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  The WORLDS FUTURE is Garbage and Bullshit

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Author Topic:   The WORLDS FUTURE is Garbage and Bullshit


Posts: 3662
From:The 27th Century, USAtiva
Registered: Jul 2000

posted February 26, 2001 08:45 AM

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What does the future hold? There are a few things that are certain for the future and here are just a few.
Soon, morals will be a thing of the past. Every corner whether Beverly Hills, River Oaks or the so called "nicest" part of your town will eventually corrupt itself. There will be strip club after strip club, porn shop after porn shop, garbage after garbage. Places like Starbucks in several years will be complete dumps. America and the world is heading down the tubes.
T.V and the media feed the hungry what they think they need. Your being programmed and you don't even know it(thats the point). I am sure many of you have heard that in the future things will be ran by robots etc etc. Let me explain that. Do you know that they have a watch that goes on your wrist that allows you to download MP3's that sends the signal to an earpiece that comes with the kit. Technology is advancing but what you dont realize is that your being LINKED. The more you buy into the stuff you don't really need the more you become a sheep, puppet or robot. Anything can be sent through these linked up gadgets that are coming out. Many believe the technology of today is so advanced, this shit has been around for 20 years easy. Govt. puts the so called "new inventions and technologies" out just when they need some extra cash to work on the next bullshit they are going to use to attempt to control you. Some of you will disagree with me and I don't care. If I help one person out then my job is complete. Stop being one of the brainwashed please, although its tautilogical to say but please "learn to think for yourself", make your own tradition, era, culture, stop clicking on the idiot box to find your niche. Nothing is exactly 100% safe these days, they are watching you when and if they want to, the key is to stay as far away as you can by being dependent on your self. We must improvise, overcome and adapt to what we know best, our ROOTS. Don't become a robot. peace from the dorment Revolutionary


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posted February 26, 2001 08:49 AM

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this pretty much states why I hope to live overseas someday, to "getaway" from all the crap, even just for a little while

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posted February 26, 2001 09:11 AM

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This is one reason why the % of obese children and adults alike have skyrocketted in the last 20 or so years. I remember my Dad telling me all the activities he and his siblings did for fun when they were kids. Nothing to do with computers, video games, MTV etc...wasn't around. They had to make their own games, improvising as you said. Kids now a days sit on their little butts too much. This is partly the parents fault as well. Everything is just made "easier". Easier but mroe expensive. Going to Burger King to pick up dinner is easier than cooking, looking up data for an essay on the web is easier than going down to the library and actually researching, purchasing a Play Station rather than outside play equipment etc...Our brains have become lazy, Lazy Brain=Fat Ass.


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Robert W Greene

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posted February 26, 2001 09:17 AM

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If you dont like America,then get the fuck out,no one is holding you here,one of the thing's that make this country great is that every PECKERWOOD has a RIGHT to conplain..

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posted February 26, 2001 09:36 AM

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no one is saying they don't like America, they are just saying they don't like the crap that comes with it...I'm getting out cause I want to live somewhere different to see how others around the world live from day to day, not saying my life is so bad here....

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Posts: 3355
From:Look Behind You!!!
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posted February 26, 2001 10:07 AM

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Governments and religions could not survive in their present form without the authoritative "mysticism" they have used to poison free-thinking and creative individuals. The mass hypnosis of conventional society is by design because it is of enormous benefit to those who would rule over others.


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Posts: 2058
From:Cowboys From Hell Tx USA
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posted February 26, 2001 10:41 AM

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true dat, theyre every where you look, fat kid here fat kid there. and you cant blame the kids. parents these days dont take the freak'n time to spend w/their kids. theyd rather sit their ass's in front of the tv while they're more than happy to let their kids sit in their room playing games all fuk'n day. the only time they go outside is to get in the car to drive their ass's to Micky D's. Whenever I see these kids I cant help but get pissed at the parents.

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posted February 26, 2001 12:00 PM

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The more thing change the more they stay the same.

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posted February 26, 2001 12:24 PM

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Havoc, you are the coolest motherfucker I have ever met in my entire life.

I have seen this as well but could never put it into words.

It's like going to the grocery store on Sunday. Everyone is wearing their Bronco jerseys because the TV tells them too. They buy the food the TV tells them too and talk about Survivor or some other garbage.

I still can't put what I want to say into words, but this country is definitely brainwashed to the ninety-ninth degree.

I remember sitting in class, where this guy and girl were surfing the internet together, and came across an add for mexican steroids.
Immediately one said,
"Eeew, steroids are gross."
the other, "Steroids are bad, they make fake muscle."
"Why would you use steroids. They are stupid."
"Steroids are sick."

