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Future One

Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 873
From:Somewhere in Canada, sometime in the far future...
Registered: Jul 2000

posted February 15, 2001 11:17 PM

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I just saw this show on Fox where all these guys were saying the Apollo lunar landing was all an elaborate deception. Man I tell ya they had pretty convincing evidence!!!
I'm just sittin' there like "what??" man I felt sick.

Any opinions?? Where the Aerospace engineers? Chesty, any comments??


"Mr. Phillips, are you honestly telling me that people are really going to believe that I'm the 'before,' and he's the 'after'?"

Johnny had spent the best years of his life there, playing with the other children, running, laughing, and experiencing the wonders of nature through innocent eyes. He even sneaked his first kiss there from Becky Thompson while standing underneath the slide, so there was no way in hell he was going to let CostCo put another store on "his" playground.

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Posts: 2691
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posted February 16, 2001 12:16 AM

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You accept the Bible as true but call THAT a hoax?


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posted February 16, 2001 12:30 AM

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Originally posted by MattTheSkywalker:





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Jay Z

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posted February 16, 2001 01:08 AM

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that was some good stuff...i saw the old movie capricorn one...i'm going to rent it again

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted February 16, 2001 02:46 AM

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But what would be the gain in lying to the entire world?

"BITCH! You can't do this to me!" Silvio

"how much can you really know about yourself if you've never been in a fight?" Tyler Durden

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posted February 16, 2001 03:03 AM

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i try not to watch shows like that because they have some pretty convincing evidence that is probably bullshit. If it was a hoax let me go on thinking it wasent that conspircy shit dosent do shit for me will be perfectly fine being stupid and blissfull. Imagin if it was proven there were actually alieans dont think people could handle it.

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posted February 16, 2001 03:08 AM

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Future...I'm sure you are an intelligent fellow, but your "objectivity" regarding what is real and what is fantasy is puzzling to say the least.

need a lift?

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Future One

Elite Bodybuilder

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From:Somewhere in Canada, sometime in the far future...
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posted February 16, 2001 10:31 AM

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Hey I never said I didn't believe in the Lunar landing, because I still do. But if some of that evidence was true then those guys make very good case about the whole thing being a hoax. Just as most of you make a very good case in saying God is a hoax, same exact deal...


"Mr. Phillips, are you honestly telling me that people are really going to believe that I'm the 'before,' and he's the 'after'?"

Johnny had spent the best years of his life there, playing with the other children, running, laughing, and experiencing the wonders of nature through innocent eyes. He even sneaked his first kiss there from Becky Thompson while standing underneath the slide, so there was no way in hell he was going to let CostCo put another store on "his" playground.

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Posts: 4417
From:Houston, TX, USA
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posted February 16, 2001 10:36 AM

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Speaking for the city where NASA is .. well, we've obviously can put payloads into orbit .. if you can orbit the earth it doesn't take THAT much more technology to go to the moon.

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Future One

Elite Bodybuilder

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From:Somewhere in Canada, sometime in the far future...
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posted February 16, 2001 10:44 AM

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JohnnyO, they made a good case of that because they said The Astronauts would have had to pass the Van Allen radiation belts, which means without proper insulation they would have all received serious radiation sickness. They say to protect against the radiation the capsule would have needed a Lead plating of at least 6 inches in thickness which it didn't have.


"Mr. Phillips, are you honestly telling me that people are really going to believe that I'm the 'before,' and he's the 'after'?"

Johnny had spent the best years of his life there, playing with the other children, running, laughing, and experiencing the wonders of nature through innocent eyes. He even sneaked his first kiss there from Becky Thompson while standing underneath the slide, so there was no way in hell he was going to let CostCo put another store on "his" playground.

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posted February 16, 2001 10:45 AM

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Much like some of the 30 somethings on the boards, I grew up watching all the Apollo missions. (They brought a real TV into our classroom! Hi Tech, wow!)
Wanted nothing more than to be an astronaut.

Man's greatest achievement, bar-none.

