for 8 reps, I could do 6 reps on chins. I now use 210, and I can still only do 6-7 reps, to failure. I'm not kidding.)
LowerBack- Hyperextentions right now.

See from this sample of my routine I'm using core mass movements, I know all about how the game works...but it is making no difference.

I am looking bigger though...i guess that's ok.

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