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  where will the next WAR take place?

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Author Topic:   where will the next WAR take place?
Big Buck


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From:Diego, Cali
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posted February 06, 2001 01:58 PM

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I beleive the next war will be on american soil.

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posted February 06, 2001 02:12 PM

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I don't know where, but I do know I'll partake in it.

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Posts: 1777
From:Cowboys From Hell Tx USA
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posted February 06, 2001 02:43 PM

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I think itll be in the middle east. but I saw just yesterday (i think) where the us gove predicted there would be an attack on u.s. soil within the next 20 to 25 yrs... and that we are not ready for it.

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posted February 06, 2001 02:49 PM

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LOL...Middle East is a pretty safe bet...

Those dudes have been scrapping since before the dawn of the Roman Empire and they STILL cant get along. Bunch of goofs.

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Cool Novice

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posted February 06, 2001 03:04 PM

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Originally posted by Gilbyag:
but I saw just yesterday (i think) where the us gove predicted there would be an attack on u.s. soil within the next 20 to 25 yrs... and that we are not ready for it.

Sounds like the US government needs to buy some $10,000 toilet seats and is looking for some cash.

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posted February 06, 2001 04:33 PM

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Originally posted by Strider:
Sounds like the US government needs to buy some $10,000 toilet seats and is looking for some cash.

Exactly what I was thinking. Anytime the US Gov't admits to being deficient in an area, they're most likely posturing for budget increases in that area.

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posted February 06, 2001 06:19 PM

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Where every Daddy G tells "W" to make it.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted February 06, 2001 07:07 PM

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what country is equipped to make an assault on america and all it s allies. China might be able to, but against NATO its fucked. Russia, well they need FUEL to make things work. If their were an invasion on american soil it would require a new alliance, probably between RUSSIA, CHINA and INDIA, as these are the only countries with large and well trained enough armies to mount a huge operation and stand a chance of winning.

if there is a war, it ill probably be in israel. shit with SHARON in power there will probably be many wars/massacres (in the name of peace though)

Always something going down in africa as well, but they are small scale conflicts globally. And saddam wont be able to make a move for a while provided we keep bombing him (and unfortunately those standing around the targets)


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Posts: 1538
From:San Francisco, California
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posted February 06, 2001 07:16 PM

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On American soil? You're out of your mind. We're geographically isolated from our enemies. With all the high tech stuff out there, no one could get here physically.

I can envision a scenario that some one like Bin Laudin or some other nut tries to launch a nuclear missile in our direction but I think we'd have plenty of notice and could shoot it out of the sky. I'm sure we'd immediately retailiate by blowing that county off the face of the planet.

That leaves Mexico and Canada. Mexico's military is almost non-existent. And the Canadians? They're so drunk and lazy they couldn't turn off Oprah long enough to attack us.

Just my .02.


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Cool Novice

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posted February 06, 2001 07:56 PM

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It's a pretty safe bet that it will be the Middle East. There will probably be US troops (or UN) deployed into the area during GW's tenure-those Bush's gotta save their oil interests!!!!

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posted February 06, 2001 08:15 PM

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The idea of a war on American soil is downright ridiculous.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted February 06, 2001 08:51 PM

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the next war could be over water. water is in short supply. i wouldn't know where it would happen.

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posted February 06, 2001 09:50 PM

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If there is a war, a serious one, then we're probably all fucked. Who will use the nukes first? Us china, russia, india, or some fucking half ass backward middle eastern country?

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posted February 06, 2001 11:07 PM

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..i have to agree that it would probably be in the middle east...but, if you only are talking about American Soil, then, the most strategic location (in my opinion) would be through Canada or Mexico...kinda like when the US went through N.Africa to eventually get to Italia during WWII


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Posts: 2558
From:Atlanta GA
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posted February 06, 2001 11:29 PM

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Interesting point. water is in dreadfully short supply in the Middle East.

If/when Sharon assumes power in Israel, don't expect Palestinian terrorism to go unpunished.

The thing about it is:

who will jump in and help the Palestinians?

Iraq - yes likely - but their military is large and unequipped. Saddam also proved his inability as a military commander in the desert. Not a big deal. Israel will not "kid glove" him like we did if there were a war. Their response will be to bomb the dams on the Tigris and Euphrates and flood Baghdad away.

Iran - Maybe. but it;s a long way - the shortest route would be through Iraq and that's not likely. And there is a strong reform movement in that country.

Saudi Arabia - nope. They have all the money in the world and don't want to piss off the US - their biggest oil customer.

