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  The recruiter wants me to sign up in June already!?

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Author Topic:   The recruiter wants me to sign up in June already!?

Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 1374
From:The Land of the Cheese
Registered: Sep 2000

posted March 03, 2001 10:49 PM

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So the Navy Recruiter wants me to sign up in June already. Should I? What if I change my mind? I mean, right now I'm fairly positive I won't, but you never know what will happen between now and then. He said the earlier I sign up I'll have a wider variety of job options in the Navy. Is this true or is he just bullshitting me so that I'll sign up early and it will be a done deal? I'm not sure what to do.

By the way....I won't be going through training until June of 2002.....he want's me to sign up this June.

EX SCIENTIA TRIDENS - From Knowledge Seapower

[This message has been edited by Sailor_Girl (edited March 03, 2001).]

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Dread Lord Good Guy

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posted March 03, 2001 11:10 PM

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They all BS u, just to get u to commit.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted March 03, 2001 11:31 PM

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They will get on your ass trust me! it is there jobs. SG if you do join continue to post because we enjoy having you here!

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:The Land of the Cheese
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posted March 03, 2001 11:57 PM

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Originally posted by GLP:
They will get on your ass trust me! it is there jobs. SG if you do join continue to post because we enjoy having you here!

AWWWWW! Thanks! I'm going to try to invest in a laptop by then cuz I can't live without the internet and if I wanted access I'd have to go to a library. That would be a pain in the ass. I'll be emailing all my buds back home and whatnot and I'm sure I'll stick around elite.


EX SCIENTIA TRIDENS - From Knowledge Seapower

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posted March 04, 2001 12:58 AM

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if you sign up now, you will be a poolee. that sucks because they have gay poolee functions and meetings you have to go to. you guys do silly runs and learn crap etc. i would wait until about 2 months before you are ready to go. things they can try to do: bump up your ship date, claiming that your job field requires it (total b.s.).

when you get to your m.o.s. school you will probably wait for a class date anyhow. its not all crucially timed like they may make it sound.

good luck deary. hehe.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted March 04, 2001 01:23 AM

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Sailorgirl...there is good and bad in signing up now. Like you mentioned, you are pretty much screwed if you change your mind after signing up, but on the positive side, you can get credit towards your enlistment time for signing up early. For example, if you sign on for four years, and sign up 6 months before going in, your contract will be up in 3.5 years. Anyway, I would wait and see if you still want to go in at that time. I spent six years in the Marine Corps and although it did make me the crazy bastard I am today, I probably wouldn't do it over for nothing!


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posted March 04, 2001 01:35 AM

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Originally posted by Rico:
For example, if you sign on for four years, and sign up 6 months before going in, your contract will be up in 3.5 years.


im not sure if thats entirely true, i know that it will take time off of your INACTIVE time served, ie the 4 years you are not active, but not the 4 years you are active.

meaning: you will still do 4 years in the navy, but you will not be subject to recall for a full 4 years after since you were inactive as a poolee. its up to you, if your heart is set on the navy then its a way to burn up your inactive time. can back out of going all the way up until you take your oath the SECOND time at MEPS just prior to shipping out. the first oath is symbolic, not binding. plus you sign all the official papers before the second oath.

pps....oh and sailor girl, the MEPS in milwaukee that you would go through, has sent some of the finest people to the marine me. oohrah.

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Posts: 1923
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posted March 04, 2001 02:24 AM

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I wouldn't put my name on any government document until I was daaaamn sure I was going!!

Just my 2 cents...GET ON IM YOU KINKY69ER!!

GIG 'EM, Badkins21
[email protected]
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Pro Bodybuilder

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From:on da streets slangin thangs (da 30349)
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posted March 04, 2001 02:34 AM

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I'm just curious, why are you joining the navy?

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:The Land of the Cheese
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posted March 04, 2001 02:43 PM

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I'm joining the Navy because it's just been something I've always wanted to do. My grandpa and my cousin were marines and I always thought that was cool as hell and so I'm joining the Navy. I have a huge interest in the military and think it would be a great experience to be a part of it.


EX SCIENTIA TRIDENS - From Knowledge Seapower

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Pro Bodybuilder

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From:on da streets slangin thangs (da 30349)
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posted March 04, 2001 02:46 PM

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Just make sure you watch for Japanese fishing boats before you do that emergency rise move.

Also, you may like this since you are joining the navy. I was talking to my father about that incident and he said "maybe they should raise the fucking Arizona and then we'll think about raising their shitty little boat".

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted March 04, 2001 03:26 PM

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My dad told me recruiters will say anything to have you sign up, so get it in writing as a precautionary measure. Are you giong into the Reserves or enlisting? I think for NROTC you take the class and all that stuff for 2 years before there is any military obligation.