I had the unshakeable feeling watching this that I was watching two zombies reading a script.

Now I have always been into conspiracy theory, and I recently did a report for school about 'Mind Control.' This subject is too broad for this post which is already getting long, but the technology for mass population control exists.

The 'new world order' is more real than it seems.

[This message has been edited by Frackal (edited February 26, 2001).]

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Cool Novice

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From:the future
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posted February 26, 2001 12:26 PM

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buck up little camper!!! everythings gonna work out!!!

...forget about it...

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posted February 26, 2001 12:29 PM

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BTW- I would like to add that this culture cultivates the weak mind.

It is all connected:

Fast food=fat. Fat=weak mind
weak mind+TV= weaker mind.
Weaker mind+propaganda= a puppet population.

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Posts: 1739
From:slicksterville, South Slickson USslickinA
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posted February 26, 2001 12:52 PM

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true true true, havoc. Now get off your ass and away from that computer screen!

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Posts: 2959
From:Mesquite, Tx
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posted February 26, 2001 01:02 PM

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I really don't mean to be a dick, and you may be correct, but for those of you that don't like it, you can leave.

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posted February 26, 2001 01:09 PM

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how many of us here have lived in another country? I haven't so that is my reasoning for trying one day...If anything to gain another perspective on what our country and it's standards really mean

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From: Mons Olympus on Mars, base camp.
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posted February 26, 2001 02:08 PM

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Well R. W. Green, you must think your view of America is the correct one. Your wrong as all who see it your way are going to pay for the rest of us who think differently.

This country is corrupt and you are too. Keep up the good fight, even though your gonna lose.

America is great only if your in the upper tax brackets.

This is just the way it is, who knows you might have voted for Clinton? Heh....

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From: Mons Olympus on Mars, base camp.
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posted February 26, 2001 02:10 PM

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Well R. W. Green, you must think your view of America is the correct one. Your wrong as all who see it your way are going to pay for the rest of us who think differently.

This country is corrupt and you are too. Keep up the good fight, even though your gonna lose.

America is great only if your in the upper tax brackets.

This is just the way it is, who knows you might have voted for Clinton? Heh....

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posted February 26, 2001 02:49 PM

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Notice Robert W Green has his residence listed as being from the deep south.


They're the first people to gripe about someone if they have a problem with the US, The first one to give ya money to buy a ticket to Russia, and the last ones to stop flying the goddamn confederate flag.

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posted February 26, 2001 03:04 PM

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Burning inside-What do you find wrong with flying the Confederate flag?Whats wrong with complaining? I think it's better to complain with something you have a problem with rather then just leaving it be or being a mouse about it

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From:on da streets slangin thangs (da 30349)
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posted February 26, 2001 03:07 PM

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What did that have to do with "Roots"? I agree Alex Haley sucks but I didn't get it.

You need to watch more tv and listen to more music.

yvan eht nioj

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Posts: 1893
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posted February 26, 2001 03:31 PM

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Awww Jeez....whadda hell makes you guys think you invented this?

Get a grip: 99% of THE ENTIRE WORLD are sheep:
If you doubt it, think of these:

1) jonestown massacure
2) the entire Christian religion(especially those fools that pay tithes)
3) the entire Moslem religion
4) the entire Jewish religion
5) everyone who lived in Germany during WW2
6) the military (worldwide...kamakazies had lots of self realization LOL)

I could go on, but Im bored now...
There are three kinds of people
1) huge flocks of sheep that cover the world
2) a few shepherds that like herding sheep
3) the wolves that arent fussy and will have a meal on either sheep or shepherd...which ever is more convenient.

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Cool Novice

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From:the future
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posted February 26, 2001 03:35 PM

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im guessing you knew everyone living in germany during WW2??

...forget about it...

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Posts: 2737
From:Atlanta GA
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posted February 26, 2001 04:09 PM

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That's probably the dumbest post you have ever put on here. I'm not exaggerating to make a point either. That shows a woeful ignorance of many institutions of today, as well as history.

It is obvious you don't know that much about varying religions. For example, Judaism preaches studying, education, etc. It is generally the most educated who are the last to be sheep.

Additionally, Jews do not believe in life after death. Therefore, they don't accept things if they are unpleasant. Christians tend to look at the afterlife as the "Great Equalizer" - so they tolerate more misery as a group. Jews don't.

Throughout history they have been persecuted, yet they have survived 5700 years, longer than any civilization. They are among the last people I would call sheep. I'm not Jewish either - I just see this in them.