However, I used to work with a retired Air Force Colonel who swears up and down that it was all filmed in White Sands, NM.

Normal guy too. He would just smile and say "believe whatever you want, I was there".

Oh well, just one of my many stories.


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Posts: 4417
From:Houston, TX, USA
Registered: Apr 2000

posted February 16, 2001 10:56 AM

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interesting .. I looked up a typical satellite passing the radiation belts (elliptic orbit, 200 miles to 20000 miles) and the radiation dosage per year is about 2500 rem, assuming one is shielded by 1 gr/cm-square of aluminum (about 1/8" thick plate) almost all of it while passing the inner belt.

I could imagine you could divide that by 365 to get a daily rem dosage of 7 rem. Is that alot?

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posted February 16, 2001 11:05 AM

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There is a society,(I forgot what they are called) that believes that it is all a hoax. Does anyone know what they are called?

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted February 16, 2001 11:17 AM

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Originally posted by Stillhere:
There is a society,(I forgot what they are called) that believes that it is all a hoax. Does anyone know what they are called?

"crazy"? that's what I call them.

my dad worked for NASA for awhile, but long after any "alledged" moon landings. He worked on the water filtration system for the space station. cool shit. I got to tour 3 NASA sites and see two shuttles go up and meet a whole fuckload of smart people.

I sat through a NASA conference where engineers of today and yesteryear were discussing the moon landing. they made an interesting point that they aren't sure if we could get to the moon today, whereas we did it back in the day.
part of why they were saying we could get there today was money though - and I think a lot of people misinterpret those discussions to mean that we couldn't physically manage it.

The Downside Of Being Better Than Everyone Else Is That People Tend To Assume You're Pretentious.

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posted February 16, 2001 11:21 AM

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First, Passing throught the radiation belts would not be the real threat to the astronauts. I would be a solar flare that would be deadly to them if not properly shielded. I do not know how they shielded the spacecraft but I have seen them up close, even apollo 13 and others. I have seen the actual saturn V's that launched these things to space.

Remember the main engines all 5 of them generated 7.5 million pounds of thrust!

Having seen all this and being an engineer I can tell you that they did go to the moon. We have even photographed the original landing sites with passing satellites.

Not long from now they will actually image the left behind equipment.

I could go into great technical detail about radiation shielding and shit but that would take a long time.

Needles to say it doesn't take that much lead to protect something or even take lead for that matter.

Let me give you an example. Your microwave is a good one. It operates in the microwave radiation range (hence its name) When you turn it on you have these highly energetic microwaves zipping around inside there vibrating the water molecules in the food to generate the heat to cook the stuff.

Now what do you think keeps those waves in there? The glass?, the little rubber seal? Nope! You know that little screen with the holes in it in the door? That screen is what keeps the radiation in! The holes are just smaller than the microwave, therefore, they cannot pass through. To the microwaves all they see/feel (metaphorically speaking) is a solid wall! Walla, we are safe watching are water boil!

Now "radiation" as we tend to think of it is nothing more than alpha, gamma, and beta waves. Highly energetic, very small wave length. Notwithstanding though they are a wave or particle (quantum physics there) All you would need for a radiation shield is something with holes in it smaller than there wave length. What that size would be I don't know off the top of my head. But as you can see, similar techniques can be applied as in the case of the microwave.

Anyway, I believe we did go and we will be going to Mars shortly.

At my signal unleash hell.
Strength and Honor
The frost, sometimes it makes the blade stick.
Death smiles at us all. All we can do is smile back.

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posted February 16, 2001 11:34 AM

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chesty, I always enjoy when you post - it is good to have some intelligent people on the board
as for shielding, I know that NASA seems to enjoy the gold foil - if you watch the movie "Fast Cheap and Out of Control," Rodney Barnes makes some funny comments regarding it.

an intersting fact about the mesh on the micorwave door - you are right that it blocks it - but I know on older models, if that mesh was misaligned, then it didn't work correctly anymore - in our house we had an old one with a busted door and we also had a detector - you could move the door around so that the mesh was at different rotations and see which were most effective. obviously the best one was the one it originally came from.
also, due to the inverse square law, all you need to do is move away from the source and you get a lot less energy smacking you.