-Plan for the worst; Pray for the best.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted March 04, 2001 03:40 PM

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I did my four years in the Navy. I have to say thats where I started my computer career, made great lifetime friends and did learn some discipline. I did get screwed about my training so don't sign anything until you see it in print. I did my bootcamp in Orlando and I did feel sorry for the women. Their command petty officers yelling "Get those tits off my deck!", when they did their pushups. It will make you a better person if you can take the bullshit for 8 weeks or how ever long it is now.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:The Land of the Cheese
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posted March 04, 2001 03:43 PM

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Orlando? I didn't know they held basic training there? I thought it was all in Great Lakes. Great Lakes in convenient because it's only an hour and a half away from my town. Training is 9 weeks. I'm a pussy when it comes to getting bitched at, but I'll take whatever shit they throw at me.


EX SCIENTIA TRIDENS - From Knowledge Seapower

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted March 04, 2001 04:00 PM

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Sailor Girl I wouldn't sign until I WAS READY! Don't let someone talk you into it!!

You've got awhile to think about it!!


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted March 04, 2001 04:19 PM

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Orlando was the only training center for women back in the 80's. That may be changed now. I'd check to make sure.

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Cool Novice

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posted March 04, 2001 04:37 PM

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When I joined the Marines 6 years ago, It walked into the RS and I was gone 2 weeks later..what he is trying to do is make his quota for the month using your name, don't let him BS you, with any "incentives" by signing now YOU DON"T HAVE TO!!!! and will gain "0" by doing it, trust me. Also, why the Navy? Yes I am a Marine but I am not one of those that push the Corps, just because. I been around alot of Squids and I personally would say the Navy sucks!!! Promotions suck and you bascially are not shit unless you pick up Chief in like 15-20 the Corps you have alot more responsiblity with a rank as low as E-3. You are treated with much more respect and you dont have to worry about being stationed on a got-damned ship!!! If you are just joining the military just to join, I would rethink which least talk to the other can get any field worth while in pretty much all branchs..computers, electronics etc....this is a big move, I would just hate for you to get stuck doing something you dont like...

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted March 04, 2001 04:51 PM

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Hey SG- It is totally up to you. What MOS do you want? If it is available now as in this month you might want to go ahead and reserve that spot. I was a Marine Corps. recruiter my first 6 mo after boot camp, so I know how it works. You can change your mind at any point. It all comes down to that moment at the MEPS when you swear in. Thats when they have you. Babe, you definitely look better in a Marine uniform. Do they not have any programs that interst you? Anyway, good luck with your decision. Let me know if I can help.


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Cool Novice

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posted March 04, 2001 04:52 PM

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oh and one more can sign all the paperwork you are not legally binded to the contract until you raise your hand and take the Oath..all that paperwork is for is authorizing you to enlist, he forwards it up to the top and the give you what is called a "boatspace" locking you into whatever field you chose...every field has a certain number of opening every fiscal year or "boatspaces". By signing the papers now you are guaranteeing you will get that spot, but remember those spots are always there, whether he tell you they are or not, he is also under pressure to get a certain number of people into every field, and if the Navy needs more people in a certain area, he will tell you that what you want is closed and you have to go into said area in order to reenlist, at that point get up and walk out, you wont make it to the door, before he calls you back...

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted March 04, 2001 05:19 PM

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If your priorities are education then the Air Force would be a better choice. They have good technical schools, in addition to an easier military lifestyle. As for the Navy; If being assigned to a ship is a concern, unlike the guys, women do have a choice of being assigned to a ship or not.

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Cool Novice

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posted March 04, 2001 05:26 PM

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If being assigned to a ship is a concern, unlike the guys, women do have a choice of being assigned to a ship or not. [/B][/QUOTE]

...I am not sure about that, when i was on ship, the females on there did not have a choice, in fact alot of them tried like hell to get off and couldn't...but maybe thats not the case everywhere...

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posted March 04, 2001 05:41 PM

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for the most part, the only way a woman would get off the ship was a family emergency or pregnancy (which i saw alot of them get away with).

ship life definitely sucks, but marines do it too. i have a year and a half sea time, so there is no merit in saying marines dont see ships, its not true.

airforce would be a good route if you are going to do time and then get out. all of their education credits are transferrable to civilian colleges. dont believe the hype about any other branches saying thier education is useful for schools on the outside. the airforce had thier school curriculum assessed by an outside source and standardized to qualify.

marine corps could be a good route for pure character and leadership development. you will learn a skill too but intrinsically you will gain more in learning yourself.

army...well i dont know anything about them so i wont comment.

basically, any branch you choose, make yourself the best deal. highest college money, choicest job field, promotion possibilities and also check out where your job field gets stationed. ex.for airwing type stuff, know where a particular plane is based etc.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted March 04, 2001 09:00 PM

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posted March 04, 2001 09:06 PM

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i laugh at you angel of death. thats all the reply you deserve for that comment.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:The Land of the Cheese
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posted March 04, 2001 09:54 PM

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Thanks for all your input and sharing your knowledge with me. I REALLY appreciate it. Marines are bad ass and I don't think I could handle what they go through in boot camp. I saw a documentary on that shit and damn that looked tough as hell. Especially that "crucibal" thing or whatever! Maybe I'm wrong though. Airforce isn't a bad idea, but I just really like the whole Navy thing. I've become pretty good friends with the recruiter actually. We email eachother and he comes to my school every 3rd tuesday of the month and we talk. I just wasn't sure if he was possibly bullshitting me on signing up right away so that I could seal the job I want or not cuz some of my friends thought he might be. I can honestly say I pretty much trust him to get me into a field I will like. I graduate in 2002 so I can sign up after this years seniors graduate because I will be considered a senior by then. I still have a year of school before I can join yet. Is there any way to get into the Navy and start out at E3 or E4 and not have to be an E1 or E2? Or is E3 and E4 still pretty low?