Most of the Germans in world war 2 were against the Nazi regime. How do I know? Because my family was there. 5 of my grandmother's brothers were killed during the war by allied bombing campaigns. Her father did everything he could to keep her out of the Hitler youth and so much other shit. Only her and her sister survived the war. None of her male relatives did.

Many families did the same thing. But when a group of soldiers shows up at your house with guns and demands your children join them, being self-willed isn't so easy.

I could continue, but why? Havoc made some valid points....advancing technology has enabled institutions to monitor human behavior, etc...but the SINGLE BIGGEST way that people get dumbed down is by failing to educate themselves - about history - and about the world around us. If that post is indicative of anything, you're on your way to a full membership in the flock.

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posted February 26, 2001 04:26 PM

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all religions believe theirs are the right and correct ones, that is what I can they all be right? hmmmmmm?????? All religious people I know (I know alot from the three I mentioned) are completely blind to facts, and live on sheep-like faith alone.
I don't give a hoot WHAT religion they are..if they can't sit back, read the facts, compare notes, they're sheep.

The Germans voted Hitler in based on propaganda they fell for...he didn't just take over, they VOTED HIM IN.

That is the basis for my opinion, if I am stupid, so beit.

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Robert W Greene

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posted February 26, 2001 04:36 PM

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Boo Fucking Hoo ,I dont care if you like me or not.

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Robert W Greene

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posted February 26, 2001 04:38 PM

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P.S LaserDude learn how to post properly

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Posts: 2737
From:Atlanta GA
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posted February 26, 2001 04:40 PM

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There are legions of sheep among major religions. But fewer among Jews. Without a belief in life after death, it's now or never for them, and they rarely just accept things.

Hitler was voted in in 1933 largely because of an economic situations far worse than our own Great Depression, which coincidentally brought FDR in. He didn't come into office with ate filled propoganda - all he did was pledge to end the Depression, and he promptly did, by rebuilding the infrastructure (autobahns etc) and then the military. After recovering the country from Depression, yes, many people followed him sheeplike.

Now, why do you think he went after the Jews so viciously? It was because he knew they wouldn't just go along with the Nazi regime - Jews are not followers - while Christians believe that life after death will right earthly wrongs. I can tell you from interacting with Germans who survived world War 2 that although it was nice to get out of the Depression, the pain that was caused by the war was far worse than Depression itself.

There was no worry about "civilian casualties" then. No CNN to report them. So Allied air campaigns targeted German cities, wiping out tens of thousands of civilains each month. I'm not saying teh Allies were wrong - it was a total war against a powerful war machine. All I'm saying is that the German people just wanted it to stop.

Anyway - I didn't call you stupid. I don't know you so it wouldn;t be fair anyway. Just didn't care for your post.

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posted February 26, 2001 04:51 PM

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yeah The Germans were doomed from WWI

the U.S. President at the time doomed everyone into WWII by trying to negotiate the end and insulted all the other foreign dignitaries by being there. Not to mention the debt Germany was supposed to pay back as a result of that treaty was impossible since their infrastructure was in ruin with no hopes to rebuild them. Hitler tricked the Communist to joining him and they both swayed support to oust the others. After Hitler came to power he set their capital building on fire and claimed the Communist did it. After he strummed up National support he rebuilt the country, then screwed over the people by pushing his agenda of European domination...Perhaps i am wrong but I wouldn't have called the German people sheep. It was either join or be killed. You can look to other Countries Germany captured in Europe, those policies were true in Countries like Poland and Romania...The guards of the POW camp my grandfather was at in Romania were more afraid of Rusians invading to fight the germans then they were of the Germans. Remember Russia was all the more willing to fight and invade those countries to take Germany Headon. Hitler just beat them to the punch

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posted February 26, 2001 04:52 PM

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thats fine Matt, but I also know many Germans myself, and my uncle and his whole family were Nazis.

50 years later, these people still think Hitler was right and Ive met as many or more that think like that than who find the whole thing a tragedy. BESIDES the fact, Mein Kampf had been in print for quite a while. I think If I was voting someone in and they had written their memoirs, Id be reading them. The fact that no one did, or worse yet, ignored it, is unconsciable.

And besides the fact you've now made me argue only about Jewish people and I am the farthest thing from an antisemite you'll ever find..I hate all religion equally.
You want to talk about sheep? Im sorry, but allowing ones nation to be enslaved by another when you outnumber then at least 2 to 1 seems awfully sheep like to me.
Believing a bunch of pandering "prophets" that a "saviour" willcome and save them when they are fully capable of saving themselves seems awfully sheep like to me.