The Downside Of Being Better Than Everyone Else Is That People Tend To Assume You're Pretentious.

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posted February 16, 2001 11:38 AM

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I was discussing the same thing with a friend of mine yesterday. If you relally think about it. Too many people would have to be involved in this type of scam from the president of the united states to the astranuts. That scam would have leaked back then. Aslo think about this If you are Neal Armstrong you work your whole life in the millitary and to mark the pinnicle of your carrear with a fake moon landing does not make sense.

But if it was fake that would be some serious shit.

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posted February 16, 2001 11:49 AM

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We went and it was serious business. People lost lives in the pursuit.

It was a dangerous in the extreme.

The movie Apollo 13 did a great job showing how complex it was.

Go to any of the NASA facilities, they are free to tour and you will believe.

I would think today with effort we could land a shuttle type vechile on the moon.

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posted February 16, 2001 11:53 AM

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Chesty, you are too damn smart! No wonder you make the big bucks and I don't

Go to any search engine and type in "fake lunar landing" and read up, pretty damn convincing evidence. You can see all the mistakes in the photos.


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posted February 16, 2001 12:03 PM

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Man, my favorite place as a kid to visit was the Johnson Space Center, down in JohnnyO's neck of the woods.

All those Saturn Rockets laid out is pretty damned impressive.

If you're into the systems stuff, the Apollo 13 book went into alot more details.

Christ, manual toggle switches, circuits, amps, hats off to those guys!


"It ain't the years honey, its the mileage."

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posted February 16, 2001 12:08 PM

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what chesty said...

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Future One

Elite Bodybuilder

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From:Somewhere in Canada, sometime in the far future...
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posted February 16, 2001 12:13 PM

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Thanks Chesty, you make extremely good points. Well, time to go heat up some water in the Microwave! heh heh!


"Mr. Phillips, are you honestly telling me that people are really going to believe that I'm the 'before,' and he's the 'after'?"

Johnny had spent the best years of his life there, playing with the other children, running, laughing, and experiencing the wonders of nature through innocent eyes. He even sneaked his first kiss there from Becky Thompson while standing underneath the slide, so there was no way in hell he was going to let CostCo put another store on "his" playground.

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posted February 16, 2001 12:29 PM

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Hey, appreciate all the comments. I am not really that smart. Happy, if the screen was at an angle then the apparent hole size would be larger and some of the mic' could escape. Yes it is an inverse square, but you also have the radiation density as well. close to the source or in a narrow, concentrated beam (focused) you would get more radiation in a shorter period of time than when you are farther away and the density is less. Therefore, you could spend a greater amount of time being exposed.

I have a piece of the gold foil from an SR-71. It is was used for heat shielding.

Yes, it would be money that prevents us from returning. That is also what prevents us from making true techno leaps in propulsion and space travel.

That is why I am glad to see the space sector privatizing itself. Especially a manned mission to Mars which is in the works privately.

At my signal unleash hell.
Strength and Honor
The frost, sometimes it makes the blade stick.
Death smiles at us all. All we can do is smile back.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:on da streets slangin thangs (da 30349)
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posted February 16, 2001 12:33 PM

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Well, I have always believed that we did go to the moon. The only people that say we didn't are psychos that also believe Enemy of the State is true.
They probably believe someone from the govt reads this before it gets posted.

Anyway, if we were on the moon or not we would say we were because we were in the middle of the Cold War and we were trying to out-stunt the USSR. They went to Space first. Our response was "well, that's nothing, we have our people walking on the moon".

Does anyone care to know why we built so many nuclear weapons in that period? It wasn't because we needed them. Because we knew the USSR would spend just as much if not more and we knew they couldn't afford it. They couldn't afford it, and look at them now. The entire country is fucked. Who knows though, maybe we couldn't afford it either, only time will tell.