Jordan - the region's Switzerland.

Syria - in economic ruin.

Egypt - very US friendly and tehy remember the last war with Israel.

it should be intersting.

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Pro Bodybuilder

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From:Aloha, OR USA
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posted February 06, 2001 11:33 PM

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Well it could be right here on American soil, like maybe a civil war of some kind. Marshall law will then be put in place to keep a lid on the conflicts and controlling the media with misinformation as the government always does anyway. This will keep some of the people just sticking there heads in the sand like a ostrich and hope for the best.

If not here, the middle east as these hotheads can't get along with each other for
thousands of years.

Either way something is going to happen most
likely in the next 5 to 10 years, maybe less as the globalization of the world may speed it up.

In any case buy ammo, and lock and load!

[This message has been edited by Laserdude (edited February 06, 2001).]

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted February 06, 2001 11:50 PM

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The chance of any foreign country trying to invade America in the foreseeable future is extremely remote. I think a much more likely scenario for war in the U.S. would be another civil war along racial lines. One only needs to look at the last election to see that the country is basically split along racial lines. It is unfortuanate that we can't seem to coexist.

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posted February 07, 2001 01:02 AM

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I doubt we would have a civil war started on the basis of racial lines...Even that being said would anyone expect a war such as that to last long...

You have too many variables amongst races in this country to ever be able to join all minorities against the majority...Where do people of mix origin and race divide along? Not all minorities and not all minority groups were displeased with the last election results

thats why I doubt that would be even possible...I could see the possiblity of a political movement in the country that could lead to a civil war ex: another vietnam which would call alot of people into a draft...Reason being I doubt very much the Generation I belong to...The Nintendo Generation would emotionally be able to accept fighting. with the exception of us being invaded..Besides alot of our parents didn't like that crap and protested it, so why would we be any different?

Well if I had to place a bet on where the next war the U.S. would get involved I would bet the middle east 8 out of 10 times. The last 2 bets would be, Tawain(defending against China which isn't that likely)and India(if for some strange reason nukes were used against pakistan or vice versa)...I would say the safe bet would be the middle east

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted February 07, 2001 02:10 AM

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collegeguy....I agree it is unlikely that we will have a civil war here, but I think it is even more unlikely that a foreign country would try to start a war with the U.S. I don't think a civil war in the U.S. is as remote as many may think. It just takes the right set of circumstances combined with a charismatic leader. All one needs to do is look at Germany and Hitler's rise to power. Anyone who thinks the U.S. is somehow "immune" to a situation such as that is fooling themselves.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

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posted February 07, 2001 05:05 AM

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Well seeing that the USA is the most powerful country in the world today, along with that the USA is the most hated country in the world today because basically what ever the USA says goes, because who can really take on the USA alone. I do not think that it is out of the question that a war could take place on US soil though. There in not a country in the world that can take on the USA alone,,, but if other countries teamed up with each other that might be a different story, just because we have allies and treaties dosen't mean that we are safe, treaties can be broken and allies can be lost or turn their back on you. Like it is said, history repeats itself and in history every great nation, empire, or great power, has eventually fallen. Nothing in this world is forever. I value my freedom and this country a great deal, but I do not believe we will be the great nation that we are forever, maybe I won't see it happen in my lifetime, but it eventually will. When is the last time the USA has had a real war or serious threat,,, WW2? I believe that the majority of Americans take what we have for granted because we have not had any major threats or wars for some time, most of us get the impression that the USA is invincible, well that is wrong we are not invincible.

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Posts: 2558
From:Atlanta GA
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posted February 07, 2001 08:18 AM

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Noteworthy that you mentioned Hitler's rise in Germany.

Hitler rose to power during the Great Depression...which was far worse in Germany than it was here, because their country had been decimated, and then the Treaty of Versailles made them responsible for the war financially.

Hitler gained popularity by promising to rebuild the economy and in doing so, allowing Germany to reclaim its place in the world...the one thing that ALWAYS gets an economy going is preparing for war. Hitler built an infrastructure (he is responsible for the autobahns) and a war machine. Suddenly, everyone had jobs again.

And if it weren't for his maniacal Jew hatred - they'd have won the war.

Now - the relevance to the US today is that the gap between rich and poor is widening, and as that occurs, the Middle Class is shrinking. The top 1% of wealthy people owns 47% of the country.

The government doesn't care about the poor - because they don't have the resources to present a threat, but they assuage teh middle class, because the Middle class is large in numbers abd can afford to organize and have a revlution. In 1999, over 6% of American households was earning $100K or more. That means many people were losing money.