Equally as sheep like as believing a half-mad carpenter is the son of god 2000 years and 95% literacy rate later.

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posted February 26, 2001 04:59 PM

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boy that sounds pretty cold hearted to diss people for having beliefs and sticking with them reguardless what others think or say. Couldn't someone just call you a mindless sheep for not believing in religion?

I doubt their nation allowed themselves to be enslaved...Military power is strong enemy to go up against

It's all a matter of what angle you want to stare at it

[This message has been edited by TxCollegeguy (edited February 26, 2001).]

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Posts: 3662
From:The 27th Century, USAtiva
Registered: Jul 2000

posted February 26, 2001 05:02 PM

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I knew this would cause some havoc. Its beautiful isnt it? So many people took this shit out of context. Its like your reading an entirely different post. Oh well, who cares. peace


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Posts: 2959
From:Mesquite, Tx
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posted February 26, 2001 05:04 PM

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This should be interesting. Burning-inside, what color or race do you think MR. Greene is? I think you may be barking up the wrong tree brother.

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Posts: 2737
From:Atlanta GA
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posted February 26, 2001 05:06 PM

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Originally posted by kat:

BESIDES the fact, Mein Kampf had been in print for quite a while. I think If I was voting someone in and they had written their memoirs, Id be reading them. The fact that no one did, or worse yet, ignored it, is unconsciable.

Easy for us to say now that people should have read the memoirs. Germany after World War 1 was decimated. It was the "home turf" for the war.

Then, the Treaty of Versailles handed them the bill for the whole thing. So after the war destroyed their physcial infrastructure, the Treaty destroyed their economic infrastructure. They had inflation that reached 1,000,000%. Their money was worthless. It made our "Great" Depression seem like a bad day for the NASDAQ.

So let's see - the country is decimated, no one is working, families are starving, the government (then known as the Weimar Republic) is not capable of restoring order or economic happiness.

When the new guy came to town (Hitler) no one had time to care what he wrote. They were too busy trying not to starve to death. distribtution was a little different in 1925 than it is today. There was no Barnes and Noble, and you couldn't just walk down to the public library, because it was neglected at the expense of the war, and of secondary importance afterward. The literacy rate was quite low. Kids weren't going to school - they were working, trying to make a few pennies a day.

It is dangerous to look at past situations in our current context, and that is what you seem to be doing.

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posted February 26, 2001 05:10 PM

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How can I possibly be a relgious sheep when I have very firm beliefs that are singly mine? They have not come from anyone else, and I do not preach them. My own beliefs are not found in a book or on TV, or anywhere else. And I don't tell people Im right because I dont know I am..I have no proof. I dont even tell people what they are unless they ask.

To believe the Talmud, or the Koran, or the Bible and FORCE IT ON OTHERS AS TRUTH INBCARNATE WITHOUT ANY BASIS OF TRUTH is wrong, and to accept it as anything more than interesting morals to perhaps use as personal ethical foundation is being a many have I asked "why? why do you beleive this" and they cannot answer.
I can at least answer why I believe what I, I may be stupid, but I am ot a sheep.

And if you take so much offense to be called a sheep, doenst your god preach "the meek shall inherit the earth"? Sheep are pretty meek.

Matt: fine, youre right, youre always right.
I'm uneducated and havent a clue of what I are always the great educator, so I will bow to your superiority.

[This message has been edited by kat (edited February 26, 2001).]

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posted February 26, 2001 05:22 PM

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when I said "Couldn't someone just call you a mindless sheep for not believing in religion?"

I wasn't refering to you as a religous sheep, It was meant as a reference as MAYBE being a mindless sheep on the side of not believing in a religion....The point was anyone could be considered a mindless sheep for making the choices of their lives for whatever reason...Why should anyone have to justify their religous beliefs?If they believe cause the continue without thought as to why isn't that still a choice for living that way? Some don't need a reason, that doesn't make it not their own choice and I don't think it makes it any less correct. If a person chooses to except something "blindly" is that choice just as good as a reason as you saying you choose not to because you have no proof?

I was thinking your reference was made to people who believe in general. As far as any religion telling each other they are more right...well thats another arguement. I say Who cares if 1 set of beliefs is more right then the others. I respect a person based on them excepting choices for whatever reason, beit proven truth, or blind fate and reguardless of what side they are for

as for "doenst your god preach "the meek shall inherit the earth"? Sheep are pretty meek."

I don't believe my god has ever told me that, though I have read that somewhere in the bible. I don't believe sheep are that meek, I personally don't like the little bastards, but thats a west Texas story which would gross anyone out

[This message has been edited by TxCollegeguy (edited February 26, 2001).]