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posted February 16, 2001 12:36 PM

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Future One

Elite Bodybuilder

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From:Somewhere in Canada, sometime in the far future...
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posted February 16, 2001 12:41 PM

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Chesty, why the the USAF scrap the SR-71? That's one of the coolest planes I've ever seen! capable of insane speeds! why trash it?


"Mr. Phillips, are you honestly telling me that people are really going to believe that I'm the 'before,' and he's the 'after'?"

Johnny had spent the best years of his life there, playing with the other children, running, laughing, and experiencing the wonders of nature through innocent eyes. He even sneaked his first kiss there from Becky Thompson while standing underneath the slide, so there was no way in hell he was going to let CostCo put another store on "his" playground.

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posted February 16, 2001 12:47 PM

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Money. So they say. But they did bring it back for a while. Been all over one got some cool pic's.

Now, most likely, they have something that makes the sr look like a pig. I am referring to the Aurora. Which, I have seen the contrails of. It is supposed to be extremely fast and from the pics of the supposed aircraft it is really cool looking too.

At my signal unleash hell.
Strength and Honor
The frost, sometimes it makes the blade stick.
Death smiles at us all. All we can do is smile back.

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Future One

Elite Bodybuilder

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From:Somewhere in Canada, sometime in the far future...
Registered: Jul 2000

posted February 16, 2001 12:52 PM

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I heard of the Aurora, they are implementing some new type of engine design on it, can't remember what they call it "Skimming" or something like that. Where the engines compress air in bursts instead of continuously. In theory this thing will be able to hit speeds of over Mach 8! shit!!


"Mr. Phillips, are you honestly telling me that people are really going to believe that I'm the 'before,' and he's the 'after'?"

Johnny had spent the best years of his life there, playing with the other children, running, laughing, and experiencing the wonders of nature through innocent eyes. He even sneaked his first kiss there from Becky Thompson while standing underneath the slide, so there was no way in hell he was going to let CostCo put another store on "his" playground.

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posted February 16, 2001 01:09 PM

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I saw that show, and was also sitting there thinking "Aw Shit!"
After going thru Watergate and Iran Contra I can easily believe the US government might try to fake something like this.
We were in a race for space at the time, and needed a public relations coup with the Russians.

One of the most damning evidence I saw were the photographs.
The cameras were chest mounted on the space suits.
The camera took a shot whever the spacesuit was pointed.
No hand held, now eye viewfinder, just point in a general direction and shoot.
And yet the photos that came back were perfectly framed and composed.
The camera grid had a set of + signs on it, that should be on top of each image.
Yet in some shots a portion of the + went behind an object like a flag or a helmet.

Another piece of film showed them planting the US flag on the moon.
The flag was waving and blowing in the wind.
On the moon - what wind?

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posted February 16, 2001 01:22 PM

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I have seen those,wondered about the cameras myself. But remember, they had a lot of setting up to do before sending the shots back to earth.

The ticks you refer to (plus signs) are scale markers. They are of a known distance apart as measured at the film plane I believe and then using those reference points they can determine the distance to objects, there sizes and so on.

They had more than just chest mounted cameras of which I have seen the space suits worn and don't recall ever seeing any camera attachment or camera. Even one being shown on exhibit. They used a lot of hand helds.

The flag blowing in the breeze? That is a good one. I remember watching them land on the moon and have rewatched all the landings. I don't recall ever seeing the flag flutter. It did have a rod through the top to make it stand up and when they planted it in the ground the rod could have vibrated which would have shook the flag and made it look like it was blowing in the breeze. Watching the dust settle and so on you can tell it is not in a gravity environment. Of course others will say that proves nothing because it can be faked too.

My question is this, cold war not withstanding, why fake it. We had the technology, the equipment and the will, so why not go. Too many people saw the launches, those same rockets put up sky lab which crashed in Australia, we have satellites in orbit for cells, tv's, and so on. Going to the moon is not a major event to accomplish except from a monetary standpoint.

At my signal unleash hell.
Strength and Honor
The frost, sometimes it makes the blade stick.
Death smiles at us all. All we can do is smile back.