As the Middle Class shrinks, they encumber more of the tax burden as well. Therefore they get pissed off. More pissed off people leads to organized pissed off people. The poor will follow suit, offering the only resource they can - numbers.

There will be a Hitler here. He probably won't be a Jew hater like Adolf was, but there will be a charismatic leader who appears when the economic distortion is too great. It is not a question of "if", but "when".

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Posts: 3063
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posted February 07, 2001 08:53 AM

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Matt is dead on the money.


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posted February 07, 2001 01:35 PM

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Don't forget Colombia. Col. Hackworth said it's not a matter of if, but when.

The drug war will be the next war fought with American troops. Sad that brave men and women will give their lives for such a lost cause. We should instead concentrate on stemming the demand from within.

The military shoud protect America's freedom, not be a police force or peace core for the worlds problems.

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posted February 07, 2001 03:15 PM

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Europe or the Middle East......

The new Russian leader is certainly not an advocate of democracy or capitalism. He cut his teeth in the KGB and I'm sure he will exploit the first opportunity he has to unite "Mother Russia" during some sort of conflict with the west.

Middle East? Failed peace talks....nuff said.

As for a war on American soil....there is a continuing war on our soil as we speak. You would be surprised how many radical right wing groups there are in this country with the technical know-how and weapons to launch full-scale terrorist attacks on our governemnt and its people. Some of the leaders of these groups have close ties with foreign intelligence agencies who help fund their activities.

It will only be a matter of time until the next attack happens. I'm banking on the day Timothy McVeigh his executed, there will be a bombing and very possibly several simultaneous bombings.

The enemy is among us....and they are American.

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posted February 07, 2001 05:46 PM

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Matt, you are very true, but it sounds more like you are talking about the Anti-christ.

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted February 07, 2001 08:21 PM

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could the next technology jump lead to another communism style revolution.

i am pretty sure that the industrial revolution was responsible for the rise of communism. i don't know why, but world wide revolutions seemed to come directly after the industrial revolution (1776, 1789, 1848, there are probably others).

seeing as how we are in the middle/on the verge of another technological leap, as serious problems are being solved every year (medical, communication, etc.), this could bring about another version of communism.

although that would be because higher technology leads to revolution, and the communism/industrial revolution could be based on something else.

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posted February 07, 2001 08:32 PM

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Communism as societal theory was developed around the time of the Industrial Revolution.

This is because it was boserved that a few people got extremely wealthy, while most got little improvement. Rockefeller, Carnegie, JP Morgan, etc made enough money to last forever.

The tech revolution has done the same thing
for Gates, Ellison, and a few others, and the Internet has made (comparably) many people quite well off.

When this happens, then or now, tehmoeny does not just appear - people have to have less for those people to have more. Those people (then or now) are Marx's "workers".

Could happpen.

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posted February 08, 2001 12:22 PM

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theres also the psychology of technology. as peoples standard of living rises, they're tolerance for what they percieve as lack and injustice would go down. in todays society, killing an innocent person (as we sometimes do on death row) will provoke heavy outrage, whereas 400 years ago it was completely normal and accepted that innocents would be put to death. many of the necessities of today were either considered luxuries or non-existent 200 years ago.

not only that, but if starvation & disease are eradicated in the 3rd world, then the people there will need some other external enemy to fight against. right now, they have to fight against sickness & hunger. but with these gone (and they hopefully will bein 60 years), they will need a new enemy to fight against.

so a higher standard of living (which will make injustices seem more cruel) combined with the need for a new enemy will give rise to another version of marxism.

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Posts: 2558
From:Atlanta GA
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posted February 08, 2001 12:42 PM

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Sounds like you have been reading things you don't quite understand.

Not so sure it was accpepted practice to execute inncoent people in the past in this country....hundreds of years ago or ever.

Starvation and disease can't just be eliminated. They are Nature's way of controlling population growth. When one disease is conquered, others arise...AIDS is pretty new.....poor and overpopulated areas will always be havens for development of disease.

You are oversimplifying,

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The Slider

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posted February 08, 2001 12:44 PM

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The next great war will be the one that no human will get out of which is God's War!

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Elite Bodybuilder

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posted February 08, 2001 02:25 PM

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yes it was. black people were murdered all the time in this country for rapes that they didn't commit, it barely made the news. my main reference was to midevil justice.

the point is that people's tolerance of hardship & injustice will go down as standard of living goes up.

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