EX SCIENTIA TRIDENS - From Knowledge Seapower

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Cool Novice

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posted March 04, 2001 10:36 PM

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well if you trust him, then i guess you should be ok, but just always keep in mind he went to school to be a Professional bullshitter. Also there are all kinds of incentives to get you to reenlist, like duty station preference and sign up bonuses, and yes rank too,but in the Marines that usually is only done when you enlist for 6 years, which I dont recommend at all. It will not be worth it in the long run. and what you see on the Discovery channel on bootcamp kind of blown out of proportion, it is not that hard, especially now-a-days. I am an Instructor and I teach Marines that just came from Boot camp and they say it is a joke...if you really are that concerned about rank as you should be, the Navy is not where you wanna go, they are the only branch that an E5 can retire from, because it is that hard to pick up rank, thats 20 years at an E5, i picked up that rank in the Marines at 4 years...of course that is not always the case, maybe you could get into a field that promotes well...hell I could go on and on...good luck

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posted March 04, 2001 11:23 PM

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depending on what you sign up for, will depend on how fast you promote. MOS's that are full dont promote, ie, people staying in. and yes, you will start out e-1. navy i believe has a program where you promote quickly out of boot camp but once you hit those promotions, it'll freeze and you will sit at your upper/lowly rank. promotions are hit and miss when choosing MOS's. my MOS was closed with no hope of opening up, the "sister" MOS of mine was wide open and promoting, 2 years later, i passed those who promoted so fast because mine opened wide up and thiers closed. go figure.
pick a job you think you will enjoy and promotions will come or not, but at least you will enjoy yourself. as for being treated with respect...the navy isnt the place for that. i would take any other branch before the navy, its like slave labor the way nonrates are treated. NCO's are not given respect either. Chief and above are basically all that get any props.

Semper Fidelis (you see where im coming from) Always Faithful.


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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted March 04, 2001 11:29 PM

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Sailor Girl, My brother was in the Navy for over 5 years. It at least helped him make his mind up as to what he wanted to do with his life but his "job" in the Navy (Electronic Warfare Technician) didnt amount to shit in the real world. He ended up going to aircraft mechanic school and then got on with the State Police in PA.
My point. Be prepared to be LONELY. 5 years of living from place to place and being on a fucking boat isnt my idea of "seing the world". He was a smart one and actually was able to save from their shitty wages. Interpretation-he didnt have much fun.
If you go DONT SIGN UP FOR SIX YEARS! For the good jobs/training they want your ass for awhile. just somethings to think about.


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posted March 04, 2001 11:49 PM

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted March 05, 2001 03:16 AM

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Sailor Girl,

Why dont you do this: Unless you are %100 sure you want to go in then Navy, take a year of classes at community college that really interest you. Just take a few so you have alot of free time to hang out with your friends and have fun. After 12 years of school you deserve it. If by then you havent found anything you would like to do for a career and the Navy is still appealing, join. If you join next March, you will still be up for some good jobs. You have your whole life ahead of you, the Navy isnt going anywhere, and you are only 18 once.


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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted March 05, 2001 01:40 PM

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Sailor Girl,

I do not want to make this long. Listen to DC. That is great advice!

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Elite Bodybuilder

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From:The Land of the Cheese
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posted March 06, 2001 12:12 AM

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Great point DC! I'm all for that. But I'll feel like a sell out because everyone thinks its SO COOl that I'm joining the Navy because I've wanted to do it for so long. Oh well...I'm sure everything will work out for the best.


EX SCIENTIA TRIDENS - From Knowledge Seapower

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted March 06, 2001 12:36 AM

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DC is right

Are you really joining cause everyone thinks its cool or are you doing it cause you want to be in the Navy???

I almost joined up with some of my buddies since we all wanted to go to BUDS and try our damned hardest and then some to be Seals

Out of 15 people from my highschool who entered the navy only 2 of them who went to the Naval Academy are still with them....5 of my friends were rolled out of service for one reason or another...The guy who had the best chance of surviving physically and mental abuse of buds was released with a medical discharge after talking about being depressed due to his parents divorce right after he left for basic...

I'm glad I listened to my mom and that there was still a college who recruited me to run...I wouldn't have given that experience of being a college athlete up if I was in that situation again...

I knew a few guys who talked about the nuke program as paying well...not sure what it pays now but that was the best I heard about 3 years ago

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The Whole F/N Show

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posted March 06, 2001 02:47 AM

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I have 2 things to say. I was in the military and recruiters are bastards. Sometimes I think they would push they own mothers down a flight of stair to get you to join. The military did benifit me but I'm not sure I would do it again.



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