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posted February 16, 2001 01:37 PM

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I just talked to an old feller sitting in my cube with me and he did say they had chest mounted camera's. So I guess I was wrong there.

At my signal unleash hell.
Strength and Honor
The frost, sometimes it makes the blade stick.
Death smiles at us all. All we can do is smile back.

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posted February 16, 2001 05:13 PM

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The evidence seemed pretty thin until they got to the photos and then I was like "whoa!". There were two of them supposedly taken miles apart on the moon, and when you juxtaposed them, they are actually the EXACT same location. Not just similar, but exact, down to the littlest pebble on the ground. And the same thing happened with a hilly background in others.
And then there were lots of pictures with the sun directly behind the astronaut or landing module, yet it was also lit up in the what?! The poor NASA spokesman responded to most of the claims, but would not address the issue of the photos hmmmm.

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From:on da streets slangin thangs (da 30349)
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posted February 16, 2001 06:09 PM

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The Aurora will be much faster than the SR-71, be more manueverable, and probably carry weapons.
I'm surprised it wasn't out long ago. It's been in production forever it seems like.

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posted February 16, 2001 06:17 PM

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That show was pretty cool. They could've easily pulled the wool over our eyes. I like the connection they made with Area 51. The part with the crosses behind the objects when they should've been on top, and the part where they showed the astronauts supposedly in 2 different locations, miles apart, yet appeared to be filmed in the same location, we're the 2 most convincing pieces of evidence in my opinion.

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posted February 16, 2001 06:22 PM

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Originally posted by Future One:
"...why the the USAF scrap the SR-71?

It was replaced by more efficient and effective (and cost effective) "technology" long ago.


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posted February 16, 2001 06:31 PM

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Originally posted by 8pack:
"...Aslo think about this If you are Neal Armstrong you work your whole life in the millitary and to mark the pinnicle of your carrear with a fake moon landing does not make sense.

When was the last time you recall "seeing or hearing" from Neal Armstrong? You can't!

It's always said he is "discreet, humble, private, etc." but I always found it strange anyway.

(Note: I'm not a "conspiracy theorist" here, just a comment.)


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posted February 16, 2001 06:36 PM

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I have a friend who is a colonel (retired) and he has flown the Aurora. It is a space plane, it can take off and go into orbit or suborbital, in anycase it is real. So is Area 51 which is where the Aurora is tested

The stars should be visable in the photos, so why can't we see them.

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posted February 16, 2001 09:14 PM

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Why is it that the same people who can't believe this, can still believe that some guy in a cornfield was abducted by aliens, that a woman in India gave birth to a two-headed serpent, and that Elvis is still alive?

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted February 16, 2001 09:36 PM

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Chesty how much school have you had? or would you say your more of a self educated person?

as for why the sun was behind them and still had light facing them...Lights from their work area or off their ship...

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posted February 16, 2001 10:17 PM

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Yeah I heard that Clinton killed 50 people or something. HA HA

Now where's my bitches!!!!

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posted February 16, 2001 10:24 PM

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i was gonna say all that stuff that chesty said, no really i was......

serious, but he has more posts so the honor rule applied.

YEAH RIGHT. chesty your knowledge of physics is cool.

semper fi

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:on da streets slangin thangs (da 30349)
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posted February 16, 2001 10:40 PM

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Everyone knows Area 51 is real, we just don't know what goes on there.

Nobody knows why it gets bigger every year either.

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posted February 16, 2001 11:23 PM

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I have a BS in Aerospace Engineering and Minors in Math and Physics. I have started work on a Physics Masters, but havent' completed it yet. Took alot of time off.

I don't know about the photo's miles apart, but you can go to the NASA web site and look at all of the pictures yourself.

Why indeed? That is my question. Now who is this group that is saying we did not go to the moon? I suppose the Wright Brother's never flew either.

Remember, as much as you can show evidence that we did not land on the moon, there is evidence that we did. In fact, while in college, one of my math professor's, a good friend of mine was the nephew of the geologist on the last moon mission. His uncle walked on the moon, collected rock samples and shit and so on. So, I am quite sure they went.