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posted February 26, 2001 06:01 PM

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I would just like to add that Jonestown was a CIA MK-Ultra related experiment and those people were murdered, they did not commit suicide.

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posted February 26, 2001 06:21 PM

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I gotta agree with Kat as my father in law was in germany during the war and he has talked to me so often about the attitude of fear that would make brother turn in brother to the SS.
I see the same thing happening in my own country in a more subtle way and also south of our border. People dont think anymore because they are so busy working for the home entertainment centre.

WANNA be a free thinker? read Noam Chomsky.
He will really open your eyes.

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posted February 26, 2001 06:32 PM

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Matt definately has his history correct. After WWI and the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was economically and socially bankrupt.

I personally like posts like these (Thanks Havoc), because they stimulate intelligent conversation and debate (which is a large factor in what's missing in this country today).

I agree with Kat that too many people "go along" with what is "popular" and the "norm" which is usually dumbed down to the least common denominator.

BTW - Matt are you a Nietzsche fan?

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posted February 26, 2001 06:37 PM

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What makes you say that? If it is one of those consparicy books or webpages I wouldnt put to much faith into it.

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Posts: 2737
From:Atlanta GA
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posted February 26, 2001 07:22 PM

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Schweeler -

I read everything. Nietzsche's interesting but a lot of his ideas are based in a historcial context.

Kat - whatever. All you really did was rant about the problems with religion (much of which I agree with) and then spew historical inaccuracies.

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posted February 26, 2001 07:54 PM

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Good controversial topic!

People are and have always been the same from Ancient Egypt, Nazi Germany, and the present-day US; there are the minority leaders/elites and then the majority of ignorant people. (with always a few free thinkers being there) Dumbing down and diverting the populous from having individual thoughts and keeping up with the policies of the ruling elite is done to further their own existence. It happens in every organized society-religion included.
I dare say that if/when the economy takes a big slide, we as Americans will elect another 'savior' resembling Adolph Hitler. No body gives a shit about principles these days; they care about the almighty dollar and how they can get more 'stuff'
Most typical Germans did not even know the extermination of the Jews was taking place. They knew that they were being taken away to camps where they had to work, but so was every able-bodied German also at that time.
My grandmother 'had' to work in a bomb making plant. Where was my grandfather? He went just to see what they were saying at an Anti-Hitler meeting and was rounded up and put into prison. Nazism is SOCIALISM! No free thinking-the government controls everything. It is not right winged as these pundits always say. Take a look at the US. Free thinking is being prohibited; one example political correctness. Government is grasping more and more power every day-we are becoming socialists and being indoctrinated to get used to it.
America is still the best place in the world to live; the diversity of our people, intellectual capacity, and freedoms cannot be reproduced by any other nation. It unfortunately belies the fact that there are more and more ignorant people as a percentage of society as well as a national debt and flawed monetary system that will untimately be the cause of our demise. America is still great, could be even greater, but unfortunately at this point of time has seen its greatest days behind it.

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Posts: 3128
From:NE alabama
Registered: Jun 2000

posted February 26, 2001 08:26 PM

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all this talk of sheep has made me particularly horny....

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:Manila, Philippines
Registered: Feb 2001

posted February 26, 2001 08:37 PM

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This pertains to the earlier posts of those who said that if you don't like it, leave. Well I did. And I can tell you, without reserve, that it was the best decision I ever made or could ever concieveably make.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted February 26, 2001 08:38 PM

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Hey Special bill are you also Scotish ????

As for MDGuy I have to disagree in that the
Nazi were not socialist. They were facist
IF you want to see socialism in action go to Britain or even to a lesser degree Canada.
Peace Brothers

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Posts: 3128
From:NE alabama
Registered: Jun 2000

posted February 26, 2001 08:41 PM

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yes grotto, i'm last name begins with i have bad teeth and live in alabama...all in all it's a desireable package...

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 88
From:Maryland USA
Registered: Sep 2000

posted February 26, 2001 09:11 PM

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-Hitler ran under the "National Socialist" or Nazi Party
-Fascism is socialism. It is an autocratic leader which controls all facets of the economy.
What I remember, anything left wing- involves government control, right wing-lack thereof.

Hey Special Bill, EWE are terrible. Do you know the term safe sex means in Alabama? Branding the sheep that kick

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Posts: 3128
From:NE alabama
Registered: Jun 2000

posted February 26, 2001 09:17 PM

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i consider the branded beasts a sexual challenge...i prefer to tuck the unruly hind quarters into my oversized rubber galoshes, so that their wild thrustings and reckless thrashings only add to my pleasure....

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