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  my gym NIGHTMARE!!! WHAT THE F#CK!?!?

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 766
From:taking my yankee ass back to DETROIT CITY!!!
Registered: Dec 2000

posted January 18, 2001 08:15 PM

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ok, i recently moved and therefor was closing my membership... heres the story.

i signed up to a golds gym about 10 months ago... the reason i signed here is my old job involved LOTS of travel... the guy said my membership was good at ANY golds... well, 1 month into it the gym became a "nautilus" gym... i was pissed but they said i couldnt cancel unless i moved... well, when i signed up he cancelled my 50 dollar cancellation fee cuz i told him i wasnt sure how long i would live in nashville...

i stuck it out with "nautilus"... same gym, and i switched jobs so i didnt travel much at all...

well, i moved december 19, back to motown... so naturally i cancelled my membership... turns out they require a few documents with my addy on it, so i fax it in... well, they charge me january saying i didnt give 30 days notice... ok, that bugged me but if thats the rule so be it.... well, then i get a letter saying i owe 50 dollars to cancel... i call and the guy tells me he has my contract and he sees something about the 50 dollar fee but cant make it out... i tell him i have a copy of the thing and its plain as day that it was cancelled.... well he tells me he will get the original from the gym (i am dealing with the corporate customer service)...

that was last week.

i go to kroger to get some food and my card gets declined... i had 45 dollars left in this account from nashville and was getting it down to 10 bucks before i closed it... well, i couldnt understand why it was declined.. so i came home and checked my account online... guess what??? THEY FUCKIN CHARGED MY ACCOUNT 50 BUCKS!!!!!! that caused an over draft and i was charged another 30 by my bank... so i am furious and i call the csr people for the gym again... about 30 minutes go by until they tell me no manager is there but my account was handled improperly... they said they were not authorized to withdraw the money and they had yet to receive a copy of my contract with the gym... i asked about the guy telling me he had a "copy" of it and it wasnt clear about the fee to cancel... well, she said they never had one.. so i ask if he lied to me, she tried NOT to say yes but after she gave me the run around i asked again, she said "ya, he lied"... WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!? better business buraeu is getting a call tomorrow... i want my fucking 50 dollars, and my 30 dollar overdraft fee... AND I WANT MY FUCKING LUCKY CHARMS THAT I HAD TO PUT BACK TO AFFORD MY GROCERIES!!!!!!!!!!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 141
Registered: Jul 2000

posted January 18, 2001 08:22 PM

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in the UK we have a citizens advice bureau... its an orginisation that provides legal advice to citizens, for free. Im sure you must have an equivalent. Ring them up, and ask where to proceed. they can either ring up the gym and apply pressure. or you can quote them on what they say and it will scare the gym. they may even have a legal team you can ask for advice. failing that...well have you seen 'Falling Down'....


I is a brown belt in kama sutra, aiii

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 275
From:Montreal, Canada
Registered: Dec 2000

posted January 18, 2001 08:25 PM

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Had a similar story with Goodlife Fitness in Ontario. Signed up a lifetime membership. they were to deduct $15 every 2 weeks from my bank. Seems in January 2000 they were not able to withdraw money from my account, so then the same thing took place every 2 weeks untill August without them ever telling me. So we got 16 payments of $40 ($15 membership and $25 late payment) that they charged my account but were unable to withdraw and never told me... Damn, I have to use an access card to get into that gym every time, you'd figure they would tell me if they were having a problem by either turning off my card, mailing me a bill, or calling me... Never went back after I heard that.


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Amateur Bodybuilder

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From:Tokyo, Japan
Registered: Dec 2000

posted January 18, 2001 10:44 PM

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That kind of carry on really makes me angry especially when you ring up to get answers and no ones available.The manager was probably sitting in his office. It was a lucky thing you kept your contract.

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 766
From:taking my yankee ass back to DETROIT CITY!!!
Registered: Dec 2000

posted January 18, 2001 11:42 PM

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the kicker is.... the customer service rep must have also lied to me, cuz she said a few things that pointed me into thinking she had spoke with a manager... just about how they made a few mistakes on my account... the manager didnt want to deal with me i am sure.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 68
From:Ontario, Canada
Registered: Dec 2000

posted January 19, 2001 12:53 AM

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I have heard so many horror stories about gym memberships and trying to cancel them. I work out at a YMCA and recently there was an article in the paper about a guy who purchased a year membership. He used it sporadically for a year then stopped going when it was up. Turns out that they re-new your membership automatically and continue to debit your account $50 a month. He finds this out a few weeks ago. He hasn't been to that gym for 29 months but has paid $50 for each of those months. The gym finally agreed to reimburse him for 19 of those 29 months and called the other 10 months a cancellation charge. That's a $500 cancellation fee!!

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 766
From:taking my yankee ass back to DETROIT CITY!!!
Registered: Dec 2000

posted January 19, 2001 12:57 AM

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well, think of it this way... at least its canadian money and 500 is actually only about 325 us dollars. i gotta start going to the bars here that take canadian cash at par.

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 104
From:Nashville, TN
Registered: Aug 2000

posted January 19, 2001 08:53 AM

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Madbomber -- launch a complaint against the Better Business Bureau. Just a piece of information for you -- that Gold's Gym was operating illegally. They had no contract with Gold's and were paying no type of franchise fee. The reason they changed their name is because they got caught when Gold's actually came to town. Needless to say, you are not exactly dealing with ethical individuals.



Because I want to . . . Because I have to . . . Because I need to . . . Because I can!

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Pro Bodybuilder

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posted January 19, 2001 10:26 AM

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If its not in the contract you sign......

Complain. First nice (you catch more flys with sugar than vinegar) then if they still ignore you, scorched earth! Do any and all you can to make yourself their worst nightmare. Soon they will give you what you want to get you off their back.

Make sure to document everything too!

"If you stand by the river long enough, you will watch the bodies of your enemies float by"

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 766
From:taking my yankee ass back to DETROIT CITY!!!
Registered: Dec 2000

posted January 19, 2001 12:10 PM

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tman, are you kidding me??? what the fuck!?!?!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 104
From:Nashville, TN
Registered: Aug 2000

posted January 19, 2001 12:59 PM

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Dead serious -- they got caught.



Because I want to . . . Because I have to . . . Because I need to . . . Because I can!

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Amateur Bodybuilder

Posts: 161
Registered: Sep 2000

posted January 19, 2001 01:16 PM

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Call your credit card and report a fraudulent charge.
They may take it off, or at least flag it as disputed.
You might also talk to the police dept about a fraudulent use of your credit card as well.
$50 is a felony in some states.
As long as they think they're just dealing with you, they can ignore you.
Let them try to ingnore the sheriff.

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Elite Bodybuilder

Posts: 766
From:taking my yankee ass back to DETROIT CITY!!!
Registered: Dec 2000

posted January 19, 2001 02:24 PM

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ya, i am going to take some action, fuck that... these companies pull shit ALL THE TIME, its time someoen tried to hand them their ass.

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