At my signal unleash hell.
Strength and Honor
The frost, sometimes it makes the blade stick.
Death smiles at us all. All we can do is smile back.

Again, thanks for the compliments! Don't worry about senority, if you want to say something go ahead, you will probably see some things that I don't. Semper Fi!

[This message has been edited by chesty (edited February 16, 2001).]

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted February 17, 2001 10:17 PM

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I taped the program, but haven't watched it yet. I have read some material on this subject and would like to make some points; some are just rhetorical questions I have while others are credible observations. I have always been an open-minded person and like most people in my age bracket, wanted to be an astronaut when I grew up. Even though even I find it hard to believe that a hoax this grand could have been perpetrated on the American public, there are anomalies that make me think otherwise. I'm going to list points as they come to me, so please excuse the lack of fluidity. Here it goes:
1)The Apollo mission from take-off to re-entry was a VERY complex process with thousands of steps which had to be executed TO PERFECTION. With such a high probability of things going wrong, resulting in the death of the astronauts, we had 9 manned missions to the Moon w/o any loss of life. I would like to have those odds on my side
2) The LEM (Lunar Module) with thousands of pounds of reverse thrust to land, made NO CRATER on the Moon's surface which had supposedly NO WATER on it-that would make it a sand-like surface. No blowing of soil?-that doesn't make sense!
3)An average astronaut with packpack should have been able to jump much higher off the ground of the moon with it having one sixth of the gravity of earth. For example, if a 160lb astronaut with a 140 lbs suit and pack (don't remember exact no.) could jump 4 in. on the earth, which isn't out of the realm of possibility, he should be able to jump 4 X 6 or 24 in (2ft) on the moon. On film, they didn't come close.
4)Also, with the Lunar Rover, the soil sprayed by the wheels behind it falls back to the earth approximately as fast as it does on earth-it should take much longer with one sixth of the earth's gravity
5)TOO MANY photographs have been retouched ..why? There are 2 photographs in supposedly 'different' areas with the same background, a length of wire sticking out of the sand in one photo, a 'supposed' rock with a letter C inscribed on it (not natural at all!), part of the Rover superimposed over the cross hairs in a photo, etc. On many of the photos, it also seems that the textured terrain always seems to 'break' and becomes featureless. (similiar to a studio with background?) Many people bring up points of lights, position/heights- of shadows, unparallel shadows, no stars in the sky in the photographs, but don't know enough to raise questions about these.
6)One major flaw in these missions is the hatch of the Lander-it is only 30 inches square. You are telling me that Neil Armstrong could even fit through that hatch even if it opens inwards in a very cramped space-even including his suit and pack-there is no way even I could fit through that tight of a space naked. How could he?
7)In telling about their adventures, astronauts on the SAME mission describing the same period of time had VERY different observations; one described seeing bright stars everywhere while the one next to him said he didn't see but one star.
8)Isn't the Hubble Telescope have enough resolution (or any of the observatories on Earth) able to see the junk that the astronauts left behind?
9) Beyond the Van Allen belts everything is bombarded by cosmic rays and solar flares, whose dosage of radiation would be enough to kill an astronaut; these rays are energetic enough to go through several feet of material-the capsule was only a thin shell
10) The Soviet Union was neck and neck with us (even exceeding us) in space technology at the time-why didn't they go to the moon also to show us up? Maybe because they knew it was impossible to go?
11) Why hasn't the US gone back to the Moon for at least experimental purposes since the last Apollo mission was suddenly stopped in 1973? Wouldn't it make sense to maybe develop a facility at the Moon as a drop-off point for a mission to interstellar space or at least for research when these trips to the moon got SO routine after awhile?
12) Was always got me was these astronauts playing around on the Rover and hitting golf balls on the Moon. With so many things that can go wrong, why risk doing risky behavior-this was some serious shit, why be no nochalant? This always struck me as odd

That's all off the top of my head for now. I would like to say that I am neither a conspiracy nut or a government-hater (well being sort of libertarian might qualify) and just find that there are many discrepancies in the entire Apollo project that give me an uneasy feeling. I hope I at least gave you some questions to ponder....even though this thing turned out long as hell!

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posted February 18, 2001 12:48 AM

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Why indeed take risks. Back then risk was the name of the game. You have to remember those were fighter jocks that went to the moon, they lived, no they thrived on adrenalin.

I have seen the lunar lander and as big as I am and even with the enviro suit on I could fit through the hatch.

The question I have is what is there to gain by proving it a hoax.

No, if the sun is shining on the sunlit side of the moon you would not see stars for the same reason we do not see them on earth during the day. That is basic physics there guys and gals.

I explained the radiation thing above and how it can be taken care of.

The Russians actually did try to go, and before us, but they kept blowing up on the launch pad when they tried.

We have seen pictures from the space shuttle and we all believe they are real, yet in any picture taken on the day side there are no stars, see above.

As for the gravity, I have watched the footage and the dust off the lunar rovers does fall back at different rates, just because you can jump 6 inches on earth does not give a direct correlation to jumping 36 inches on the moon.

Remember, when we went to the moon we were curious about everything. So anything went.

At my signal unleash hell.
Strength and Honor
The frost, sometimes it makes the blade stick.
Death smiles at us all. All we can do is smile back.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted February 18, 2001 01:54 AM

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But what would be the gain in lying to the entire world?

it probably had to do with the cold war and the attempts by the capitalists to show up the communists in the space program. and lying to the world isn't hard. when joseph stalin started the ukraine famine, he managed to hide it from russia & the world at large, more or less. Millions starved and it was viewed as a legend.

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posted February 18, 2001 02:32 AM

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But you are also talking about fooling the entire US for several generations to come. It is possible not very likely though.

At my signal unleash hell.
Strength and Honor
The frost, sometimes it makes the blade stick.
Death smiles at us all. All we can do is smile back.

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posted February 18, 2001 02:50 AM

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I tell you fella's what.. There is some really crazy shit that goes on right in front of us basically.. If you want to get into some incredibly interesting reading try this out.. .... A lot of it is full on spooky stuff.. Once you read it, you will also see that a whole, whole lot of it has happened, or is happening.. I would like to hear what those of you who check the link out think.. There is a lot there, but be sure to try and check everything out.. Espically the parts on the New World Order and Skull and Bones.. It will make your hair stand up !!!!!!

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posted February 18, 2001 10:08 PM

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well since people are posting links to "spooky shit" - I thought I'd pass on some other links of interest - NASA put right on their front page a defense to the bad reporting that you watched ( and then there is the all popular page that points out the errors in the non scientific view (

obviously if you think it was all a big consipriracy, these pages won't convince you otherwise, but I'm still pretty convinced that we went.

The Downside Of Being Better Than Everyone Else Is That People Tend To Assume You're Pretentious.

[This message has been edited by HappyScrappy (edited February 19, 2001).]

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:Hell was Full, So I came back...
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posted February 19, 2001 12:58 AM

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I personally belive the landing was fake,
Ive seen too many of the photos and all the other evidence...
And also I forget the name, but one of the astronauts on the Apollo or related to the mission somehow, was sueing NASA cuz he says that the whole thing was a fake...
I saw this on that TV show Current Affair
anyone rememeber that show...
this was a long ass time ago...

It's my life, my time, and time for you to recognize that paybacks from a way back can hurt you like a motherfucker!...Inside, outside, prepare for some retribution...My path is set and HELL's comin' with me--its time for me to raise the DEAD MAN...

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posted February 19, 2001 08:57 PM

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Next thing you know people are going to say pro wrestling is fake. Yeah right.

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posted February 19, 2001 11:20 PM

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We will all know the TRUTH in 2 years when the japanese robot photographer takes up close pics of the moon. If there are remains of the mission then bow down to NASA!!

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Posts: 2851
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posted February 20, 2001 12:37 PM

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Shit I went to the moon this weekend.

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